A Memorable Cock Up

"A spelling error leads to some escapism and a chance to explore a fantasy"

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Andy walked through the dark December drizzle feeling unusually sorry for himself. He was proud of his ability to remain upbeat and cheerful in times of adversity, but he hated the darkness and cold. Experiencing both together because his poor memory had let him down saw him wishing things were different.

With just milk and bread to buy, Andy hoped he could be in and out of the shop quickly, although Saturday evenings were often a busy time, as people who’d decided not to go out bought beer to drink on their quiet night in.

Stella told Andy he needed to pay five pounds for his goods. Andy passed her the money but burst into laughter as he did so. Stella couldn’t see any reason for his amusement, so she asked him what he had found so funny.

Continuing to laugh, Andy pointed to a notice the shop manager had put on display for the benefit of his staff and also anyone else working on Sunday. It was the last day of summertime, and this meant the annual time change was effective from the following morning.

‘Remember to put your cocks back tonight, folks’, the sign read.

Stella saw the sign that had reduced Andy to laughter, and she made no effort to stop herself from joining in. It had been a miserable day at work, and Andy had just made it bearable.

“I’m glad I’ve got tomorrow off; I didn’t have one of those to put back the last time I checked,” Stella said. as she and Andy made token efforts to control their childishness.

Although Stella had only even seen or spoken to Andy in the shop or in the nearby streets, she already felt she knew him better than most. She remembered him because he was always polite and not afraid to point out the rudeness of others when they had forgotten their manners or spoken aggressively. He also popped into the shop almost every day.

“I’ll let you walk me home if you come back at eleven. If people have decided to put their cocks back early, I might need saving from myself,” Stella said, her latest giggle causing a couple of tourists being served by her colleague at the next till to look sternly at her.

As Stella’s shift neared its close, she thought about what had happened earlier. Some cheeky laughter was exactly what she felt she needed now she was single again, and she hoped Andy could keep her entertained.

Andy’s re-emergence from his flat after darkness had fallen was a rarity. He didn’t thrive in it, his injured brain finding it one too many variables to cope with. Curiosity about Stella was what had convinced him to take a risk, and he felt his decision had been right as soon as she exited the shop and flashed a smile at him.

Stella decided to tell Andy a short version of her life story as they walked. She explained she had worked as a doctor before emigrating and that she was in the process of getting the acquired certificates to allow her to work in her chosen field in her new country.

“I use the supermarket job to help me get used to thinking in English rather than translating in my head,” Stella began.

Stella explained her field was neurology and neurosurgery, preparing to give a further explanation of what that was. Andy, however, saved her the time, explaining he had been born with a neurological condition and that he had undergone numerous neurosurgical procedures to keep him alive since then.

When Stella heard Andy put a name to his condition, she felt sure he knew how lucky he had been to be born when he was; she guessed correctly he was in his late fifties, and she realised his early years would have been when surgical intervention was in its infancy.

“I expect I’ve read many papers from people who’ve got you to where you are today,” Stella said with a smile.

Andy had spent a lifetime playing down his condition and living his life in defiance of it. Stella listened to Andy’s account of a life littered with adventure and danger and a determination to make the most of his luck.

Stella smiled as she reached her flat and invited Andy to follow her. She could see Andy was of a similar mind about what the evening might have in store, although she had made this call on his expressions and body language alone.

“You stop being an individual of academic interest at this point. Who knows what role you will have beyond the threshold of my flat? We shall see,” Stella said with a smirk of mischief.

Stella fetched herself and Andy a drink and sat beside him on her sofa.

Stella wrote a location and pleasures to be included on a piece of paper. It wasn’t the first time someone had wanted the venue to be exactly where they were in reality, and it was as valid as a tropical island or underneath an office desk as far as Andy was concerned. Stella had also explained she wanted to lead the story and that Andy’s role was to be her plaything. Andy had read aloud many times and written stories in which he was passive, although he had never combined the two in a real-life situation. The challenge had been set.


Stella decided sitting beside Andy was counterproductive if he was trying to be creative, so she said she would make something to eat and leave her guest in peace. She stood up, sharing something she hoped would help Andy.

“Make sure you mention Stella knowing what Andy was doing was making her horny as fuck, and she had excused herself to prepare food as she couldn’t trust herself not to disrupt him by showing him how aroused she was already,” Stella said with a giggle of total mischief.

Andy’s thoughts flowed easily as he made notes on how he thought Stella might like to hear herself doing as she pleased with him. He crafted a few backup plans in case Stella didn’t have any of the actions described in her fantasy, and after that, he told Stella he was ready when she was.

“I’ll sit here in just my knickers, if that’s OK,” Stella said as she removed her skirt, bra, and blouse in a matter of seconds.

