Trevor was farther away from home and his loving family than he’d ever expected to be. He’d only left the small town of Winston, Oregon, where he was born, twice in the past: once for a high school field trip to Portland and the other to visit relatives in Eugene.
Before his high school graduation he’d applied to a dozen colleges, but his GPA and SAT scores were very low. Time after time he received letters with discouraging news. For a long time, he had hoped he would get a football scholarship. He had the perfect build for a linebacker, the position he’d played for his high school for two years, except he was on the small side. His hopes turned out to be daydreams.
Finally, he got the news he’d been waiting for. This university in the Deep South was the only one that accepted him. His mom and dad had long planned that he should continue his education and they thought better here than nowhere.
He wasn’t upset to be so far from home, but it was a little off-putting to know that for the next nine months he could only go home for Christmas and spring break, and he wasn’t sure about that one.
But that was months ahead, and Trevor never looked too far into the future. He lived in the present, and he managed to see the bright side to almost everything that happened to him.
It wasn’t that he was simple. He was just one of those people for whom laughter always seemed to be bubbling up from some happy place deep inside him.
Even the fact that it was the Saturday after Thanksgiving, and he was one of the very few students who were there on campus didn’t dampen his spirits. His two roommates were there too, and so he wasn’t alone. That appeared to be enough to keep him happy.
He was also impressed that one of his roommates was a twenty-six-year-old Army vet who had fought in the Middle East. Being roommates with someone like that made him feel more adult.
Bret was that roommate. He’d had a tough upbringing in the Highland Park section of Detroit. His dad had worked at the Ford Mustang plant in Dearborn until it closed in 2004. He eventually found other work, but nothing that paid anywhere near what he’d previously earned.
He remembered his dad would hand his week’s salary to his mother after withholding twenty dollars to buy his cigarettes and a weekly fifth of Old Crow whiskey, plus an occasional car wash. His mother was saddled with paying the rent and all the bills plus providing the food with the small amount of money she was given, for which she received no thanks.
Bret remembered his dad as being angry all the time, which he expressed by yelling and cursing at both Bret’s mother and at him.
Bret escaped the conflicts at home by fleeing to the streets, but he avoided joining one of the local gangs by forming his own gang with six of his friends. They stayed out of crime, except for an occasional shoplifting or rummaging through an unlocked car. Mostly, they hung around the fronts of liquor stores, trying to convince someone to buy them cigarettes or Olde English 800.
When he reached eighteen and got his high school diploma he had no job and no prospects. For the next two years, he went back and forth between bottom-of-the-barrel jobs to no job at all. He had no way of getting away from the verbal abuse of his dad. He tried to convince his mom to leave his dad, but she wouldn’t even listen to him.
Finally, out of desperation, he joined the Army. Osama Bin Laden had been killed and he thought the war on terrorism would soon be over. Two years later he found himself in Iraq, fighting something called Isis. He returned to the United States only to be deployed again nine months later.
This time he backed up the Iraqis and Kurds as they fought to defeat Isis and drive them from the city of Mosul.
He served for six years, during which time he came to face the fact he was never going to get anywhere without a college education. By the time he was discharged, it was late to apply for that fall’s semester. He got on the internet and found he could still get into this southern university. He also discovered they were highly rated for their school of civil engineering. That interested him, and so here he was, living with these two young, green guys.
One of them was a cute kid who seemed to find something to laugh about in every situation. The other was from an economic level more or less equal to his own but from South Boston. The way Bret understood it he’d started here a couple of years ago, but dropped out in the middle of his second semester.
Colton had been an average student in high school, but partly because he hadn’t applied himself to his full potential. He excelled in two of the subjects he studied – English and math – which saved him academically.
His strong suit in English was his ability to write book reports and term papers which were consistently graded “A”.
He joined school clubs, got involved in after-school activities, made friends easily and was popular with his fellow students. But there was a side of Colton that none of his close friends knew about. In fact, Colton didn’t know about it for a long time and came to discover it bit by bit.
The summer he was seventeen he often took his dog to the local park to toss a Frisbee for it to catch. One afternoon he met a young woman who was a few years older than he was. They talked about their dogs. They ran into each other again a couple more afternoons.
On the third meeting, he kept looking at the projections in the front of her T-shirt, caused by her nipples. She invited him to her nearby apartment for a refreshing glass of lemonade.
