A Life Of Love And Lust: Chapter 10 -Wet And Wild!

"Thomas and Tessa live out that one last fantasy with the help of Sam and Donnie."

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After their bump in the road night, for the remainder of their week together, the four of them enjoyed each other’s company and, while they had sex in almost every possible combination, at night, the two couples slept together in their own beds. On Friday afternoon, Tessa and Marisol took the car and went off for a few hours by themselves, advising their husbands to take a nap to rest up. As they were entering the resort with their purchases, they encountered the asshole Terry from earlier in the week and his three mates. Marisol pointed them out across the lobby as they walked through and as they waited for the elevator, she bumped Tessa’s arm. 

“They’re actually pretty cute,” she said. “Maybe they’re the solution to our problem.” 

“Nope,” said Tessa. “That guy Terry is a first-class asshole! No way we should get involved with them!” 

Their last night together was as memorable as the previous five had been. Both men fucked both women and then cleaned up after themselves and each other. “We should have had a contest about who had the most orgasms this week!” Marisol said. 

“I think you won!” giggled Tessa. “You cum so much more quickly than I do!” 

“A blessing and a curse,” Marisol said. “More orgasms means more laundry!” 

“Make Rafa do the laundry, it’s his fault after all!” Tessa laughed. 

“A lot of it was your fault this week!” Marisol purred as she moved to kiss her new best friend. “One more time?” Tessa nodded and they cuddled together. 

“Is it okay if we record this? Just for us?” Tessa asked. Marisol had previously been pretty adamant that no pictures or video of their fucking should exist but now that she trusted Tessa and Thomas completely, she conceded. 

“Just for us!” she whispered and Tessa directed the men to get out the cameras. The two men held the cameras, each focused on his wife as they moved around, trying to get the best views of disappearing fingers and flashing tongues. When they finished, the women took a long soak in the tub before getting out so the men could dry them off. They kissed tenderly and spent the time between kisses looking into each other’s eyes while the men removed the soiled towels protecting the bedsheets and replaced them with fresh ones. 

“Theresa, I have one last request,” said Marisol. “I remember that the one night we tried to sleep separately with each other’s husbands did not go well. But I would like to give it one more try. I think we all want it but we are afraid to try, especially Raphael. It really bothered him that you got so angry with him and I believe he has learned his lesson.” She kissed her red-haired lover and waited for a response. 

“Okay,” was all Tessa said and they kissed again. They smiled at each other and went back into the adjoining master bedroom to see the two men just straightening the sheets and fluffing the pillows. 

“Our husbands will make very good wives someday, I think!” giggled Marisol. “So kind and attentive!” 

“I think so,” Tessa agreed. She went to her husband and whispered in his ear. He looked at her and she nodded, “I promise I’ll come back to you! Please?” 

“Okay,” he said and she took his hand and passed it to Marisol before going to Raphael and taking his. 

“Come on,” she said. “Let’s leave my husband and your wife alone for the night.” 

“You are sure?” Rafa asked. 

“Positive!” Tessa said. She led him across the suite to the other bedroom. 

The two couples woke each other several times throughout the night as they screamed and moaned, announcing their orgasms to anyone who might hear them. The next morning, Tessa heard Marisol in the kitchen singing quietly to herself. Rafa was still dead to the world so she slipped out of bed, pulled on her sheer robe and went out to join her. Marisol didn’t see or hear her coming so she was a bit startled at Tessa’s touch but she quickly relaxed and leaned back into her lover’s body allowing her hands to come up and cup her breasts. 

“How was my husband last night?” Tessa asked as she bent to kiss Marisol’s neck.

“He was wonderful!” Marisol said softly. “And how was mine?” 

“A perfect gentleman!” Tessa grinned. She turned her lover around to face her, “Until I asked him not to be! Then he was a wild animal and I loved it!” 

“Same with Thomas!” Marisol smiled. “You know, now that we’ve slept with each other’s husbands, perhaps we could arrange an exchange sometime. Mine for yours for a few days of separate vacations?” 

“That’s an idea worth thinking about!” Tessa said. The two women sealed the deal with a kiss. 

“What idea is that?” Thomas asked as he walked groggily into the room. 

“I’ll tell you when we get home!” Tessa said as they opened their arms to welcome him in for a group hug. He kissed each woman, who both told him playfully that he needed to brush his teeth.  He padded off to the washroom to take a shower and Raphael joined them a few minutes later. 

“There’s my little animal!” Tessa growled. She reached down and fondled him, “Well, not so little maybe!” She kissed him and handed him off to his wife. 

“Sleep well?” she asked her husband. 

“I did but Theresa kept waking me up!” he grinned. Marisol knew the exact reason she woke him up because she had woken Thomas up for the same reason. 

