A Kinkster Is Born: Innocence Lost – Part 2

"Bell's first taste of a BDSM lifestyle and Fetish Convention"

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Bell stood where it all began. At the entryway to her new world with a cool evening breeze blowing through her amber hair. Her hand trembled over the door handle but not because of the cold.

‘Was this a good idea? Is this all moving too fast? What even is this?’

Last night her best friend, Annie had brought her the outfit she now wore and early that day, she had made her masturbate at work, during her lunch break. Despite the concerns that she harboured, the tight latex dress caressing her body caused her to nibble her lips. She had arrived at Annie’s house as they agreed, ready to attend a Fetish Convention together.

If a few days ago someone asked her if she wanted to attend a Fetish Convention or be clad from top to bottom in tight latex. She probably would have just laughed at them for their insanity. But then again, it wasn’t just anyone who asked; it was Annie. She was… Special. Even before all this began but now she had become more important to Bell than ever before.

She still didn’t know what this little game, that she had become enthralled with, actually was. Would it last just for the convention? Just a little fun between two friends? Was Annie really just trying to help get her out of her shell and start meeting new people again? She couldn’t figure it out and she didn’t dare to ask, fearing it would all end if she did. But how she wished for one particular answer.

The one thing she was certain about was that, from one seductive touch, Annie had claimed a magical hold over her. Now, Bell was about to go to her first Fetish Convention, with her best friend and Mistress. She couldn’t deny her trepidation but more than that she longed for Annie to call her that three-letter word. A simple name that sent such a bizarre pleasure rushing through her.


As she stood nervously at the precipice a yearning deep within her took over, whispering to her to go inside. The gnawing of carnal desires gently urged her to enter until it grew and demanded it. She silenced her nerves and opened the door, knocking as she called out for Annie.

“Hey, Annie? It’s me, Bell… How are you?” she called out, the nerves rung clear as she heard Annie’s footsteps reply.

Bell shut the door behind her and turned to greet the one that sent chills down her spine. She jumped as Annie grabbed her arms firmly and lifted them high above her with the wrists crossed over each other. Annie backed her up and pinned her tightly to the door. Their bodies pressed one against the other as Annie’s luscious lips caressed Bell’s lips.

Her fears slowly morphed into desire. Her thoughts turned to the night before when she first felt those delicate ruby lips, somewhere far more intimate, that left her trembling. As Annie broke the kiss, a strand of saliva stretched between each girl’s lips. Leaving Bell wanting more.

“Heya, Pet seems you’ve already forgotten what to call me,” Annie smirked as she called Bell the nickname she gave her the night before, “Leave your coat.”

When Annie released her grip, Bell quickly shed her coat revealing her latex outfit and stood chewing her lips still tasting her Mistress’ lipstick on them. Annie ran her fingers along Bell’s sleek black latex pencil dress with pink peplums exaggerating her hips. The dress was accompanied by matching stockings and a garter belt. Bell thought the outfit that Annie had picked for her was nice, but it was the beauty of Annie’s dress that Bell was focused on.

Annie stood a little taller than usual in her thigh-high heels. With a long side-split latex dress, sweeping down her body, the same deep ruby as her lipstick. Annie’s long legs were perfectly framed by the dress. It’s side-split ending in just the right place to draw the eye and make you wonder what lay beneath. Her long brown hair was done up in a high ponytail, no doubt smelling of her vanilla-scented shampoo again.

“You look amazing, Miss,” Annie smiled as Bell remembered to use the correct title this time

“Thanks, Pet. I’ve gotcha more gifts today,” Annie smiled at her as she showed a store bag from the only kinky store in town that Bell knew about.

As Annie retrieved the items from the bag, she took Bell’s hand and slid a pair of leather cuffs around her wrist. Within each cuff sat a metal ring on the sides. The silky smooth leather became snug as the buckles were tightened and then locked.

“Lift your hair and chin,” Annie instructed as she pulled out a matching collar.

