Haley woke in the same happy mood she’d been in for a couple of weeks now that she and Jack were spending more and more time together. The sex was fantastic, but there was more to it than that, and that is what kept her happy long after the last orgasm had subsided.
Within a week, everyone noticed her exuberant attitude toward everything, and she did nothing to hide it, reveling in the lust for life again. Even her mother had commented on it during a phone call, but she wasn’t ready to tell her yet the source of her newfound joy. A new idea, though, necessitated filling her in, and they sat quietly with a cup of tea after dinner one weekday evening. Her mother smiled happily, having guessed what was finally bringing a smile to her previously forlorn daughter’s face.
“So, who is he?” she asked, attempting to break the ice.
“What? Who is who?” Haley responded. She hadn’t yet decided how to broach the subject, unsure of her mother’s reaction.
“Come on, Haley! I’m your mother and a woman. I know the look of a woman who’s had a good schtupping!”
“Mom!” she replied in shock at her mother’s attempt at vulgarity but couldn’t hold back the smile that said she was right.
“You know I hated that philandering husband of yours, but I didn’t expect you to become a nun when he was finally out of your life!”
“His name is Jack.”
“The handyman?” her mother responded, having heard all about the long staircase project.
“Yeah, and he’s quite handy at other things, too!” she laughed contagiously, her mother laughing too.
“How long has this been going on?”
“Only a few weeks,” she replied, telling the whole story of their coming together. “He’s a lot older than me, but he’s so much more a man than those idiots at work I’ve dated.”
“So, how can I help?” her mom asked to a surprised look from her daughter. “Haley, I’ve known you long enough to know you didn’t ask me over on a weeknight just to tell me about your latest love interest.”
“You’re right, of course,” she chuckled. “I’d like to have a whole weekend with him. So far, it’s just been nights here, and he goes home in the early hours. We haven’t done anything during the day on a weekend because I’d have to take Cindy and Evan, and it feels too soon for that.”
“I’d love to have my favorite grandchildren over for the weekend. Shall I pick them up at daycare on Friday, or do you want to do that?”
“I’ll pick them up and bring them to your house, okay?”
“Sure. You think you love him, don’t you?”
“Again, too soon. But I’ll never find out just meeting him in my bed every other night.”
“Every other night?!”
“Well, maybe not every other night,” she corrected with a laugh.
The plan settled with her mother she now had to tell Jack. She didn’t want to offer it until her mother was on board, but truth be told, she knew her mother would be and was really just worried about Jack’s reaction. Would he think she’s trying to get something more from him? Is he settled as a bachelor and having sex with a younger lady enough for him? She thought she sensed something more from him, but the old self-esteem issues cropped up when she thought about it.
“Hi, Jack!” she said, calling him from work during the day.
“Hi, beautiful!” he replied. She loved it when he called her that.
“Jack, I had an idea for something we could do together and wanted to run it by you first. It’s okay if you don’t want to do it. Just tell me. I’ll understand. I mean, if it’s too much, just say so, okay? I don’t want to push …” she said nervously, speed-talking.
“Haley!” he interrupted, “I’m sure I’ll be fine with it. Just tell me what it is!”
“Well, We haven’t been able to do anything during the days because of my kids, so I thought if my mother took my kids for the weekend, we could …”
“I love it!” he replied, interrupting again.
“You do? It’s not too …”
“No, it’s not too anything! When? This weekend, I hope?”
“Yes! This weekend!” she said, her outlook brightening with his enthusiasm. “My mother’s going to take Cindy and Evan, and we’ll have two whole days and two whole …”
“Yeah. Two whole nights together! Did you make any specific plans?”
“No, not yet. I wanted to be sure you’re okay with it,” she replied.
“Good! I’ll do that, okay? Is it alright if we spend the first night at my home?”
“Oh! Um. Sure!”
She got off the phone so happy and relieved that he seemed as excited about it as she was. She hadn’t even thought about staying at his house one of the nights, but he’d suggested it, and now she was going to his home after dropping the kids off at her mother’s. He was going to make her dinner, spend the rest of the night there, and go to her place Saturday night.