She handed him the lemonade and pulled off her T, showing him her bare breasts. She took the glass from his hand and, putting her hand on the back of his head, pulled him so his face was pressed between her tits. At the same time, she placed her other hand on the fly of his pants and squeezed his growing dick.
She freed his face and kissed him as she unzipped his pants. They ripped each other’s clothes from their bodies and fell on the floor where Colton fucked for the first time in his young life.
They fucked several times more before that summer ended, and each time she introduced him to new experiences. But there was still to be another surprise before the end of that affair. On what would turn out to be their last meeting, she introduced another man into the mix. Colton found he couldn’t say no and was also intrigued.
While he was fucking his paramour the new man rimmed his ass – another thing that he’d never experienced. It was driving him to a level he’d never reached, but he wasn’t prepared when the new man inserted his dick in Colton’s ass. It was a shock, but the confusion and discomfort gave way to another and different sensation.
His final year of high school began and his sex partner disappeared. The first weeks of the semester were a blur. There were many new things to manage and his mind was awhirl with what he’d done and his feelings about it. He didn’t understand how it had happened and what had happened to her. But he found that when he jerked off he would think about a dick fucking his ass.
The rest of his senior year was relatively uneventful. Because of his ease in meeting people, Colton had decided he wanted to pursue a career in hospitality and leisure management. This university in the deep south had one of the top-rated programs in the U.S., and it was away from the severe winters he’d endured all his life.
In one of his classes, he sat next to a guy his own age from New Orleans. They became friends. His friend had a car. On a Friday night in October they went out to celebrate the end of the week. They drank a lot. In the car, the friend groped Colton. Colton returned the favor.
The friend pulled Colton’s dick out and took it in his mouth. It was obvious he was experienced in doing this. Colton wasn’t, but he decided to give it a try. It was thrilling, sucking another guy’s dick. He shot off in the guy’s mouth, and so wasn’t surprised when his mouth was filled with cum. He found he didn’t mind it.
His friend became his off-and-on sex partner. They sometimes sucked and sometimes one of them would fuck the other, but there is always something we don’t anticipate.
Christmas break came and Colton went home for the holidays, traveling by Greyhound because he had very little money. On the return trip, he shared a seat with a young woman who was also a fellow student. Colton asked if he could continue to see her and she said yes.
They began dating and within weeks they were necking when he went farther and she didn’t resist. They became lovers, and it wasn’t long before his other sex partner denounced him in front of his new sex partner. Colton’s grades suffered and he found he was basically broke. He dropped out of college and slunk home.
Away from the university and with the familiarity of home, he was able to look at his situation and he made some serious decisions. He still wanted the career he’d set for himself, and if he was going to do it then he would have to make some basic changes.
Within months he found two jobs. He put his social life behind him and saved every cent he could. His parents saw he was sincere, and supported him in his endeavors.
He continued without letting up for the next two and a half years. He reapplied for admittance to the university and as a result, he was here with two new friends, one a vet of the Iraq war and the other a fresh-faced kid from the Pacific Northwest. He was sure he’d get along with both of them, even in these close quarters.
This dorm building was built at the beginning of the twentieth century in the gothic style, and been last updated in 1984. It was a long, three-story building with half a dozen entrances spaced out its length. Each entrance had a staircase with four rooms on each side. On each floor, there was a bathroom opposite the stairs which contained two toilet cubicles and a shower area with four shower heads.
This had been sufficient when each room held two students, but with the exploding student population, it had been decided that three students could share a room. One of the single beds had been replaced with a bunk bed. No other changes had been made. Closet and drawer space was limited and there were still only two built-in desks.
Bret had been the first to arrive and had claimed the single bed as his. Trevor took the top bunk and Colton was left with the lower bunk.
He quickly warned Trevor, “As long as you’re over me, you better not be a bed wetter and no farting in bed. I’m trapped in a cave down here.”
Trevor laughed, assuming Colton was joking around.
“Plus, no jerking off in the dark. I don’t want to hear it.”
Bret lay on his bed, looking at them. He wasn’t going to get involved in any of that, as long as none of it came his way.