The collar was made from the same luxurious material as the cuffs. Unlike the cuffs, however, it had three rings attached to it. One at the centre and one on each side. Annie made sure to leave enough room around Bell’s neck before placing a lock at the back and letting her Amber hair flow over it.

Annie softly ran her fingernails behind Bell’s ear and slowly down her neck. With a shiver, goosebumps appeared all over Bell’s body. She was Annie’s once more. She could already feel it. By some unspoken contract, signed and sealed as the padlock closed, Annie had claimed her. The trepidations that Bell had felt outside were washed away as she felt an unexplainable sense of safety come over her.

Annie held out the bag to Bell with a wicked smile, “You can grab the last gift, Pet.”

Looking into the bag, Bell lifted her eyebrows in surprise at what remained and looked nervously at her temptress.

“You want me to use that, Miss?” Bell asked, her voice wavered slightly, unsure what she hoped the answer would be.

Her Mistress simply nodded smiling and mouthed the word, “Now.”

Bell felt her body tingle with anticipation as she retrieved the naughty gift, a wireless-controlled bullet vibrator. She reached under her skirt. Painfully aware of Annie’s unfaltering gaze, Bell pulled her panties to one side and pressed the vibe into herself. Between her arousal and the lubricant used to get the latex on, it slipped in with ease eliciting a lewd moan.

Once she retrieved her fingers, the tight latex panties slapped her outer lips with the material snapping back into position and hugging her wet pussy. Bell groaned as she felt the toy settle within before Annie grabbed her shoulder bag and took her by the hand. It was time, Bell was on her way to her very first Fetish Convention.

“Let me get the GPS on,” Annie said, sitting in the car as she pulled her phone out.

Annie chuckled as she tapped her phone and with a subtle buzz, the vibrator turned on slowly drawing out her Pet’s lustful purrs. Bell squirmed, crossing her legs and squeezing against the vibe, she wanted more. Her fingers gripped her thighs, leaving small nail marks along her soft skin, as she inhaled sharply.

She bit down on her lips and groaned almost nonstop all the way. At one point, while Bell was absent-mindedly groping her own breast in the passenger seat, Annie reminded her that they were stopped at the traffic lights. Needless to say, her hands shot to her sides, hoping not too many people had seen her act. How long was Annie going to keep teasing her?

After around a twenty-minute drive, they pulled into the car park of the convention. Annie had mercifully turned the vibe off shortly before. As they stood outside of the car, Annie’s index finger ran along her Pet’s inner thighs. Just a little higher and her finger would have found the desire that slowly tricked down.

“Bella,” Annie said, hearing her actual name rather than ‘Pet’ now seemed a little strange to her, “I want you to have a good time, so relax… Promise ya, I won’t let anything bad happen to you. Just… Gotta trust me, ok?”

With the confession said, she placed one hand gently on Bell’s waist. A finger tracing her hips as it did the first night. Then they softly kissed, it was the most tender kiss Bell had ever had. Their lips remained linked as they enjoyed the embrace, and their tongues performed a tango. Bell was falling for her, maybe she already had.

“I do trust you Miss… I’ll have a good time. I am with you after all,” Bell replied, running a finger slowly along her collar.

Annie put on an elegant red masquerade mask decorated with fine white trim and feathers coming off the top, her long brown fringe fell over the other side. The mask gave Annie an aura of anonymity, that Bell wasn’t afforded.

It took a few minutes, for the couple to find the entrance but it was quickly obvious that they found the right place. Apparently, this convention didn’t do subtlety, but the queue was longer than what Bell had expected for this type of event. She figured that Annie’s lifestyle was no longer as niche as it perhaps once was.

The event had a line of actors knelt on a platform beside the queue, in various forms of bondage. One cute model dressed in a tight leather bodice, in particular, caught Bell’s wandering eye. A few of them were even encased head to toe in leather, not a single bit of skin visible. All of the models had one thing in common, they were chained to a long bar that ran low along the length of the platform.

‘Must be examples of what’s inside,’ Bell reasoned, her lustful curiosity peaked.

