A Husband Arranges For His Wife To Get A Good Fucking

"The husband in a mature couple of Indian origin can no longer satisfy his wife so he suggests that they find someone who can"

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Married couple Anil and Aruna Pandey had just made love. Well, they had had sex of sorts but after a few thrusts in Aruna’s cunt, Anil had ejaculated leaving Aruna frustrated.

This had been the situation for a long time and Aruna had long stopped faking orgasms because the sex never lasted long enough for the orgasm to be believable.

The couple were happy in most aspects of their marriage and both tried to convince themselves that the non-satisfying aspect of sex for Aruna did not matter too much. She did get sexual relief with a dildo but she only did that if Anil was out of the house because she did not want him to feel inadequate.

Aruna was still a very attractive woman, well built and her looks belied her sixty-one years. Anil was quite handsome and was six years her senior. They had been married for over forty years and their sex life used to be excellent but it was not so, certainly for Aruna, in recent times.

“I am sorry, not much fun for you was it?” said Anil, feeling guilty as he rolled off his wife.

“Don’t worry about it,” replied Aruna, rolling to her right so her large bare arse was pointing towards her husband until she pulled her nightdress down to cover her lower body.

Anil did worry about it though. He wanted to be able to give his wife sexual satisfaction but it did not look like he would be able to do it during intercourse. He had been offering to put his head in between her legs, something that Aruna used to love, but she was no longer interested in being tongued by her husband.

“But we should talk about it,” said Anil, after a while.

“Yeah, another time,” replied Aruna, still with her back to her husband and thinking of having her dildo in her cunt when Anil next goes out.

Over the next week or so nothing more was said but Anil did not suggest sex although he did wank a couple of times in the bathroom. Aruna fucked herself three times with her dildo in those few days.

Anil had been doing a lot of thinking, almost arguing with himself about the pros and cons of his wife having a lover. He had read stories and seen videos about men allowing or even encouraging their wives to take a lover, sometimes with the husband watching the action.

Anil did not know how he felt or would feel about such a situation. He thought that he might feel jealous, humiliated or inadequate although he also thought that he might feel excited.

He had no idea if Aruna would be interested in getting fucked by another man, very likely a stranger, but he did know that she needed a good fucking. If it was decided to go ahead, he had no idea how they went about finding a man to give Aruna a good shafting although with her being exceptionally attractive for her age, that might not be a problem.

He was still very unsure about his feelings, but he decided that he should talk to his wife about the possibility of her taking a lover.

“Aruna, I want to talk about our sex life,” said Anil in the evening once he had decided to mention it.

“Do you? What sex life is that?” replied Aruna, who was not in a very good mood but wished that she had not been so cutting.

“Exactly; but I have a question or maybe a suggestion,” said Anil, not hurt by Aruna’s remark.

“Don’t worry about it,” said Aruna, echoing her remark after the last time that they had attempted sex.

“Listen to me, please; what do you think about us getting a man to fuck you?” said Anil, hardly believing that he was saying these words.

Aruna shrieked with laughter. “You are joking, right?” said Aruna, incredulously.

“No, I am not joking; lots of husbands let their wives have a lover,” answered Anil.

“Are you saying that you would be happy if I went to bed with another man?” responded Aruna, not believing that they could be having this conversation.

“Not happy exactly, but I think that I could cope with it,” said Anil.

“I can’t believe this; you are suggesting I have sex with some bloke? Where do we find him? Drag him off the street?” said Aruna.

“We both know that you need to be sexually satisfied and I can no longer do it,” said Anil, feeling downcast.

“Well, maybe; but this is a bit extreme isn’t it? As I said, where do we find this man that is going to give me a fucking?” said Aruna.

“We need to think about that, but what do you think about the idea?” continued Anil.

“I can’t believe that you would happily sit here if I was upstairs with some bloke that we did not know; or would you go out? Or would you watch?” answered Aruna, although she was not really answering.

“I don’t know if I would go out or if I would watch; don’t suppose I would be happy, but the fact remains, you need a fucking; so shall we look into arranging it or not?” said Anil.

“You are actually serious about this, aren’t you? You are seriously suggesting that I have sex with another man?” said Aruna.

“Yes, because he would probably give you sexual satisfaction and you require sexual satisfaction,” insisted Anil.

