A mysterious club is there
Where all people wear masks
Kinky and hot fun if you dare
Are you up for this task
A mask must be worn you see
Sluts dance around you
A dedicated group of three
Will be all yours to screw
Masked beauties in lingerie
Flutter around your presence
It’s time for erotic play
This will feel very pleasant
You’re in silk boxers
The ladies pull them down
A little game of doctor
You grin with a frown
Two ladies on their knees
One at your back door
Are you ready to be pleased
These sluts are your whores
They tug and make you hard
Taking turns sucking your dick
You’re a bit off guard
Each stuff their mouth with your prick
The other girl massages your asshole
Rubbing and pressing on your prostate
These whores are in control
They’re your sexual playmates
They need your cock now
They bring you over to the bed
Sweat forms at your eyebrow
They’re done giving you head
One climbs onto your face
Your tongue inside of her box
You lick her at a good pace
The other climbs onto your cock
She moves her pussy really slow
Over your hard and thick rod
This is quite a sexy show
The other whore just nods
The girl fucking you screams
The girl on your face comes
Their pussies flow like streams
The fun is not yet done
They leave you hard to watch
The three girls play with each other
They all rub at their crotch
You look at them and wonder
One whore spreads her legs
One plays with her breast
She starts to moan and beg
Both girls suck at her chest
They play with her cunt
Each taking turns on her clit
She moans and she grunts
They each tongue fuck her slit
Coming is what you need
You’re in the middle of the floor
You beg and you plead
You beg them for more
Lube is smeared all around
First girl fucks your ass
You make grunting sounds
Sexy masked girls with sass
One girl pulls at your balls
The other sucking so fast
All three give it their all
You finally come at last
Fucking girl pulls out of your butt
Blow job girl swallows your junk
Rubbing girl squeezes your nuts
You’ve been a naughty hunk
You never knew who they were
Masks were worn the whole time
Your mind is in a bit of a blur
This was kinky and sublime