A Hat Trick in Barca

"Strangers on a train have a wild night in Catalonia"

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I sat on the train, and I felt like the loneliest person in the world. I was looking out of the window. The Spanish countryside was racing past. There was a lump in my throat. I was trying not to cry.

I’d split with Sergei six weeks earlier, but it wasn’t that. No, I was upset because Sergei, my first love and the man I’d given my virginity to, had announced he was gay. He’d first told me he was seeing someone. That hurt. But when he told me it was a man I was stunned. I’d had no idea!

It wasn’t the gayness, but the fact he’d been someone else. The man I knew hadn’t wanted me; the man I knew didn’t really exist. He hadn’t been what I thought he was. It felt like my reality had dissolved.


I saw her sitting alone and there weren’t any double seats free, so I chose her to sit next to. She was certainly attractive. Tall, long black hair. Asian, at least ethnically. She was wearing stylish leather pants and a leather jacket. She spoke perfect Spanish, but when I complimented her on it, she told me she had been born and raised in Madrid, to parents from Mongolia of all places. The mild red acne on her forehead I found endearing, cute.

She clearly wasn’t very happy with life. So, I offered her a piece of gum to start a conversation. Just small talk. Then I said something that made her laugh. If I hadn’t done that, she’d have turned away, back to the window.  But we got talking and exchanged names. Hers was Daria.


Eric sat next to me and said hello. I wasn’t thinking about attraction, or what he looked like. Not at that stage. He said something about how he’d bribed the guard to keep the seat next to me free (groan) but what made me laugh was when he described outbidding other guys for the chance. He went really far, like, “I had to call my mum to remortgage the house, but I got the seat in the end!” He actually made me smile. I remember it began to rain outside. I asked him where he was going, he said Barcelona. As was I.


These conferences are total wastes of time most of the time. I had to go all the way from Madrid to Barcelona, spend the night and get back really late after the second day. All I had for the journey was my e-reader, so I was super glad to have someone to talk to. And, yes, she was hot.


He was funny. That was the main thing. He had a goofy, silly sense of humor that tickled me. He raised the old mood; I’ll give him that. About forty minutes in, I realized he was attractive too. Not smoking hot, but well-built, and I liked his face. Round, short black hair. No facial hair, which is a plus for me. He was cool, in a blue suit and red shirt. Presentable.

The first time the idea entered my head was when he mentioned the hotel his conference was at. As we neared the station, he asked me for my number. I said yes, and we swapped texts.


We said goodbye at Barcelona Sants Station. I took the metro to the conference venue. I spent the morning shaking hands, at various seminars and halls. Then the lectures and meetings blah blah blah.

There was about an hour left. I got a WhatsApp, and to my amazement, it was from Daria.

“Realized I was near your conference venue. Drink?”


I really wasn’t in a good place, eh? Remember that when you wonder why I hadn’t sorted accommodation already. I really wasn’t thinking straight. I was drifting, wandering around Barcelona, my mind a million miles away on my ex…and now this sprightly new guy. After we’d said goodbye, I’d looked up the hotel where he’d be, and it looked pretty nice. Affordable, too. I called, asked if there was a room available there. There was. A double. I booked it. Worst case scenario, I’d have a comfy double bed to myself. Best case….


The conference finished, and I headed for the bar. I had to make excuses. People always want to socialize after these things. I pleaded a headache and went to meet Daria. I had a glass of wine. By the time we had our second drinks in hand, we were sitting closer and closer together. I thought her beautiful more and more. I wanted to kiss her…


I hadn’t imagined it. He was hot. He looked suave and powerful in that suit. Confident. I had a martini. He joined me at the bar. It wasn’t long before I kissed him. It was a tough position to kiss from, balanced on a high bar stool. But we did. It was soft, warm and sensuous. I’d made my mind up. It was on. Fifteen minutes later, I told him I had a room upstairs. We held hands in the elevator. I looked down. I could see his groin bulge. He was getting hard.


I’d been at work all day, so I said I wanted a shower. I said, “I want to freshen up. Join me?”

She said yes, and we undressed quickly and jumped in. Daria was a sight for sore eyes naked, let me tell you that. Her breasts were well rounded but natural, her pussy trimmed but not shaved like a little girl. And her ass…!


We stripped naked and turned on the water. Of course, we took a good look at each other. Eric looked great naked. His ass was well-rounded. His stomach was flat. His chest was firm when I rubbed it. And his dick was just the right size…thick, something like six or seven inches, but not too big. His shoulders and back stayed upright when he was naked. I’ve known guys who droop a bit in the buff because they’re suddenly nervous. But not Eric. He was confident.

We didn’t screw in the shower, but we rubbed oil and shampoo on each other. We learnt about each other’s bodies. I fondled his dick, and he slipped two fingers into me. We kissed and held our bodies close so that our chests touched, kissing often.


She squeezed and tugged at my cock, but with the warm water flowing over it, it felt like it was being sucked. Amazing. But the best was yet to come. Daria cut off the water and squeezed past me slightly awkwardly, making for the exit of the shower. I was about to follow her out when she blocked me from leaving and knelt… What Daria did then? I could get hard right now just thinking about it. She blew me as I stood, even opening her throat so that I went right inside her. I thought I could die happy right there. I’d had a blowjob before, of course, but never standing up. Whole different experience! I could hardly stand. I had to put my hand on her head or my knees would have buckled!