As they approached the queue she leaned into Annie, partly for the security she felt while with her but mainly because she wanted to feel the warmth of the person who was showing her this new exciting world that had brought her such joy.

“How much you think it cost them, to get all those actors?” Bell whispered pointing to the stage, “Seems a bit of a waste though. Having them outside I mean.”

Annie looked at Bell, pulling her close. A smirk began to appear, the same kind that began to ignite Bell’s perverse lust.

Annie took each of her Pet’s hands one at a time and slowly lifted them to the side rings of her collar before linking them together. Bell tried to move her arms to a less awkward position, but all it seemed to do was either push her bust together or make it look as though she was giving the worst strip tease ever. With both arms tethered to her collar, Annie slide a finger through the remaining centre ring and pulled Bell close to her.

Annie’s stray hand sat on Bell’s soft butt as she whispered the truth into her ear, “Hehe, they aren’t actors, Pet… They’re submissives, just like you, waiting for their partners to return with their event passes.”

Bell’s eyes widened as the implication became clear. Annie led her by her collar to the stage and found a free spot near the middle of the queue. She helped Bell kneel anxiously on the cushioned ground. The long railing at the front of the stage had several chains connected to it, one for each spot. Annie wasted no time in attaching it to Bell’s collar as she kissed her on the cheek and placed a lock through the chain.

She stayed with Bell for a few moments, caressing her thighs for all to see. Annie’s fingers teased to explore further, as her nails ran along the top of Bell’s stockings, eliciting a sharp inhale from her victim. Bell could feel Annie holding her tight with her breast pressed into her back and her breath falling against her nape. Eventually, Annie stood and discreetly used the app on her phone. Bell felt it instantly, the vibe beginning to tease her once more, this time in public. She looked at Annie who had placed a finger to her lips.

‘A secret? Would they get into trouble if someone found out what they were doing?’ Without another word Annie left, running her hand through the hair of a girl beside Bell.

Bell’s eyes fell on the girl next to her, wrapped securely with rope. The girl’s arms were bound behind her with rope interlaced between them. Her hand facing upwards in what she remembered was called a ‘reverse prayer-hold’. The rope looked woven from an expensive material that had been dyed pink.

She had tried so many times at Uni to bind herself in her bedroom like that – albeit – with much simpler knots. Despite looking at hundreds of tutorials online, she never did get the hang of it, before she finally gave up. Until yesterday, that was the closest Bell had ever gotten to a kinky lifestyle.

Thinking of those days, Bell found herself once more yearning to be tied as the girl was. Did Annie know how to do that? Would she do it to her? When she did would she fall in love with her even more? Bell’s breathing quickened as she envisioned Annie binding her like that. Her cheeks burnt crimson red. While in her mind she could almost feel the texture of the rope against her skin holding her prisoner.

The Rope Bunny had fairly normal clothes on other than the rope. A short black skirt and a white top. Bell could also easily see her rippled sheer pink knickers, as a tight crotch rope tied over her clothing hitched her skirt up. The Rope Bunny had her hair tied by another length of rope, connected to her elbows, keeping her from lowering her chin.

At that point, Bell realised that the girl had caught her staring at her. The Bunny smiled curiously as Bell bashfully looked away, only to find those in the queue looking back. She was so embarrassed and yet that was turning her on more. She bit her lips and tried to think of something, anything else.

A soothing voice came from beside her, it was the Rope Bunny, “First time I’m guessing?”

Bell looked at her, meekly nodding before managing to squeeze out her reply, “Mmm… Is it really that obvious?”

“A little bit, hun… But then again…” The bunny trailed off, “Suppose it could also have something to do with the button your friend pressed.” She stuck her tongue out and winked at Bell as she finished speaking.

‘She’s as bad as Annie is making fun of me. Is everyone here like that?’ Bell blushed.

Her legs trembled as the buzzing of the vibrator increased. She saw Annie in the distance watching. Waving her hand as a grin spread across her face and she slowly shook her head. The meaning was clear, it was the same instruction she’d been given time and time before. No orgasms, not yet. Not until her Mistress granted it.

