Sam and Donnie explained that, on OnlyFans, users pay a subscription fee and then can pay per view for video or some users donate tips to view content. On their site, they have soft porn for subscribers but if they want to view “the good stuff” they have to pay for it. Sam showed us her income for the past month, $1,050 after all taxes and expenses. “That was a slow month,” she said. The most they’d made in a month was just over $9,000.
“Can we see some of the content?” Thomas asked. Sam called up a video that she and Donnie had done of her going down on him and then taking his cum on her face. “That series has netted just over $2100 in less than a year.”
“Is it just you guys who feature on your site?” Tessa asked.
“No we have other people who we’ve interacted with that have allowed us to use their video,” she said. She called up another video of a pretty blonde mature woman and her husband. Donnie was fucking her while she sucked her husband’s cock.
“We pay our contributors a flat fee per video and then a small percentage, usually around 6 or 7% of gross revenues,” Donnie said. “We have a videographer who shoots professional quality video and a video editor who refines it and cuts it into 4 to 5-minute clips.
“If you guys put that video on our site that we did tonight, I would guess we’d make about $25,000 in the first year alone.” Tessa gasped. “Cuckolding and anal are the big two right now and you guys are so hot, we could probably go as high as 10%. We could make a lot of money off you!”
She looked at Thomas who had taken Sam’s phone and was flipping through some videos. “They’re not on there,” Sam said. “There’s just no market for over 35’s.”
“Do you have their videos with you?” Tessa asked.
“We do,” said Sam. “But I can’t show them to you.”
“Can’t or won’t?” Tessa asked. She really wanted to watch her mother and mother-in-law in action. Sam waggled her hand and Tessa knew she had her. “Tell you what, you let me see the video and we’ll let you put part of our video on your site.”
“Tessa, shouldn’t we talk about this?” asked Thomas.
“Listen to your husband, Tessa,” Donnie interjected.
Tessa was unperturbed, “Give me a full copy and we will meet you and recreate the video we just made using your videographer and editor. Wide open, no blurred faces, my ass full of thick cock for anyone who wants to pay for it! No other payment required!”
“Tessa, I am not going to negotiate with you on this tonight,” Sam said. “Thomas is not comfortable and we don’t care if you are his wife, you cannot give permission for any video he is in to be viewed on our site. That rule is hard and inviolable.”
“So how do we do this?” Tessa asked.
“Go home, talk about it. If both of you agree, we can talk about it. But I caution you, putting your sex life online ruins a lot of people’s lives. What would your friends say? How about your employers? You have to consider everything!”
“Tess, we can talk about it when we get home,” Thomas said, knowing he would never agree to it. She believed that after what happened tonight, she could get him to agree to anything.
Sam looked at her watch, “We have to go, our flight is in three hours and we haven’t packed or anything!” She stood up and went to Thomas, “This was fun! If we ever get together in the future, you can fuck my ass!”
“If I can get my wife’s permission to do so, I’m in!” he laughed. They shared a nice long kiss.
She rubbed his growing erection, “You do have a really nice cock! Perfect size for sucking!”
“Thanks, I guess? he laughed. He turned to watch his wife say goodbye to Donnie.
“We did it!” she whispered. He nodded and they kissed. “I doubt I will ever have a bigger lover than you, I will never forget you or this night. You made our fantasies come true! We can never thank you enough!” Then she turned to Sam.
“Samantha, thank you, we had a great time! Thank you for shooting our video, and for not judging us. Not everyone will understand what Thomas and I have, our need for him to be cucked and my need to be a hotwife. You get us!” They kissed long and deeply. “I promise, we will talk about it!”
“I had a lot of fun. You are quite a couple and I hope this cuckold thing works out for you, you really love it!”
“We do!” Tessa said.
Donnie and Sam collected their things and left. After the door closed, Tessa checked the clock, nearly 4 AM. “This town is going to kill us!” she said. She kissed her husband deeply. “Did you really mean it? Do you really want to keep doing this?”
“I don’t want to live that life full time, so I guess it is a game. But if the opportunity comes up, I will let you cuck me any time!” he said.
“Tell me, when we were in the heat of it and you had Donnie’s cock in your hand, did you like it?”
