A Handy Man – Meant To Be – Pt. 11

"Feeling they were meant to be, Jack makes plans for a commitment."

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The weekend of Diana’s visit was a resounding success. Sunday was spent with more sightseeing, this time with the kids in tow as they started at Zoo Tampa. Both Lee and Diana were very fond of animals and often visited the local zoo wherever they traveled. A late lunch was also kid-oriented as they went for the all-American meal of hamburger, french fries, and Cokes, though at an upscale restaurant.

Seeing her Dad with Cindy and Evan reminded Diana of her childhood and how he always had time for her, a good omen for when she and Lee had kids soon. Haley was like her mom, taking the more responsible maternal role, while her Dad’s playfulness made him seem like just another kid.

Haley’s mom stepped in again so the quartet could have an adult dinner on their final night together. Bascom’s Chop House was a favorite of Jack’s as the food and service were impeccable, and you didn’t feel rushed. On the pricey side, the others had never tried it.

Their conversation flowed smoothly as Diana and Lee brought Dad up-to-date on their personal goings-on. They often tried to bring Haley into the dialog, and seldom though it was, she didn’t feel left out. She loved hearing about the history of two people she hoped she’d consider family at some point.

Haley insisted on going to the airport the following midday, and while she and Lee said their goodbyes, Jack and Diana got the carry-ons out of the back of the car. Diana pulled her Dad in for a tight hug, whispering in his ear.

“She’s wonderful, Dad. A keeper! Don’t wait too long!” she warned.

“I won’t. Goodbye, Princess!”

“Goodbye, Daddy! And you too, Haley. I hope we’ll be seeing much more of you in the future!” she said, giving Haley a warm, friendly hug as well, while Lee received the same from Jack.

“Bye!” they all said, waving together as Diana and Lee disappeared into the airport.

“I’m so glad they came, Jack! I feel so much better now and look forward to seeing them again! But I have to admit I’m exhausted! Until last night – a fabulous dinner, by the way – I felt like I was constantly ‘On,’ trying to make a good impression and not say anything I’d regret later.”

“You were great, as always! She loves you!” he said with a gentle kiss. “It’s well past noon, so we can either go out for some lunch before we head home or get the kids, make lunch, and spend a quiet afternoon with them?”

Haley smiled at his suggestion of going ‘home.’ It made her happy to know he thought of her house as home, even in such a casual way. She hoped it was another harbinger of what was to come. As these thoughts swirled in her head, the idea of some domestic solitude sounded suddenly appealing.

Later, they sat together on the sofa, watching Cindy and Evan play a game of ‘Trouble.’ They wished they’d chosen something else, as the constant popping of the Pop-O-Matic die roller made the game anything but tranquil. Still, they enjoyed seeing the childish delight they got from it, though, at the end of the game, Evan, having lost, accused Cindy of cheating with the two shouting at each other. Seeing the look of exasperation on Haley’s face, Jack jumped in to handle it.

“Hold up, guys! What’s wrong?” he asked, sitting on the floor with them.

“She cheated! She just kept getting the number she needed to beat me!”

“I did not!” Cindy objected.

“Did too!” Evan replied.

“Evan, come here,” Jack said, inviting him into his lap. “There’s no way to cheat to get the numbers you want in Trouble. You can’t trick the popper! And besides, Cindy’s your only sister and wouldn’t do that to you even if she could.”

“I don’t like losing!” he countered.

“Nobody does, but it’s not just about winning, is it? Don’t you enjoy the game while you’re playing it?”

“I guess so,” he admitted dejectedly.

“Tell Cindy you’re sorry.”

Getting up from Jack’s lap and going to hug his sister, he said, “I’m sorry, Cindy.”

Cindy smiled at Jack as thanks for sticking up for her. She’d wondered whether he favored Evan over her, but this example said otherwise.

“Would you like some more tea while I’m up?” he asked Haley as he got off the floor.

“Come here!” she said with outstretched arms, which he gladly accepted. “Seems like your magic touch works with them, too! I love you so, Jack!” she added, wondering if his endearing ways would survive the ‘newness’ of their love, suspecting they would.

