They decided to go to the pool in the afternoon and see if the five guys they’d met two days prior would even show up. Tessa said she was feeling fine and that if anal was on the menu she was good to go.
“So if this happens, how will it go?” Thomas asked her.
“Well, we can both be there or, if you are comfortable with it, you don’t have to be. The idea of fucking five guys without my husband there is kinda hot!” Tessa squirmed against her husband’s erection as they sat in the whirlpool.
“You’ll need to get ready then,” he said. He got out and retrieved all the things she would need. “If you aren’t going to let me be there, at least let me help you get ready.”
“You’re sure? It gets a little gross,” she said.
“I’m a big boy,” he replied.
She reached behind her and grasped his hard cock, “Yes, Baby, you are!” She turned and kissed him before sitting up on the ledge. “The first thing is to check my grooming!” she opened her legs slowly and he reached to run his fingers all over her pussy and ass.
“Might need a little touch up there,” he said as he ran his fingers over her ass cheeks. He picked up the shaving cream and a fresh pubic hair shaver and carefully removed what little hair there was. He inspected the entire area with his lips and tongue and pronounced her ‘silky smooth’.
“Now comes the nasty part,” she said. He watched as she repeatedly cleaned out her anus over the toilet before returning to slip back into the water beside him.
“That wasn’t so awful,” he said.
“It can be sometimes,” she said. “But it’s worth it.” She kissed him, “Now we have to make sure I’m ready to receive some thick dick!” She sat on the ledge again and pointed to the two dildos beside her and the bottle of lube. Thomas picked it up and shook it, saying there wasn’t much left. “That was full when we got here!” she giggled.
He dipped the bottle in the warm water for a few minutes and then applied it to her bum and to the slimmer toy. He positioned it and it slid right in with only a little resistance. He slid it in and out of her while suckling on her clit until she told him to stop. “Get the other one!” she rasped.
“Do you think you’ll need it?” he asked.
“You never know,” she said with raised eyebrows. He lubed it up and got it in place. “Slow,” she cautioned and unlike the last time, her ass yielded to it with much less resistance than before. “Mmmm, yes, fuck that tight ass!” she moaned as he descended back onto her clit. Suddenly, she pushed him away, “I’m ready!”
He took her hand and led her to the shower to finish making sure she was clean from head to toe. Then he dried her and helped with her hair and watched intently as she did her makeup, highlighting her cheekbones, shadowing her eyes and painting her lips. She applied scent to her upper body and dabbed a little perfume between her breasts.
“What will you wear tonight?” he asked.
“The new flowered bra and panties, with the garter and stockings, I think,” she said. “But first, let’s fit my new bikini and go to the pool. She retrieved it from the dresser drawer and held it up. Thomas noticed it was more string than bikini. She tied the halter string loosely and dropped it over her head. She took the side strings and passed them to her husband, turning her back to him. He tied them behind her back and she turned back to adjust the little triangles so that they covered her nipples and not much else. A couple of adjustments and she pronounced it perfect.
Then she picked up the bottoms and tied one side. She slipped it onto one leg and tied the other side. Again she adjusted the little triangle at the front and positioned the thong between her butt cheeks. She tightened the strings on both sides and checked herself in the mirror. “I’d fuck me!” she giggled.
She slipped the matching robe over her torso and stepped into her heels. “You are the perfect woman!” Thomas breathed as he held her close. He kissed her gently so he wouldn’t mess up her makeup and they left for the pool.
From behind her mirrored sunglasses, she watched the heads turn to follow her as she strutted along the walkways. The pool area was busy but not crowded so they arranged lounge chairs in a fairly open area so they had a good chance of spotting the Marines if they showed. Tessa checked her phone, “Any time now,” she whispered as she leaned over to her husband.
Their fingers played with each other and every so often she would see a discreet or not-so-discreet pointing of fingers in their direction. She had never been one to show herself off in this way but now, after all her hard work, she was proud of her body and looks and did not mind putting them on display to attract potential sexual partners. She reflected that her transformation from a loving, professional woman and dutiful wife to a wanton, sex-addicted hotwife was complete. And that was her end goal for this trip. The big concern for her was whether would she be able to flip the switch and return to their normal lives when they got back home.
She tapped her husband’s shoulder, “There!” He ran his hand along her thigh to acknowledge that he’d seen them.
“There’s only four,” he said. “I wonder where the other one is?”
“I guess we’ll find out,” she said. She squirmed in her chair, “We’re doing this!”
“I agree,” he replied. “With or without?”
“With,” she replied. She’d changed her mind about him being with her.
“If you’re sure,” he said. She squeezed his hand and got off her lounge chair. The four of them made their way back to the same table where they had met before which was directly across the pool. She walked slowly and seductively to the pool and descended the steps, being careful to keep any water from getting on her perfectly made-up face and hair. She dipped in so her shoulders were just covered then she walked back up the steps and directly to their table.
The water was dripping off the tips of her nipples and running down her taut tummy to the cleft of her pussy. “Hi, boys, wasn’t sure you’d show!”
“Hi,… I’m sorry, I never did get your name.” one of them said.
“No, you didn’t,” she said. “Let’s wait until my husband joins us, then we’ll make introductions.”
“So boys, here’s what’s going to happen. My husband over there is going to join us for a drink or two. He has agreed to offer me up to you for the evening and he will be present. You will treat him with utmost respect at all times. He is not some weak man who is unable to keep me happy, he is the strongest man I know and is an excellent lover. He is my life partner and my soul mate and if any of you disrespect him, you will all be asked to leave. Is that clear?”
“Yes Ma’am!” they said in unison and she continued.