“I didn’t want to touch it at first but I knew that you wanted me to do it, I knew it would make the experience better for you if I did. But you know what, after I did it, I liked it.” They kissed again, “I like surrendering my power to you, being your plaything. I know that, after the game is over, you will come back to me and love me even more.”
“That’s not possible,” she whispered. “No one could love you as much as I do and I can’t imagine loving you more than I do right now! She looked into his eyes, “But I have to know. Before Donnie put his cock in my ass if I had asked you to put it in your mouth, would you have done it?”
“Without hesitation,” he said. “It’s like when I grasped and guided it toward your bum, I didn’t want to but then I was glad that I did. I mean what’s the difference between sucking his cock and licking his cum from your ass or your pussy? So yes, if we are in a cuckold situation and you ask me to suck the guy’s cock, I probably will.”
“You are full of surprises tonight!” she said. She got up, “Fuck, my ass hurts! Donnie gave it a proper fucking didn’t he?”
“You will see when we watch the video!” They turned out the lights, put the do not disturb sign on the door and climbed into bed.
When Thomas awoke, the sun was streaming in through the open curtains. He got up, pulled them closed and went to the washroom. He climbed back in beside his wife and pulled her to him, her bum nestled against his hips. “Mmmmmmm, I love you!” she whispered and they went back to sleep.
The next time he woke, he was alone. He looked around and saw that the room was a wreck! It smelled of stale sex, cum, strawberry lube and sweat. They would have to get housekeeping to clean it at some point in the day. He heard the shower running and followed the sound to see Tessa leaning against the glass wall, her left hand caressing her breast and her right grinding into her pussy. He watched silently as she came and when her eyes opened, she saw him watching her.
This wasn’t the first time he’d caught her masturbating but, in the past, she would startle and try to cover herself up. This morning, however, she looked at him and smiled before licking her fingers that had just been on her clit. He smiled back and opened the stall door to join her.
“Good morning, Sweetheart!” she whispered as he took her into his arms. He turned her so she was back onto him and cupped her breasts in both hands.
“Mmmm, good morning! How are you feeling?”
“Better than I deserve too!” she said with a chuckle. “My bum is pretty sore and I don’t think it’s closed up all the way yet. I don’t think I’ll be doing any more anal for a while!” He slipped his hand down and between her firm buttocks and teased her hole. It was indeed open enough that his fingertip probed inside her with no resistance. She inhaled sharply. “Like I said, pretty sore!” He turned her to face him and took her face in his hands.
“How about you, Baby, how are you feeling? She asked as her hands wrapped around his cock.
“Not bad,” he replied. “A little dehydrated but other than that pretty good.
She squeezed his cock firmly, “I’d say you’re feeling better than pretty good!” He smiled and they kissed passionately before she knelt and took him into her mouth. He relaxed and enjoyed the sensations of the water falling on them and his cock slipping effortlessly into her throat.
He stiffened as he came, expecting her to take his load on her face and then stand up so he could clean her. That was their thing now, but this morning it was different. She kept her mouth on him, swallowing every drop and not sharing any. All he got was a taste of his cum on her tongue.
He recalled the taste of Donnie’s cum, mixed with hers last night when he cleaned her. It was very different tasting to his own. He wondered if all men tasted different and resolved that he would like to find out.
“Not in a sharing mood this morning?” he asked.
She smiled and shook her head, “I’d like to talk to you about that after breakfast. Now please wash me so I can get something to eat, I’m fucking starving!”
They washed each other and got out. He watched as she dried herself and marvelled at her perfect body and face. Perhaps not all men had an appreciation for her beautiful face, delicate neckline, strong shoulders, magnificent breasts, trim waist, generous hips and strong legs with her pink painted toes at the bottom. But he was not all men.
“What?” she asked when she saw him staring.
“Just admiring the view!” he replied as he resumed towelling himself off. She came over to him and kissed him gently.
“You know, Thomas, after last night I was afraid that my feelings about you, about us might change.” She kissed him again. “And I was right, they have changed. I love you more deeply today than I did yesterday.” He started to speak but she stopped him, “I need to get this out in one go. I have a new appreciation for you as a man and a person. That you would go to such lengths to prove to me how much you love me shows me how lucky I am to have you as my husband and soul mate.” She kissed him again and he made to speak, “Not done!”