“Hey, don’t worry ’bout it. I run a stall here with my friend. If things get a little too much for you, you and your mistress should drop by,” the rope bunny offered as she wiggled a little within her restraints.

The vibrations mercifully stopped as she felt herself tingling all over, “Mm… Thanks, I sh… Should be alright once my friend gets back here.”

As Bell regained her composure, a tall tanned man appeared. Who though well-dressed, seemed somewhat out of place in his simple slacks, shirt and waistcoat. His top two shirt button was left undone, revealing a modest amount of chest hair covering his toned torso. The man leant between the two girls and unclipped the chain that bound the Rope Bunny to the stage.

He carefully helped her up only to pause as the Bunny leant in for a whisper. One Bell couldn’t hear but the Bunny’s eyes were fixed upon her. After the girl finished her whisper, the man turned around and smiled before the couple quietly walked off together. Bell jumped as a finger reached out from the queue and tapped her nose.

“How ya doing Pet?” A smiling Annie asked, “Shouldn’t be much longer now.”

Annie’s prediction might have been correct but it seemed like forever to Bell. She wasn’t unhappy about her situation though. Annie’s words of comfort spoken outside the car kept ringing in her ear. Bell also couldn’t deny, that it felt as though a fantasy she had was being fulfilled. A shameful fantasy that she had subconsciously hidden away from herself.

Once Annie got back, she unlocked the chain that kept Bell on display. Then helped the horny pet to her feet and locked Bell’s arms behind her before clipping a leash to her collar. It seemed this was how Annie wanted them to enjoy the event and with how aroused Bell had become she was more than willing to oblige.

As the two entered through the main door, they were greeted with the sight of decadence all around. Annie led Bell forward slowly with the leash to the various stalls. Not long after she found herself having a conversation with a husband and wife, running a particular stall, who were both in chastity. Bell’s jaw almost hit the floor when she learnt they had been in their devices for almost four months now. Annie of course was teasing her about doing the same to her one day.

‘Protecting you from yourself,’ Annie had claimed.

The Convention was a peculiar experience for Bell but one she thoroughly enjoyed as her new exciting world unfolded before her. After about an hour of devious self-discovery later, the Pet was led to two familiar faces. It was the stall that the Rope Bunny had mentioned she helped run. She was bound on stage, but a little differently than before, as the man Bell had seen earlier also sat beside tending to a few visitors.

The Bunny almost looked like a ballerina, standing on the tiptoes of one leg, while bending forward. Her other leg curled behind her suspended high in the air, by a rope attached to a pole above her. She had her arms this time bound together and stretched forward suspended to the same pole as her foot. Her shirt had been opened revealing a bra skilfully made out of rope, Bell was particularly jealous of that – wishing she could feel it on her.

Annie went straight to the attractive man and hugged him while the Rope Bunny got a spank on her still-exposed bum before introducing Bell to them.

“Pet, this is Kevin, he was my… let’s say friend,” She said smirking as she pointed to the lean man, “and this cutie here is Sasha,” She continued while giving the Rope Bunny a slight nudge, making her whimper and hop on her one free leg.

Annie joined Kevin sitting on the platform of their stall. They caught up on old times as Bell sat in her lap. Her crimson cheeks had decided to join her too.

Bell’s eyes once more fastened on the ropes binding Sasha. She was eagerly asking her all sorts of questions about how she could hold those positions and how she did the knots. She could feel herself getting more excited as she pictured herself one day in Sasha’s position. Bell’s fingers absent-mindedly wandered over her inner thighs. Quickly she learnt that it was called Shibari, a name that she remembered from her experimental period at Uni.

The Pet had assumed that her Mistress was too busy with Kevin to listen to her conversation with Sasha. Her assumption was soon shattered. Annie slowly ran her fingers to Bell’s nipple, pinching them lightly as they poked against the thin latex. Bell startled, sat bolt upright as Annie spoke softly into her ear. Her voice was filled with devious intention as Bell felt a familiar buzzing deep within her again.

