Wayne almost choked on his pint as he said, “What do you mean, she will do anything you say?”
“What I said, she agrees to anything, honest.” Mike smiled as he watched his best friend struggling with what he was telling him.
“So you are telling me, that if you ask her she will let me fuck her, no strings?” Wayne leaned forward as he spoke.
“No, you’re not listening to what I’m saying. I don’t ask her, I tell her.” Mike spoke quietly and smiled.
“How the fuck did you get her to agree to that? There has to be a catch somewhere. Your Mrs is bloody gorgeous, everyone wanted her at University. I never understood how you got her to go out with you, or marry you. I really don’t understand how you’ve talked her into anything like this.”
“Let me explain, and keep your voice down a bit I don’t want the whole pub to know. About a year ago we had a bit of a wobble, Mary was complaining she had to make all the decisions. I thought she was happy but she said after five years of marriage she was fed up having to decide everything. She said she was even choosing my clothes to go out, where we went, what we ate, who we saw. She said the final straw was when she even chose and booked our holiday on her own.”
“And because of that now she will let you ask her if I can finally have sex with her?”
Mike sipped his drink before answering, “It is all because of date nights.”
“You’re not making any sense mate, are you just bullshitting me or are you drunk?”
“Listen, Mary said she wanted me to take charge once a week. We decided on a Friday to be a date night. I had to decide everything. On the first date, she said I only had to pick where we went, what we ate, and who we saw. A couple of weeks later I had to decide everything.”
Wayne sat forward on his chair and asked Mike, “What else is there to decide?”
“Oh man, you have no idea how stressful I found it. I had to choose her outfit and how she did her hair. The whole where, what, when, who, how, she even made me order her food and drinks. When she took her coat off in the restaurant she was braless under the thin blouse I had chosen, it was so out of character for her. When I asked her why, she said I had not told her what underwear to wear.”
“I still don’t get how you choosing her clothes gets to me fucking her.” Wayne struggled to keep his voice down. He also struggled with his rising interest and excitement, he had always fancied Mary.
“Stop interrupting, and keep your voice down. I was so turned on that evening and we fucked like rabbits that night. So for the next few weeks, I got the hang of choosing and started to enjoy it. I also bought her a couple of sets of more racy underwear. Our sex life perked up on Fridays too. I would keep her clothes quite muted if we met a group of friends. Then one week I hit on the idea that as I was in charge she had to answer questions honestly.
“She warned me not to just ask what she wanted to do, to try and get out of choosing. I assured her I had no intention of asking anything like it. I would wait until we were in a nice restaurant, or somewhere she might be overheard and would make her tell me things. I remember the first time I asked her to tell me about the first time she had sex. We all want to know stuff like that, right.” Mike raised his eyebrows as he finished speaking to Wayne.
“I never asked Wendy about previous partners or anything like that. I don’t think I want to know and she probably would not tell me anyway,” Wayne said, a little defensively.
Mike continued to speak, “Right, so Mary took a big swig of her wine and told me the whole story. I found it a fucking huge turn-on and could not wait to get home. After three or four months of our date nights, I was getting into the swing of it. I started to push it more and often made her wear more revealing clothes with no underwear at all. She never complained and I was sure she was enjoying it as much as me.
“I asked Mary if she was happy with the Friday date nights and she said something that surprised me at the time. She said that as long as nothing stopped her from going to work on Monday as normal then it was fine. She also said something like, with great power comes big responsibility. Then she sort of warned me to be careful what I wished for. I asked her more than once about it over the following couple of weeks. She said she would draw the line if I told her to get a tattoo or do anything that left visible marks at the end of the weekend.”
Wayne shot him a question, “Are you just making all this up, some sort of wind-up?”
“No, I’m deadly serious. Two months ago when we were out for a meal I told her to tell me all about the last person other than me she had slept with. I was starting to get a real kick out of hearing her have to tell me things. She just said OK and told me in great detail sleeping with some guy she met online.”
“What is so great about hearing about her past?”
“I was shocked at first when she told me that it happened just as we were having our wobble, just over a year ago.”
“Fuck off. There is no way your Mrs is cheating on you.” Wayne’s voice was getting louder again.