“Sweetheart, the reputation of someone who enjoys watching his wife with other men is that of a weak, insecure man who believes he is inferior to them. Nothing could be further from the truth. A weak man would not be able to stand to watch that, only the strongest of men could. And to me, you are the strongest man in the world!” She kissed him again, “Now you may speak!”
He smiled at her before he spoke. “Tessa, watching you last night was the thrill of my life so far. Watching you give yourself to him, willingly and wantonly, watching him take you as his own. Having you tease and torment me excited me to a level I only ever dreamed of. And to come back to me and say that you love me more than ever fills me to overflowing.” He kissed her and continued, “I love our new life and I wouldn’t change a thing!”
“Nothing?” she asked. He shook his head. She opened her mouth to speak but was cut off by the rumbling of her stomach. They both laughed, “Let’s go get breakfast, then we can talk some more!”
Instead of dressing in sexy underwear and revealing tops or dresses as she had the past couple of days, today was to be a jeans and sweatshirt day. They stopped by the concierge desk and asked that their room be made up while they were out. Their fingers interlaced as they walked out of the hotel and spied the Denny’s across the street. “That’s what I need!” said Tessa and they crossed over and went inside.
After a huge breakfast each and several cups of coffee, they were refreshed and feeling much better. Tessa still had that ache in her backside and she knew that her voiding herself would be challenging for a couple of more days as it always was after she had her ass fucked. But the feeling she’d experienced as Donnie filled it with his cum and her husband licked her clean was worth every bit of discomfort.
“Any idea what we should do today?” she asked him. He just shrugged his shoulders. “Maybe we could go down by the pool and people-watch?” she suggested. They loved to watch people and try to imagine their life stories. She wondered how those imaginings might change now that they had started this new chapter in their lives where sex was to figure more prominently than it ever had before.
“Sure,” he said. “I like that idea. They walked all the way around the block to get back to the hotel and again, Tessa was struck by the noise. Maybe tonight we could go to the casino for a bit?” he suggested.
“We are in Vegas,” she replied. “When in Rome and all that!” They made their way up to their room where the housekeeping staff were just finishing up. Tessa saw that they had forgotten to put away their toys and lube and that one of the staff had set them on a hand towel on the coffee table. “Oh my gosh!” she exclaimed. I’m so sorry!” She scooped up the towel and the toys and carried them into the washroom.
“Don’t be embarrassed, ma’am, you wouldn’t believe the things we see every day!” the young woman told her.
They finished up and Thomas dug a fifty from his wallet. “Sorry, it was so messy!”
“I’ll bet it was a lot of fun though!” she said with a wink.
Tessa returned from the washroom, drying the toys on the hand towel before setting them on the nightstand to dry completely.
“Can we talk, or would you rather wait until later?” she asked.
“Is it something that needs to get sorted right now?” he asked. She shook her head. “Then let’s wait. “What was it you wanted to talk about?” She showed him her phone, it was a text from Sam asking how they were doing and if anything had changed in the cold light of day.
“Tell her nothing has changed,” he said.
“You’re wrong, Thomas, everything has changed!” she kissed him and turned to get her swimsuit.
She had brought three swimsuits with her, her older one-piece that she wore when she swam for exercise, her bikini that had ample coverage and a new one that covered almost nothing. It being daytime and the good chance that there would be children about, she chose the second one.
“Wear the Speedo,” she said as she took off his jeans and underwear. His flaccid cock swung about as he moved, “It really is a rather nice cock!” she thought as he pulled on the swimsuit and tucked himself into the pouch. She put on a sheer coverup and he pulled a t-shirt over his chest, they slipped in their sandals and headed for the pool.
There weren’t as many children as she thought there might be but there were plenty of lean young bodies to ogle. The attendant set them up in a couple of lounge chairs overlooking the pool and got them some fruit juice. It might be just after 2 PM but after last night, it was still too early for booze.
They watched from behind their sunglasses as their fingers continuously touched each other’s hands and arms. It seemed that neither of them wanted to lose contact with each other and the mere brush of her fingertips against his was the most intimate thing she could imagine. After sharing him with Sam and him sharing her with both of them over the past two days, she was glad to have him all to herself.