“With all those questions you’re asking, Pet. Someone would think you’d like to join her,” Annie had the same smile on her face that made her dimples pop.

The question lingered in the air – almost mocking Bell’s blatant lust – as she shook her head lying and chewed her lips as the vibrator became harder to ignore. A deep yearning within her hoped Annie could see through her shyness.

“Oh?” Annie laughed, “So it wasn’t you searching the net for all those Shibari tutorials back at Uni then? Musta been that pesky ghost, huh?”

Bell must have forgotten to delete the search history one day when she rushed to her room and tried to follow the instructions she found online. At Uni, they had shared a flat but could only afford one computer. She had always been careful to cover her tracks though. Had Annie known all this time? Had she been wanting to do this since then?

‘Mmm… Fuck! why didn’t I ask her to do this back then,’ Bell squirmed in her mistress’ lap, panting as her primal desires grew almost too much to bare.

Annie lifted her pet off her lap and lead her beside Sasha. As Kevin followed with some soft jute rope. The two of them bound Bell before she had the chance to object. Though it was clear what Bell desired, even if she lied to herself about it. They were somewhat generous with the knots they used, probably knowing that she wouldn’t have the flexibility of Sasha and that kind of bondage would only cause her discomfort and pain.

Instead, the two opted to bind her in a loose Strappado, Bell’s arms were intricately laced behind creating a diamond pattern of rope between the arms. She could feel the rope rub against her skin and silently wished she could see how it looked. Annie and Kevin worked meticulously with the finesse that only comes after years of practice. They attached a suspension rope to the bottom of Bell’s arms that lifted them behind and forced her to lean forward.

Bell groaned as the vibrator kept her company as she was bound on stage. Her hazy eyes swept across the passing crowds, wondering how many would realise what was happening. She saw a couple whispering to each other as they watched, surely they knew. She felt her cheeks burn as her breathing quickened. Why was being watched turning her on so much? She had always been shy, so much so that she would struggle to introduce herself to new people. Then why?

“Mmmm,” Bell couldn’t stop herself, she let out a long moan as each strand of rope tightened against her skin.

While Kevin, apparently the expert here at Shibari, added the finishing touches to Bell’s bondage, Annie rested her hand on Bell’s bum. Or at least it would seem that way to the public outside the stand. In reality, Annie was slowly running her finger along the outline of her Pet’s labia.

Bell could feel the latex slip between her fluttering lips as Annie continued to tease her. She was making it hard for Bell to keep their naughty secret from the public. Bell felt her butt get squeezed by her Mistress causing another shameless groan to slip out into the crowd of passing people.

“Kev, did you bring the gag I asked you to?” Annie asked, clearly she had planned this beforehand. Maybe ever since she saw Bell’s search history all those years back.

Kevin simply pointed to a small box, in the corner of the stage, as he left Annie with her prey. He sat beside Sasha while both of them watched giggling together. Annie moved Bell’s hair to one side and fitted the gag before placing a kiss on Bell’s cheek. Bell could feel her drool pooling in the corners of her mouth until it began to slip out between the gag and trickle down her chin.

Annie lent in for a private whisper as she gently caressed her erect nipples, “Try to stay a little quiet Pet. We’re not supposed to do this here.”

With that said Annie turned the vibe up further and stepped a little behind Bell. Thankfully it was already getting late so there were fewer people around to see Bell squirm on the stage. Bell’s thigh’s rubbed impatiently together. While her freckled cheeks were flush with desire as the first loud spank rippled across her latex-clad butt. Bell was pushed forward by the impact. She closed her eyes as the sensation spread through her body, almost as if time stood still.

Bell looked behind at Annie, who simply pointed forward while mouthing, ‘Eyes forward’. Bell groaned loudly as she turned to face the passing people once more. Most were minding their business but a few lustful eyes had been drawn by the echoing sound of a hand slapping latex. While one couple had taken out their phones to take pictures of Bell’s sweet torment.