It was casual Friday, and she knew how Jack liked a natural look as much as her being dolled up, so she put on her tightest, sexiest jeans and an equally tight top that she’d wear with a bra for work but lose immediately after.
She put together a small overnight bag and set off for school and work. If people thought she was happy before, wait till they saw her today! She tried not to let her hopes run away, but his reaction to her idea was perfect; it could not have been any better if she’d scripted it.
The day dragged as any would with such overshadowing anticipations, yet she got through it still excited but also a little nervous about her expectations.
Getting the kids to her mother’s went off without a hitch, despite feeling a little guilty about leaving them for two days, but if these two days went well, then …
‘No! I can’t think like that! Just enjoy the weekend!’ she admonished herself.
She’d texted him that she was on her way and smiled broadly when he was waiting at his open door as she pulled into the driveway. She wanted to run to him, to his open arms, and hug him to death, but her admonishment held up and she walked quickly with a big smile into his house and his arms.
“Haley! I’m so looking forward to this!” he said softly in her ear when she rested her head on his shoulder after a welcoming kiss.
“Me too!” she replied as he pulled her away, holding her at arm’s length.
“Mmm, I don’t know why I’m making dinner! You look good enough to eat!” he replied, and his mouth and tongue were soon occupied as they kissed voraciously. “Do you think it would spoil my dinner if I had a little bit of you first?”
“Oh God, Jack! No, it wouldn’t!” she said and squeaked when he swept her off her feet and carried her to his bedroom.
He sat her at the end of the bed and knelt before her with both hands on her tits. He’d been hungry for her all day and didn’t want to wait a minute longer to taste her, to see the pleasure on her face that he put there.
Haley ran her hands through his thick, greying hair as her ‘handy’ man demonstrated how good he was with his hands. She pressed her breasts into his palms as they massaged her willing flesh. She lifted her hips when he’d opened her pants and couldn’t wait to feel him between her thighs as he tugged them down and off.
With her jeans gone, he moaned at the sight of her tight black panties, her swelling lips forming an enticing cameltoe in the sheer gusset. He pulled her to the edge of the bed so he could bury his face between her legs, now spread wide in invitation. With hands grabbing her ass, he pulled himself in, enveloping her pussy in his mouth while he sucked in her musky nectar, already flowing freely.
“Oh, Jack!” she cooed as his mouth attached itself, eating her wanton pussy. She moaned as she pulled his head even tighter into her seething crotch, squirming as the sensations built.
Jack pushed her back on the bed gently and made quick work of removing her panties. Her raised knees and spread thighs begged for his tongue in her eager wet slit, and he didn’t disappoint. Again with no finesse intended, he attacked her pretty pussy, his tongue seemingly everywhere at once.
In less than a minute, she could feel the first of many orgasms to come hit her with incredible force, prolonged by his insistent tongue. She quivered inside as his tongue slithered between her lips to concentrate on her clit, and before long, she could feel another climax coming.
Two fingers slid into her dripping slot easily and curled upwards to get her spot. In seconds, he could feel her coming again and sat back to watch her with his fingers still keeping her motor running. When she started calming down, he stood, bent over her and with hands on either side of her chest, he bent down to kiss her gently, lovingly.
“You’re … you’re just amazing, Jack!” she said when she sat up and leaned against his chest with those strong, welcoming arms wrapped around her again.
When her hand accidentally found the bulge in his pants, she moved to reciprocate, but he stopped her.
“I’ve been waiting all day to see that look on your face, and that’s all I need right now!”
She kissed him, unable to contain her thoughts as she hoped against hope for what she truly wanted from this weekend.