“Our relationship is not as unique as you might think. Just this week we have been with two other couples who live their lives the way we do. He likes to watch me fuck other men and then clean me when they are done. It is what excites him most. Let me ask you a question, you don’t need to answer, what is your most secret sexual desire? This is his and it thrills me make it happen for him! He’s not perverted, he is my cuckold and I love him for it.”
Just then Thomas arrived at the table carrying her shoes and coverup and the four men stood up to greet him and shake his hand. They remained standing until after he sat down and ordered him a drink.
“Are any of you guys married?” asked Tessa.
They all shook their heads and the one sitting closest to her spoke. “Our Pilot, Racer is, that’s why he didn’t come today, he said he couldn’t do it.”
“That’s fair. Girlfriends?”
Latino-looking one spoke up, “I have one but we’re not serious, not yet. This might be my last chance to be with another woman before I get tied down.”
“Tied down? An interesting choice of words!” Tessa grinned and sipped her cocktail before licking her lips seductively. “What would she say if she knew you were here?”
“She’d probably be pissed, ma’am, excuse my language!” he said.
“Really?” Thomas laughed. “You’re going to be fucking my wife in a few hours and you’re worried about offensive language? That’s funny!”
“It’s like she said, Sir, it’s about respect. No matter what will or won’t happen, she deserves our respect, Sir!” he replied.
“You don’t have to call me ‘Sir’,” Thomas said.
“Yes, Sir, I do,” he replied. “It’s part of the respect I have for you. Until you invite me to call you something differently, I must call you Sir.”
“Is that a Marine thing?” Tessa asked.
“It’s humanity thing, ma’am,” he replied.
“Excellent,” she said. “I’m Tessa and this is my husband, Thomas.”
“I’m Ed, Edward, these are Malcolm, or Mal, Louie and Raphael or Rafa,” he said, pointing to the Latino man across from her.
“Don’t you guys all have callsigns or something, you know, like ‘Maverick’ and ‘Goose’?” she asked.
“The pilots do,” Louie said. “Our crew pilot is ‘Racer’, I’m the co-pilot, ‘Chuck’. The others don’t have callsigns but we all have names by our crew positions. Ed is the gunner, so he’s ‘Guns’, Mal is the engineer or ‘Eng’ and Rafa is the loadmaster or ‘Loadie.’”
“Racer? That’s an odd name,” Thomas said.
“We get our callsigns by making mistakes during flight training, we don’t get to pick our own. We train with Navy pilots and they can be rather unkind to Marines. Racer got caught for speeding on base four times in three weeks, so he’s ‘Racer’,” Louie said.
“And your callsign?” asked Tessa.
“I made a big mess in the cockpit of the training aircraft, took me forever to get it cleaned up, so they called me ‘Chuck, you know, short for ‘Upchuck’. It’s why I fly choppers, ma’am, I have trouble with negative ‘G’s.”
“Negative ‘G’s?”
“Like on a roller coaster and you feel like you’re going to fly up out of your seat? Almost washed me out of flight school but they gave me another shot. Chopper pilots have to be able to coordinate their hands and feel all separately. Turns out I’m pretty good with my hands,” he grinned.
“Well, we’ll see about that!” Tessa grinned right back.
They chatted for another while until the air began to cool with the sunset. “Okay boys, my husband and I are going to have dinner and get ready. At 8:30, you will meet him in front of the concierge desk and then go to the casino to play some cards. At 9:30 he will bring you upstairs and the fun will begin!”
She tossed back the last of her drink. She slipped on her heels, picked up the wrap, stood up and the men fairly leapt to their feet. She kissed each man in turn, pushing her tongue into each mouth in turn and running her hand over their erections. “See you soon!”
She sashayed away, emphasizing the swing of her hips as she walked away from them. They said nothing until they got to the elevator and as soon as the doors closed, she jumped her husband. “I am so fucking turned on right now! It was all I could do not to suck each and every one of their cocks right at the table!” She grabbed his cock and massaged it until the elevator doors opened. She led him to their room and as soon as the door closed she was on her knees in front of him, sucking his cock into her throat.
They finished and she shared his cum with him. As they kissed their way through the afterglow, she looked at him, “Thomas, Honey?”
“Yes, my darling hotwife?”
“The next cum you taste will not be your own, you know that, right?”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way!” he said. He kissed her again and then started filling the whirlpool tub. “Maybe we need to get you ready one more time, just to make sure.”
“Let’s have supper first, then you can help me get ready before you go downstairs and meet the boys. I have an idea!”
He ordered supper from room service and while they waited, she picked out her outfit for the evening. It was satiny deep red, with an underwired quarter-cup bra, garter, stockings, and a thong. She set her red-soled Louboutin’s beside them and stripped out of her swimsuit. She gave her husband a wicked smile and sat on a low stool in front of the D-shaped desk that she had taken over as her makeup station.
“Open the shades, Baby!” she said and he raised the blinds fully and opened the sheer curtains. “I want to be able to see the lights on the Strip when our friends are here!”
She sorted out which colours and shades she wanted to apply for their visit while we waited for the food to be delivered. A short time later there was a knock on the door and he went to open it. “Invite him in so I can give him his tip!” she teased. Thomas swung the door open and the bellhop halted when he saw her before wheeling the cart all the way inside the room.
“Close the door, Honey,” she said and he did as she asked. She stood up and walked over to the bellhop, “Would you like your tip in cash or is there some other way we can thank you for delivering our dinner so quickly?”
“It’s your choice, madam!” he said, his voice a little shaky.