“I love you too! I hope you’ll be interested in my ‘magic touch’ later on?”

“Oh yeah! Too bad it has to be later!” she said after a loving kiss. “And yes, I’ll have some more tea!”

Jack ran off to get the tea, and returning to the sofa, she curled up against him, lazing in the warmth of his body. They spent the afternoon like that, and after the kids went to their rooms to play alone, that warmth grew as they teased each other. Touches, some gentle, some not, lifted their lust till they had to stop because the next step would be the bedroom. And dinner needed to be prepared.

They made a simple dinner meant to please Cindy and Evan, but all enjoyed the chicken tenders with a variety of dipping sauces. The conversation with the kids was light and playful as they shared their grape juice ‘wine,’ while the adults had the real stuff to enhance their desires.

It seemed like it took forever before the kids were in bed, but having little exercise today didn’t promote sleepiness. As always, Haley tucked them both in bed and stayed till they slept, Evan first and then Cindy.

“I like Mr. Jack, Mommy. I’m glad he’s your bestest friend.”

Haley waited for another query about marriage and, getting none, kissed her on the forehead and sat on the floor beside her bed till her light breathing told her she was sleeping.

Returning to the sofa, she found Jack in nothing but his boxers, holding a glass of wine for her.

“Thank you. Seems like I’m overdressed!” she said, taking her glass, kicking off her sandals, and starting to unbutton her blouse.”

“I’ll take care of that!” Jack insisted.

He finished opening her blouse, smiling happily, when he saw her beautiful breasts bulging out of a half-cup bra that was probably too small. His hands were still pushing the blouse up and over her shoulders when he leaned in to cover the exposed soft flesh in light kisses. Haley reached around to undo the clasp behind her, wanting to feel his lips on her protruding nipples. Her head fell back with the ecstatic touch of lips and fingers on her nips, her fingers running through his hair, guiding him back and forth to whichever begged for his mouth’s attention.

“Oh, Jack! That feels so good! I’ve been a Mommy and a good girl all day. Make me feel like a bad girl, Jack! Take me!” she said, knowing he’d loved to hear her say that.

“Mmm, bad girls sometimes need spankings, don’t they?” he countered with both breasts in his hands, pushing them together against his cheeks.

“Ooo, yes! I’m your bad, little girl, Daddy! Take me over your knee, pull my panties down, and spank me! Spank me, Daddy!”

Jack lifted his head from the comfort of her abundant breasts and kissed her quickly but with passion before reaching for the waist of her shorts and pulling them down. As naked as he was now, she extended her hands for help standing, only to be scooped up in his arms again for the short trip to her bedroom.

“Come here, bad girl!” he commanded from his seat in the armless upholstered chair they’d used whenever she wanted or needed to feel a little pain before their pleasure.

She stood to his side, ready to be guided across his lap, but he pulled her to the front and slowly tugged her tight, pink thong panties down, dropping them at her ankles where she stepped out them and flicked them away with her foot. The delicious view of her ass in those tight shorts all day told him her bottom would already be exposed.

She was about to move again when he grabbed her hips, pulling her closer and bending down to first kiss and then lick her silken slit. Again, with her fingers threaded in his hair, she pulled him into her crotch, rocking her hips over his mouth and tongue.

“Mmm, if you don’t stop, you’re going to have to finish this before spanking me!” she said as she pulled his favorite dessert away from his face.

Attending to her hungry puss would probably have them skipping over her play punishment, and knowing how much she wanted it, he gave up, guiding her to his side and over his lap. Getting her in just the right position, bent over his thigh with her sex on the edge, he caressed her gorgeous ass, lovingly at first and then a bit more insistent, preparing her for the sting she loved from her playful spankings.

“Ohh!” she yipped at the first swat, as always more surprising than painful. “Oh yeah!” she cried repeatedly with an occasional ‘Spank me, Daddy!’ thrown in.

He’d developed a pattern that she liked, and while not overly imaginative, it was just what she wanted. At a slow pace, he smacked each cheek in turn, spreading them around her sumptuous cheeks, but mainly on the fleshy top and sensitive lower curves. After a couple of dozen, he changed to several on a single cheek before switching sides. She always became more animated at this point, with the sting growing to the level she liked, while he spanked three, six, and even ten times on a single cheek, each elevated sequence delivered at a faster pace.