That was three months ago. Minor problems had been worked out and things had gone pretty smoothly since then. The two younger ones exhibited respect for the older vet with the experience. And now it was the Saturday after Thanksgiving and the whole campus seemed like a ghost town. There was no football game to go to, no one hanging around the pool room, the on-campus coffee shop and cafeteria were closed. Even though it was the end of November the weather was warmer than usual with no hint of fall in the air.
Bret was wearing the boxers and undershirt he’d worn in the Army. Colton had stripped down to his Haynes briefs and T-shirt, while Colton was in a pair of basketball shorts and jersey.
It was late afternoon and none of them was sleepy. Small talk had petered out and they sat or lay in silence for several long minutes, each one trying to think of something to say.
This was a dry county, but Bret had driven to the neighboring county and bought what he considered a quart of Smirnoff vodka, a pint of Jose Cuervo and a pint of Kahlua. He also had learned where to score weed. It was time to start a party, or at least break the boredom. He reached under his bed and pulled out the paper bags he’d tucked away there.
They didn’t have any ice, but none was needed. Trevor had drunk little and knew nothing about the differences in liquors. Colton had limited his consumption for the last couple of years, but they both had used weed from time to time when somebody offered it.
Bret rolled a joint and leisurely took the first three tokes before offering it to Colton. Trevor was sitting on the edge of his bunk, swinging his legs in anticipation of his turn. Bret opened the bottle of vodka and then the Kahlua.
“Ever had a Black Russian?” he asked, not looking at either of his companions.
He got no answer and glanced up. They both were shaking their heads “No.”
“Colt,” he commanded. “Get the glasses.”
Colton jumped up and handed the joint up to Trevor. He went to the sink and got the three plastic cups that held their toothbrushes. Bret measured out an equal amount in each cup.
“You know which glass is which?” Bret asked.
“Sure,” Colton said. It was obvious he probably had no idea, but none of them really cared. The alcohol would kill any germs, was the shared unspoken opinion.
Bret reached his arm up and snapped his fingers. Trevor jumped down and handed him back the still-glowing roach. Bret unpinned a safety pin from his pillowcase and stuck it into the roach so he could take the last toke from it. He handed it to Colton and with his hand indicated for him to scatter it in the sink and rinse the residue down the drain.
He handed a plastic cup to each of them and said, “Sip, don’t chug. It isn’t beer, and it’s gotta last.”
Colton sat back on his bunk and took a sip. He coughed, but recovered and acted as if hadn’t happened. He glanced up at Trevor standing in the middle of the room and patted the bed beside him. Trevor stepped over to the bunk and sat down next to Colton.
He sipped his drink and valiantly suppressed a cough that formed in his throat. He looked at Colton and grinned.
“Something I’ve never asked you guys,” Bret said. “Either of you got a girlfriend?”
Colton shook his head with his cup almost to his lips. He took a sip.
“Not anymore. I used to, but that was a couple years ago. I’m lookin’, though.”
Bret shifted his gaze to Trevor. “You?”
Trevor had begun to take a sip but lowered his cup. “No,” was all he said.
Bret tucked his chin down and wrinkled his brow. “Have you ever?”
“A steady girl? No, but I had a lot of girlfriends, you know. I mean, well, we never really dated, but we’d sort of make pairs and go places, like skating or swimming, or to somebody’s party.”
He stopped as if he’d said too much. Bret continued looking at him.
“Drink your drink,” he said.
After a minute he said, “I bet you two are both virgins. Never even saw a pussy.”
“Shit,” Colton said. “You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.”
“Oh?” asked Bret. “Any tales you want to share?”
It never occurred to either Trevor or Colton to question Bret about his romantic history.
“I could tell you some, but you wouldn’t believe them,” Colton carelessly bragged.
“Why? They involve boys?” teased Bret.
“You’d be surprised,” Colton countered without thinking.
“Ohhh?” Bret said.
Trevor turned his head and looked at Colton who was only inches away. Colton knew he’d said too much, but he wasn’t going to back down. He turned his cup up and drained it. Bret held the vodka bottle up, asking without speaking if he wanted another.
“Yeah,” Colton said, reaching his cup out. “But don’t put that sweet stuff in. Gimme some of that other.”
Bret frowned, but picked up the tequila and opened the bottle. He added a shot to the half glass of vodka. Colton leaned back in his bunk, grateful the previous conversation had been forgotten.
But it hadn’t.
“So, roommate, do you go for girls or boys?” Bret asked, pouring himself a glass of straight vodka.