They went to the kitchen, where two glasses of red wine had already been poured, and they toasted their weekend together. Jack worked on a dinner of bacon-wrapped filet mignons, baked potatoes, and buttered green beans while Haley got in the way with nearly constant demands for his attention as she bounced around the kitchen in her top and panties. He loved that she was insatiable, and her near-nakedness got his attention, but more than once, he smacked her butt playfully, like scolding a child. She yelped the first time, but something about it made her want more, so instead of getting her to stop, it encouraged her to continue.
They had dinner outside on his wooden deck, with a cool breeze and setting sun. It had been a few days since they’d seen each other, so accounts of the week were shared as they both looked forward to having each other for dessert.
“I thought we would go in the hot tub after dinner?” he stated as a question as he loaded the dishes onto a tray to take inside.
“Mmm, sounds good! Don’t get undressed. I want to do it!” she said with the corner of her lip between her teeth.
“You too!” he replied, and the bulge in his shorts grew noticeably.
He returned with a couple of towels and stood still for Haley as she slowly removed his shirt and shorts, taking even longer with his briefs, licking the tip of his erection as it popped out at her. Jack only unveiled her perfect tits after sliding his hands up under her shirt to push them together and squeeze them, a finger finding the nipples as well. Pushing his hands up, the shirt came up and off with them before kneeling at her feet. With fingers in the elastic waistband, he pulled her sexy panties down slowly, over her ass in back first, where he grabbed her gorgeous cheeks for a quick squeeze. Moving back to the front, he licked his lips as her smooth, bare pussy came into view, and couldn’t resist a quick lick through her slit, with a quiver of her legs.
He stood up and, taking her hand, helped her step into the roiling hot water. She found a seat while Jack stepped in but moved to sit sideways in his lap as soon as he was seated. Kissing passionately, their tongues twisted around each other as hands explored beneath the water’s surface.
Feeling it was his turn, she stroked his shaft and licked her lips, telling him wordlessly that she wanted him in her mouth. He moved to the lower step where his cock protruded above the water, and she pounced on it, taking it in her hands and mouth as Jack leaned back and sighed contentedly. Running her tongue up and down the underside, he groaned at the sight of this beautiful woman sucking his cock ravenously, wondering how he’d gotten so lucky. With her giving some special attention to the head, he held on as long as he could, getting some help as she squeezed the base, holding back the eruption while he cried, “Oh fuck,” lifted his hips, and sent his geyser into her mouth. Sucking every last drop from him, she looked up and smiled.
He pulled her up into his arms again and then down into the water as he kissed her with one arm behind her back and the other with its hand behind her neck. Their eyes spoke the words they were each afraid to voice as he moved to a seat, cradling her in his arms like a baby, kissing her entire face with soft, gentle busses.
Sitting up, she sat in his lap, facing him with knees at his sides and his cock between her legs. She reached down to take it in one hand while the other stroked his chest, and he returned the favor with her breasts bobbing in the bubbling water.
“I’ve been thinking about him inside me all day!” she claimed as she slowly nursed him back to extra-large.
She’d never had sex in a hot tub or pool and worried the water would wash away her natural lubrication, but she wasn’t going to let that stop her trying. Smiling when he was again at full staff, she lifted high enough to get him pointed in the right direction and slowly lowered herself, the penetration getting them both moaning.
Rocking her hips, she felt the full measure of his length inside her, then lifting only an inch or two, they enjoyed the underwater fuck in small movements. Gradually, she lifted a little higher in steps until she felt the entirety of cock sliding all the way in and out. It only took a few thrusts before her fears were realized, and she grunted in pain with the dry friction. Jack could feel the dryness as well and lifted them both out of the water with her still impaled on him.
“Turn around,” he instructed after he pulled out, having her kneel on one of the higher seats and bending over the side onto the deck’s surface.
He reached for one of the towels and folded it in fourths to give her something soft to lie on. Kneeling behind her, he licked her delicious lips squeezed between her thighs, and she moved her legs apart when she knew what he was up to. Licking away the chlorinated water and replacing it with his saliva, she soon became slippery again, at least on the outside.