“Had enough, Love?” he asked when her cheeks showed a distinctly darker pink shade.

“No. More please?” she pled and added, “A little harder!” She lifted her bottom, exhibiting her eagerness for a bit more than usual.

He loved to see her writhing in his lap with the pain and pleasure driving her on. Continuing with six on a cheek, her gasping became louder, frequently tucking her bottom in to evade his hand. He switched to his left hand, spanking from above while his fingers slipped into her teeming tunnel.

“Oh God! Oh God!” she said over and over again, soon grunting, “Ungh! Ungh!” just before she came, her whole body trembling in his lap while his fingers continued at a slow, erotic pace. Another potent shudder passed through her body, and he wondered whether she’d cum a second time.

She lay across his lap, feeling like limp spaghetti but gathering some strength after the most rigorous ordeal she’d ever experienced over his knee. Eventually, she calmed enough to turn over and sit up, putting her arms around his neck and kissing him lovingly.

“Jack!” she exclaimed when their lips parted. “Remember what you just did because I’ll want to do it again! It was the best!”

She rolled off his lap, reaching for his boxers before her knees hit the floor, but he stopped her.

“Not yet,” he said, guiding her to the bed’s end. Pushing her down onto its surface and holding her knees, he pulled them apart and pushed them further back until they were squashing her tits.

With his hands on her thighs, holding them in position, he mashed his lips into her swollen wet pussy, kissing and sucking it into his mouth. Gasping almost instantly as she hadn’t fully recovered from her orgasmic spanking yet, she put her hands behind her knees and pulled back further, her crotch rising off the bed as her back curved. She wanted to free his hands to help with his tongue.

Her reactions told him she didn’t want subtle and gentle; she wanted hard and merciless, so his freed hands got into the act, one caressing her mons while thumbing her clit and the other pumping inside. It didn’t take long to see her climbing to another rapturous summit. He kicked everything into high gear until her tender pink folds flooded with her juice.

Waiting only seconds, he went in for another go, her gasping and panting becoming even more pronounced as one climactic climb picked up where the other left off. He could see she wasn’t far from the edge again and decided to trigger it in a different way.

With just his middle finger in her pussy, he swirled it around, scooping up her lubricating nectar and wiping it on the winking star between her cheeks.

“Oh, Jack!” she gasped as his intentions became clear.

Going for another coating on his finger, his middle finger twisted and twirled inside her, getting as much on his finger as possible before pulling it out to begin knocking on her back door with incessant pressure, forcing his longest digit in slowly. Her gasps became cries as he reached the limit and started pumping her ass progressively faster while his tongue let up not a whit.

“Fuck!” she howled, still mindful of her kids just down the hall, and when it hit, she let go of her quivering legs, letting them fall to the floor as deep, lungful breaths took her over.

“No! No more!” she begged as still, he licked her twitching pussy.

With his hands on either side of her chest, he leaned down to kiss her, getting only a brief response until her heavy breathing subsided. Holding her arms out, he happily fell into them, laying atop her still-shaking body.

“Wow!” she exclaimed as her lungs recovered, “I don’t think I’ve ever had three orgasms so quickly; if it was only three!”

“Well, I’ll try to do better next time!” he laughed and got a smack on his ass for being a smartass.

She wrapped her legs around his waist and rolled them over, declaring it his turn. Practically ripping the boxers off, her mouth was on his more-than-ready cock as soon as it popped free. Wishing she could do for him what he’d just done for her, and starting slowly, she figured if she couldn’t make him cum three times like her, she would make it last as long as possible.

With a hand around the base, coddling his sac, she ran her tongue up and down the shaft, giving extra attention to the swollen, purple tip on each stroke. She noticed his deeper breathing within a minute or so and realized his first time today would cum quicker than she’d like. Stepping up her efforts, she swallowed him fully, her lips, tongue, and throat each doing their part to give him something special, even if he didn’t last long. Her hand could feel the strain in his muscles trying to hold back, and she helped by tightening her grip around the base.