“I do appreciate you thinking of my needs, I really do,” replied Aruna, wondering if she should confess to using a dildo but also thinking how good it would be to have a real live penis in her that did not ejaculate after a few seconds.

“So you are saying yes to us trying to find a man to pleasure you?” pressed Anil, still arguing in his own head about how he could cope with it.

“I am saying yes, and I am saying thank you, but I still don’t know how we arrange it,” responded Aruna.

“We will look into it, but I think we need to meet him first because you are going to need to fancy him,” said Anil.

“And he is going to need to fancy me; I still can’t believe we are talking about this,” said Aruna.

“What sort of age do you think? Younger than you?” continued Anil.

“Yeah, I suppose; but not too young, he needs to know what he is doing,” answered Aruna, now excited by the idea.

“So aged in his forties or thirties maybe?” asked Anil.

“Um, the thirties, late thirties perhaps; and with a big cock,” said Aruna, before shrieking with laughter at what she had just said.

Anil did not say anything. Aruna had not meant to hurt him but he felt inadequate. His cock had always only been average but in the past, he had been able to satisfy his wife with it.

Aruna realised that she had unintentionally upset her husband. “Oh sorry; I was only joking; let’s forget all about the idea,” said Aruna.

“No, we will do it; I guess we look for someone local on a sex site on the internet,” said Anil, who unbeknown to Aruna, had visited several online sex sites.

After some debate and internet searches, they placed an advertisement on an internet sex site, There was further debate about the wording but after giving their approximate location they placed the advert reading:- ‘Local male preferably aged in his late thirties required to pleasure mature Indian wife. No direct involvement by the husband. Please message and it is essential that a preliminary meeting is held before going ahead.’

They got several responses although two of them could not be taken seriously, so they weren’t.

One response was from someone claiming to be eighteen and included a picture of an erect penis which he claimed was his. Aruna shrieked and did a fake ‘swoon’ but they decided against him on the grounds of probable lack of experience but they acknowledged his response, as they did others that they rejected.

That left two that were of interest. One was a man aged in his early forties and he said that he had fucked other married women with their husband’s approval, but the other reply sounded ideal.

He said he was thirty-nine and divorced. It had not occurred to Anil and Aruna that some of these males might be married but they certainly did not want to jeopardise someone else’s marriage. The man went on to say that since his divorce he had pleasured several married women older than himself, some with the knowledge of their husbands and some without.

He agreed that a prior meeting was a good idea to see if they were compatible.

Anil and Aruna thought that any sex would be in their house; although they had not ruled out booking a hotel room, they did not want the first meeting to be in their home. They arranged to meet the man, who was named Jim Russell, early one evening at a country pub that was not too far from either their home or Jim’s.

The always attractive Aruna looked absolutely stunning on the evening of the pub meeting; how could anyone not fancy her?

It had been arranged for the initial meeting to be in the pub car park before going into the pub to discuss things. The car park was quite empty when Anil and Aruna got there but soon after, another car arrived with a lone male occupant. The man got out of his car and walked toward where Anil and Aruna were sitting in their car, the man looked very appealing, Aruna thought.

Anil would his window down as the man arrived at the car. “Hello, Jim?” said Anil, although it was pretty obvious that the man was the one that they were there to meet.

“Yes, hello Anil; and this gorgeous woman must be Aruna,” said Jim, his eyes on the mature Indian beauty.

“Why thank you; good to meet you, Jim, ” smiled Aruna, flashing her perfect white teeth.

“Shall we go into the pub and chat?” said Anil, there seeming to be no doubt about his wife and her prospective lover fancying each other.

Jim took the opportunity to look at Aruna’s big arse in green trousers as she and Anil led the way into the pub.

Having got their drinks, they found a quiet corner, although most of the pub was quiet, and started chatting.

“No, you can’t be,” said Jim on being informed that Aruna was aged sixty-one, and he meant it.

The conversation continued with all parties trying to be totally honest. Anil explained that although he and his wife still had sex, he always came before she could get fully aroused. Jim said that if they did go ahead with a sexual meeting he would do his best to give Aruna multiple orgasms, a statement that made her giggle.

Jim asked Anil what his intentions were if they went ahead and Anil said that he honestly did not know. He might make himself scarce or he might watch but he promised that he would not interfere.