“Yeah,” Trevor added, grinning.
“Girls!” Colton fired back, hoping that settled the matter.
Bret was like a puppy with a toy. “Why did you say I’d be surprised?” he persisted.
“Yeah,” Trevor repeated and held his cup out to Bret.
Bret held up the vodka bottle, but Trevor pointed to the tequila. Bret poured him a half cup.
Colton took advantage of the distraction to collect his thoughts. He took a big sip of his drink and burst out in a fit of coughing. Trevor slapped him on the back, but Colton waved him off. Bret got up and took Colton’s cup from him and emptied it in the sink. He filled the cup with water and handed it to Colton, who drank it down.
He recovered and Bret took his cup back. He poured some tequila in the cup and added water.
“Here, and I told you, don’t gulp.” He handed the cup to Colton. “You, too,” he said to Trevor.
He sat back down on his bed. “Now, as I was saying.”
“What the fuck about you? Where’s your goddamn girlfriend?” Colton had decided to counterattack.
Bret didn’t take attacks lightly. “Hey, man, don’t get your back up. I was just getting a feel for what you like. If we’re going to live together I think I have a right to know.”
“Yeah, well, that goes two ways. So, what’s your story? What do you like?”
Trevor’s head turned from one to the other as the ball was knocked from one court back into the other.
Bret was intrigued where this might lead. He determined he could reveal a little about himself in order to get more from his roommate.
“I’m a couple years older than you, and I’ve been around a lot more. I’ve seen things and probably done things you’ve never heard about. So, yeah, I’ve experimented.”
Now it was Colton’s time. “Oh?” he asked. “Care to share some tales?”
Trevor leaned forward as if he was about to hear a salacious secret.
“I might, but I opened this conversation, so you go first.” Bret waited to see if he had played it right.
“Promise?” Colton asked. He now was curious just what Bret might have to say, and with the alcohol taking effect, he was less cautious as to what he might say.
Bret nodded seriously and offered Colton some more tequila. Trevor finished his tequila and held his cup out.
“Give me some of that Russian stuff again.”
Bret busied himself with mixing the drinks again.
“To start with,” Colton said, “I had a couple of girlfriends, going back to when I was in high school. I mean, I had women I did it with.”
“Hey, we’re men here. Don’t beat around the bush. You mean you fucked them?” Bret didn’t want any fuzzy talk.
“Yeah, that and more. A little of everything. Well, not a little. A lot.” It felt good to tell somebody something he’d kept secret for so long.
“No details?” Bret said. “Okay, you can fill us in later.”
Colton didn’t say anything, so Bret pushed forward.
“What about the guys?”
That brought Colton back to the ground. “Whoa. It’s my turn now, and I’m going to ask you that question. What about you and the guys?”
“I’m from a rough section of Detroit, so yeah, when I was younger I got a blowjob or two. No big deal.”
Colton rocked back and forth on the bed. Trevor wasn’t smiling for a change.
Colton knew it wasn’t his turn, but he took the offensive. “You ever fuck a guy?”
Bret paused, then asked, “It’s my turn, so before I answer that, have you?”
Colton didn’t pause. “Yeah. Now, you?”
Bret smiled. “Yeah. You want to hear about it?”
He hadn’t directed the question to Trevor, but it was he who said, “Yeah.”
“When I’d been in Iraq for almost a year, I was horny as hell. I mean I was walking around with a hard-on all the time. There is no socializing between American soldiers and the local women there.”
Colton was anxious to get to the good part. “So?” he interjected.
“My deployment ended and I went home. I’d already lost contact with my former friends, including girlfriends. I went into this bar one afternoon and had a beer. There was a good-looking girl there who kept looking at me. I figured she wanted a drink, so I sent her one. She came over and talked to me. We hit it off, then we got friendly, and I got horny. She grabbed my hard cock and asked if I wanted to go to her pad, which was above the bar.”
He stopped and took a long swig of his drink. The two roommates waited.
He sat his drink down. “And it was about then I realized she wasn’t a she. But I thought, ‘Shit, I can close my eyes and get my cock sucked.’ I went with her, and long story short, I ended up screwing her, or him, in the ass.”
Trevor looked at Colton. “What’s your story?”
Colton decided to lie. He told the story of the girlfriend who introduced a guy to their bed, but he changed the story to he’d fucked the guy.
