A Great Aunt Tale (part 1)

"Aunt Peg visits on the heels of her divorce."

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“Ryan! Did you clean your room as I asked? Peg will be here soon. I don’t want her to think we live like pigs, even though your room could pass for a sty.”

I wanted to say, “Don’t get your panties in a wad, Mom,” but I knew that kind of talk would only make things worse.

“I’m just finishing. You can give it the white glove test in a few minutes.”

The truth was that I was gathering the last of a week-old smelly underwear and stuffing it in the hamper. I had what I assumed to be the typical cleanliness standards of a seventeen-year-old. That is–not very–as clean. My room usually looked like a hurricane’s aftermath and smelled like last year’s Limburger, but for the sake of peace, I put away my clothing, cased my guitar, stashed my music, and actually dusted. My Aunt Peg visiting was a big deal.

Peg was my mom’s younger sister, and we hadn’t seen her in ages. She was recently divorced from her asshole husband, a former major league baseball player who loved to play the field but not necessarily the one with home plate and dugouts. Peg caught him in bed with the team owner’s trophy wife, and it was shortly after that both his career and his marriage ended. He was on the way out anyway, but in the process, they had lived the high life, only in another city far away from us.

Since she had last visited, much had happened. Dad had been diagnosed with cancer that spread rapidly, and he subsequently died. Peg and her husband were vacationing thousands of miles away at the time, and she had not received the news of Dad’s death until after the funeral. Soon after that, Peg had found her husband cheating on her, and she remained preoccupied with that whole mess for some time. Her visit to our house was long overdue.

I was anxious to see her. Peg was fun to be around. Best of all, she was fun to look at. At thirty-three, Peg was a knockout with big boobs and a great ass. She and her ex had no children, and mom said she had made out well in the divorce settlement. She was considering moving near our small Southern town, a quaint old village blessed with beautiful Appalachian vistas and great weather most of the year. She would be combining a family gathering and a real estate search. The prospect of her living near us excited me. I looked forward to seeing those beautiful tits jiggling around the house.

Our house was an older two-story on the edge of town in an area that was a step back in time. All the box stores and crowded subdivisions that plagued similar areas of the state had been kept at bay with strict zoning laws. It felt like we were living in Mayberry, a feeling that chafed most of the teens I knew. They typically desired shopping malls and bustling streets. I was an exception. I loved the sleepy, laid-back lifestyle filled with shadows of the past.

Our house was a product of an era when craftsmanship mattered. Mom insisted on careful maintenance of the oak floors, the decorative trim and woodworking details, and the manicured yard and garden. My room was a notable exemption.

Peg would be staying in the guest bedroom next to mine on the second floor, where overnight visitors usually stayed. I shared with any guests a large remodeled bathroom across the hall, and I had to clean up that area once a year or so. Peg was like mom: neat to a fault–at least in my eyes. But I figured a mandatory cleaning wouldn’t kill me. It would be nice for a change to be surrounded by the sweet-smelling ointments of a woman instead of the stale odors of a teenage slob.

In the intervening years since her last visit, I had changed. After a growth spurt in my early teens, I was now over six feet tall. Weightlifting and football had honed me to a toned 170 pounds, and my obsession with crunches gave me the six-pack abs right out of a fitness magazine. I was ripped and proud of it. Still, I tended to be shy around the opposite sex, but that was about to change.

“She’s here! Comb your hair and come greet your aunt.”


For some reason, I expected to see Peg drive up in a Corvette convertible or something similar. When the white Toyota Prius parked in front of the garage, it was slightly disappointing. However, that disappeared when Peg stepped out. Her beautiful blonde hair was pulled back in a ponytail through the rim of her baseball cap, making her look younger than her age. Notably, the major-league team represented on the logo was not her ex’s but a rival team.

Peg’s tight T-shirt accentuated her large breasts, and a pair of baggy shorts showed off her long legs. She embraced mom and then looked over at me.

“And who is this young stud? That can’t be Ryan. The last time I saw you, you were a foot shorter. Come here and hug your aunt.”

