A Lovers Promise………..I’ll do anything for yo

"Michael and Sara had grown up in the same town............................"

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A Lover’s Promise                                ” I’ll do anything for you”…………………………….


This story was sent to me by one of my readers who has asked me to edit and post it – in both our names – so on behalf of Noveltask and myself I present you with this True story – the names have been changed to protect the people concerned.

This is a love story and pretty tame to start – but it gets better….

Michael and Sara had grown up in the same town, gone to the same school and then to the same college.  They had been sweethearts since their teens. 

After they graduated, Michael went to Yale Law school and Sara accepted Michael’s proposal.  Even though they couldn’t marry right away, they set up home in New Haven and Sara began to teach elementary education at a school just outside the city.  They planned to marry as soon as Michael graduated from Law school.  Sara had it all planned; they would buy a small house, raise a family and live happily ever after.

It worked out just as Sara planned.  They married right after Michael’s graduation.  As he had come top of his class, he was offered a job at a top firm in New York City.  They bought a small house in the suburb of Westchester.  A little while later Sara produced a beautiful son who they names Scott.  Everything was going just as Sara had planned.  They seemed to have a perfect marriage and loved everything that life had to offer.

The years passed quickly and in time Michael became a partner in his firm.  The money was good so they didn’t have any financial problems.  Scott was growing into a responsible and very athletic teenager and shared the good looks of both his mother and father.

Scott was involved in many sports  and Sara made sure she attended all of them. Scott enjoyed this closeness with his Mom.

Michael, on the other hand, saw less and less of his family and often worked late and then stay the night at firm’s Manhattan apartment……….that is, until Sara was diagnosed with Cancer.

Michael suddenly realized the wasted years and regretted the time lost with the woman he loved and his son.  He was determined to make that up to them both. Sara was all too clear on her position in regards to Scott and all he needed.  She made Michael promise that he would look after Scott and not stay away from home as much.  She didn’t blame Michael for their own lost time.  She knew he was a good man and everything he had done, was for the benefit of his family.

“Michael, do you remember Bonnie Baker?” Sara asked him one day.

“Sure Sara, she worked at the school gym with you, didn’t she?”

“Yes she did Michael, but she lost her husband a few years back. She left school and is tutoring at home, not too far from here.”

“What made you bring that up Sara?”

Sara hesitated for a brief moment. “Oh Michael, when I’m gone, you’ll have enough to do with work and Scott.  Even though he is not a child anymore, he will still need a mother figure around here.”

“Sara, that’s ENOUGH,” Michael barked.

“Michael wait,” Sara reached for his hand and taking both of them in her own, she forced him to sit beside her.  Sometimes he seemed like a little boy lost.

“The time will be upon us soon.  We are all too aware of the circumstances.”

Michael tried to speak but Sara lay her fingertips against his loving lips.

“Michael, maybe there’ll be a miracle, OK? But maybe not.”  Not giving him a chance to comment, she continued.

“Bonnie and I have spoken at length about Scott and the situation.  She is a good woman, and she could be a nanny to Scott.  She has no children of her own and she lives alone in a one bedroom apartment.”

“I can do this myself,” Michael protested.

“Michael, be practical.  We have the guest quarters at the back of the house.  It could be a new start for Bonnie and a chance for Scott to have a good and caring woman in the house.”

Michael hated to face the fact that Sara would soon be gone from their lives – forever.

“Michael, promise me one thing.  Promise me that when I leave you, you won’t turn Bonnie away, if she stops by to help either one of you.”

Michael hesitated.  He simply sat there with his head bowed.  Sara took his sculptured face into her hands, raised it and looked into his eyes.  Her own eyes filled with tears.

“Michael…” before she could finish, he answered with his eyes closed.  “Yessss Sara, I promise.”

Soon Sara had Bonnie visiting the house.  As far as Scott knew Bonnie was there to help his Mother.

