A Mother Lends a Helping Hand

"Sometimes a helping hand can get out of hand!"

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When it comes to sexual matters, I am normally non-judgemental and I try to see the best in people. The story I am about to relate to you is not one that I condone, but a story of empathy with mitigating circumstances.

At high school, my best friend was Mary, who was also my neighbour in the township of Yallourn and later Yallourn North. Mary was a year older than me and finished high school the year before me. Mary (and Michael her boyfriend) were with me the night I lost my virginity at Lake Narracan after watching “The Last Picture Show” at the drive-in theatre. We were very close and always confided with each other if we had any problems. In times of need and trouble, we were always there for each other.

On going to university in Melbourne the following year in 1981, I did not see Mary very much. We kept in close contact either by letter or by telephone, letting each other know when we moved from our current living addresses. It was only during semester vacations, including Easter and Christmas, that I got to visit her and spend prime time with her.

In 1982, Mary married her long time boyfriend Michael, in the small Methodist Church in Yallourn North. I was honoured to be one of her bridesmaids. The following year, Mary and Michael had a baby son who was christened Thomas. I also attended his christening some months later and was made Thomas’ godmother.

Meanwhile, I completed my BA in Journalism at university and won a job with the Australian Army at the end of 1983. I married Shaun, an army officer, in August 1984. Our first child, Harrison, was born in May the following year. I stayed in the army until 1991 when Harry was due to start school.

While living with my husband in the Hunter Valley, in New South Wales, Mary was still living in Yallourn North with Michael and Thomas. On one fateful day in late August of 1991, I received a distressed telephone call from Mary that Michael had just been killed at work. Working as an electrician at Yallourn “W” Power Station, Michael was killed instantly when he accidentally touched a 66Kv transformer. I attended Michael’s funeral before returning back home, leaving Mary and Thomas (aged 8) to fend for themselves.

Although making regular contact over the next eight years, there were never any urgencies or major problems in Mary’s life to report. Mary had never remarried or even had a meaningful relationship in that time, dedicating her life to Thomas who was now sixteen years old. Thomas was heavily into mountain bike racing with a couple of friends and raced in regional tournaments. He even made the Victorian state championships and competed in the junior section. Thomas’ training was done on the natural bush tracks found at the back of Yallourn North.

In March 2001, I received a telephone call late one morning, while alone at home. Shaun my husband was at work, while my son Harrison was attending high school. On answering the phone, I had a pleasant surprise, finding Mary on the other end. Happiness soon turned to concern as Mary was distraught, upset and crying.

“What’s the matter Mary? Is there anything wrong?”

“Tracey, I have done something terribly wrong. I just don’t know what to do.”

“Calm down Mary and tell me what has happened?”

“I can’t tell anyone Tracey, you wouldn’t understand.”

“You can tell me Mary, we have no secrets from one another. You are my best and closest friend and nothing will ever be repeated from my lips, trust me.”

After a long pause, Mary stammered out the words, “I have been having sex with Thomas and I am pregnant to him.”

“What? Say that again Mary!”

“I have been having sex with Thomas for over a year, I am pregnant and I can’t stop. I know it is wrong and I need your help and advice.”

“What sort of sex? Were you masturbating him, giving him a blowjob, performing vaginal intercourse, or what?”

“All of those Tracey. It started off with a hand job before progressing to a blowjob, and finally culminating in fucking him.”

“Tell me the whole story, bit by bit, how it started and how it progressed?”

Over the course of the next two hours, Mary poured out her heart to me. Her remarkable story left me with tears in my eyes as I tried to comprehend the chain of events that snowballed her situation. I could barely get a word in as Mary went through every graphic detail of her sordid affair with her son. The following story is an accurate account of what Mary told me what happened, over fourteen years ago…

On the first Sunday in October 1999, Tom and two of his mates were riding their mountain bikes on some nearby bush tracks. After a lot of heavy rain through winter, some corrugations had deepened along parts of one of the tracks. Thomas was leading the group as they raced down a fairly steep incline at quite a fast pace. Hitting a deep corrugation, the front wheel jammed in it, catapulting Tom over the handlebars of his mountain bike.

Tom landed on some hard gravel with his arms outstretched, resulting in abrasions all down the front of his body. Unfortunately, the weight of his body and the momentum at which he hit the gravel track, resulted in two broken arms and a broken right shoulder. One of the boys stayed with Tom while the other rode home and told his parents. About thirty minutes after the accident, an ambulance arrived to take Thomas to the Latrobe Regional Hospital between Morwell and Traralgon. Luckily, there were no head injuries or any damage to his vital organs.

