My name is Carol. I am currently fifty years old, and am entering a new phase of life. My son has recently married and started his own life. His wife is now there to support him. But for the past few decades, I have been a loving mother to my son. I made sure he was always happy and content. The following is an account of my life with Tom.
I had been giving Tom a handjob every night for about three months. He was enjoying it a lot. Initially, it was performed under the top bedsheet, which I found very cute. I knew what was under there, and I could feel Tom’s small penis. But I could only imagine what it looked like. My curiosity was satisfied more recently. Tom had pulled the sheets back and was a lot more confident in himself. He was quite happy for me to see his penis and was not embarrassed at all.
I had told Tom that he needed to have all of his chores and his schoolwork done before I came to give him a kiss goodnight. His grades improved dramatically by the end of the semester. I never had to ask him to do anything twice. He was the dream son.
After washing the dishes, taking the rubbish out and feeding the dog, Tom would go to his room to complete his homework and study. I could hear the excitement in Tom’s voice when he later called, “Mom! Kiss Goodnight!” I would be looking forward to it also.
I would open his bedroom door to see Tom lying back in his bed. His erect penis would be on show, for all the world to see. Occasionally, I’d tell him what an exceptional penis he had. But, I was mindful not to overdo his ego. I’d slowly walk over and sit on the side of his bed. I’d take hold of his shaft and slowly begin stroking it. I began to talk with Tom during this time. I would ask him how his day was. I would ask him what he did at school. Tom’s answers were about as abrupt as you’d expect from a boy having his penis jacked off. But it took his mind off what was happening, just enough to give him a small amount of stamina.
A few minutes later, sometimes more if he talked about his day at school, Tom would cum. His body would stiffen, and his penis would get extra hard in my hand. Just before Tom released his load, his penis would begin to throb. I loved watching Tom’s cum shoot up into the air. I learnt to time my strokes for maximum effect. I’d grip his shaft firmly as I stroked downward with each ejaculation. When it was all over I’d say, “Wow Tom! That was lovely!”
One night, Tom asked me what a blowjob was. I could tell he knew already, but I played along. I had wanted to ask him about it for a while now, but I wasn’t sure how to broach the subject.
“I haven’t given one of them for a very long time,” I said.
“Will you give me one, please?” Tom innocently asked.
I replied, “I am a bit out of practice, but I’d love to. I am going to put my mouth onto your penis. OK?”
I was already licking Tom’s penis before finishing the sentence. I then began to softly suck it. I cupped his testicles as I continued to suck.
Tom could only take a few seconds of this, and was soon firing jets of cum into my mouth. I swallowed it all and kept sucking until he went soft. I looked up to see a look of pure satisfaction on his face. Tom said, “That felt unreal Mum!” He thanked me and told me he loved me. I gave him a kiss on the cheek, told him I loved him also, and I went to bed.
After giving Tom his first blowjob, I continued to finish him off this way every night from then on. I preferred this method. It was much tidier than a handjob, which left blobs of cum up to three feet in any direction. I think Tom preferred it also. In fact, think Tom enjoyed me sucking his penis more than anything.
As usual, he’d call me into his bedroom every night by yelling, “Mom, Kiss Goodnight!” As usual, Tom would be lying back on his bed with a lovely erection. Sometimes I’d lie at the lower half of the bed, and begin sucking Tom’s penis. Sometimes I’d stand beside the bed, and bend over. Sometimes I’d kneel on the bed so he got a view of my cleavage.
Initially, his stamina was very short. Tom would ejaculate in less than thirty seconds. But his stamina began to improve over time. After a while, Tom could have his penis in my mouth for long enough to relax and embrace the experience. I’d also get time to explore every inch of his penis and testicles, as I worked him up to an orgasm.
His ejaculation was powerful, and he’d easily fill my mouth or shoot jets of cum straight down my throat. Tom loved it. He’d get more vocal. He would coo and say, “Mom, that feels sooo good,” as I sucked away. I gave Tom a blowjob every night, and he thanked me every time.
I usually wore a pair of pyjamas each night I went in to give Tom his blowjob. But I could see he was looking at my breasts. My breasts had sagged a bit, but they were still quite good for my age. My big nipples were still perky and pointing straight out. Without a bra my boobs would jiggle around, and grab Tom’s attention.
Whilst standing beside the bed, I asked Tom if he had seen breasts before. He said “No. Well, only online.” I then unbuttoned my top to expose my boobs. Tom’s eyes were like dinner plates. I took one of his hands up to feel them. Tom hesitantly cupped my breast. I then asked if he’d like to suck them.
“It’s not like it’s the first time you have sucked them,” I joked.
Tom sat up, leant over, and began to suck my nipple. My nipple responded by getting hard and pointy. The excitement was almost too much for Tom. I could see his penis twitching. I took hold of Tom’s penis in my hand and instinctively stroked it a few times.
Tom immediately started cumming. The first few jets of cum hit my torso before I could direct his penis away. The last pulses oozed down over my hand. His cum stuck to my belly and slowly rolled down in one thick stream.
I then gave Tom access to my boobs every night that he received his blowjob. I wore a loose singlet. This made it easy for Tom to pull my boobs out when I lent over to suck his penis. The sight and feel of my boobs was a short setback for Tom’s stamina. But his stamina soon returned to where it was, and continued to improve. The longer Tom lasted, the more he enjoyed it.
My husband returned home regularly. Sometimes for weeks, sometimes for only twenty-four hours. Initially, we had sex on these visits. The sex wasn’t great, but it was better than nothing. I needed to refrain from “kissing Tom goodnight” when my husband was home. Tom’s testes would sometimes be heavy with semen by the time my husband returned to work. These nights were extra special. Tom’s climax would be more intense. His load volume would increase, and he’d shoot a few additional jets of cum as he ejaculated.
Eventually, the sex with my husband ceased, he stopped visiting, and we divorced. I kept the house. My husband remarried a young air hostess soon after. It was not a shock to me, but it was still hard for me to accept. Most importantly, I got custody of Tom. Having Tom there helped me through this tough period.
Tom was highly aroused from seeing boobs. A guaranteed way to get his penis erect was to flash him a boob. Sometimes, whilst relaxing and watching TV at night, Tom would ask if he could see my boobs. I would happily pull one of my boobs out for him. Tom would rest his head in my lap and gently kiss and suck my nipple whilst I watched TV. He’d then go to his bedroom. Predictably, very soon after I’d hear, “Mom!, Kiss Goodnight!” He would be lying on his back in his bed waiting for me. His erect penis would be standing to attention ready. It had grown noticeably in size since I first saw it. It was now just over six inches in length and five inches in girth. I measured it with him one night when we were discussing penis size. Tom could speak to me about anything.
Tom was self-conscious about his size, like all boys (and men). I informed him that he was above average size and had nothing to worry about. I informed him that his penis was actually bigger than his father’s. This made Tom smile, and his penis twitched with excitement. I then lent over and gave Tom his nightly blowjob. He pulled my boobs out from the singlet to watch them jiggle as I bobbed up and down. As usual, this excited Tom and he was cumming soon after. Tom’s cum had now fully developed, and was thick with semen. I loved the taste and swallowed down every drop. Tom told me that blowjobs were his most favourite activity in the whole world.
To be continued…