“Well, as you can see, I don’t have anywhere to keep my cash so I’ll have to tip you some other way!” She went to him and wrapped her arms around him, giving him a long hot kiss with plenty of tongue. Then she took his hand and brought it between her legs, guiding two of his fingers inside of her. She withdrew them and brought his fingers to his mouth to suck them clean.
“I’ll bet my dinner doesn’t taste as good as that, does it?”
“N-n-n-no, m-madam, I d-doubt that it does!” he stammered.
“I hope you’re on duty when we call for you to take away the tray!” she purred as she licked his earlobe and kissed his neck. She ran her fingers along the length of his erect cock and looked at his nametag, “Thank you, Michael!” she whispered and she turned away from him.
He stared for a moment as she walked to the tray and started removing the covers. “Enjoy your meal, Madam, Sir!” and he left the room.
“That was very mean what you did to that boy!” Thomas said. “Very hot, but very mean!”
“Maybe,” she allowed. “But if he’s the one who comes back to collect the cart, I’ll be much nicer to him!”
“I’m sure you will!” Thomas said. He knew that if he came back to their room, she would suck his cock and swallow his cum.
They ate their meal quickly, careful not to mess anything up and when they finished, Tessa went back into the washroom to double-check everything before brushing her teeth and then coming out to do the finishing touches on her makeup.
“How much cash do you have on you?” she asked.
“Not a lot, why?” he asked. She outlined her idea and he grinned broadly. “Yeah, I like the way you’re thinking, I’ll go to the machine downstairs and get some more!”
They tidied up the room and then set up their cameras, you’re going to be busy when you get home editing all this video!” Tessa teased him.
“It’s going to take me a long time, mostly because I’m going to have to stop a lot so you can relieve my stress!” he replied.
“I’m always ready to relieve your stress!” she said playfully. She got up on the bed and Thomas checked the light levels, something they had learned for Sam and Donnie. Thomas made a couple of adjustments and checked that the cameras were fully charged and the memory cards were empty and formatted. Then he checked his watch, “Almost 8:30, I better go. You call room service and have them take away the cart. And if it’s the same guy, give him a very good tip!”
“You’re okay with me doing that with you not here?” she asked. She figured he was that was something they had agreed that they would never assume, she had to hear him say it.
“Yes, Sweetie, you can suck the bellboy’s cock without me here!” he grinned. He kissed her softly, “See you soon! I love you!”
“I love you too!” she whispered.
Thomas went to the cash machine and got out $500. This being Vegas, the machine dispensed hundreds which made it easy, no way he would have taken that much cash out from a machine on the street. Despite the huge amounts of money that changed hands here, a casino was probably one of the safest places in the city.
He entered the casino proper and looked around for the four men. He didn’t see them right away but he didn’t have to wait long. He walked over to them and got their attention, shook their hands and pulled them out into the lobby just outside where it was less noisy.
“You guys know how to play blackjack?” he asked. It was probably the simplest of all the card games there. They all nodded, “Okay, here’s what’s going to happen. We’ll find a table that has room for all of us and I’m going to get $500 worth of chips, $100 for each of us. We play for an hour and whoever does the best, wins the prize!”
“What’s the prize?”
“Jesus Christ, you loadies are thick. You fucking know what the prize is!” Chuck laughed at him.
“Maybe he does, maybe he doesn’t!” Thomas said. “Don’t worry about the money, this is on us. If you win, you keep it, if you lose it all, you lose it all. That’s Vegas! After an hour, we will go upstairs and my wife will take over. What she says goes, no exceptions. Is that clear?”
“Crystal clear, Sir!” they all said in unison, almost like they practiced it. Thomas smiled.
“Any questions?” he looked around and there were none. “All right, let’s play some cards.”
~ ~ ~
Just about the time Thomas was explaining the rules for the evening to her prospective lovers, Tessa heard a tap on the door. Her pussy dampened at the hope it was Michael, the young man who had delivered their meals. “Who is it?” she sang sweetly.
“Room Service, Ma’am, here to collect your cart,” came the reply. She walked over, purposely not covering up and opened the door.
“Oh, hi Michael, it’s you! The cart is right over there!” She had purposely moved it to the far side of the room so he would have to come all the way in to get it. When he passed her, she closed the door and threw the deadbolt and the security latch.
To his credit, Michael tried not to stare at her. He saw beautiful women, insanely hot and gorgeous women, every day at work, he’d even had a quickie or two with a female guest, usually a married one pissed off at her husband because he was drunk or ignoring her. But there was something different about this one.
She moved to block his path back to the door, “I’m afraid my husband went out and he took his wallet. I don’t have any cash to tip you!”
“That’s okay Ma’am, you can just add it to your room charges if you like,” he mumbled, his eyes not leaving her breasts for even a blink.
“Does the staff have to share their tips?” she asked. He nodded that they did. “I don’t think you’ll be able to share this one!” she grinned as she moved to him.
“Holy fuck, Jesus have mercy!” he whispered, his eyes a mix of fear and excitement. She took his face in her hands and kissed him, driving her tongue into his mouth. His response was delayed as his brain tried to keep up but then his tongue pushed against hers. Is hands came up but she stopped him.
“Don’t touch my face, it has to be perfect for when my husband and his friends get back!” His hands went to her hips as she kissed him again.
“F-f-f-friends?” he asked.
“Yes, friends, four of them,” she whispered. “He’s going to bring them to me and give me to them to do what they want with me. What would you like to do with me, Michael? Would you like to kiss my breasts?” She pulled his head down to her ample bosom and guided his lips to her nipples that were just protruding above the edges of the cups of her lacy brassiere. After a moment, she pulled his head back up and kissed him again.