Jim said that there was one husband who kept advising Jim what to do as Jim fucked the man’s wife and Jim said that that was very off-putting for him. He said that although he satisfied the wife, it was not one of his better performances and Jim refused a request for a second meeting. Anil assured him that he would not do that.

Jim asked if it was alright to cum in Aruna if they did get to the fucking stage and both Aruna and Anil said it was.

They talked some more and all three were in favour of going ahead, but Anil said that he and Aruna would talk it through when they got home and they would phone Jim the next day, and if they were to proceed, fix a date and a place.

They were about to leave the pub when Aruna spoke up. “Um, Jim, this is very personal but I was just wondering if, um, I could, um….,” smiled Aruna.

“Ha, you want to see how big I am; a preview of the goods,” laughed Jim.

“Well, yes; if you don’t mind,” said Aruna, her brown eyes sparkling.

“Better not get it out in here, I will show you back at your car,” said Jim, who was partially stiff because of the earlier conversation and now, Aruna’s request.

They went to Anil and Aruna’s car and the Indian couple got in. Jim went to the passenger side of the vehicle and Aruna wound her window down.

“You okay with this, Anil?” Jim asked as he had his hands at the top of his trousers.

“Yes, let the lady see what she is going to be getting,” replied Anil.

The car was in a secluded part of a still not very busy car park as Jim undid the zip on his trousers, fiddled inside them and fished his penis out of his boxers. Even not fully erect, it was quite impressive.

“Mmmm,” purred Aruna.

“Touch it if you want,” said Jim.

Aruna looked to her husband for approval, which she got, before using a thumb and forefinger to softly stroke it. Jim’s penis visibly stiffened some more.

“I think that will be satisfactory,” giggled Aruna, a Jim struggled to get his now hard cock back inside his clothing.

“We will call you tomorrow,” said Anil, before Jim said his goodbyes and went back to his car.

“You fancy him, don.t you?” Anil said to his wife as he switched on the ignition.

“Yes, I do, but this only happens if you are happy with it,” replied Aruna.

No more was said on the subject during their drive home, but further discussion later had them agreeing to invite Jim to their house to give Aruna a good fucking. Anil was still uncertain about what he would do on the day but it had been his idea and suggestion, so he was committed to the arrangement.

They phoned Jim the next day and they arranged that he would visit in three days to give Aruna Pandey a good fucking.

Aruna resisted any temptation to use her dildo in the days in between but she felt increasingly aroused and increasingly in need of sex.

Aruna looked and smelt wonderful as the time of Jim’s arrival got close. Anil had a hardon, but he knew that he had no chance with his wife at this time.

Jim arrived and Aruna threw the front door open for him. She threw her arms around him and pulled him into a long snog.

“Fucking hell, Aruna, that is some welcome,” said Jim, once he could breathe.

“Well I am pleased to see you, honey; don’t you fancy this old Indian woman?” pouted Aruna.

“You look fucking amazing Aruna and of course I fancy you,” said Jim, his cock already stiff in his trousers.

“Fancy me enough to give me a good fucking?” continued the still pouting Aruna.

“Oh yes; you look fucking amazing,” replied Jim.

Jim then saw Anil standing a little way back and looking subdued. “Hello Anil; you are alright with this, aren’t you?” said Jim, shaking Anil’s hand.

“Yes he is alright; he will probably wank as he watches us fuck,” said Aruna, very much out of character but she was on a high.

Jim did not want to cause problems, despite longing to shag this woman, so he wanted to make sure that all was well. “I know that I fuck some married women without their husband knowing but if the husband is aware I need to know that he is okay with it; this is alright with you, isn’t it Anil?”

“Yes Jim, it is alright with me; as she says, I will probably have a wank while you two fuck,” said Anil, but not sounding one-hundred-per cent happy. Aruna’s bitchy remark had hurt him, but they were in this situation because of his suggestion.

Jim was content but not wholly convinced with Anil’s answer but now Aruna wanted to move things on. “Would you like some wine before we fuck, Jim?” asked Aruna, with the way she said ‘fuck’ being so sexy.

“No thank you Aruna; I will be driving later,” replied Jim, his attention now back to this stunningly sexy mature woman.

“In that case, shall we go to my bedroom?” said Aruna, like the bitch on heat that she was at that moment.