“She told me the whole thing. I figured that confession gave me the right to do anything I wanted. Three weeks ago I made her wear a short skirt and tight blouse and no underwear and we went to a bar. A few guys kept looking over while we talked, it really turned me on. I told her to cross and uncross her legs and she did it straight away. I told her to open her legs a little and flash her pussy at two guys sitting opposite us, she did it without hesitating.
“We did not stay there very long, I started to get worried it was getting out of control. If anything Mary looked a bit pissed off when we left. I was so turned on as we drove away. I pulled over into a layby and told her to give me a blowjob. She leaned over straight away and started sucking me, about a minute later I saw two guys standing a few feet away watching. I told her to take off her blouse, and she hardly stopped sucking me as she did.
Mike leaned towards Wayne as he spoke, and lowered his voice. “I locked the car doors and watched the two men walk right up to the car staring at Mary. I grabbed her tits while she was sucking me, and saw one of the men take his cock out and start stroking it. I only lasted a minute before coming into her mouth, and she sat up. She did not attempt to cover herself up and looked over at me. I realised she was waiting for me to say something, and that she still had my cum in her mouth. I told her to swallow, which she made a show of doing.”
Mike saw Wayne’s mouth was open as he listened intently to what Mike was telling him.
Mike continued, “I started the car and drove home in a daze, Mary never liked me to come in her mouth and never swallowed before. We were nearly home before I thought to tell her to put her blouse back on. We went indoors and fucked for a long time. All the time I was thinking about the two men who had watched her.”
“What layby did you go to? Tell me next time you plan on doing that.”
“The one off the bypass, near the flyover where the flower stall is at the weekend. Don’t worry about that, it gets better. Two weeks ago was our anniversary, five years married. I thought I had been pushing it a bit far, and date nights were turning into a string of increasing sexual dares. We just went for a nice meal, and I bought her a slinky dress and a matching underwear set to wear. The evening felt a bit of a let-down, an anti-climax after the previous few evenings.
“Driving home I dared her to walk topless around the car if I stopped somewhere quiet. She said that dares did not count, but she would do what she was told. I took a detour back to the layby from the week before. It was much later than the first time, with just a few cars parked further along. I stopped where the trees hung over and told her to walk once around the car topless.
“Mary undid the straps of the dress and let it fall to her waist. She reached behind, released the bra and put it on the dashboard. She climbed slowly out of the car and walked calmly around the car and back into her seat. She just sat still while I scanned the layby, no one got out of the cars parked in front of us. Then I saw one older guy standing just inside the line of trees staring at the car.
“I have no idea why, but I told Mary to beckon him over. She waved to him and a moment later he was standing right next to her window. I reached across and cupped her tits in my hands, I could feel her nipples already hard against my palms. I could see the man had one hand down inside the front of his track pants, I guessed he was wanking. I remembered I had not locked the doors and thought we should leave.”
Wayne shook his head as he listened to Mike as if he was willing him not to drive away.
Mike continued to tell his friend what happened. “I was about to move when I saw him slowly ease his pants down and pull his cock free, he was wanking quite fast. I told Mary to encourage him and she put her face up to the window, I could not see what she was doing from behind in the dark. She put her hand down to the window switch and I told her not to open it. I was glad I stopped her as a moment later he started cumming, shooting ropes of cum onto the window. He even rubbed his cock on the glass to wipe the last drops onto it.
“As soon as he stepped back I drove away quite fast, telling Mary to cover up. When we got home I could see his cum running down the window and the door. I’d cleaned the car that morning, Mary made some comments about how messy my car looked and drew a finger through it. I remember telling her to clean it up if she was that worried about it. She asked how she should clean it and I sarcastically said quickly or properly, something like that.
“I was not expecting what she did next at all. She put the finger she had slid through the mess into her mouth and said, ‘Like this?’ I have no idea why it turned me on so much, but I told her that she should lick it clean. I watched her spend five minutes licking every trace of cum from the window and door. I took her indoors and we fucked like animals in bed that night.”