“Maybe you’d like to put your fingers in my hot, wet, married pussy!” She took his right hand in her left and guided it to her slit, moving his fingers with hers to slip two of them inside her. She grasped his wrist and brought his fingers to his mouth, urging them in so he could lick them clean.
“I know! The perfect tip!” She sank to her knees and undid his pants, dropping them around his ankles. “Mmmm, nice!” she whispered before taking him in her mouth and deepthroating him.
She had guessed it would take about three minutes for her to get him to cum in her mouth. To his credit, he lasted almost four. She felt the jets of sperm against the roof of her mouth, holding his cum on her tongue until she stood back up and showed it to him. “Want some?” she asked. He started to speak but she didn’t give him the chance, kissing him and forcing him to taste his own cum.
“You are delicious, Michael!” she said and she kissed him once more. “Is that a big enough tip?”
“That’s the best tip I ever got!” he grinned. “Thank you, Ma’am, very much!”
“It was my pleasure, Michael!” She kissed him again and walked to the door, unlocking it and swinging it open. Just as it did, another couple was walking by their room. They stopped and stared at her in her sexy underthings and at the handsome young bellhop pushing the cart in front of him. She looked at them and licked her lips.
“Thank you, Michael!”
“No Ma’am, thank you!” he said and she closed the door. She pondered whether to tell her husband or not and whether to rinse her mouth with mouthwash. As much as she wanted to share Michael’s taste with Thomas, she didn’t want to sit for an hour while he played cards. She went to the washroom and brushed her teeth before fixing up her makeup. Then she picked up her phone and texted Sam to catch her up on the current events.
~ ~ ~
The hour flew by as the alarm on Thomas’s watch buzzed. “Last hand boys!” he said as they pondered their cards and placed their bets. The dealer had a Queen, pretty good news for the house. He had a pair of sixes, not especially promising, but he split them anyway. Chuck had fourteen, he was likely going to bust, Guns had seventeen and held there. Eng busted when he hit in on sixteen Thomas drew a five and an eight, giving him nineteen on his first pair. The dealer flipped his second card, an ace so he held there, his nineteen on the other side would have to be enough. Chuck drew a seven, twenty-one! He pumped his fist and looked at the dealer.
The card came out of the shoe, a three, the dealer would have to draw again. “Thirteen,” she said absentmindedly. The next card was a two, “Fifteen.” She flipped the last card, a Jack, “Bust.” She said. She handed out the chips to the winners and we all pocketed what we had and left the casino.
“We can see who won when we get upstairs,” Thomas said. He took out his phone and texted his wife, “On our way up!”
Her reply was quick, “Oh good! I almost started without you!”
The elevator ride was oddly quiet considering what was in the near future for the four of them. Thomas tapped on the door before opening it. “Come in!” sang out the reply.
‘Tessa’ was lying on the bed, her body propped up on pillows and her legs crossed at the ankles. She was toying with her erect nipples and smiling broadly. Her husband had never seen her so beautiful, so sexy and wanton, her face unable to hide the raw, unadulterated lust that coursed through her body.
They had set their cameras up near and around the L-shaped couch that was opposite the door and Tessa had spread blankets and towels over them so they wouldn’t get soiled. “Hi, boys! Nice to see you again! Did you have fun in the casino?”
Loadie was first to speak, “Hi Tessa!” You look very beautiful tonight!”
“I hope so! I’d hate to think I spent all that money on this outfit, makeup and hair just to look ugly!”
“All due respect, Ma’am, I cannot even imagine how you could possibly look ugly!” Eng said.
“Thank you, Malcolm, was it? We’re not in your chopper now so I’d like to call you by your proper names, if that’s okay.”
“Of course, Ma’am, whatever you say,” he replied.
Thomas spoke next, “And enough with the ‘Ma’am’ and ‘Sir’ please. Considering what you’re about to do to my wife, that’s a bit formal, don’t you think?”
“I’m sorry, Thomas,” Ed said. “We’re Marines. We’ll call a lamp post, Sir and salute a mailbox if we’re ordered to! We are nothing if not conditioned!” Tessa laughed at that.
“Okay, gentlemen, how about this? Until you leave this room, I am your new Commanding Officer! You will do exactly as I say and follow every order without hesitation or objection. Is that clear?” She had watched A Few Good Men as well.
“Yes, Ma’am!” they sang out in chorus.
She tried to do her best Marine Colonel imitation, “IS THAT CLEAR?”
Louie smiled, looked at her and said quietly, “Crystal, Ma’am!”
“All right then, for my first order, you will not call me Ma’am, nor will you call my husband Sir. If you do, you will not like the consequences!”
It was all Thomas could do not to laugh out loud, the sight of his wife, standing with her hands on her hips in sexy lingerie, giving orders to four Marines was hilarious. He wished they’d had the cameras rolling for that!
“Someone mentioned something about a prize?” Rafa ventured quietly.
“So we did,” Thomas said. He went around the room and turned on all the cameras. “As I told you gentlemen, these pictures and videos are for our entertainment only, we will not ever share them with anyone, you included. This is the price you are paying for the opportunity to fuck my wife over and over. Agreed?” They all nodded their heads and he picked up the free last camera, pointing it at his wife. “Tessa, if you will count our winnings?” He took his chips out of his pocket and placed them on the coffee table.
“$240, nice one, Sweetie!” she said and she pulled him down for a kiss. “Just so you know, the next time you touch me will be with your tongue as you clean one of these guys’ cum from me!”
“Yes, Ma’am, Colonel Ma’am!” he whispered in return.
“Oh clever!” she smiled. “You get that one for free!”