“Sounds a great idea,” replied Jim. Aruna put her arm around his neck and their tongues danced as she manoeuvered him towards the stairs, Anil was now as good as invisible to them both.

Jim’s hand was on Aruna’s big arse in white trousers as they kissed their way up the stairs. Anil was at the bottom of the stairs as he decided whether to follow or not.

Aruna and Jim made it to Aruna’s bedroom and now faced each other as they snogged, Jim was now having a good feel of Aruna’s buttocks as she pressed herself against the large swelling in his trousers.

Anil had gone up the stairs but had not yet entered the bedroom that he usually shared with his wife, he hovered outside as his wife and the man that was about to fuck her pawed each other’s bodies.

Aruna got Jim’s trousers undone and partly lowered and she had her hand inside his boxers gripping his sizeable erection.

Jim undid Aruna’s trousers, pulled them down to her thighs and fingered her wet cunt through her knickers as they stood kissing. Aruna needed a stiff cock inside her, but she was floating in the sexual electricity of the moment. Jim was excited at the prospect of giving the sexy woman a long fucking.

Jim unbuttoned Aruna’s purple blouse and she stopped massaging Jim’s penis so that the blouse could be removed, Jim then undid and took off Aruna’s bra, her large tits swinging free.

Anil was still outside the room, the door was wide open, and he was aroused but wishing that he wasn’t. He was feeling the things that he hoped he would not feel, including jealousy and inadequacy.

Jim massaged Aruna’s breasts as she lowered his boxers to give her right hand unrestricted access to his erect penis.

“Oh fuck baby, I am so fucking horny,” breathed Aruna.

“I so want you, sexy lady,” replied Jim, his hands now leaving Aruna’s tits and pushing her knickers down at the back, baring most of her large arse.

They crashed onto the bed and Jim lay on top of Aruna and they kissed as she squeezed his bare buttocks. Jim rolled off her and Aruna raised her arse so that Jim could remove her trousers and knickers; she was now naked.

Jim stood and took off his trousers and boxers and his shirt so he too was now naked. He looked at the woman that he was about to fuck as Aruna spread her legs offering her wet and hairy cunt.

Anil went into the spare bedroom next to where his wife was about to take a fucking, at the moment he was wishing that he had never made the suggestion. Anil closed the door to the room that he had just entered but the couple in the room next door were having no thoughts of him.

Jim got on the bed as Aruna held her arms out in welcome, he again lay on top and they again kissed as Aruna fed his cock into her cunt with her right hand. The fucking of a frustrated mature married woman by a younger man with a large penis was about to start.

“Yessss!” murmured Aruna as Jim’s penis slid into her slippery cunt; she raised her legs as Jim eased back then slid forward again making Aruna groan. Jim was intent on giving this woman as much pleasure as possible for as long as possible.

Jim moved his hips slowly at first and was already sending Aruna wild. She was already getting much more pleasure than her husband had given her in recent years and they were now past the point where Anil had usually ejaculated.

“Oh, oh, oh baby, fuck,” said Aruna softly as Jim slowly fucked her. She knew that it would not be long before she had her first penis-prompted orgasm in years.

As Jim’s cock thrust in and out of Aruna at a steady pace, she got more and more sexually agitated as she felt her orgasm approach. “Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, I am going to cum, oh shit! fucking cumming,” said Aruna with the decibels increasing with each word until the last four words were shouted.

Despite the door to the room that he was in being closed, Anil could not fail to hear his wife orgasm. He did not know it but a lot of the times that Aruna had professed to be cumming during sex with him in the past, she wasn’t really. This time with Jim she most certainly was.

Jim shafted at the same pace through Aruna’s orgasm before pushing her knees towards her tits and fucking her faster, prompting an almost instant further orgasm. “Fuck! oh fuck,” wailed Aruna as she felt things that she had not felt in a lot of years.

Jim fucked her in various positions and had her cumming multiple times. He now had her with her large Indian backside facing him as he slid his still rigid penis into her cunt again. Jim gripped Aruna’s hips as he shagged her from behind and Anil in the next room could hear the headboard thumping, his wife was getting one hell of a fucking.

Aruna and Jim were both sweating as Aruna gripped the headboard as she came again. “Oh, fucking hell, oh fuck, fuck, fuck,” she yelled. Anil had long since stopped feeling aroused, he was hearing his wife getting immense pleasure from being fucked by a man that she had only recently met.