Knowing she’d need more inside, he continued licking, using a finger or two in to test occasionally. Finally, when he thought she was ready, he ran his still rock-hard cock up and down her slit to gather some more slippery stuff and then slid inside her with one long, smooth thrust, both moaning at the joining.
Bending over her, he reached for her tits, and she rose up on her elbows to let him have them.
“Oh, Jack! It’s so good to feel you inside me!”
“It feels pretty good to be inside you, too!”
Both so primed for the weekend together it didn’t take long to feel the climax approaching. They breathed and moved and felt together as they got closer, crying out as one when it came to them almost simultaneously. Jack took her in his arms and pulled her back into the hot water, hugging her tightly as the turbulent water added to the sensations of their mutual orgasm.
Haley lay back against his chest, tilted her head up soliciting a loving kiss that left them both feeling like the weekend was already a success. They sat quietly in the comforting warmth of the bubbling water, grateful for whatever had brought them together.
“How about a shower to rinse the chlorine off before bed?” he whispered in her ear. “I’d like to bathe you – all over.”
“Mmm, yes, please. This is all so wonderful!”
He moved her to the seat beside him and stepped out of the tub, grabbing a towel and holding it up for her. She walked into his arms, the towel folding around her with his hands guiding it to all her special places. After wrapping a towel around his waist, he led her inside and to his ensuite bathroom.
He opened the door to the glass-enclosed shower and started the water running from a rain head at the ceiling. Once warm, he stepped in, ensuring the water temperature was right, and pulled her in with him. They came together with the water running over his shoulders and between them, as they hugged and kissed affectionately.
He pulled away and reached for a knob on the wall, and only then did she notice several more knobs than a typical shower. He turned two of them, and two more heads rained water down on them, covering the entire large shower with flowing water.
“What does that one do?” she asked, pointing to another.
“Come here,” he said, wrapping one arm around her as they faced the back wall. Turning the knob, another shower head sprayed water from the wall directly at her chest.
“Ooo!” she squeaked when the water hit as he held her breasts from below as though washing them. One hand disappeared and then returned with a handful of shower gel with which he bathed her sumptuous tits, tweaking her nips as well. She pressed them into his hands, luxuriating in the water and the soap lubricating his massaging hands.
He turned that water spout off, turned her to face him, and pulled her to him again with his hands on her ass. She reciprocated with her hands on his butt, feeling his cock growing between them. She smiled as she pulled away and knelt before him, taking him in her mouth again. He stroked her hair as she sucked and licked him to a full erection but pulled her away, wanting to save it for after the shower.
Pulling her up, she stood before him as he grabbed a shower sponge, squirted a generous amount of gel into it, and began washing her gorgeous body, one hand washing and the other rinsing as he moved around her. Kneeling as he caressed her incredible ass, then moving around front to do her legs, he worked his way up from her feet as she spread her legs for the attention she knew he’d give her smooth bare pussy.
Dropping the sponge and using just his fingers, they slid easily around her swollen lips as she squirmed in place. With the soap washed away, his fingers found their way inside while his tongue slithered into her slit. As with himself, he wanted to save this for bed, and leaving his fingers curled up inside her, he stood up to take her in his arms yet again.
Grabbing the sponge and some more gel, he started to wash himself quickly, but Haley took over, taking the sponge from him and cleaning the strong smell of chlorine from his body. They pressed together one last time in the raining water before stepping out and drying each other off with thick, white cotton towels, after which he scooped her into his arms and carried her to his bed.
Kneeling on the bed, he laid her down, kissed her quickly, and immediately buried his face in her crotch, finally getting to taste her without the water washing her ample juice away.
“Oh God!” she gasped as his tongue went into overdrive. “The way you lick me!” she cried under his expert tongue.
Spreading her precious, pink folds apart, his tongue lapped up to her clit and teased it between his lips. She gasped again when two fingers slid into her pussy and again when they curled upwards at the same time as he sucked her hard nubbin in, flicking it mercilessly with the tip of his tongue.