Stella had considered asking Andy to undress her, but she felt even a short delay in his work was too much. She needed to hear what he had to say urgently. Her feeling of anticipation was strong, and she found it to be erotic in itself.

Stella sat beside Andy, beaming a smile in his direction. Andy’s scene-setting included the already aroused state Stella found herself in, and hearing it said after what she had confessed earlier made Stella realise just how much being read to would add to her pleasure.

Andy spoke of Stella’s need to be in the driving seat to heighten her experience and about how he had wanted to do nothing else but make it special. He described a shared kiss as she ran her fingers over his body and her eagerness to take his erect hardness and rub it over her aroused nipples.

“She felt excited, in control, and full of plans to use his body for her gratification,” Andy said.

“You’re not wrong there,” Stella whispered, looking at Andy and feeling everything she heard described in the parts of her body the story focused on.

Andy spoke of the beautiful thoughts that filled Stella’s mind and her escalating arousal that made her wet and sent rhythms of sweetness around her body. He talked of Stella feeling the buzz of leading everything and how it heightened with each pulse of his cock as she held it.

“Stella felt her heart thump as she stroked him and felt his tip on her lips. Its beat was strong and grew deeper, and she slid him between her lips and felt him pulsate on her tongue as she closed her lips tightly around him.” Andy read out.

“That feels marvellous in my head and elsewhere,” Stella whispered.

“Stella’s mind drifted fleetingly to the brief moments of doubt that sometimes troubled her, their absence here telling her so much. She felt the confidence that being in charge gave her growing, as was her desire to feel him submit and let her claim his erotic flow as hers,” Andy continued.

Stella listened to Andy describe her emotions and arousal in a way she found almost uncanny. He was capturing her thought processes perfectly and in a way that made her feel a growing desire to finger further intensity to her body.

“Look what you’ve done, you splendidly wicked man!” Stella shouted in fake outrage as she slid her fingers inside her knickers and felt her pulsating wetness begging for attention.

Andy’s pause for Stella to gather her thoughts and settle into the inclusion of the added stimulus did not go unnoticed. It was a touch of care Stella felt said a lot about her company, and it refreshed the smile on her lips and drew a comment she felt was necessary.

“This girl’s feeling truly blessed by what she’s hearing and feeling,” Stella whispered.

Stella played joyfully as the story saw her drawing excitedly on the pulsating hardness between her lips. Andy spoke of her mind slipping towards blissful disorder. He described her body burning and the spasms of pleasure that made it twitch. He talked about the sounds of delight she made, and then she voiced them.

Andy led Stella along her path to pleasure carefully and with such detail. Stella’s touch brought Andy’s words to life, and she was there in the scenes he painted. Heart thumping, body ablaze, pictures seen, sounds echoing. She was racing towards her prize.

Hearing about her lips sending his body into spasms of orgasm made Stella moan with anticipation. When Andy described his explosive release between her frantic lips, it sent her into a noisy climax and her mind into deliciously wild confusion.

“You lovely scoundrel,” Stella cried out, followed by a shriek of utter joy as her body convulsed and her fingers plunged wildly inside her body.

With her erotic chaos taking hold, Stella saw rainbows, flowers, and abstract art prints flash before her eyes. She heard waves crashing against rocks and bands striking up a tune. She caught the aroma of baked cakes and the taste of them on her tongue, and she felt every movement inside her he had described as she writhed.

Stella was in the grip of a beautiful climax, and she wasn’t going to miss out on a second of it. She kept plunging and circling as she imagined another surge from his cock firing onto her tongue as her lips worked furiously.

The new phase of her climax saw Stella lifting her fingers from her body and offering them to Andy. He kissed them to get some sense of what he had triggered. Stella needed him to understand in a way he would appreciate was special and outside what she would have expected to feel driven to do.

Andy felt sure Stella’s actions were in place of the words she couldn’t find, and he was thrilled to know Stella was happy with the outcome. Stella was many levels above happy and she continued to be, as her body remained heated and in the throes of something that had exceeded expectations by a long way.

If what had gone before had been beautiful, enjoying the aftershocks and climbdown of her climax in Andy’s arms were all of this and more. Stella wasn’t one to exaggerate or embellish the truth, so when she referred to it as ‘exceptional,’ she meant it.

Their lives were led too close to each other for them to simply put things behind them and move on. They met for drinks, and Andy read some more stories to her, but Stella felt this was what she wanted and no more.

Andy eased back into his role as just Stella’s storyteller with no regrets whatsoever. It wasn’t the end, it was the beginning. Without the complication of reality, Stella felt able to enjoy Andy’s creative fun even more than she had done previously. It was like a fresh start, and it felt right. They had found their comfort zone and it was very comfortable indeed.

Published 3 months ago

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