Jim had lost count of the number of times that he had made Aruna cum and Aruna was past caring, but Jim knew that soon he would be climaxing himself. They had agreed during their meeting in the pub that he could cum inside her so he saw no reason to warn her that he was close.

They were now fucking with Aruna on her back and with her legs on Jim’s shoulders and their eyes met and she seemed to know that he was about to spurt. “Let it go, big boy,” she smiled and then she shrieked into another orgasm as Jim’s cock twitched and he ejaculated hard and fast into her.

They both came hard, with Jim groaning, before the tension went from their bodies.

Aruna extracted her legs from Jim’s shoulders and he slumped on top of her, they kissed. “Fuck Aruna, you are such a hot fucking woman,” said Jim.

“Oh Jim, you made me cum so many fucking times; it was sensational,” replied Aruna.

Anil, still in the next room, could tell that the fucking must have finished or at least taken a break. He looked at the clock and was amazed at the length of time his wife and her arranged lover had been fucking.

“Could you stay the night? I will speak to Anil about it,” said Aruna, wanting another session later.

“Oh Aruna, I wish I could, I really do but I have to be at work at seven thirty in the morning and I need to head for home soon,” replied Jim.

“Okay; but can we meet again?” asked Aruna.

“I hope so but you had better speak to your husband about it first; he might want it to be just a one-ff,” replied Jim.

“Yeah, I will see what Anil says but if it was just a one-time thing, I want you to know that it was better than I dreamed of; fucking wonderful,” said Aruna, before drawing Jim into another long kiss.

“It was great for me too; I have fucked lots of mature women but you are as good as any,” said Jim.

“Thanks; I really needed that fucking, as you could probably tell,” laughed Aruna.

“Yeah, you seemed to enjoy it a bit,” chuckled Jim.

“If you have got to go home do you want a shower first?” asked Aruna.

“No thanks, I want to travel home with the smell of you and of our sex on me,” answered Jim.

After another long kiss, Jim got dressed.

“Um, I had better go and see if Anil is okay,” said Aruna, getting off the bed.

Jim looked at Aruna’s gorgeous arse as she went out of the door and tapped on the door to the next room, she had heard it close early in her time with Jim so assumed Anil was in there. “Anil? Are you in here, can I come in?” said Aruna.

“Yes,” came Anil’s voice from in the room.

Aruna went in and Anil was shocked at what a well fucked woman looked like. His naked wife looked so sexy and alive.

“Jim is going home now; are you alright?” Aruna said softly.

“I heard you enjoying yourself so my idea worked,” replied Anil, smiling weakly.

“Yes Anil, your idea worked; do you want to say goodbye to Jim?” asked Aruna, deciding that now was not the time to ask her husband if Jim could fuck her again in the future.

Anil and Jim shook hands but the situation was uncomfortable for both of them.

The naked Aruna saw Jim off, both hoping that it would not be the last time that they saw each other, and then she returned upstairs.

“Anil, would you like to fuck me?” said Aruna, standing in the doorway to the spare room before beckoning him with her finger and going to the master bedroom.

Anil thought for a moment but his cock had become hard, he got off the spare bed and went to the bedroom that was his and Aruna’s.

When he entered the room Aruna was on her hands and knees on the bed, her big bare arse pointing at the door. The sex that they did have was almost always in the missionary position but now his wife appeared to be wanting to be fucked from behind.

Aruna swayed her arse. “Are you just going to stand there or are you going to fuck me?” she asked.

Anil swiftly removed his trousers and underpants and moved behind his wife; his cock seemed to be harder than it had been in years.

Anil slid into Aruna’s well-exercised cunt and started fucking her. He, and she, was delighted that he did not ejaculate after a few thrusts and they were both thrilled as the fucking went on and on.

“Oh Anil, I am cumming,” wailed Aruna, and she was. That sparked a twitch of Anil’s cock and he came in her, he came hard.

“I love you Anil,” said Aruna, kissing her husband after their climaxes had calmed.

“I love you too,” said Anil.

At this stage, it was not known if Aruna Pandey would get any more fucking from Jim Russell but the fucking that they had served more than one purpose. It gave Aruna the fucking that she had desperately needed, and it also brought about sex between Aruna and her husband that was satisfying for them both for the first time in ages.

Published 3 years ago

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