Everyone showered and got dressed before beginning to pack their bags for the trip home. The women laughed as they tried to sort out whose underwear was whose before turning to sort out their toys. “This one’s mine!” Tessa said as she picked up her silicone butt plug. 

“Why did you get that one and not the metal one?” asked Thomas. “The one with the heart-shaped end looks super hot!” 

“Airport security!” she winked as she took it and went into the washroom. When she returned she took his hand and ran it along the crease of her ass. He smiled when he felt it. “I’ll get the one you like after we get home!” 

The drive back to LA seemed a lot longer than the drive out to Vegas. It did help that they witched drivers and positions so that both men got in the back seat with both women for a little more fun at 65 MPH. 

They arrived at the airport in plenty of time for Thomas and Tessa’s flight. After they got checked in, they went for a coffee before heading to security. Each wife held the other’s husband’s hand as they made their way slowly to the barriers. 

“Thank you for inviting us to share your honeymoon with you!” Tessa said to Raphael. She kissed him deeply, leaving no doubt in anyone’s mind how she felt about him. 

“Thank you for being so understanding,” he said. “I love you. Not ‘I want to spend my life with you I love you’ but I do love you!” 

“I understand completely!” Tessa said. “Video call next weekend?” 

“I have to go back to work this week and I’m not sure what my schedule will be, but soon, I promise!” They kissed once more and parted, turning to their spouses who were having a private moment of their own. 

“I will miss you, Thomas!” Marisol whispered. 

“Me too, mi amor!” he replied. She smiled at that and kissed him softly. Then the two women said their goodbyes. 

“Thanks for this, Marisol! I had such fun fucking your husband!” Tessa grinned. 

“And I had such fun fucking yours! Maybe someday we can get away, just the two of us and we can spend a few days fucking each other without the boys around!” 

“That is a great idea!” Tessa smiled. “I’ll let you know when we get home safe.” 

“You do that!” Marisol whispered. They each wiped a tear away from each other’s cheeks and kissed one last time. 

Thomas took Tessa’s hand and led her past the barrier to the screening area. Tessa wasn’t even embarrassed when the TSA agent pulled her aside for a pat down after the whole body scan showed an anomaly in the area of her bum. Part of her hoped she’d be asked to consent to a strip search but the female agent just smiled and nodded knowingly when she felt the plug in her ass. 

Three long flights later, they were home just after midnight. Tessa texted Marisol that they’d gotten home safe and then followed Thomas up to their bedroom. “So Thomas,” she said, mimicking Marisol’s pronunciation of his name. 

“Yes, Teresa?” with a little mimicking of his own. 

“You want to fuck my ass like you fucked Marisol’s last night?”

“Do you think you would be able to feel my cock after Raphael reamed his thick eight inches into your sweet bum?” 

“Let’s find out!” she grinned as she laid back and pulled her knees to her chest. 

After their return, It took them almost a week to get back into what Tessa called ‘home mode’. Their body clocks were a bit confused which meant they were waking up at odd times throughout the night. The good news was they knew the cure for insomnia. 

Thomas had to work the Saturday after they returned. Apparently, there had been some problems getting inspectors onto the build site they were working on so to keep the project from falling behind, the general contractor asked the electricians and plumber to put in an extra day. Thomas and Tessa didn’t mind because the overtime would certainly help to pay down the beating their credit cars had taken during their adventures with Rafa and Marisol. 

Tessa had an ulterior motive, she wanted to ask her mother-in-law over for a repeat performance of their earlier liaison. Janet was less than convinced that it was a good idea but she did respond to the invitation, intending to stay for lunch and a catch-up conversation, nothing more. Her resolve dissolved when Tessa kissed her deeply and a minute later they were naked and eating each other’s dripping pussies. Three hours later, they showered together to wash away the evidence of their illicit afternoon. 

“This has to be the last time, Tessa!” Janet said breathlessly. 

“You didn’t have to come over!” Tessa said. “All I did was invite you, nobody’s forcing you to be here!” Janet conceded her point, deciding she wouldn’t come over the next time when asked. She knew she was fooling herself, an afternoon ravishing Tessa’s body and having Tessa ravish hers was too good to pass up! 

A month after they got home, the horny couple were in their bed after another round of exhausting sex. “I think it’s time to get in touch with Sam and Donnie about that OnlyFans thing,” Tessa said. 

“You’re still up for that?” Thomas asked. 

“More than ever!” she replied. “I have an idea what we could do!” She explained after which he rolled her over and took her from behind. 

Six weeks later, they were on our way back to Nevada for the third time in eight months. Sam figured the best way to accomplish what we wanted in the videos would be to hire male and female escorts to act in them. They would receive a fee plus a piece of any revenue the videos generated. That would mean a smaller cut for us and for Sam and Donnie but they figured on generating enough income to make up the loss. 

