A Honey

"A girl two cameras and me, Is that a foursome?"

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My stories always begin with my posting on my favorite hookup site, and this time is no different. My eclectic sense of sexual adventure tends to pull me in different directions, but I was in the mood for something conventional. By conventional, I mean heterosexual sex between a male and a female. That would be as close to normal as my deviant mind would allow the sex to be.

Besides being a pansexual, I am also an exhibitionist and love making movies with willing partners when I can find them. In my ad, I expressed that I was looking for a female who would enjoy making a sex video with me. I did not want someone that would be unsure of themselves or hesitant. I wanted a woman who would be excited at the prospect of having sex on camera and be able to take direction.

I had posted ads like this before, but women willing to make a homemade porn video with a stranger are as hard to find as a Yeti. Much to my surprise, I received an almost immediate response to my ad. She called herself Honey; I did not care whether it was her name or an alias because she had the enthusiasm I was seeking. Along with her reply to my ad, she included two photographs.

The first photo she sent me was a waist-up portrait of a black woman with a strong frame, elegant attire, makeup, and jewelry. The second photo was a bathroom mirror selfie in bra and panties. It revealed broad hips with guitar-like curves, broad shoulders, large breasts, and a flat tummy. She was slightly overweight for her large frame with just a little extra jiggle around the naval.

I immediately sent a reply to arrange our meeting, supplying my address and phone number. I set up a pair of cameras, one for a closeup view and the other with a side-angle view. Honey must have been as anxious as I was because she arrived within just a few minutes. I greeted her at the front door, and we went upstairs without a word having been spoken between us.

Honey’s skin color was not very dark but was light enough to reveal the tan line from a bikini. I asked if she had been in the sun lately; she nodded and replied in the affirmative. Her hair was parted and braided into two spiral plaits, one on either side. As we disrobed, I noticed her breasts were larger than they appeared in her photographs, and her pubic hair was trimmed to roughly a quarter inch in length. She was very beautiful, with an amazon-like quality to her imposing frame.

As the director, I gave Honey a few pointers as she got on top of the bed and knelt there. The directions I give are simple: remember the camera locations and provide them with the best possible view of the action. I want the sex in my videos to flow naturally and seem to flow as if unscripted. The viewer should feel they are being allowed to observe two people just having fun. I hope Honey will have fun because I know this is going to be fun for me.

As I approach Honey to initiate the sex, I notice a strong aroma that experience has taught me is the scent of a female in heat. Yes, her scent was far more intense than most women, but I have been with strong-scented women before and know it has nothing to do with hygiene. Some men find an intense female aroma unpleasant, but I find it neither pleasant nor unpleasant. I just let her pheromones affect the male response of my body the way nature intended. I just enjoy feeling the strong effect her body has on mine.

My initial penetration was a bit awkward for several reasons. Honey was far tighter than I expected for someone so comfortable making a video. Another reason being far more embarrassing, it had been quite a while since I had been with a woman. Not only had most of my recent sex been with men and various transexual persons, but I was also on the receiving end of that sex. Once my cock was deep inside Honey, the sex started to flow instinctively.

As the strokes of my cock found a rhythm with her body, she began to coo like a dove. With my index fingers around her waist, I hold her hips firmly in the palms of my hands. Cat-like, she arched her body backward, and I ran my hands up her back. Occasionally at the end of a stroke, I could feel her large, protruding clitoris against my balls. I could feel the moisture inside her vagina increase as she reached down to spread her labia, increasing my contact with her clitoris. With her hand, she stroked her clitoris, then moved her arm forward to support herself.

Honey began moaning and then started working her hips in unison with the rhythm of my body movements as I continued fucking her. I gently coaxed her movement with my hands on her hips. Honey’s pussy became quite wet, and the pumping of my cock in it made a squishing sound. I became drunk from the symphony of sensations of the sex we were having. I was melting into the feel, the smell, the sound, and the visual stimulation of our bodies.

My intensity increased, and my thighs made a sharp slapping sound against her ass with each stroke. I watched the force of my strokes move through her cheeks and rebound like jello. Her moaning became much louder as she pressed her fingers firmly on her labia. Then she became almost silent, and her fists clenched tight. She made some hamster-like squeaking noises apparently in response to an orgasm she was having. Within another minute, I had my orgasm as well.

After I pulled my cock out of her, she rolled onto her back and moved further back on the bed. I got up on the bed on my knees with her ass between my thighs. Her legs were up, and her ankles rested on my shoulders as I shoved my dick back inside her. I held her ankles firmly in my fists and folded her legs back till they nearly touched her chest. This position allowed me to get my cock deep enough inside her to feel her cervix.

This position was far more visually pleasing as well. I could see Honey smiling at me and see her beautiful breasts. Her tiny nipples sat in the center of large, smooth areolas that were only slightly darker than her skin tone. The black female equivalent of pink nipples. I could see the tattoo on her left breast and the beauty mark on her right areola. She lifted her breasts with her hands and began pinching her nipples and rolling them between her fingers.

Honey clenched her teeth and bit her lips; she was either on the edge of an orgasm or having one. I extended my legs over the bed and put my arms forward to support some of my weight as I let my body lay onto hers. I could feel her tummy undulating beneath mine as I worked my cock inside her. Using this position, I had my second and final orgasm within a short time.

We put our clothes back on and thanked each other for the sex. We said our goodbyes and have had no contact with each other since our encounter. Even without having a video recording to watch, Honey would have remained burned into my memory forever.

Published 3 years ago

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