“But your Mrs always seems so prim and proper. I can’t picture her doing that. I mean, I’d love to picture her doing that. I’d love to watch her doing that, but I can’t believe it,” Wayne interrupted.
“Honestly mate, until a few weeks ago neither would I. . . I probably should not tell you this but for the last few weeks, we only fuck on date nights. She seems far more turned on and will do any position or sexual thing I want.”
“Do you ever talk about this on normal days? Or is this like one crazy day a week? Do you think you could let me know next time you will be at that layby?” Wayne was becoming visibly excited as he listened.
“I felt embarrassed to bring it up. When it first started we spoke about the sort of ground rules, but once it turned sexual. . .”
Wayne interrupted again, “So she has no idea what you ask, I mean tell her to do until you say it?”
“That’s it in a nutshell, yes. For a few days, I used to feel guilty about what I had made her do and then I would get more turned on by it. Then I started daydreaming or fantasizing about what I could tell her to do next. Her confession about cheating made me think about all sorts of things. Last week was a turning point and I don’t think I could ever stop doing it now. We did speak about it afterwards, but it was Mary who brought it up. She said she was glad I had finally got the hang of it and that she wanted to extend date nights over the whole weekend.”
Wayne spoke quickly, “What happened last week? I’m almost frightened to ask.”
“I told her to wear a loose top and skirt but to wear no knickers or bra. I drove to a pub a bit further from home, I didn’t want anyone we knew to see us. We sat on a sofa in the bar and chatted. I told her to be flirty and try and get someone to talk to her. She smiled a lot and tossed her hair. She let the skirt ride up her legs a few times, I could tell she was enjoying it.
“After half an hour or so she got up and walked slowly through to the loos. She was flashing smiles as she passed through the bar, and I saw a good few pairs of eyes follow her. No one followed her out, I was relieved, to be honest. She smiled as she returned a few minutes later. A couple of guys nodded hello as she walked past them. I remember being worried that some huge guy would come over and I’d be powerless to stop it.
“Part of me wanted to see her with another man, to sort of relive the confession she had made. I wanted it to happen, but more spontaneously if that makes sense. I made Mary go to the bar and get drinks, the bar was quite busy. I watched her thread her way through a crowd of guys, she was soon out of sight. It seemed to take ages before she reappeared with a glass in each hand. I asked her if anything had happened, and she said at least two men had been feeling her up.
“I asked if she had liked being touched by strangers and she smiled at me and said yes. I told her to drink up. I told her when we leave the bar that if anyone follows her she will have to let them do as I say. She drained her glass in one and stood up, I finished my drink and led the way out. I was halfway to the car park before Mary appeared. I saw one guy who seemed to have followed her out and was keeping a few paces behind her.
“I opened the car and watched Mary and her tail getting closer. I lowered the window on her side and told her to get on her knees and suck him if he got close. I was shaking in the car, a mix of fear and excitement. The man hesitated, probably seeing me in the car put him off. Mary sunk to her knees and he changed his mind and went back to the bar.”
“Shit, that was close mate. What if he had not bottled it?” said Wayne.
Mike took a long drink before he continued to speak, he noticed Wayne had not touched his pint for a while.
“I would have let it happen, when she climbed into the car I wished it had happened. Mary seemed pissed off too, she sort of dropped into the seat and stared out of the car. I made my mind up as I drove out of the car park that it was now or never. I drove to the lay-by, it was busy like the first time. I parked by the trees again and I told Mary to suck me. She pulled my jeans open and I stared into the gloom of the trees as she started.
“I had to keep getting her to slow down, she was doing too good a job and I was so turned on. It did not take long before I saw a couple of men looking at the car. I waved them closer without Mary knowing. They bent down to look in the window which is when I told Mary she was being watched. She didn’t slow down or react at all. I told her I wanted her to suck them through the window. I also told her I did not want any mess in the car.
“Mary sat up slowly and smiled at the two men. I wanted to tell her to take her top off, but before I could say anything else she lowered her window down. She asked if they had enjoyed the show and if they would like to join in. One of the men stood right up to the window and I watched Mary reach out and unzip his trousers. As soon as she pulled his cock out she gobbled him into her mouth and began bobbing up and down on it.