Donnie met them at the airport and drove them to a large rented house northwest of the city. Tessa remarked that it was incredible that anyone would want to build a house in the middle of the desert. 

They entered the house to see Sam waiting there for them. “HI!” she squealed as she ran to greet them, giving them both hot kisses and running her hands over their bodies! She gave them a tour of the house, explaining briefly what each of the rooms was for. “Most of the action will be in the Master Bedroom and the ensuite,” she explained. “We will video in other parts of the house but those will just be scenes for context. I’m thinking about running it as a sort of documentary on the theme you suggested. We’ll put teasers on the main page and a few clips for subscribers but anyone who wants to view the whole thing will need to pay for it!” She had been busy setting up cameras in three of the five bedrooms as well as a few in other areas of the house. 

About an hour after we arrived, two catering trucks pulled up. They unloaded prepared meals for the weekend as well as plenty of refreshments both with and without alcohol. 

Once she got all that ready she started preparing dinner, which was just a matter of heating up some of the prepared meals. As they ate, Sam explained the basics of the weekend. 

“Our actors were asked to be here by 8:30 and I hope to start filming by 9:00. We should be able to get the whole thing done by 3 or 4 AM. Tessa, everything you do will be filmed except for you going to the bathroom. All of our actors have been tested and I assume you have been as well.” Tessa and Thomas both nodded. “Our videographer will have a handheld camera as will Donnie and I will direct.” She paused to take a bite and wash it down. “Once the action starts, we’ll need to keep the unnecessary talking down as much as possible. 

“Thomas, I think it’s time you helped your darling bride get ready for the fucking she is about to receive! The last thing is a safe word. If anyone starts to get freaked out or if one of the actors crosses any lines, just shout it out and everything stops.” 

“911 is what we use,” Thomas said. Sam agreed that would work and shooed Thomas and Tessa off to get themselves ready. 

It was everything that they both wanted and they couldn’t wait to see the finished product. Tessa was so exhausted by the end of it that she slept for nearly sixteen hours straight. When she awoke, Thomas, Sam, and Donnie each joined her in one of the other bedrooms after which she took a long soak in the huge whirlpool tub. 

They stayed an extra day during which the four of them fucked and sucked each other to numerous orgasms. 

Sam took them to the airport and saw them off with many hugs and kisses along with a promise to have the edited video as soon as she could. They waited impatiently, reliving their favourite moments of the weekend which led to some pretty awesome sex! 

Thirty-four days after they returned home, Tessa got an email from Sam with the link to the finished video and their personal login to Sam and Donnie’s OnlyFans site. Sam explained that the videos weren’t yet live and per the terms of their agreement, their access would be valid for so long as the video was on the site. 

They set aside the upcoming Saturday night to watch it, all 57 minutes of it. They teased each other all day that it might take them a month to get through it. 

Tessa took her usual Saturday night bath and prepared herself for anything they might want to do. Thomas took his shower downstairs and then set up the TV in their bedroom so they could cast the video from their iPad to it. He prepared the bedroom with candles and scented oils and laid out one of their newly purchased protective mats to keep them from soaking their bedsheets. 

The video title appeared, “A Hotwife Gets Everything She Can Handle!” over a short scene of the two of them in the kitchen of the house, sharing a snack before he took her hand and led her to the bedroom. When they entered, the camera panned around to show sixteen naked bodies, twelve men and four women, all smiling at the camera. Thomas spoke, “As requested, my darling, an orgy where you are the guest of honour!” He took her around the room to greet each of the people who would be fucking her. She hesitated at the first man and Thomas chuckled, “It’s okay to kiss him! After all, he’s going to be fucking your mouth, your pussy, and your ass, very soon!” Tessa kissed him and felt his cock which was already a handful and still growing. She completed her tour of the room, kissing each person and feeling the rest of the cocks and all the pussies, then she stopped and kissed her husband. “Thank you, Baby, for doing this for me!” The camera focused on the clock on the table beside the bed, it read, 9:11 PM. 

Tessa kissed him again and he started undressing her, as each piece of clothing came off, one of the actors joined them to kiss and touch her body. “That was so fucking hot, all those people kissing and touching me! I almost came on the spot!” Tessa whispered, her eyes never leaving the television. They watched as one of the women kissed her while two men stood behind her massaging her breasts and feeling her smooth mound. 

She got up onto the bed and the first man she had greeted moved over her. His cock was now fully erect and was longer and thicker than her husband’s, almost as large as Raphael’s. He started slowly but picked up his pace quickly. “No foreplay, just get right to it!” Thomas whispered as he felt between her legs. She was wet already and the on-screen action…

Published 3 months ago

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