They lay in the sun for an hour or so before moving to a shaded area near one of the many bars. They ordered fruity rum drinks and sipped as they watched the people move and play around them.
“She cute,” Tessa whispered as a tall, lithe blonde walked by, looking completely indifferent to the world.
“Very pretty,” Thomas agreed. “But not my type. Too skinny. I like my girls stacked!”
“You liked Sam plenty the night before last, she’s not stacked!” she teased him.
“Well somebody had to keep her occupied while you were fucking her husband’s ten-inch cock!” he leered, a little too loudly.
They continued watching and making comments until Tessa excused herself to the washroom. While she was gone, a young man approached him.
“Excuse me, Sir. Can I talk to you for a minute?”
He was about six feet tall and fit, well-muscled with a high and tight haircut. “Marine?” Thomas asked.
“Yes, Sir!” he replied proudly.
“What did you want to talk about?”
“Well, my friends and I noticed that your wife is very, very beautiful and we wondered if you two would like to join us for a drink.”
“I’ll ask her when she gets back,” he said.
She returned a moment later and kissed him. “What did I miss?”
“Don’t look but there is a group of handsome and very fit young men over there who want us to join them for a drink,” he told her.
“How many of them are there?” she asked.
“Five altogether,” he said. Her fantasy brain woke up and she sifted through the mental catalogue of things she might do with five handsome and fit young men. Her pussy dampened at the thoughts.
“What do you think,?” she asked.
“Well, if they’re interested in what I think they might be interested in, I’m not sure today is the best day for that.”
“I think you’re right,” she said. “We have things we need to talk about.”
“Still, opportunity is knocking, it would be a shame not to at least answer the door,” he said.
“Yes, we did say that we should take advantage of opportunities as they arise!” she purred. “Let’s join them and see what they’re about!”
They got up, picked up their drinks, and went to join the ‘Few Good Men’, as Tessa would refer to them later.
Introductions were made and seats were shuffled so they could sit down. “What brings you gentlemen to Vegas?” Tessa asked.
They explained that they were a crew on a Marine Corps helicopter that had just finished an exercise at nearby Nellis AFB. Their helicopter was broken down and it wouldn’t be fixed for another few days so they decided to see the sights.
“Thank you for your service gentlemen!” Tessa said as she raised her glass to them.
The one who had originally approached Thomas cleared his throat, “Ma’am, I hope you don’t think we’re being too forward but we could hear some of the things you were saying earlier, about what you did a couple of days ago and we were wondering if you might be up for a little fun?”
The couple looked at each other. “I think they mean for you to have some fun with them, Sweetie, what sort of fun could I have with five young, fit men?” Thomas asked his wife.
“The same sort of fun we had last night, my dear,” she replied. “Look fellas, are you in town for a couple more days?”
“Until Friday, at least,” the Marine said.
Tessa leaned forward, “We’re not really up for the kind of fun you have in mind at the moment. You see, we spent most of the last two days having fun with another couple and we need a little recovery time. Why don’t you come back here on Thursday afternoon and we’ll see what happens!”
“Yes Ma’am!” the Marine said and his buddies all nodded enthusiastically.
“It’s a date, then!” Tessa said brightly. “We need to get inside, we didn’t put on sunscreen and we don’t want to burn. See you on Thursday, about this time?”
“We’ll be here, Ma’am!” She reached out and shook their hands leaving the one who had been doing all the talking until last. She brought his hand up to her face and sucked his middle finger into her mouth, teasing it with her tongue before letting it go. She blew them all a kiss before taking her husband’s hand and walking away.
“Now we have one more thing to talk about!” she grinned.
They got to their room and Tessa asked her husband to fill the whirlpool tub. They settled in with her back against his chest and she started fantasizing. “I wonder what it would feel like to have five at once?” she mused. “I mean, not in my ass, not yet, but I just wonder.”
“I think it would be pretty hot to watch you with them,” Thomas said, his erection poking the small of her back. “To watch you suck them and fuck them and jack them with your pretty hands and have them cum all over you so I could clean you up when they’ve finished with you! It would be amazing!”