He finished his story and the room was quiet. After a minute Bret looked at Trevor.
“You’ve been awful quiet. So what’s your contribution?”
He’d caught Trevor off guard. He mumbled something which neither of the other two got.
“What?” asked Bret in a voice that seemed to fill the whole room.
“Nothing,” was all Trevor said. He wasn’t laughing now.
“C’mon,” said Bret. “Let me ask, have you ever fucked a guy?”
The question seemed to wake Trevor up. “No! No, no.”
Colton looked at him. “How about fucking a girl?”
Trevor looked down at his hands holding his cup in his lap. “No,” came out quietly.
Bret pursed his lips. “What about a blowjob?”
Again Trevor said, “No.”
Bret leaned forward. “No blowjob from a guy, or a girl?”
“No,” was all Trevor said.
Bret leaned back against the wall. “Colt, we got a virgin here. We gotta do something about that.”
Colton laid his hand on Trevor’s bare leg. The alcohol spoke for him.
“Yeah, I’d like to.”
Bret picked up on that at once.
“Oh? Let me ask, would you like to suck his cock?”
He saw the corners of Colton’s mouth turn up a little. This confirmed something he’d been wondering about.
“So, you like to suck cock, too!”
Colton was still looking at Trevor, who was still looking down, now with his gaze fixed on Colton’s hand lying on his thigh.
“I like everything. I just like sex. Every kind of sex.”
He heard Bret ask, “Would like to suck Trev’s cock?”
Trevor switched his gaze up and met Colton eyes looking at him.
“Hey,” said Bret. “Over here.”
Colton looked over at Bret. For the first time, he noticed that Bret’s cock was lying on his left leg and tenting his boxers. He could see from the outline it was a long one.
Bret put his hand on his cock and pushed it down, so when he let go it sprang up.
“Would you like to suck this cock?”
Colton found his voice. “Would you like me to?”
Bret reached in and pulled his cock out and held it at the base so that it stood upright and looked even longer.
Colton slid off his bed and fell on his knees between Bret’s spread legs. He leaned forward and licked Bret’s cock from the bottom up to the top. He swirled his tongue around the head. He opened his mouth wide and went down as far as he could without choking. He moved Bret’s hand away so he could wrap his fingers around the part of his cock he couldn’t get in his mouth.
Trevor’s eyes had grown wide. Bret looked at him and pointed at Colton’s head.
“You should get some of this. You’re the virgin, and he’s good.”
Trevor couldn’t resist feeling his now-hard dick through the flimsy fabric of his shorts.
Bret unsnapped his boxers and raised his hips and slid them down. “Let’s get naked here, guys.”
He pulled off his undershirt. Colton pulled off his briefs without stopping working Bret’s cock. Trevor looked at his two naked roommates and pulled his top off and then kicked off his shorts.
Still watching the show, he slowly stroked his dick.
“C’mon,” Bret said. “Join the party.”
He pointed to the top of the chest of drawers. “Get that Nivea and grease up your cock. He said he liked everything, so now here’s your chance to fuck a guy in the ass.”
Trevor grinned what might be called an evil grin. He got off the bed and got the bottle of lotion. He positioned himself behind Colton and squirted some on his erect dick, getting it all over his left hand.
“Smear that on his asshole and you should be able to drive your cock home,” Bret said, holding Colton’s head with both his hands.
Colton had made no attempt at contesting Bret’s comments. He continued to bounce his head up and down, letting Bret’s cock free only to lick it. Bret had been leaning against the wall that ran down beside the bed. He now turned and scooted up so he was leaning against the headboard. Colton followed without letting Bret’s cock leave his mouth.
Colton was on his knees, his ass sticking up in the air, giving Trevor good access to it. He spread the lotion on his hand onto Colton’s asshole.
“Push your fingers in there and get it good and wet,” instructed Bret. “Feel how hot it is in there.”
Trevor followed his instructions. Pushing his fingers in Colton’s rectum made his dick jerk. He’d never been so horny before. For the first time in his life he was dying to fuck something – at this point, it didn’t matter much what – and here was his roommate’s ass seemingly begging for his dick.
He got on his knees behind Colton and held his dick so it was pointing at the pale brown target. He pushed and felt Colton push back. He pushed harder and the head of his dick went in.