Being notified of the accident by one of the boy’s parents, a very concerned Mary drove up to the hospital to see how badly hurt Tom was. By the time Mary arrived at Casualty in the hospital, Tom had been cleaned up somewhat, and both broken arms set in a cast. The doctors had taken x-rays of his arms which showed that both ulna bones in his forearms had been broken, while the radius bone in his left arm was also broken. They were also awaiting results from x-rays to the shoulder, to confirm a break in the right shoulder. The result of the x-rays showed a fracture to the clavicle (collarbone) in his right shoulder.

The prognosis of Tom’s injuries was that no anticipated surgery was needed. Tom would spend at least a week in hospital wearing a special brace-sling to completely immobilize his right shoulder. Both of his forearms needed a plaster cast to set his broken ulnae. While in hospital, Tom would be on Hydrocodone (a synthetic opioid narcotic) medication to ease the pain; with a quick tapering off to avoid any dependency from the drug. The estimated time for the bones to heal would be between six to eight weeks, due to his age. X-rays were to be taken every two weeks to check on the healing bones, and ongoing physiotherapy needed once the plaster casts and bracing were removed.

Mary visited Tom in hospital for nine days before he was allowed to come home. Being unable to sleep normally in a bed, it was suggested that Tom sleep upright in a recliner propped up with pillows and blankets to keep warm. Tom also had to drink eight glasses of water every day so his body would not dehydrate due to his medication and condition. His plaster casts were not allowed to get wet, meaning that he could not shower. Once Tom was able to sit down properly, he was allowed to bathe in a shallow bath. His right shoulder brace-sling must be strapped tight at all times to ensure complete immobilization of the shoulder.

Tom was released from hospital and driven home by his mother Mary. He was very stiff and sore and had very limited body movement. On the positive side, his cuts and abrasions were healing very well, with the size of the scabs diminishing rapidly. Being in such a condition meant that Tom could not attend school in the meantime and would miss his final year exams in five weeks’ time. Unable to do anything for himself, Mary had to spoon feed Tom for lunch and all future meals.

Soon after lunch, Mary had to face her first dilemma, something that was initially uncomfortable for her. Tom needed to go to the toilet to pee. Mary helped Tom to the toilet and pulled down his boxer shorts. Not having seen Tom naked for many a year, Mary was taken by surprise when she saw how well he had developed. His uncut cock was nearly five-and-a-half inches in length with a half hard-on. His scrotum and pubic region were covered in a thickening mat of pubic hair that encircled his penis.

Tom was left uncut at birth, and in its flaccid state, the head of his cock was covered by a neat fitting foreskin. For hygienic reasons and to avoid making a mess everywhere when he had to pee, Tom had to retract the foreskin to expose the head of his cock. Whilst peeing, Tom would normally hold back the foreskin back to pee into the bowl. Mary now had the embarrassing task of pulling back Tom’s foreskin and holding it in position while he took a pee. Mind you, Tom was equally embarrassed about having his mother seeing him semi naked and having her unavoidably touching his genitals. Another dirty but necessary job Mary had to do was wipe, clean and dry Tom’s backside whenever he defecated or pooped.

Mary spoon fed Tom again for dinner before sitting beside him in the recliner and watching some television that first evening. The recliner in the lounge also doubled for his bed as he was unable to sleep lying down. Before retiring for the night, Mary needed to bathe Tom for necessary hygienic reasons. Unable to shower Tom as his strapping and plaster casts would get wet, and still too sore to be able to sit in a bath, Mary had to hand wash Tom with a soapy sponge before drying him off.

To make removal of clothing easier from Tom, Mary improvised by making a makeshift type poncho that lifted over his head and was tied at the sides with Velcro strips. With mid-autumn and summer rapidly approaching, all Tom needed to wear below was a pair of boxers. After leading Tom to the bathroom, Mary removed Tom’s poncho and boxers; leaving him standing stark naked beside the bath tub.

Mary washed Tom’s face, and then sponged down his back, stomach and legs. The awkward bit was washing and cleaning Tom’s penis and scrotum. As any guy would know, for hygiene reasons, a man’s uncircumcised penis must be washed, cleaned and dried. This helps to avoid any infections or foul odours arising from entrapped urine or other body secretions. Mary methodically pulled back the foreskin that enveloped the head of Tom’s cock, then holding the foreskin in position while sponging the now exposed bulbous head. Mary finished off by washing and drying the shaft and scrotum. While working in the genital area, physical contact could not be avoided. The friction from Mary’s hand, fingers, the sponge and the drying towel, all resulted in Tom getting a very hard erection.