“It would,” she said. She guided his hand to her pussy and together they rubbed until she came. Then she turned around and told him to sit up on the ledge of the tub. She sucked him dry for the second time that day but instead of keeping it to herself, she let him paint her face with his cum and use his fingers and his tongue to feed it into her mouth drop by drop.
They got out and dried off before getting into bed, their bodies still damp. “So do you think we should do it?” she asked.
“I’m game if you are!” he replied. “There was something else you wanted to talk about?”
“There was, a few things actually.” She took a deep breath. “I’ve been thinking about this cum cleanup thing. It seems to me that you are eating a lot more of your cum than I am lately, That’s not fair, I love it as much as you do and I need my protein too!” She kissed him, “So I propose the following: If it’s in my mouth or in or on another woman’s body, it’s mine unless I decide to share it with you. Otherwise, it’s yours, unless you decide to share it with me. The exception being if it’s another man’s cum, then it’s your decision.”
“So if another man cums in your mouth, you have to share it with me?” Thomas asked. Tessa nodded. “I think that’s very fair!” he said. “Your terms are acceptable!” They kissed to seal the deal.
“What do you think about us being with others by ourselves?” she asked.
“That might not be as fair,” he said. “You would have a much easier time finding other partners than I would. Women as well as men.”
“You think so?” she asked. “I think you’d do okay. The only thing is we would never do it without the other one’s knowledge. There is no forgiveness, only permission on this one! Agreed?”
“Let’s see how it goes,” he said. “We’ll try it if the opportunity comes up and if it doesn’t work out, no harm, no foul. But let’s wait until after we get home, I want to spend this whole trip with you, no matter who else might be involved.”
“Your terms are acceptable,” she laughed and he joined her. Then she turned serious. “Speaking of going home, what are we going to do about my mom and your stepmom?”
“I think we say nothing unless somehow it comes up. Yes, they invaded our privacy but it did work out very well for us in the end.”
“I knew you would defend her!” Tessa bristled. Then she took a deep breath and calmed herself. “But you are right, it did work out very well indeed!” she rolled her eyes and shivered at the memory of Donnie’s cock in her mouth, pussy, and ass. “I just want them to know they crossed a line!”
“I’m partly to blame, I left the laptop open and the video on the screen. If it comes up, we’ll tell them. We’ll just have to be more careful about our videos too.’ he said. “Speaking of videos, have you given any more thought to what Sam and Donnie suggested?”
“A little. I’m on the fence with that one. On the one hand, it could destroy us, on the other hand, I sure would like to get at Donnie’s big cock again!”
“And I would like to get at Sam’s ass!” he leered. “Let’s park that one for now.”
“Okay.” They kissed and then Tessa said, “I’m hungry. Let’s go have some supper and when we’re done, we can talk about the fun things we can do with those five Marines!”
As it happened, suppertime was when the restaurants at the hotel were most busy. Who knew? They agreed they didn’t want anything fancy so they chose to go to the sports bar for burgers. As they waited in line to be seated, there was a couple in front of them who appeared in their forties and very much in love. They chatted while they waited and learned that it was the couple’s anniversary, twenty years!
“Ours too!” said Tessa. “Ten for us.”
“Well congratulations!” the lady said. “I’m Nancy, this is my husband, Ian.”
“I’m Tessa, this is Thomas.” They shook hands.
“Why don’t you guys join us, we’ll get a table faster and we love meeting new people!” Ten minutes later they were hearing all about Billings and the wide open spaces of Montana.
“We’re from Buffalo,” Tessa lied. These folks seemed a little too friendly, no point in giving anything away unnecessarily.
“Awful winters there!” Ian said. “So much snow! I mean, we get our share but you guys, WOW!”
“It’s nice in summer though, and our families are there,” she said.
Dinner was excellent and as they ate they talked about what to do and where they’d been. “For our tenth, we went to Amsterdam!” Nancy said. “It was so romantic and fun and the Red Light District! Oh my God!” She downed her drink, “That was the first night I had sex with another man with Ian watching. That trip saved our marriage and our lives!”
“Really? How so?” asked Thomas.