“Oh, Haley! That. Feels. So. Good!” he cried with a strain in his voice, too, and seconds later, the geyser, like Old Faithful, went off spewing his stream into her mouth.

She lay beside him, stroking his hair and chest as she watched the exceptional joy she’d given him gradually subside, his eyes blinking open near the end. Turning toward her, she loved that look on his face, like there was no one like her in the world. It was a look she’d never seen before, and considered herself the luckiest woman on earth to have such a man as hers.

“Now, how will we get him ready for another round?”

“I’ll stay right here, and you give me another taste of my favorite dessert!”

She kissed him, hoping to make him feel what she’d just been feeling, then sat up and lifted her leg over his chest. She knew he loved both the sight and feel of her sitting naked on his chest, so she lingered there a moment, squirming in anticipation of another licking while he handled her tits again. Scooting forward, her feet next to his head, she planted her sticky, wet pussy directly on his mouth and held still while his tongue slithered into her slit.

“Oh, I love this!” she sighed as she leaned forward and began the hip rocking that had his face sawing through her gash. Her knees weakening from supporting her upright body, she fell forward with her hands on the bed as she continued to use his face as her pussy’s scratching post.

He loved giving this to her as much as she loved getting it. Feeling her thighs against his cheeks, her ass in his hands, and her participation in this most extreme form of oral sex gave him as much as he gave her, and though he wouldn’t climax like her, his joy would overflow when she’d finally cum. The longer it took, the better, in his view. When he felt her body quivering on his face, smelled her pussy expelling its pungent nectar, and saw her juices flow enough to cover his face, her elation was infectious.

She slid back again to where she could bend down and cover his sticky face with kisses of gratitude. That he loved doing it for her made it all the more special.

“Ooo, he’s more than ready for another go!” she said, having reached back to feel his hard cock reaching for the sky. “Shall we do it like this, or doggie style so you can spank me again?”

His answer was to sit up with her in his lap, take her in his arms, and smack her bottom.

“Ooo!” she yipped. “Like this then?” she asked and lifted one leg as he guided his shaft into her slippery, silky sheath. “Mmm!” she sighed as she felt his full length, “You make sitting on your face so fucking hot, but when you fill me up like this, you fill me with so much love!”

“Oh God, Haley! I love you too!” he said before kissing her lips, her cheeks, her nose, and back to her lips, mouths full of their love.

Taking turns, she’d ride his shaft, pulling up and away while he licked and sucked her nips, then holding herself up, he’d pump her pussy from below. They fell into a rhythm of her pulling away, him rising to fill her again and coming down together, the mattress providing that last push that mashed their hips together.

It lasted longer than either had expected and when their nearly simultaneous climaxes arrived, they hugged each other so tightly as to feel each other’s chest rise and fall with each deep breath. Murmuring words of love as breathing slowed, they kissed lovingly and lustfully, gently and powerfully, and above all, devotedly.

They slept better than they had since Diana’s trip was arranged, both feeling relief that it had gone well. Jack was proud of the way Haley handled herself, balancing her friendly nature with understandable nervousness, especially when she found out about Diana’s sexuality, as they’d never had occasion to discuss the evolving LGBTQ phenomenon.

Haley looked back on the long weekend as a further joining with Jack, having accepted and been accepted by his daughter. As sleep was close, she smiled at the memory of Cindy’s reaction to having a big sister.

Time passed with little talk of the future, though they knew where they were ultimately heading. It was just a matter of the right time to ask, and Jack felt he needed to connect with Cindy and Evan better before they made anything official.

They enjoyed the holidays together, feeling they had more to celebrate. For New Year’s, they assembled the same crowd as before, with Diana and Lee visiting. Haley’s mother and the kids were also invited, though Evan had to be woken up for the final moment. It was a wonderful night for two families coming together, and when Jack and Haley kissed at midnight, they each expressed their gratitude for finding each other.

Cindy had a birthday coming, her ninth, and Jack suggested a weekend at Disney World to celebrate. Evan had never been there as Haley doubted her ability to keep track of two kids on her own in the hectic atmosphere of a theme park. Cindy had little recollection of going there when her father was still in the picture, so it was like a first time for her as well. Haley’s mother was excited to be included, too.

