A Korean Beauty

"A Korean college student poses in nylon stockings."

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During the good old 1960’s, in my college days as staff photographer for the school paper, I had the fortune of having many opportunities to cover beauty contests. On one occasion, I was taking candids of the contestants and also scouting for possible models in private shoots off campus. A freshman from Korea, Mimi, was petite–about 5’1″, 95 lbs., with short, but slender legs. Her parents were well off, working for the local embassy.

After the campus event ended, I caught Mimi as she was leaving. She was willing to pose for some informal modeling and we exchanged phone numbers. I called her to arrange for a shooting date the following week.

I picked up Mimi in my snug VW bug at her home in a nice part of town. She was eager to take pictures, as she never had professional portraits taken of her. Mimi came dressed for the occasion with a knee length beige knit dress with suntan colored hose and low heels.

We chatted as we drove to a nearby park where I knew we’d have some privacy and nice backgrounds. When I glanced over, my heart began racing as I realized that she was wearing something special. On her lap, I noticed what looked like garter clip bumps mid-thigh. Her tan nylons reflected a sheen that looked familiar–perhaps Hanes sheers, the old non-stretch type.

We finally arrived at the park and got out of the car. To get to the stream bed, we had to walk down a slightly steep bank. I went down first to give her a hand. As she gamely scrambled down across some rocks and through light brush, her hem rode up just enough to show her stocking tops. I could hardly wait to begin the shoot.

For the next couple of hours, we had the place to ourselves. I had her sitting on rounded boulders in the stream bed. To get to the boulders, she had to remove her shoes and wade in her nylons. Something about wet nylons were stimulating. In addition, her nylons were the old reinforced heel and toe type — adding to the eroticism.

Sitting on the boulders, she was oblivious to her dress hem riding up, especially when I had her lying back on her elbows or hanging on to low branches. Slowly, but surely, her hem began to reveal her stocking tops which now were fully exposed. The light-colored band at the stocking tops were in open sight, along with the metal garter clasps.

I made slight changes in her pose so as to not lose her revealing position, but to help raise the hem even further.

Hunching down for a lower angle, I was getting open shots into her crotch — not hard to do since her stockings were really long and extended just shy of her light-colored, nearly transparent panties. This was one of the most challenging and difficult shoots I ever did. How to continue shooting without passing out from the excitement and concealing the tent in my pants!

Suddenly it began to rain buckets. We needed to get out of the rain quickly or risk being soaked. Scrambling to the stream bank, she had to run through the water, soaking her lower legs and nylons.

I followed right behind up to the bank where she led the way up the steep incline. Being only a couple of feet behind her, I had an incredible view up her legs, right up to the completely exposed ass, just barely covered with nearly transparent sheer panties. The slit in her ass was plainly visible. The only thing I regret was that I didn’t have the presence to get a few extra shots of her openly displayed ass and stockings during those precious few seconds.

We managed to get back into the car, although she was pretty wet. I gave her a towel to wipe her hair, but she left her wet nylons alone. We decided to call it a day, and I drove her straight home — but not without my enjoying the final views of her wet nylons glistening in the sun that had emerged from the passing rain clouds.

A week later, when I went to show Mimi prints from the shoot, she greeted me at the door wearing a light, floral print dress. As in traditional Korean homes, she came out wearing house slippers. These were special, however, as the slippers were open-toed and she was wearing a pair of darker RHT stockings. The reinforced toes and heels could be clearly seen.

We sat across from each other on low sofas in the living room with the window light behind me cast on her. As I showed her select prints (not the ones with revealing stocking tops and more delectable views), she inched forward and slowly revealed dark stocking tops. Finally, the time came to say goodbye, but fond memories of the stocking encounter with Mimi have remained clear for over fifty years—especially because the color slides and black and white pictures from that wonderful day in the park were archived for posterity.

Published 11 years ago

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