“We’d been having trouble, we were growing further apart. We each had an affair and it almost ended us. So we went to Europe to be alone together for two weeks and we just talked. My goodness, how we talked!”
Nancy took over, “We talked about everything, and I mean EVERYTHING! What we liked what we didn’t like, why we had the affairs in the first place and then we came to an agreement. If we were going to have affairs with other people, we would do it together! That’s why we picked Vegas. They say if you can’t get laid here you can’t get laid anywhere!”
Tessa and Thomas shared a look. “Wow, you’re very upfront about it!” she said.
“What’s the point of beating around the bush?” Ian said. “This way you get where you want to go much faster.”
“And where do you want to go?” asked Tessa. Thomas squeezed her hand.
Nancy leaned forward, “To find as many people as we can to fuck in seven days as we can!” They all laughed.
“And have you found anyone?” she asked.
Nancy shook her head, “We just got here a few hours ago. We were just going to relax tonight and be with each other and start looking tomorrow.’ She took another bite of fries and swallowed. “Why, you interested?”
“Excuse us, we need to talk alone for a moment,” Thomas said and he got up and led Tessa away. “Well?”
“They’re both pretty good-looking. I mean she has a nice body and so does he. I say we give it a shot!” Her eyes sparkled with anticipation.
“Knock-knock!” Thomas replied and he kissed her.
“I have to pee,” Tessa said and she turned to the washroom while he returned to their table. When he got there, the older couple were holding hands and whispering between kisses.
“Tessa just had to go to the ladies’ room,” he told them.
Nancy got up, “Me too, be right back.” She trailed her fingers along Thomas’s arm as she left.
“So?” Ian asked.
“Let’s wait until the ladies get back,” Thomas said.
Tessa did her business and as she was checking he face in the mirror, Nancy walked in. She said nothing, just walked up to Tessa, placed her hands on the younger woman’s cheeks and pulled her in for a hot kiss. “I want to fuck your husband and I want you to fuck mine!” she panted and then kissed her again. “You like girls, right?”
“I love girls!” Tessa said. “And I love fucking other women’s husbands!” They kissed again.
They returned to the table hand in hand. Nancy picked up her purse, “Pay the bill Ian and meet us upstairs!” she took Thomas’s hand in her other one and marched them out of the restaurant.
When they got to the other couple’s room, Nancy turned to Thomas and kissed him the same way she’d kissed Tessa. Tongues flashed, lips smacked, and deep breaths were taken in through nostrils as they remained joined at the lips for a full minute. Then Ian joined them, took Tessa into his arms, and kissed her.
“My husband thinks you’re the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen!” Nancy said.
“That’s what I think too!” said Thomas. He looked around, they were in a suite with two separate rooms. “So how does this work, do we each go to separate rooms or do we all stay here?”
“Not only are we going to be in the same room, we’re going to be in the same bed!” said Nancy. She looked at Tessa, “Have you ever gone head-to-head?”
“I don’t know what that is,” she replied.
“Come here, let me show you!” In moments their clothes were strewn everywhere and the two women were lying on their backs on the huge bed, each facing the opposite way with their heads next to each other. Nancy turned her face to Tessa’s and shifted over to kiss her. “You see? Head-to-head!”
“I thought it was some BJ thing! Tessa giggled.
“Oh, we can do that too!” Nancy giggled and kissed Tessa again. Then she looked at the men, “Why are there not cocks in our pussies?”
“You start with your wife, then we’ll switch!” said Ian.
“It’s your party!” laughed Thomas. He moved to Tessa and slipped his cock into her pussy; she was as wet as he’d ever seen her.
“Oooh, Baby, that’s what Mama needs!” purred Nancy as her husband slid himself inside her. She looked at Tessa, “So here’s how this works. Our husbands are going to get us good and wet and then they’re going to switch positions. And after they’ve filled our wet pussies with their cum, I’m hoping you’ll get into a sixty-nine with me so I can clean my husband’s cum out of you and you can do the same for me!”
“I like it!” Tessa whispered and she kissed Nancy’s pink-painted lips.
The two men fucked their wives for three or four minutes and the two women’s lips only left each other’s to utter moans or sighs as their arousal built. Their hands caressed each other’s faces as they kissed, it was almost like their husbands were fuck machines to enhance their encounter.
