They reflect on their life together
A life filled with happiness and tears
A lifetime of being each other’s lover
Years of special occasions and holidays
Children that are grown now
Their love for each other fills their days
Years ago they renewed their vows
Sickness has entered their home
But their love gets them through it
Her husband has Parkinson’s Syndrome
Her husband has shaking fits
They both care for the other
They love each other so much
Fifty years of being lovers
They long for the days of erotic touch
The wife loves her spouse
She makes his life comfortable
She offers comfort in their house
Their lives together have been memorable
Her husband’s days are winding down
His illness has affected him terribly
Smiles changed to only frowns
She cares for him very carefully
She’s at his bedside when he slips away
She kisses him on his forehead
Her beloved died on this day
He was loved when he died in his bed
She kisses him and says prayers
She loved him everyday of his life
His illness was too much to bare
They were husband and wife
She’ll see him when it’s her turn
For now she keeps his memory alive
She sprinkles his ashes from his urn
She must find the will to survive