Their first day was in the Magic Kingdom, the heart of the whole Disney experience, where they got pictures with their favorite characters and saw as many attractions as possible. A highlight of the day was all four riding the Thunder Mountain roller coaster, giving Cindy enough courage to try Space Mountain with Jack.

Thoroughly exhausted by mid-afternoon, they retreated to their room at the Old Key West resort, where Jack had booked a three-bedroom suite. They all took naps so they could return to the park at night for the fireworks show over the castle, the best they’d ever seen.

The following day at Animal Kingdom was also exciting but toned down a bit as they focused on the animals and shows, especially those highlighting their favorite movie characters from Lion King and A Bug’s Life.

As they drove home in the evening, animated discussions about all they’d done and seen preceded all but Jack and Haley falling asleep. Tired themselves, they talked quietly as Jack drove the thankfully uncongested I-4 back to Pinellas County.

Jack didn’t know what would have to happen for him to be comfortable about the kids accepting a more significant role from him in their lives, but he did everything he could with playful weekends and outings, both planned and spontaneous. Eventually, he had to accept that they weren’t going to say or do anything specific to welcome him into their world. One unusual result was that Cindy stopped asking if they would be getting married.

He sensed some frustration from Haley as months passed without the commitment they were both expecting and remembering Diana’s warning, he decided it was time.

He called Diana for some advice on a ring. He wanted it to be perfect, but having never selected a ring on his own, even with his beloved wife, he sought a female’s point of view.

“What kind of ring do you think she’d like?” Diana asked him.

“I don’t know!?” he replied in frustration, expecting her to answer the question. “She doesn’t wear any gaudy or showy jewelry, so I guess understated would be right.”

“I agree, Dad. Haley’s not impressed by pretentious displays of wealth, but I think she’d appreciate something just a little more opulent from you. Maybe a slightly larger than average stone with a round cut and simple setting?”

“That seems right. If I texted you pictures from the jewelers, would you offer an opinion?”

“Yeah, okay,” she replied, laughing, having never seen her father so unsure about anything before.

She coached him further on ‘borrowing’ one of Haley’s rings to take to the jeweler for sizing as he was adamant that he place the ring on her finger once she’d accepted. Just voicing that desire suddenly presented a question he hadn’t considered. ‘What if she says no?’ He dismissed the thought, but it remained at the back of his mind as he tried to plan how and when he’d ‘pop the question.’

He wanted a place special to them where they could be truly alone, and though racking his brain for an alternative, he kept coming to the same conclusion. He considered various restaurants where they’d had memorable meals or their favorite park where they’d walk together or with the kids, but those didn’t provide the level of privacy he sought. Most would consider it a weird place for such a significant life event, but it was the first full day they’d spent together, they’d enjoyed both the exercise and the picnic, and the end provided a funny story to tell for years to come.

“I’d love to!” Haley replied when asked if she wanted to go on another bike ride. “A different trail?” she asked, surprised by his adamant ‘No!’

So Haley’s mom came to her house to watch the kids, and they set off as before with a picnic basket and the bikes loaded in the back of Jack’s truck. The drive there inevitably brought laughing memories of Jack’s muddy countenance after racing back to the truck through a typical Florida thunderstorm.

They both agreed the weather was perfect. It was warmer than usual as Florida’s short winter was nearly past. Big, puffy white clouds dotted the sky, and a warm breeze made their ride to the same spot in the woods a pleasurable journey.

As before, they laid out a blanket and sat together, Haley sitting between Jack’s legs, her head resting back on his shoulder and his arms wrapped possessively around her. Enjoying their closeness, they touched and kissed, providing affectionate comfort, initially not intending to start anything more passionate, but when Haley offered her tongue and lustful lips, Jack stopped her gently.

“Mmm, you taste delicious, but I’ve got a very special dessert planned for later?”

“Ooo, that sounds promising!” she replied, her interest piqued.

“Have some with me?” he asked, a bottle of wine in his hand.