Ed went next, he was down only $20. “Down twenty, not that bad seeing how you were playing with free money!”
Next came Malcolm, he was up $50 and Rafa was up over $100. “Nicely done! Rafa but don’t get too excited yet, we still have one more pile to count!” Louie emptied his pockets and Rafa’s face fell.
“Oh, wow, up $180! Very well done!” Tessa gushed before getting up and kissing him. “You will get your prize a little later!” She told the men to stack the chips in neat individual piles on the counter by the microwave. “Thomas, if you will?”
He drew a deep breath and started an imitation of the famous ring announcer from boxing title matches (you know the guy I mean). “Good evening Gentlemen, and Lady, and welcome to the fabulous MGM Grand Las Vegas for as many rounds of uninhibited sex as we can manage! Let’s get ready to RUMBLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEE!” They guys all laughed hilariously.
Thomas had gotten their hometowns, height and weight while they were playing cards downstairs. “Introducing first, our Co-pilot, callsign Chuck, standing six feet one inch tall and weighing in at one hundred and eighty-four pounds, from New Orleans, Louisiana, please welcome, Edwaaaaaaarrrrrrrd!” Ed unfastened his pants and let them fall to the floor as Thomas had instructed him to do earlier.
Tessa knelt in front of him and briefly took his semi-hard cock in her mouth for a quick taste. “Nice!”
“Next up, our Engineer, callsign, Eng, standing five feet nine inches tall and weighing in at one hundred and sixty-six pounds, from Fort Kent Maine, Maallcoolllllmm!”
His pants dropped and she did the same to him, “Oooh a nice thick one! Excellent!”
“And now, our Door Gunner, callsign Guns, standing five feet, eleven inches tall and weighing in at one hundred and seventy-five pounds, from Eau Claire Wisconsin, Loooiiiiieeee!” The rest of the guys erupted in a chorus of “LOOUUUUUU!”
Again she knelt in front of her guest and as his cock popped from her mouth she pronounced it, “Tasty!”
And last but not least, the man who maintains balance in the Force, our Loadmaster, callsign Loadie, standing five feet seven inches tall and weighing in at one hundred and forty-nine pounds, from East Los Angeles, California, Rrrraphaellllll!” He rolled the ‘r’ on his tongue as he said it.
Tessa knelt in front of him, “Ooooh, the shortest in height but the longest in length, I really wish you had won the prize!” She sucked him into her throat and held him there for half a minute. “Maybe I’ll give you a consolation prize!”
“And their opponent, standing five feet six and three-quarters inches tall, weighing in at one hundred and thirty-seven beautiful pounds, the hottest hotwife west of the Mississippi, from Boseman, Montana, the one, the only, the undefeated, undisputed, sexiest cum loving slut champion of the woooorld, ‘Tessaaaaaaaaa!”
The men all clapped and cheered. Thomas continued, “Gentlemen, your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to make this impossibly beautiful woman in front of you, moan, groan, shout, scream, cry and cum until she has nothing left to give. You will respect her at all times and follow her instructions to the letter! Do you accept your mission?” Thomas was having too much fun with this.
“Semper Fi!” they shouted in chorus.
“All right, gentlemen, remove your clothing and come out fucking! Tessa, they are all yours!” He went around the room making sure all the cameras were still operating and left the rest to fate. Whatever happened from her forward would happen unless she gave him the code word.
She moved to Ed first. “Poor Ed, the only one who lost money! Let Tessa make it all better for you!” She guided him to sit on the couch and knelt in front of him. Opening wide, she took him into her mouth and sucked him into her throat. At six inches in length, he was longer than average but deepthroating him was child’s play after having Donnie’s ten inches in all three of her holes only a couple of days before.
Thomas went into the washroom and returned with two black vials. “Put some of this on your cocks, it’s delay gel, it’ll help you last longer,” he said before pumping a little onto his fingertips and rubbing it on himself.
“I won’t need it, I’ve never had a problem,” said Louie.
“You never fucked my wife!” said Thomas. “Make sure you wash your hands after.”
Ed’s breathing was becoming heavy. He filled his hands with her red hair and guided her, controlling the speed at which she sucked him. For her part, Tessa didn’t mind at all, she needed to conserve her energy. A few minutes later, she took herself off her husband, “Inside or out?” she panted, she was becoming aroused in anticipation of being fucked in every hole by each of them.
“Out,” Thomas said as he stroked his cock, massaging the gel into the head and shaft. He watched intently and wondered if he should clean her off immediately or wait until she was a cum-covered mess before moving in for his prize. He would have to make that decision in pretty short order as Ed announced his orgasm to the gathering.
“Oh fuck!” he groaned. Tessa took her mouth off him and opened wide, laying her tongue out to catch his seed. Some of it went in her mouth but most of it splattered her face. When he was finished, she took him back in for a half-minute or so before sitting up on her haunches and looking at her husband.
She raised one eyebrow and he came to her, kneeling beside her and kissing her before cleaning her face with his fingers and tongue. “Holy fuck!” Rafa breathed. “I heard of some guys that do that but I didn’t think it was real!”
“It’s real all right,” Tessa said after her husband had finished and she kissed him. “Tell me, when a lady blows you, do you want to cum in her mouth? Do you expect she will taste it?”
“I only ever had one woman do that and she refused to,” he said.
“Hypothetically then, if you expect a woman to taste your cum, shouldn’t you taste it too? Sex is about sharing after all!”