He paused for a moment as if he hadn’t really expected this to be happening. He pushed again and his dick slipped all the way in so that he was pressed against Colton’s firm round butt.
The warmth of the tight confines spread throughout his body. It was a sensation he’d never felt before. He felt his strength sap away as if he might collapse onto Colton’s back.
He wrapped his arms around him tightly for support and rested his chin on Colton’s shoulder, his hot breath on Colton’s ear. He’d had his eyes closed but now opened them. His face was just inches away from Bret’s dick as it went in and out of Colton’s mouth. He could hear the wet sound of Colton’s spit coating Bret’s dick and the moans of satisfaction that came from deep in Colton’s throat.
He began the natural reaction of moving his hips in a fucking motion but kept his gaze on Bret’s dick. He wasn’t aware that he was smiling from ear to ear. Colton allowed Bret’s cock to leave his mouth as once again he licked down and sucked one of Bret’s balls into his mouth.
Bret’s attention was on Trevor’s face.
In a hushed voice, he said, “Do you want to try it? Go ahead, see what it tastes like.”
Trevor leaned as far forward as he could and took the head of Bret’s dick in his mouth. Bret put his hand on Colton’s shoulder and pushed him down, giving Trevor easier access to his cock. Trevor leaned further down, allowing Bret’s dick to touch the back of his throat.
The sensation of having a dick in his mouth was another completely foreign one. With his dick planted in Colton’s ass and Bret’s dick filling his mouth he was in a place he could never have imagined.
Bret humped his hips a couple of times, sending his cock even deeper into Trevor’s throat, surprising him. He pulled his head up and looked at Bret, then burst out laughing. This whole thing was a unique adventure that he found hilarious.
Colton rose up and took Bret’s cock back in his mouth and Trevor returned to fucking him. It took only a couple of minutes for his dick to erupt, sending spurt after spurt of his hot cum deep into his roommate’s gut.
When his ejaculations ceased he slowly pulled his dick from Colton’s ass, his cum following in a stream down Colton’s ball sack.
He got off the bed and slightly staggered to the door. He went down the hallway, wondering if anyone else was in the dorm. He was tempted to knock on all the doors, to see what was going on behind them. He went into the bathroom and turned on one of the showers.
“I’m ready to get my rocks off,” said Bret to the back of the head bouncing up and down on his cock. “You want to taste my jizz, or want me to fuck your ass?” he asked.
Colton raised his head. “I want both, but right now I want this big cock up my ass.”
“Good. You’re all primed. Sit on it and ride me,” Bret commanded.
Colton scrambled up and turned so his back was to Bret and slid down, impaling himself on Bret’s cock. He bounced up and down, feeling even more filled than he had with Trevor’s cock.
After several minutes Bret said, “Get off and lay on your back.”
Colton complied and Bret got between his legs, raising them high in the air so Colton’s ass came up to meet his waiting cock. Without ceremony he plunged it back in and proceeded to fuck Colton hard and fast, knocking moans out of him.
Trevor came back into the room dripping wet. He’d forgotten to take a towel with him. Just as he closed the door Bret began to chant, “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
Colton was jacking his dick fast and furiously and almost yelling, “Yeah, yeah, yeah.”
From where he stood, just inside the closed door he could see Colton’s cum shooting out onto his chest and stomach. He stood still and watched as Bret slowed his humping and came to a halt. He slowly pulled his dick out, and even more cum flowed from Colton’s ass.
Colton reached his hand between his legs and gathered some of the cum onto his fingers and brought them up to his mouth, where he licked them clean.
“Ah,” said Bret. “So you got the taste of my cum, after all.”
“Yeah,” smiled Colton. “And some of Trevor’s, too.”
He sat up. “Watch it,” said Bret. “Don’t get that stuff all over my sheets.”
He reached out his hand and roughly pulled Colton to his feet. He turned and grabbed a towel.
“C’mon, Colt,” he said. “Let’s go shower. I’ll let you wash my ass. You guys hungry?”
“I’m starving,” responded Colton.
“I’ll pay,” shouted Trevor with a laugh.
“You’re on,” Bret said, snapping him with a flip of the towel.
As they went down the hall Trevor heard Colton ask, “What about tomorrow?”
“Tomorrow,” Bret answered, “you can eat all the cock and cum you want. How about that?”