“I was stroking my cock while I watched, it was the sexiest thing I’d ever seen. He tried to touch her tits, but could not reach them. He went back to leaning on the car’s roof while Mary bobbed up and down as she sucked him. He soon started groaning and knocked on the car roof. Mary gripped his cock and kept her head pushed forward. I guessed he was filling her mouth with his cum and told Mary to be careful not to spill any.
“As he stepped back he thanked her and walked away. Mary turned to me and smiled. I saw her swallow and show me her empty mouth as she returned to the window. The second man seemed reluctant to step forward but I saw another man walking towards the car from where the others were parked. He was wearing loose track pants and stepped right up to the car window. Mary pulled the front of his pants down to reveal a long soft cock.
“Mary gripped the base of his cock in one hand and began wanking him with her other hand. She let go for a moment to adjust her position, bringing her legs up under her so she was kneeling on her seat. She had her head most of the way out of the window and sank her mouth onto his cock. Mary had both her hands wrapped around it and was still bobbing her head up and down. His cock was the longest I had ever seen, but oddly it was quite thin.
“He put one hand on the back of her head, pulling her onto his cock. I put my hand up under her skirt and could feel her pussy was soaked. She must have been as turned on as I was. He said something to Mary and repeated it a couple of times before I caught what he said. He was asking if she fucked. Knowing how wet she was I took a chance and leaned across to tell him that she did fuck. I whispered into her ear that she must not get out of the car.
“I told her to turn around and offer her pussy to him through the window. She was already moving before I even thought about condoms, I knew there were none in the car. The next thing I knew Mary was facing me and I watched the man pull her skirt up onto her back. I did not need to see to know when he pushed his cock into her, the look on her face told me everything. I held her face in my hands and kissed her.
“Within a couple of minutes, the car was rocking and Mary had closed her eyes. I could see his big hands gripping her hips as he pounded her. He slowed and pulled back but did not let go of her. Through the window, I could see the other man had moved closer for a better view. I almost wished I was out there to watch too. I watched Mary’s face sort of tighten and she squeezed her eyes tightly closed. The man began fucking her again, slower than before.
“I don’t think he was fucking for more than three or four minutes before he made a few much harder strokes and then held her tightly before stepping slowly away. He thanked her and bent forward to give me a thumbs up through the car. The other man still just stood and looked, I could see he might not have been twenty years old. I told Mary to sit back in the car, and she gathered her skirt under her on the seat.”
“We drove home and I fucked her from behind as soon as we got indoors. Her pussy was so wet, I knew it was full of another man’s cum. It made me so turned on. I told Mary to tell me how it made her feel, having another man fuck her. She told me it made her feel sexy and slutty. Then she told me she liked it even more when he fucked her and came in her arse. As soon as she said it I came, I could not help it. She had never even hinted about doing that in five years of marriage.”
“Fuck me, I’m so jealous. I wish my Wendy was up for even a fraction of that. Does Mary really not stop you or put a stop to anything?”
“No, like I said earlier. After we spoke this week she said she is glad I have got the hang of it. She said she wants me to be in control from Friday after work, until Sunday night in bed.”
Wayne almost drained his pint in one long go before asking, “What do you mean she thinks you have got the hang of it? Do you mean she likes being bossed about and told what to do? Jesus, Wendy would go fucking mad if I tried to tell her do to things like that. How does Mary accept it?”
“It took me a while to work it out after what Mary said but now I understand. It isn’t about control or bullying, or being cruel or anything like it. It is all about freedom.”
“Freedom? How on earth is telling her what to do freedom?” Wayne’s voice was louder again.
“I have her permission to tell her to do anything I want to. That feeling of complete freedom for me is such a blessing and relief. If I want to try a kink or watch her do something she will do it without any fuss. Mary told me that for her she has the freedom from decisions, from any responsibility. She is free to do anything I want and enjoy it without guilt. She told me that as soon as I told her to do the first sexual thing she knew it would end up where we are now.”
Mike and Wayne sat in silence for a few minutes, both men finished their drinks.
Finally, Wayne just had to ask, “When can I come around and fuck Mary then?”