“When you put it that way,” he said. Tessa excused herself for a moment and when she returned, she sat at the table and fixed her makeup. Between the sweat, Ed’s hands and fingers, and his cum, she needed a touch-up for the cameras. Then she went to Rafa, “Only once, you say. Well, we can’t have that!” She sat him on the footstool and bent to suck his cock. Looking over the shoulder, she beckoned to Malcolm and pointed to her pussy, plump and swollen between her thighs., “Maybe while I’m doing my thing here, you could do my thing there?” She smiled and he moved toward her.
She took Rafa’s eight inches into her mouth and swallowed him with ease. She moaned as Malcolm’s thick six entered her from behind and Rafa groaned at the sensations of the vibrations that were transferred from her lips and tongue to his cock. Thomas handed a spare camera to Ed, “You focus on her face, I’ll get her pussy!” He got down on all fours and slid the camera underneath her tummy, pointing it upward and hoping he got a good shot of Malcolm’s cock sliding in and out of her cunt.
The two men struggled to get the rhythm such that Malcolm’s cock kept popping out of her. “Slow down boys, find the rhythm,” She soothed before sucking on Rafa’s unit once more. She hummed her approvals as they figured it out and soon she was in seventh heaven, well maybe sixth, as the two men spit-roasted her.
Rafa held her head onto him until she struggled for air and pushed herself away. “You gotta let me breathe,” she warned him. “I’ll suck your cock all day but you gotta let me breathe! Do that again and I’ll fucking bite you!” The look on her face was fierce and he could tell she meant every word. She took him back in again and this time, when she needed to come back up for air, he relented. She craned her face up to him, “Kiss me!” and he did as ordered, Ma’am.
“Can you taste your cock?” she teased him. “I love your cock, it tastes so good!” She took him back in again and before long, she could tell he was getting close. She looked up at him again, “You want to cum in my mouth? You want me to swallow your spunk?”
“Yeah, I do!” He said.
“What’s it worth to you? If I let you cum in my mouth, will you let me share it with you? Will you taste your cum on my tongue?”
“Yes, please!” he said. She smiled brightly, knowing that if he was her husband, she could cuckold him too. In truth, most women, if they love their husband enough and he loves her, could do it.
Rafa grunted and groaned and pushed his hips forward. Tessa let the first shot go straight to her belly and then pulled back to receive the rest of his rather copious load in her mouth. She took her mouth off him and beckoned him with her eyes to kiss her. He hesitated but surrendered to the moment and leaned down to her face. She forced her tongue into his mouth and he tasted the tangy, saltiness for the first time. She looked up at him, “That wasn’t so bad, was it?”
He shook his head and kissed her again before she sucked him back in and concentrated on Malcolm who had stopped servicing her pussy to watch her share Rafa’s cum with him. “Dude! Focus!” she barked and he resumed fucking her again.
It was a race to see which of them would cum first. Malcolm seemed in a particular hurry as he jackhammered into her, his hips a blur. Her hand snaked beneath her and she teased her clit in an effort to keep up. The delay gel was working its magic on him but even it had its limits. He drove into her and held himself there, groaning loudly as he dumped his load into her.
He finished quickly and cleared away in case anyone else wanted a go. Being well-trained soldiers, they wouldn’t do anything they weren’t ordered to do so after playing with the cum that was oozing out of her pussy and rubbing it around her clit, she got up and went to the washroom.
“I don’t want to be disrespectful, but your wife is amazing!” Rafa said. “She can, you know, like nobody’s business!”
“You know what?” asked Thomas. “Go on, say it, you’re not disrespecting her, you are acknowledging her skills and abilities. “Say she’s a great cocksucker!”
“Tessa is a great cocksucker!” Rafa said.
“I am, aren’t I? she said from the washroom door. She went to Rafa and kissed him, “And you’re going to find out later that I’m good at other things too!” She moved to Louie, who had won the prize. “I’ll bet you are wondering what your prize is, aren’t you Louie?” He just nodded. Having witnessed what had just happened, he was afraid to even think what might come next.
“Gentlemen, let’s take this to the bed. If you fellas could take the tripods in the other room and help my husband set them up, we’ll get started.” She got up on the bed and invited Louie to join her. They started kissing and moaning and after a little while, she told him to lie on his back. She went down on him and swung her leg over so he could suck on her pussy. They remained there for a few moments and then she looked at Thomas. “Ready?”
“Ready!” he said. She turned back to Louie, “That wasn’t your prize!” She got up onto all fours and presented her ass to him, “This is your prize!”
“You mean you want me to… I can’t say it!”
“You have to say it Louie, come on, just say it!” she urged him. “It’s part of the game, you have to say it so my cuckold husband knows what’s going to happen!”
“You want me to fuck you in the ass?” he said reluctantly.
“Yes Louie, I want you to fuck my ass! And what’s more, my husband wants you to do it too, don’t you baby?”
“More than anything!” he replied.
“See? That wasn’t so hard now, was it?” She reached for his hand and he got into position, “Now wait, we have to get the good stuff! Honey, do you have the good stuff?”
“Right here!” Thomas said as he approached them with the bottle. He drizzled some on her ass and rubbed it in, sliding two fingers inside her ass to open her up a little. Louie wasn’t that big compared to him and Donnie so two fingers should be enough.
“You know what to do, Baby!” she purred to her husband. Thomas reached out and drizzled the lube onto Louie’s cock, massaging it in and making sure it was fully covered. Then he grasped it and urged it toward her back door.
Louie flinched as Thomas grabbed his cock but one more look at Tessa’s fine, fine ass convinced him to go with the flow. He pushed forward and felt the transition along his shaft from his grip to entering her ass. “Holy fuck, boys, that is fucking tight!” he gasped as Thomas’s hand released him to enter her fully.