Bonnie was striking in appearance, as was Sara.  Both were tall women and fit. Before she became ill, Sara was in great shape as she worked out regularly.  Both Michael and Scott had admired the way she carried herself.  It seemed so easy for her to stay at an ideal weight.  Sara had long blonde hair and incredible blue eyes.  Her skin was flawless and as smooth as silk.  She could have been a model rather than a mother, but she knew right from the start what she wanted out of life.  She had a way about her that made men take notice.  Her lips were full and she had the brightest smile Michael had ever known.  Her passion for life blew him away.

Bonnie and Michael became good friends.  He hadn’t looked at another woman since meeting Sara, but found himself checking her out each time she came to visit.  It was easy to see why she and Sara were such good friends. They were alike is so many ways.  Bonnie had Sara’s keen sense of humor as well as her physical beauty.  She had contrasting long dark hair and rich hazelnut brown eyes.  She was also the same age as Sara, just shy of 43.

He often wondered how he could possibly be attracted to another woman, especially now.

In addition to Sara’s breast cancer, it was found that she had a small cell lung cancer, the worst kind.  Within a few time, the cancer had spread to her brain as well.  On the morning of the New Year, Sara looked up from her bedroom window and saw the snow falling lightly on the ground in the front of their home. She looked at Michael sleeping peacefully and smiled.  She thought of Scott in the middle of his Junior year of High School and what a great man he would grow up to be, just like his father.

Later that same day, the cancer took her from them. Michael and Scott would never forget her.

A few weeks later Bonnie drove to Sara and Michael’s place. She could picture the man and boy sitting grieving, as it had been only a few weeks since Sara had passed away.  Bonnie parked in the driveway and walked up to the door and rang the doorbell, feeling a little nervous.

“Bonnie please come in, said Michael.  I was just making a drink, care to join me?”

“Michael, give me a moment first, OK?”

“Sure Bonnie, ah, is everything ok?”

As Michael took his gin and tonic, Bonnie took a deep breath and looked into his tired eyes.  His English heritage showed in his powder blue eyes, but he could pass for Italian with his olive skin and deep tan.

“This may not be right time to talk about this, Michael, but I might not have the courage to let it wait too long.”

Michael was sure he knew what she had to say, but let her continue.

“Michael, I am aware that Sara spoke to you about me being here for both you and Scott, but this is really about Scott.”  Michael nodded in agreement.

Bonnie continued.  “WELL, I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable, or,”

Michael decided it was time to interrupt.  He could see that Bonnie was becoming increasingly nervous and he didn’t want her to go through any more than was necessary.

“Bonnie, please … His voice was shaking slightly as he continued, taking a deep breath and fighting back the tears.  My boy and I both need you here with us.  We’d be happy for you to make this you home.”

Tears began to touch both their cheeks.  They embraced slowly and held on to each other for some time.  A simple embrace, that for them, stopped time and space for a moment.  They had been through such great pain.

Scott walked into the den where his father and Bonnie were holding each other and weeping.

“Dad? Bonnie? Are you alright?”

Michael turned to his son and quickly responded.  “Bonnie will be moving into the guest house.”

Part 2

Scott had a good healthy relationship with Bonnie.  No one could replace the memory of his mother, but he enjoyed that she was there and she fast became a part of the family.  Time passed quickly.  Scott kept up his grades as well as his athletics.  He was now captain of the varsity football team in his senior year.  He was now 18 and hardly a boy.  He grew into manhood and Michael wanted him to continue his education and possibly join him in the Law firm.

Scott had become a target for the girls at school.  He looked older than his actual years. The girls at school seemed too immature for him however.  He enjoyed being at home with his family.  Bonnie reminded him of his Mom in many ways. As he matured he took more notice of Bonnie.

Over time, Bonnie noticed the ‘school boy crush’ that he had as did Michael.  Both of them were sensitive to Scott’s feeling and avoided teasing him about it.  One evening Michael came to Scott’s room with something that he had thought about for some time.

“Scott, can I come in?”

“Sure Dad, the door is open.”