“Ready?” Nancy asked.
“Ready!” Tessa said.
“OK, boys! Switch!” the older woman called. The men scrambled to change positions and Nancy moaned as Thomas slid into her. “Mmmm so big!” she moaned. “My God, Honey, this boy is huge!”
“You do like them big!” Ian said as he slid into Tessa’s dripping quim. “Fuck she’s tight!” They spent the next minute or so describing to their spouse how their lover’s cock or pussy felt.
Ian wasn’t as long or as thick as Thomas but he had a pronounced upturn which she appreciated as his cock made almost constant contact with her G-Spot. “Oh Fuck!” she gasped when she realized what was happening. “Size isn’t everything!” she thought as she kissed Nancy’s lips again.
“I cannot wait to lick my husband’s cum from your pussy!” Nancy panted as she became more and more aroused. “Mmm, your husband’s cock is MAGNIFICENT!”
“You should see the cock I had last night!”” Tessa told her. “Ten inches in all three holes!”
“Oh, I would KILL for that! Biggest I’ve ever had is about eight!” They kissed again as their husbands got down to the final strokes.
“Oh fuck here I cum!” Ian groaned and he unloaded himself into Tessa’s tight snatch.
“Stay inside her!” Nancy urged him. “Don’t let a single drop leak out!”
“Come on, Thomas, fill her pussy full of your sweet cum!” Tessa urged. After their talk about cum sharing earlier that day, she was eager to get her share.
A minute later, she got her wish. Thomas grunted and emptied his balls into Nancy’s pussy. The older woman moaned loudly as his cock surged with each pulse of warm sperm. Finished, he pulled out and Ian did the same.
The two women quickly got into position, Nancy on top and a minute later she screamed as Tessa’s talented tongue licked her to orgasm. After recovering, she returned the favour as Tessa squirted her love sauce all over Nancy’s face.
They separated kissed and Nancy returned to her husband. Thomas and Tessa watched as he licked and kissed the tangy wetness from his wife’s face and upper chest.
The older couple looked at them, “That was fun! What shall we do next?”
“Two on one?” Tessa suggested.
“Which two on which one?” asked Thomas.
“Depends who chooses!” she said. “If you choose it’ll be us girls with one of you guys but if I choose it’ll be the other way around!”
“How about duelling blowjobs?” suggested Ian.
“Oooh, I like that one!” Nancy purred. “Then the ladies can share with the other one’s husband!”
“You’re okay to share cum, aren’t you Thomas?” Tessa burst out laughing.
“Can I show them?” she asked. Sam sent her some screenshots of the action last night. She got her phone, tapped it a few times and started scrolling. “Okay, here’s me with Donnie’s cock in my mouth. And here he is in my pussy! And here he is in my ass! And here’s Thomas cleaning me all up!”
“Holy fuck Nance! Just like we did last year!”
“That was the best night ever!” Nancy gushed. “See, Honey, I told you there are other men like you! Ian likes to clean up after my lovers just like Thomas does.”
“We have rules though,” Tessa said. “you see, I love cum almost as much as he does, especially other men’s cum! So the rule is if it’s in my mouth or on another woman’s body, I get first dibs, If it’s in or on my body or it’s another man’s cum, he gets first. We are free to share if the mood strikes us.”
“That seems fair,” Nancy said. “We’re a bit different, his cum is mine, and other men’s cum is his. That’s why he loves it when I fuck three or four guys at once!”
“So about those duelling blowjobs,” Tessa said. She stood up and took Ian’s hand, leading him to the edge of the bed. She knelt on the carpeted floor and took his cock into her throat. The upward bend made it feel very different and she realized that it would be easier if she were inverted, as if they were in a sixty-nine. But this was duelling blowjobs, not duelling sixty-nines.
Meanwhile, Nancy was struggling to get Thomas all the way into her throat. She could easily take her husband but Thomas was just too long and too thick. She resigned herself to just a regular BJ, knowing she would be swallowing her husband’s cum later that night.
Each woman would occasionally take a glance over at her husband, trying to gauge from his tells how close he was to coming. She could see that Thomas was holding his own while Ian was grunting and beginning to sweat.