“Easy now,” Tessa cautioned him. She remembered a line from an old comedy special she and her husband had watched during their honeymoon between fucking sessions. “Don’t go too fast or I’ll clench my butt cheeks and rip your dick off!”
“Yeah, Eddie Murphy!” Rafa hooted. “That’s some funny shit right there! Baby, you got a great sense of humour!”
Louie started moving slowly as Tessa got accustomed to the intrusion. He might not be as big as her husband or Donnie but he still took a little getting used to.
“You know what would be nice right now? A nice cock in my mouth! Whose cock haven’t I sucked yet? Malcolm! Get that nice cock over here!” He hurried over and she sucked him in. “Mmmmm, my pussy does taste good! Oh, wait, you guys haven’t tasted my pussy yet! That’s next!” She took Malcolm back in as Louie started to quicken the pace a bit. He must have been paying attention because he resisted the temptation to just start hammering himself into her ass.
Tessa hummed her moans and sighs against Malcolm’s cock. He pushed into her throat and clamped her jaw down to hold him there for a few seconds before releasing her. It was becoming easy to tell which men didn’t have much experience with being deepthroated because they had a hard time releasing her to breathe every so often. “Remember what I told Rafa, you have to let me breathe!” she whispered hoarsely as Louie intensified the length and depth of his strokes into her.
“Come on, big fella, fuck that ass!” she moaned the next time the cock came out of her mouth. Back in it went and she grabbed his hips for balance as she stuck her ass as high as she could. She reached out for the nearest hand and guided the owner down to reach underneath her and rub her pussy.
Despite having just cum a quarter hour or so earlier, Malcolm was the first to fill her with fresh warm cum. He pushed into her throat and emptied himself and she swallowed quickly before backing onto Louie’s cock. She caught a breath and went back down taking the rest of his meagre load into her tummy. She backed off, “God, I love sucking cocks!” she declared. Malcolm backed away and she looked at her husband, “Baby, come here!”
Thomas moved to her face and held her hands, “Having fun?” he asked playfully.
“The most fun!” she giggled. “Oh, fuck this feels so good!” She kissed him and then broke their union, “I’m gonna cum! AAAAAAAGHHHHH!” she screamed and her pussy gushed all over Rafa’s fingers. Her pussy and ass clenched and that put Louie over the edge. He grunted loudly with each pistoning stroke until he too, pushed forward to empty himself into her ass.
“FILL MY ASS!” she screamed. He started thrusting again and with each punishing stroke, he forced a loud, “YES!” from her soul each time his hips slapped loudly against her ass cheeks. He held himself into her again and then backed off, leaving her pussy and ass pulsing with the last throes of her orgasm.
Thomas sat up on the couch and pulled her up on top of him. She straddled him and he slipped inside her. “No, Baby, not yet!” she pleaded and she held herself onto him. “Do me a favour and run me a bath?”
“Of course, Sweetie, anything for you!” He kissed her softly and she rose up off him, moving down to clean herself and the remains of Malcolm’s cum from his cock. She flopped onto her back and her chest heaved as her breathing recovered.
“You fellas sure know how to show a girl a good time!” she winked at them. “But it’s not over yet.” Her husband came out a few minutes later pronouncing her bath ready. She got back up and went to Rafa, “Thank you for helping me cum!” she whispered. “Would you take a bath with me?”
“Yeah, sure!” he said excitedly. He got up and she reached out to grasp his erection. His mates laughed and pointed as he waddled the few steps to the washroom with her leading him by the cock.
“Undress me!” she purred and he began to unhook and unclip the delicate snaps. He removed her bra and stared at her tits as they barely moved as her bra came free. In her heels, she towered over his diminutive frame so her nipples were right at mouth level.
“Magnificent!” he breathed as he took one nipple and then the other into his mouth. She groaned at the feeling, holding his head in place for a moment before allowing him to continue.
Next came the crotchless panties that really were a mere decoration anyway. He slid them down her thighs, kissing each bit of skin as the tiny waistband slid down. “Oooh, you are good!” she breathed. She stepped out of them and turned so he could undo the clasp of her garter. He kissed each round globe of her bum as he let it fall, then stood up behind her and took her breasts in his hands from behind. “Mmmm, a boob man! Nice!” she said as she turned around. She put one foot up on the edge of the tub and he undid the strap on her red-soled shoe.
“Careful, those cost more than our mortgage payment!” she said as he slipped it off her foot. He removed the other and then tugged on one stocking. “Roll them off,” she showed him. He rolled it off and kissed the exposed skin as he did. When he got to the inside of her knee, she shivered. She pulled him to his feet and kissed him, “You just made me cum doing that!” He smiled and stepped back.
Tessa looked over her shoulder and saw the rest of the guys crowded in the doorway. “You can watch if you want to!” she said softly and she took Rafa’s hand to steady herself as she stepped into the whirlpool tub. He got in behind her and they sank into the warm water. “You know, this is the first time I’ve taken a bath with anyone other than my husband!” she whispered so only he would hear.
“Your husband is a very lucky man, to have a woman like you! He must love you very much! I didn’t understand at first when you told me about your lifestyle, I couldn’t get it through my head that he could give you to other men and still be a strong, virile husband.” He turned her face with his finger and kissed her. “This isn’t love, it’s just sex. They are not the same.”
She turned and knelt on the floor of the tub to face him, “You get it! You are going to make some lady very, very lucky someday!” She kissed him again. “Have you ever fucked a woman’s ass?” He shook his head, no. “Thomas darling, could you bring the lube?” He appeared a moment later.
“There might not be enough,” he said handing it over and leaving again.