Her hips rose off the bed to push herself into his face, wiping it with her wet pussy. Her body stiffened, feeling the climax racing toward her. Adding yet another stimulus and hoping to trigger her orgasm, he pressed hard on her tight anus, the very tip of his finger inserted. She screamed as her body convulsed and wave after wave crashed over her. Her hips fell to the bed with her body still trembling, and Jack lay beside her, pulling her into his arms with one hand between her legs and the other on the closest tit prolonging the ecstasy.
“Oh my … Jack!” she gasped as her body calmed with an occasional shudder.
“I love doing that to you,” he whispered close to her ear. She smiled and turned to face him, kissing briefly between breaths.
“And I love,” she started, “… love that you do!” she finished abandoning the earlier thought.
Her breathing somewhat normal, she rolled on top of him and kissed him voraciously, their tongues wrapped around each other. She spread her legs over him and slid down, feeling his renewed erection between her legs.
“Mmm! My turn!” she said with a sexy smile and turned around to suck his magnificent cock again. With her legs spread over his chest now, she swallowed him, fighting her gag reflexes to take him a little deeper each time.
“Fuck, Haley!” he cried, which only egged her on as he slowly disappeared into her proud mouth. His eyes closed in rapture, he didn’t see her dripping wet pussy just inches from his mouth, and when he did, let it be, choosing just to take what she was giving.
She couldn’t take him in one smooth motion yet, but it was getting easier, and she only tried on every third or fourth stroke into her mouth. When she felt his sac tighten, holding back as long as he could, she took it all, and he came, shooting his seed down her throat. His thighs shook with each convulsion as she sucked and licked his glans, her turn to enjoy what she’d wrought.
His eyes opened to the delicious view of her glistening wet pussy, and he grabbed her at the juncture of her thighs to pull her down on his face.
“Ohh!” she cried as his mouth closed around her swollen lips. She moved back for a better position and sat up, grinding her pussy into his face. Their combined fore and aft gyrations had his chin, mouth, and nose passing through her slippery slit. Sitting on his face in this position presented the advantage of being able to hold his growing cock in her hands. With one hand around his shaft and the other manipulating his balls, she coaxed him back to life.
Treating him like her personal fuck toy, she turned around again, slid down his body, and guided him into her seething slot. Like a jockey racing for the derby, she posted on his cock with mutual cries and exclamations in abundance. Jack took her bouncing tits in hand and kneaded them like so much bread dough.
Again, their rhythms coincided as he thrust up as she was coming down, their hips meeting with a ‘splat.’
Tweaking his nipples as well, they looked into each other’s eyes, unable to believe how long this little bit of heaven was lasting, though they could feel the summit approaching. Building slowly at first, but with the rate accelerating, their bodies moved seemingly of their own accord.
“Haley!” he cried as the climax neared.
“Jack!” she screamed when it hit, their panting breath a testament to the sheer physical effort expended.
She laid her body on his, and they hugged tightly, each feeling the quivers of the other in addition to their own. They rolled to their sides, kissing breathlessly between gulps of air as they enjoyed the remnants of what both would describe as the best orgasm they’d ever had.
Their eyes spoke volumes as they twitched from eye to eye, their sated smiles only visible when their lips weren’t enmeshed. Eventually, she turned to lie back against his muscular body and pulled his arms around her.
After a long rest, they pleasured each other again, but it was an epilogue to what had already taken place, and completely exhausted, they fell asleep, she in his arms again. She never realized how much she missed just being held like this, her ex not having much patience for it. It made her feel wanted in a way she’d never had.
She woke once during the night, and after realizing where she was, she smiled and hugged his encircled arms even more tightly, returning to sleep easily.
The prior evening’s unparalleled experience was only eclipsed by the feeling of still being wrapped in his loving arms as the morning light peaked around the window shades.
“Good morning, beautiful!”
I hope you enjoyed this next stage in Haley and Jack’s growing relationship. Please remember to ‘Like’ and/or ‘Favorite’ it if you did! … and Thanks For Reading!!