“Hey Scott, how’s things at school and around here with Bonnie.”

“They’re fine Dad ….grades are good and Bonnie takes good care of everything else, including us, right Dad?”

“Ah yeah…Bonnie does take care of things, Scott, and that’s what I wanted to talk to you about.”

“She’s not leaving, is she Dad?” Scott asked nervously.

“No Scott, just the opposite…She loves it here, and Scott….well she and I really have a lot in common, honestly.  We want to date and are concerned on how you would feel about that.”
There was a long painful pause.  Scott felt a twinge of jealousy but he was also relieved that Bonnie was staying.  He felt there was no one better for his Dad to date than Bonnie.  Scott was mature enough to know that sooner or later his Dad would want a woman in his life again.  He also knew that even though his Dad had loved his Mom completely, he was too young to be alone for the rest of his life.

“Scott, are you ok about this?” Michael asked.

“Dad, because it is Bonnie it okay with me.  She is already part of the family.”

Michael was relieved at the response from his son.

“Son, I think Bonnie’s cooking up something special tonight, so I’ll see you downstairs for dinner soon.”

They all enjoyed a pot roast dinner that was one of Scott’s favorite meals.  He took notice that his Dad and Bonnie sat at the table in the same position in which his Mom and Dad used to sit.  It still hurt but he realized he had to start to life for now.

The following morning, Scott went to Bonnie’s room to pick up some software she had left for him.  He looked around him while he was there and noticed the scent of her perfume.  He then came across a pair of her panties on the bathroom floor.  He was sure that this was not intentional on her part.  He found himself growing hard as he stared at the black satin bikini on the floor.  He had already learned about the art of masturbation many years ago, and often used the thoughts of Bonnie to indulge his fantasies.  Although 18, he had not had much to do with a girl or woman.  He didn’t fancy the young girls at school and at the moment didn’t have access to any mature ladies.

So he was a virtual virgin.

He reached down and picked up the delicate item from the floor.  He found the crotch and held them to his mouth and nose.  “How soft,” he thought out loud. He couldn’t wait any longer.  He took out his cock and masturbated.  The entire time he stroked he held the panties to his face, as if his life depended on it.  His legs shook and as quickly as it seemed to start, he blew his load all over his hand and shook till he nearly fell.  He put the panties back where he found them.

After that day, his awareness of Bonnie became more evident.  He was playful with her and surprisingly, Bonnie enjoyed his youthful attention.  She was quite aware that he was now a man, and a very attractive one at that.  She knew better than to ever cross the line, after all, he was the son of the man she loved.

When Scott finished his last year of high school, Michael and Bonnie married. The guesthouse was once again vacant.  Scott wanted the best for both of them and even though he wished Bonnie could have been his, he knew he wasn’t ready for any sort of relationship at the moment.  He had planned to stay home for his first two years of college; his Dad and Bonnie both wanted that too.

One day, his Dad caught up with him outside his room.  “Scott, you know that the guest house would be great for you now it is vacant.  It would give you more privacy. After all you are a man now and deserve to have your own quarters.”

“Yeah Dad, that would be awesome,” Scott said excitedly.

Scott moved into the guesthouse and enjoyed the privacy.  It was more conducive to studying too.  He could also see across to his parent’s room.  He would often wait and catch Bonnie undressing, and once he was lucky enough to catch his father making love to his new bride.  He took mental notes of how it was all done by a man and a woman.

He watched as Bonnie would drop to her knees and take his father’s cock into her mouth and suck him off.  At least Scott could see that his Dad did not have that in common with himself.  His Dad had an average size cock and girth, but Scott had been blessed with a raging 8inches.  He stroked as he watched Bonnie swallow his father’s load.

Although he felt guilty, Scott couldn’t stop thinking about Bonnie and really didn’t want to, it seemed to be beyond his control.

Something happened one night that was going to change the course of things forever.