His cock was clean and warm in my mouth. It tasted vaguely of the shower gel, a sort of lime flavour. What I enjoy about sucking a penis is its warmth and the way it feels when it pulls my lips back and forth. I began experimenting with my tongue. I sucked him until he was weak in the knees, and I loved it!


I wanted to go down on her to repay the favour, but she told me she was more than ready. That could wait. She led me to the bedroom, both of us still wet from the shower. I hurriedly put on a condom, and we lay on the bed. She opened her legs, and I entered her. I began to thrust as slowly as I could. I was afraid if I went too fast, I’d come, having been so expertly warmed up. I closed my eyes to take my mind off it, you know, to put it off….


When Eric entered me? Mmmmmmm! He found my spot, no doubt. He was strong and smelt good and horny, just radiating pheromones, and I told him to ‘speed up’…

He increased the pace, pumping me as deep as we could and looking into my eyes and then I put my hand on his back….and we….


We came at the same time, both yelling. It was like a dream. Not bad for a first time together. We kind of split for ten minutes. She wanted to pee. I got dry with a towel. I was worried she would ask me to leave – I mean it was her room. I was worried that she wasn’t up for round two.


I couldn’t wait for round two. I’d given him a blowjob… now, he owed me one, an oral sex session. It was only fair. He was certainly practiced with his tongue. And he knew where to suck and where to tickle. I couldn’t stay silent, or still. I shifted left to right on my hips in my ecstasy as he massaged me down there. I looked down at Eric, buried in me from chin to nose. I wrapped my legs around his head, my feet meeting over his neck. He was like a dog at a bone! Let’s just say that after ten minutes, I considered the favour repaid.


I was happy to oblige. She was soft and wet down there and I went to work. I’d have been happy to stay there all night. I loved it when she wrapped her legs around me!


I had him lie on his back and I climbed on top of him. I began to ride him, bouncing up and down on his cock. My breasts bumped up and down. He reached up and rubbed my belly, then ran his hands down my thighs. He was rock hard and really getting me going. It was time to shift to my all-time favourite position…


She suddenly stopped and got off, which I thought was strange as neither of us had come. She grabbed my shoulder and rolled me onto my side, then lay down in front of me and lifted her left leg. I saw her pussy split wide, and I moved over and penetrated her again.


This time he began slowly and then drove deeper into me, firmly thrusting. I held myself up on my elbow, though it wasn’t easy, he was going at it so hard! Eric had set me up with his mouth, now he was knocking me down! I was breathing hard, panting and gasping and Eric was inspired to push harder and harder; he was driving into me with all his strength.

My second orgasm squirted out of me as he did me from behind on my side. It was intense and prolonged, and I cried out with pleasure as I came. At the time, nothing could have been further from my mind than my ex and his new lover. Eric had driven them out of me!


Had I earned what she did next? I like to think so.


I had him kneel before me, then I sucked my fingers a little. Then I reached round and found his hole. Teasing his cock with my other hand, I slipped my finger as gently as I could, wiggling it around. I knew where his prostate was, of course, but I was in no rush. I half sucked and half jerked his penis and enjoyed the reaction.


Honestly, I’ve never tried anal with a girl. And I haven’t done it with a guy either. Just….not my scene. But if every guy’s cock was the same size as her index finger, you’d never get me out of the gay clubs, haha! It was fucking mind-blowing, her finger jiggling about in my ass while she alternately sucked my cock and looked deep at me in the soft lamp light with those gorgeous Asian eyes of hers, jerking me off with her hand. I tend to be a quiet one during sex. Shy, I guess. But I was moaning and groaning. If it could have lasted forever, I’d have frozen time. But of course…


One hand busy with his rectum, the other on his genitals, I whispered into his ear, “I want you to come.”

“Suck it faster,” he gasped. I obliged, and he exploded in my mouth. Impressive volume, for a guy who’d orgasmed only about an hour before.


That second time? Good doesn’t even touch the sides. That was crack heroin. After that, we were both a bit done in. We both washed up in the bathroom. We agreed to catnap, but when we awoke, it was almost five a.m. and the night was nearly done. Of course, once we’d brushed our teeth and had woken up a bit, we fitted in a third round before I had to go downstairs for the second day of the conference.


Ah, that third time. Have you ever had such a great experience that doing it once more kind of feels…unnecessary? Like you’d already peaked. A bit like that. Well, it WAS different. It was calmer. Less dirty. Less animal. But it was nice.

I rode him, he took me from behind, and then on my back. We were tired, and we were gentler with each other, but for a third time when the energy and immediate passion had burnt out a bit, it was good. I came, which meant I’d scored a hat trick for the night in Barcelona. Eat your heart out, Messi.


The second day of the conference? Was there one? I don’t remember it. We exchanged numbers and….it was not the last time we met.


Eric was just what I needed to get over my ex. We did it a lot over that Spring. He was great in bed and a stand-up guy overall. We were just too different for a long-term thing. But I’ll always be glad he boarded that train…and me!  


Published 3 years ago

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