All Tom could do was to look away with a deeply reddening face. His cock was standing well above the horizontal with the head of his cock fully exposed. His rigid cock also had a slight bend to the right. After finishing bathing and drying Tom’s body, Mary put his boxers and poncho back on. Mary helped sit Tom down on the recliner, and then covered him with a blanket before turning the lights out and going to bed.

Mary lay awake in the dark for a while, contemplating what had just happened. She could not get the sight of Tom’s erection out of her mind. Mary also wondered if Tom had discovered the pleasure of masturbation by now. Surely he would have by now at his age Mary concluded. Lost in thought and without realizing what she was doing to herself, Mary was approaching orgasm as she was subconsciously masturbating. Gasping as her awareness became a reality, electric sparks shot through her body for the first time in years. As the anal and vaginal contractions abated, Mary fell asleep.

During that night, what might have been a pleasure to some, turned out a nightmare to Mary. She dreamed of having sex with her late husband, Michael. Facing the head of the bed with her head buried in a pillow, Michael was fucking her doggie style. After cumming and filling her pussy with hot sticky cum, Michael was withdrawing his still erect penis. Mary turned around to give Michael a loving kiss and to her horror, saw Tom’s face instead. Mary gave a scream, loud enough to wake herself up, and sweating in fear.

The next few days saw Mary apply the same format to Tom in aiding his rehabilitation. Mary would hand or spoon feed Tom at meal times, take him to the toilet, give him his medication, bathe and dry him, and put him to bed of a night. On each of those nights, Mary had the same recurring dreams that she experienced on Tom’s first night home from hospital.

While Mary was bathing Tom in the bathroom the following night, she felt compelled to ask Tom a sensitive question. The conversation went something like this….

“Tom, I have to ask you something private?”

“What is it mum? Tell me!”

“Sorry for having to ask you this, but do you masturbate at all?”

“I do, or at least I did, until I broke my arms and collarbone. Because of the plaster casts and the shoulder strapping, I can’t do anything by myself,” Tom embarrassingly stammered out.

“Can I ask how often you used to masturbate?”

“Usually every night.

It helps me relax and sleep better after going to school all day and studying at night.”

“So you haven’t been able to do it for the last two weeks since the accident?”

“No mum. If I don’t do it very often, it sometimes happens when I am asleep.”

“Has that happened since your accident? I mean, have you cum while sleeping? Oh! You poor boy, it must be so frustrating for you.”

“I just wish there was some way I could cum, it would make me feel a lot better and get my mind off this constant pain and itch.”

“Would you like me to help you? Can I rub you so you can cum?”

“Mum, would you really do that for me?”

“For you son, I would do anything to make you happy again.”

While Tom was still standing naked and facing the bath tub, Mary turned around and went to the medicine cabinet to fetch some hand lotion. The head of his cock in the meantime had started to creep back inside his foreskin and wanted to hide. Applying a little lotion and rubbing the shaft of his cock soon got his cock hard again, revealing the head in its full glory. Mary knelt down beside Tom on his right hand side. While gently rubbing his cock with her right hand, she transferred some lotion onto her left hand. Mary slid her left hand between Tom’s legs from behind and started rubbing his scrotum; all while still rubbing his cock with her right hand.

After about two minutes Mary could feel his testicles start to move upwards and tighten considerably. Tell-tale twitches indicated that Tom was about to cum, so Mary massaged his cock harder and faster.

“Mum! Mum! It’s happening. I’m going to cum,” shouted Tom as his breathing quickened and deepened.

Seconds later, a wad of sperm flew across the bath and splattered the other side. Mary could feel his violent contractions while still rubbing his scrotum. After five or six more ever subsiding ejaculations, his spent cum was lying on the bottom of the bath. Tom, weak in the legs, needed help getting back to the recliner in the lounge. Going back to the bathroom to get a towel, Mary scooped some cum from the bath with her fingers. Raising her fingers to her mouth, she licked Tom’s cum off and swallowed the lot. It had been eight long years since Mary had seen cum, never mind tasting it.

“Gee mum, that was fantastic. I’ve never cum like that before. Can you do it again tomorrow night?”

“We will see son, let’s wait until then and see what happens.”

For the next ten nights Mary and Tom went through the same routine. The only difference being that the masturbation occurred in the lounge on the recliner. After nearly falling over from weak legs on the first night, Mary could not risk Tom falling over while having his orgasm.

The following day was Tuesday October 12, two weeks after his release from hospital. Mary had to take Tom back to the radiologist for x-rays to see if the…

Published 11 years ago

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