“In our mouths or on our faces?” Tessa asked. “My Thomas loves to clean my face!”
“Faces it is then!” Nancy laughed and she took Thomas back into her mouth. A loud groan from Ian told them all he would cum first. Tessa backed off and he stroked himself three times and spurted one long, seemingly never-ending stream of wet, sticky cum onto her pretty face.
She took him back in for a few slow finishing sucks and then she sat back, used her fingers to clean the cum from her eyelids, and watched as this pretty, mature woman fellate the man she loved. The cum ran slowly down off of her face and dripped onto her breasts.
Thomas, being younger, had somewhat more stamina so Nancy had to work a little harder to earn her reward. Ian got down beside her and urged her on, “Come on, Baby, suck that thing! Make him cum all over your beautiful face so I can clean you!” A minute later she was rewarded as Thomas’s cum covered her nose, eyelids and cheeks.
She sat back and Ian was on her immediately, loudly licking and sucking the cum from her face. Thomas moved over to Tessa and they shared a sticky cummy kiss. “I love cleaning you!” he said.
“You are such as good cuckold husband,” she purred. He cleaned her face and as he started to move to her chest, she stopped him. “Let Nancy do it.” Nancy smiled, moved over to Tessa, and, using her fingers and tongue, cleaned her husband’s issue from her full breasts.
“Your breasts are incredible!” she breathed as she finished with a long suckle on each nipple. Tessa moaned as the suckling roused the passion in her again.
“We have to go,” Thomas said, helping Tessa to her feet.
“You can’t stay?” asked Ian. Clearly, he was hoping to sample Tessa’s body again.
“No, we can’t. We have been fucking pretty much continuously for three days, we need to sleep,” Tessa said.
When they got back to their room, Tessa said, “I’m all gross, I’m going for a shower.” She kissed her husband and he let her go, knowing instinctively that she needed to shower alone. He laid out her rattiest t-shirt and old gym shorts, knowing that when she needed to just sleep, this was her favourite.
She emerged and saw the outfit on the bed. She smiled at him, “I am so tired, Baby. I just can’t tonight, I’m sorry.”
“Not sure I can either,” he said. The fatigue had caught up to him quickly so he crawled in beside his wife, cuddled into her and they slept as deeply as they ever had.
Twelve hours later, they started stirring. “God, I feel awful!” Tessa said as she stumbled to the washroom. He followed a few minutes later to see her filling the whirlpool tub.
“You want company in there?” he asked and she nodded.
“I just want to cuddle though, no sex today, I need to recover.” She sank her bum into the water, “Fuck, my ass still hurts!”
They had a lazy day, venturing out after supper to walk up and down Freemont Street and Las Vegas Boulevard, pointing out the variety of things that caught their attention. They stopped for ice cream before catching a cab back to the hotel. Tessa cuddled into her husband as they rode, “I had a good time today.”
“Me too,” he said.
That night was the first time in a long time that they hadn’t had sex on consecutive nights for as long as either of them could remember. The next morning, Tessa awoke early and horny. She took a shower and made sure she was clean and hairless before going back to the bed and slowly pulling the covers off her husband.
She was thankful that he had chosen to sleep naked as he usually did. She looked at his cock lying languidly against his thigh. She smiled to herself and slowly crept up and raised it with her fingers until she could take it into her mouth.
In their ten years together, they had done a wide variety of things sexually but she had never woken him with a blowjob. She sucked gently, rolling his head around on her tongue. He stirred and opened one bleary eye, “Hi!”
She took her mouth off him, “Hi!” and she went back down on him. Now that he was awake, she could be a little more aggressive so she swallowed him into her throat and took long slow movements starting with just her tongue in the hole at the tip and ending with her nose against his pubis. His hands found her hair but she brushed them away.
Soon after, she was licking her lips after swallowing all of his cum and after a day and a half without ejaculating, there was a lot of it! She moved up and kissed him, sharing the last taste of his issue on his tongue. “Good morning, Sweetheart!”
They went to the breakfast buffet and talked about the day ahead. The big decision was whether or not they were going to show up at the pool mid-afternoon to meet with the Few Good Men, they had met a few days prior.