This time, she agreed, feeling like it wouldn’t hamper her improved bike riding skills too much on their return. Jack served an appetizing platter of cheese and tasty wheat crackers, followed by club sandwiches of turkey, ham, and roast beef with layers of fine rye bread, cheese, and lettuce that tasted good and looked expertly crafted. He finished the meal with some sticky pastries that perfectly complimented the red wine.

“Is that the special dessert?” she asked, feeling a little let down with the fine-tasting pastry, but certainly not what she had in mind as ‘very special.’

“No, there’s more,” he said, accepting a kiss meant to get things started. “Do you remember the first time we met?”

“Of course I do. You came to my home at Marcy’s recommendation to give me a quote on my stairs. I was quite taken with your honest and gentlemanly approach. Not at all like the usual service people I’d encountered.”

“I don’t know if it was love at first sight,” he started, loving her smiling reaction, “but you had my interest in a way no woman had in quite a long time.”

“Oh Jack, I …” she started, but he interrupted.

“You were so friendly and warm, seemingly happy to be in my company with no ulterior motives. You made me happy in a way that surprised me, and I decided I would give you my best work ever if only to repay your kindness.

“I didn’t usually stay long enough in a client’s home to see them at the end of the day, but with you, I looked forward to your return every time. I loved – love the way you are with Cindy and Evan, and you always seemed happy to find me still there.”

“I was, and it was more than just adult conversation I enjoyed,” she said with a wink, thinking he was leading up to the sexy dessert she was expecting.

“Each time, you pulled me in further, leaving me longing for your presence. Each time I left, I imagined that you really didn’t want me to go. I dragged the job out as long as I could, and when the end was near, I worried about what it would be like never to see you again. Then, as if by fate, that babysitting opportunity fell in my lap. I’d decided that if there were even a glimmer of a chance you’d want to be with me, I’d take it.

“And then you came home looking absolutely gorgeous, and somehow I knew you had similar feelings for me. That night? Haley, my God, it was incredibly spectacular, and I don’t mean just the sex. The way you responded to me, to my touch, was exactly as I’d imagined it. No thought of what you were getting except the joy of giving. Our age difference, something I’d thought would ultimately keep you from me, mattered not a bit as we gave so much to each other.”

“It was magical, Jack, and I mean that in the truest sense of the word. I feared that an established and handsome bachelor wouldn’t want to involve himself with a divorcee and two young children, so it had to be some sort of enchantment that drew us together.”

“Every day we’re together, I’m happy and thanking whoever that magician is that I have you. On the days I don’t see you, I’d fall into utter despair if I didn’t have the next time with you to look forward to. I don’t want any more days without you, Haley!” he started, and suddenly, she figured out what he was doing. Her face lit up in anticipation. Jack reached deep into the picnic basket where he’d hid the ring, but didn’t show it to her yet.

“I want to spend every day with you, Cindy and Evan, and every night with you in my arms till morning. I want to be there for you for whatever you want or need and give you all I’ve got and then some. So please give me one thing, Haley. Marry me and be my wife?” he said as he opened the small box and offered her the ring he’d finally picked on his own.

“Yes! Oh God, yes, Jack! I love you so much! I want to be with you always!” she said with tears running down her cheeks. She offered him her hand and he slipped the ring on her finger, and before even looking at it, she leaned in for a gentle, loving kiss. “It’s beautiful, Jack!” she said, holding her hand up to see not only a beautiful ring but also the love and devotion of the man she loved, not only for her but for her children as well.

They pulled each other in for a crushing hug and fell to the blanket, kissing and crying together. They lay together, basking in their shared happiness. Eventually, he sat up and, pulling her into his lap, wrapped his arms around her, smiling to see her gazing at the ring.

“Did you like your dessert?”

“I love it! And I love you! I should have known that ‘very special’ from you didn’t mean some pastry!”

‘What a perfect day!’ they both thought. They remained swaddled in each other’s arms while warm breezes rustled the remaining leaves of the live oak canopy above, through which dappled sunlight bled, adding to the warmth of two people so much in love and ever thankful for their future and whatever had brought them together.


Jack and Haley will finally be together! What will the kids, especially Cindy, think? Please remember to ‘Like’ and/or ‘Favorite’ my story if you liked it and … Thanks For Reading!!


Published 3 months ago

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