Another spank landed on her other cheek. Bell replied by arching her back and opening herself to Annie. She couldn’t understand why, but as the heat radiated across her butt, she felt herself getting wetter. Another spank landed, then another and once more. Each time her lust grew greater and greater until it filled her whole world.

Bell was moaning, with drool dripping from her chin as the ninth spank landed or was that the tenth one? The dull stinging sensations crept across her rear while latex groped her dripping wet pussy. Bell’s legs began to shake. After being aroused all day with no release she couldn’t take much more, she needed the sweet relief that Annie held hostage.

‘Oh, God! Please Mistress, please!’ Bell cried in her heart.

Thrashing against the restraints in her lustful frustration had only brought her mind back to the soft rope interlacing her arms. Bell tried to say something, but the only things that escaped her gag were more drool and her deprived moans.

She thought she should feel ashamed of her situation but somehow she didn’t. In fact, if anything, having her power slowly stripped away from her was somehow making her feel empowered and free. More than that she was so incredibly aroused she didn’t have time for shame. She tried to get her desperate plea out once more.

‘Please, I need to cum,’ She repeated over and over in her mind. Hoping. Wishing somehow Annie would hear it.

Another spank landed. They were slowing down but retained the same amount of measured force. Annie paused between each slap now as her fingers traced lines over Bell’s spanked butt. The contradicting sensations only heightened each other. Bell’s legs quivered, her toes curled. Still no relief, only desperate longing. Her avaricious desire grew with each passing moment, swelling within her demanding to burst out.

Another slap fell sharply on her cheeks, and again the teasing fingers followed. As Sasha was balancing in her own precarious position, she was trying her best not to laugh too much at Bell. Her giggling however was interrupted as Annie reached across and gave her a firm spank too.

“Ow… Sorry Mistress!” Sasha shouted, suspiciously loudly.

Almost as if she was trying to draw people’s attention rather than apologizing. Annie smiled knowingly, her hand resting once more on Bell’s labia, hidden from view. She must have been able to feel how desperate Bell was.

“Ready to cum Pet?” Annie whispered as her fingers pressed with more force, parting her lips slightly as the latex sunk within ever so slightly along with her teasing finger.

Bell had never answered a question as quickly or certainly as she did then. Her head immediately nodded, as she once more tried to repeat the muffled pleas from earlier. Her hips wiggled against Annie’s hand trying to convince them to ignore their owner’s patience and slide deep within her. Annie lowered herself to Bell’s level as her hand continues to tease.

“Two more spanks and then you may but not before,” Annie spoke softly, biting her earlobe after finishing.

Bell braced herself, two more spanks and she could finally release all the sexual frustration that Annie had filled her with since last night. At times, she doubted if she could even wait that long. She didn’t care how many were watching her. She needed it. She’d earned it. The vibrator changed settings, it was speeding up in crescendos, with the buzzing ending a little stronger each time. Bell’s moans harmonized with the crescendos.

Something soft covered Bell’s eyes, as Annie blindfolded her with a pink length of satin cloth. The abrupt darkness sharpened Bell’s focus. Every touch and vibration, even the cool draft of the stage licking at her skin. The rope rubbing across her arms and the leather collar caressing her neck. The lingering sting across her rear. The sound of crowds enjoying the show. A bead of desperate sweat trickling down her nose. Each of them, became louder and clearer as the satin stole her sight.


Bell squealed into her gag, the spanks were much firmer now. She could almost feel her skin turning bright pink as the burning blossomed across her right butt cheek. Bell had her eyes tightly closed while chewing her gag. Despite the difficulty, Bell was still doing everything she could to keep her impending orgasm at bay until after the next spank. Until she had her Mistress’ approval.

She wanted to follow Annie’s instructions. She needed her to control her, even the most intimate parts of her life. She wanted to give all of herself as a gift to her ‘Miss’. The spank didn’t come.

‘Please Mistress, spank me! Let me cum please…’ Bell begged in her mind.