Bonnie and Michael had been to dinner and a show in the city.  When they got home they noticed Scott’s light still on.  They knew he had a big day at school the next day so they both walked over to the guest quarters see if everything was okay.

Through the window, they were both startled to see Scott lying on the bed naked. He had one hand wrapped  firmly around his cock.  More startling that this was the fact that he held a pair of Bonnie’s pants in his other hand, pressed against his face.  Scott was oblivious that the pair of them was so close.  He was panting as he licked the crotch and smelling her aroma.  Scott was furiously stroking his cock, and arching his back as if he were fucking her.  Suddenly he grunted and moaned her name out loud.  “Bonnnnniieeee, yessssss, fuck meeeeeeeee.”

As he came Bonnie gasped loudly as she watched his sperm shooting high in the air.  Scott realized too late that he had an audience and quickly tried to hide the evidence.  He dropped the panties on the floor and turned away in shame. 

Michael was motionless for a moment.  Bonnie turned to leave the room but Michael stopped her.

“Wait baby, don’t leave,” Michael said softly as he took her hand.

While Scott was still recovering, his Dad walked slowly towards him, with Bonnie in hand.  She was shaking but was also very excited.

What a specimen of a man, she thought, as her gaze was fixed on Scott’s muscular, sweaty body.

“Scott, we understand,” said Michael.

When Michael said that, Bonnie although shocked, found herself getting wet.  She pressed her legs together as the heat and excitement built within her.

“What’s going on here Michael? Bonnie asked in disbelief.

“Be patient my love,” replied Michael with a nervous grin.

“Scott, is this the first time you have held Bonnie’s panties to your face while you masturbated?”

Scott simply shook his head negatively.

“Scott, have you held these panties to your face as well,” and with that Michael lifted the hem of Bonnie’s skirt.

Bonnie, in a knee jerk reaction, tried to resist Michaela hands.  He gently removed her hands and asked his son again.

“Well Scott, have you seen these panties before.”

Scott again nodded a yes.

“Scott, its okay.  I’ve know for some time how you feel about Bonnie and can’t blame you,” Michael smiled at his shocked son.

Bonnie looked on with disbelief but found herself more turned on that she had ever been.

Michael turned his attention to Bonnie.  “Bonnie you once told me that you would do anything for me, anything in the world…you loved me so much.

Bonnie nervously nodded Yes and said.  “Michael, what on earth do you have in mind.”?

Not answering her, Michael turned his attention back to Scott.

“Scott, are you still a virgin?”

“Well yeah Dad, but not because I couldn’t get anyone.  I just didn’t want anyone.”

“You mean you never wanted anyone but Bonnie?” Michael said, as he looked straight into the eyes of his wife.

“Bonnie, I want Scott to lose his virginity to a woman he loves and to one who loves him.  Remember you told me you would do anything for me.”

“I remember saying that, Bonnie said, visibly shaking.  You know I love Scott as part of you, but darling, he is your son and as far as I am concerned, I’m his Mother now.”

“I know that Bonnie, but this is how it should be and I know deep in your heart that you’d love to have Scott too.”

Even if she did deny it she knew it was wrong, but her body was telling her something different.

Scott couldn’t believe what he was hearing but knew there was nothing more he wanted in the entire world.

Michael wasted little time.  He reached over and guided his son’s mouth to Bonnie’s thighs.  As he did this he kissed his wife passionately.  Scot was sighing and Bonnie opened her creamy thighs to her loving stepson.  Scott was feeling his stepmother’s panties against his face again, but this time she was wearing them.  He was now licking and kissing her panties and Bonnie was pushing hard back against face.

Michael broke the kiss for a moment, his lips only inches from his beautiful wife’s lips.

Today my sweet wife, you’ll fuck both our son and me.  Today sweet lady, you’ll suck his massive cock and swallow his thick load.”  Michael smiled, loving Bonnie’s reaction as he took her hand and guided it to his son’s raging cock.

“Yes, my darling, as I once said, anything for you.”

There will be more to cum……………………………

Published 15 years ago

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