She took it and told him to sit up on the ledge of the tub. She slathered his cock with the remains of the container and then turned away from him. He guided her hips down and leaned back, positioning the end of his cock between her ass cheeks. She reached down and adjusted him before sinking down onto him. “Mmmmmm, that’s what I need, A nice thick cock in my ass!” she breathed. She leaned back into him until his shoulders contacted the hard tile wall behind him. “Don’t move!” she said, happy just to enjoy the feeling of being filled up back there.
She began rocking her hips slowly to move him inside her. She didn’t want the hard pounding that her husband, Donnie and Louie had given her, she wanted this to be easy and as gentle as anal sex could be. Rafa seemed to sense this too as he let her set the pace of their coupling.
“Rub my pussy!” she pleaded and his hand moved to caress her clit. Being shorter, his arms almost didn’t reach but he was able to keep a nice slow rubbing along her little nub.
“Harder, Baby, make me cum!” she moaned and she felt her pussy tighten as she released a flow over his fingers. The tightening of her pussy was translated to her ass and the squeezing did it for him. He moaned and released his cum into her ass.
She slid back into the tub and pulled him in with her. Handing him a washcloth, he guided his hands over her breasts, letting him wash the chest with languid strokes. Then she turned and took the washcloth from him, washing his cock gently and thoroughly so it would be ready to be inserted into her pussy or her mouth. She had a plan for the evening’s finale that involved both holes.
They got out and dried off and found that Thomas had ordered snacks and refreshments. They ate and drank while the guys went one after the other for a quick shower. Her husband had called room service for a pile of fresh towels and met the pretty young lady from housekeeping at the door. She tried to peer past him to see what was happening inside. There are few secrets in a hotel and from Michael’s description and the noises that had been emanating from their room, the staff’s imaginations were running wild. She was sadly disappointed.
“All right gentlemen, welcome to the main event of the evening!” Tessa announced. “So far, I have taken two loads of cum each in my mouth and my ass and one in my pussy. For our finale, my husband will set a timer. Each of you will have forty-five seconds to fuck my cunt and when the timer goes off, you will quickly vacate my pussy and the next fucker will slide in. We go by order of finishing in your little contest earlier this evening, so Ed, you will be first!” She paused to finish her drink.
“Now, when you cum, you will not come in my pussy, you will pull out and spray your cum on my body or on my face. I expect that by the time you are all finished, I will be pretty much covered in cum from my eyebrows to my belly button so if you see an empty space, cover it!” She paused and looked around, “Any questions?” They all shook their heads.
She got up and laid down on the bed on her back, her legs dangling over the edge. “My husband will show you the position that you will use to fuck me. As a special bonus, if I happen to orgasm while your cock is inside me, I will give you a bonus blowjob before you leave! Sweetheart?”
He husband moved into place and started the timer on his phone. He fucked her slowly until it dinged and then pulled away. Ed moved quickly into his place and the timer was restarted.
They went through three rotations before the first man pulled out. Malcolm, who had already cum twice that night couldn’t hold off as he sprayed his cum all over her belly. He backed away and Rafa took his place.
Louie was next to blast off, pulling out and shuffling up to her face to coat it in his creamy love batter. She licked her lips and smiled at him as he moved away. The sight of Louie coating her face must have been too much for Ed because he barely got back inside her before pulling straight back out and coating her breasts.
“Saving the best for last!” she grinned at Rafa as he slipped inside her. “You got the trifecta, once in each hole!” He just grinned because what do you say to that?
His cock was the second biggest one she’d ever fucked and she was thoroughly enjoying having her insides rearranged by it. His eyes were screwed shut as he pummelled her. He had wanted to fuck her ass hard but he somehow sensed that she wanted that time to be more gentle.
Thomas knew he wouldn’t last much longer so he moved up beside Rafa and whispered, “Cum inside her. If you cum inside her she will cum and you’ll get that blowjob!” She couldn’t hear him above her moans.
Rafa weighed disobeying a direct order by not pulling out against pulling out and not making her cum. He decided that the punishment would be less than the reward so he redoubled his efforts and let his thumb tease her clit.
“Hey! He’s cheating! Louie protested.
“No one said you couldn’t try harder to make her cum!” Thomas said so Rafa continued.
“Almost there!” Tessa breathed. He had been holding back but decided to take his chance. He surged forward and emptied his cum inside her, holding into her as she screamed out her lust.
Sated, he pulled out and looked at her. She was a mess! Her face, chest and tummy were splattered with cum and she was sweaty from the exercise. “I’m sorry, Ma’am, I disobeyed a direct order!”
“I’m glad you did!” she said. “But you still must suffer the consequences!”
“I will do whatever my Commanding Officer directs me to do!” he said.
“Clean my pussy!” she commanded. “You filled it, you clean it out!”
He came to attention and saluted as only a Marine can, “Yes Ma’am!”
As Rafa started on her pussy, her husband started at her face. He licked and kissed her, professing his love for her and thanking her for being his hotwife.
“I can’t watch this,” Ed said and he turned to clean himself off and get dressed. Malcolm joined him leaving Louie to watch the aftermath of their marathon fuck session. They’d started just before 10 PM, it was now just after 2 AM.
By the time she was mostly clean, they were all hard again. Tessa told Rafa to lie down and she climbed onto him, slipping her pussy over his cock one more time. “In my bag, I might have a sampler,” she told her husband and he dug through it, bringing it to her. She handed it to Louie who slathered it onto himself and slid into her ass. Then she beckoned her husband over, “Airtight! This is amazing!” she said as she sucked his seven inches into her mouth.