Had Annie stopped or was Bell just unable to judge time? Bell jumped as she felt fingertips lightly graze her other cheek. She let out a groan wishing it had been a spank. She could hardly wait any longer. She could feel her wet desire sealed within her latex panties begin to slip out and snake down her thigh. But still no spank.

Her muffled moans pleadingly rang out. Yet there was no reply from her Mistress. Her legs shook, and her body followed. ‘Please!’ Bell wondered how much longer her Mistress would leave her tiptoeing on the edge before she granted her the satisfaction she sought. Her pussy quivered, waiting in anticipation.


Bell didn’t need any more encouragement as the second firm spank landed on her left cheek. Both cheeks now glowing pink under her latex dress. Her legs gave way with a long groan. Only straightening up for the sake of her shoulders, bound the way they were.

All of the pleasure that she had been desperately holding back came flooding out at once. Her body burnt with perverse lust as her climax pulsed throughout her whole body without restraint. She had never experienced an orgasm like that before. It filled every fiber of her being. Every nerve ending in her body seemed to be singing thanks to her Mistress.

Did it feel so good just because it was with Annie? Was it the latex hugging her shivering body or the ropes that trapped her arms? Maybe it was not knowing how many people remained to indulge in her private joy.

The vibrations didn’t stop, and neither did the gag or blindfold come off but Bell heard Annie walk back to her seat. Leaving Bell where she was, bound and purring through her afterglow. Bell no longer cared who saw her. She was too overcome with the pleasure that her Mistress had granted.

“Think she deserves another?” Bell heard Annie ask the other two.

The quickest one to answer was Sasha, “Nah, let her suffer.”

The three laughed at Sasha’s cruel teasing.

“Ain’t it her first time doing this stuff?” Kevin asked, with a silky smooth accent that Bell still could place, “Needs to be memorable.”

Bell wondered what that meant. ‘Memorable how?’ She was getting close again, this vibrator might have become her new favourite. She tried to get a muffled ‘please’ out, though it certainly didn’t sound right. The others however must have understood.

“Alright, last one pet, enjoy it. Might be a while before I let you have another,” Annie instructed.

It didn’t take long before the second orgasm rushed through her. She felt that she might pass out as the second orgasm coursed through her. Her body locked up as it screamed with pleasure. She felt the vibrations slowly become less and less until they ceased. Bell could have sworn that her pussy was still vibrating by itself though. Her body felt like it had been lit on fire as her lust trickled down her thigh.

Once she had time to calm down, Annie release her from the Strappado and helped her join the others. Kevin must have released Sasha at some point as she was now sitting on her chair with what could only be described as the smile a proud big sister gives to her younger sister. The four of them relaxed together as the convention drew to an end and the crowds dispersed.

Bell knelt at Annie’s feet, her head resting on Annie’s lap as she sat with the others. She ran her fingers along the faint rope marks covering her arms while nibbling her lips and watched as the red lines slowly faded away. Bell didn’t say much for the rest of the night, she simply listened to three old friends catching up and joking as she occasionally kissed Annie’s thigh.

On the way home, worn out from her experience, Bell fell asleep as Annie drove them back to her place. As they stumbled into the house, where it all began, she finally found the courage to ask the same question she had wanted to ask the night before. The same one she had asked herself so many times earlier as she was led around the convention by a leash.

“An… I mean, Miss… What is this? What are we doing?” Bell felt more vulnerable as she asked her question than she ever did while bound in public. Perhaps in her entire life.

“Whatcha mean Pet?” Annie replied softly.

“Me and You?” Bell mumbled, fearing her question might destroy everything that had happened.

“Well, I’m you’re Mistress and you’re my sub. You should know I love ya already,” Annie’s voice softened even further. It was hard not to see Bell’s frailty, “If ya need to put a label on it, then yes, silly. Of course, we’re in a relationship.”

As Bell heard the answer, she had hoped to hear all night, she smiled to herself. Then Bell’s mind turned to what came next for her and her Mistress. It felt like a fresh start. A far kinkier one.

Published 2 years ago

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