My smile said it all. I wrapped my arms around her and felt those beautiful breasts squishing into me. Uncontrollably, my cock stiffened.

“My goodness, Ryan. You’re all grown up.” She kissed me on the cheek. “Would you mind getting my bags, hon? They’re in the trunk.”

“Take her things up to the guest room, Ryan. Come on in, Peg. Let’s have some tea and catch up.”


After putting Peg’s things in the room next to mine, I joined the two sisters on the patio and listened as they excitedly caught each other up on their respective lives. Joy and laughter mingled with abundant tears as they remembered dad’s death and Peg’s divorce. I excused myself to let them have their time together and headed upstairs.

Once in my room, I closed the door quietly and reached under my mattress for a tattered copy of an old Penthouse featuring large-breasted “women of the mid-west” that I had found in a garbage can. I opened it to the familiar pages where a couple supposedly from Nebraska were simulating sex, and soon I had a raging hard-on filling my fist. As I fantasized about getting off as quickly as possible, the face of Aunt Peg replaced the one on the pages in front of me.

A shadow of guilt crept in when I told myself that I was jacking off with an incestuous image of my aunt in mind, but my sexual urges outweighed any guilt I was feeling. Soon enough, I felt a familiar eruption forming in my groin, and in seconds, I was shooting a milky stream into a waiting section of paper towel grabbed exclusively for this purpose. When the pulsing stopped, I wiped the end of my cock and wadded the paper towel just as I heard a knock on the door.

“Ryan, can I come in?” Aunt Peg’s voice nearly caused a heart attack.

“Just a sec, Aunt Peg.”

I dropped the magazine and kicked it under the bed as I tried to make my now semi-hard cock disappear into my pants.

After several seconds, I mumbled, “C’mon in. Sorry. You surprised me.”

Peg entered with a mystified look on her face when she saw me. I was, no doubt, fifteen shades of red from a combination of my recent orgasm, guilt, and embarrassment. Then I realized I still had a wadded paper towel in my hand filled with my sticky seed.

Peg smiled as if she guessed what was going on.

“Sorry, Ryan. I hope I’m not interrupting anything. We didn’t mean to run you off downstairs with our girl talk, but your mom and I have some serious catching up to do.”

She looked around the room and changed the subject.

“So this is your pad, huh? You play the guitar now, I see. Maybe you can play something for me later, hmmm? Anyway, I wanted to thank you for bringing all my stuff upstairs. I know–too many clothes. But I’m not sure how long I’ll be staying in case I decide to move here. I love this area. Anyway, I’ll get out of your hair. Thanks. And, umm, better get rid of that thing in your hand. It looks nasty. Do you have a cold or something?”

I looked at the soggy wad of paper in my hand.

“Oh, this. Yeah, I think I’m getting one. But I doubt I’m infectious.” I threw the wad at my trash can and missed. Peg stepped toward it to put it in the can, but I beat her to it.

“Just in case. I wouldn’t want you to catch whatever I have from this snot rag. And, no problem. Great to see you, Peg. Hope you stay as long as you want. Don’t hesitate to ask if you need anything.”

Peg smiled and then stepped to me and hugged me. She kissed me on the forehead.

“Thanks, Sweetie. I’ll keep that in mind. Talk to you later. I’m going to unpack.”

I noticed her eyes fell to the floor where half of the Penthouse lie open and exposed. She smiled as she turned and walked out of the room.

“Should I close the door, Ryan?”

“Yeah, I guess. I’m gonna change clothes and put on some trunks. Maybe we can take a swim later.”


My embarrassment notwithstanding, I survived the humiliation of nearly getting caught by my aunt with my tool in hand. Dressed in my trunks, I sat by the pool with headphones on, only to be joined later by both mom and Peg. Mom had a decent figure still, but nothing compared to her younger sis. Peg’s boobs dared to be stared at in her two-piece. Mom had large breasts as well, but age and gravity had caused considerable settling. She joked about giving up bras for a belt. Her one-piece suit hid the obvious signs of aging and childbirth, but a bit of cellulite was beginning to show on her upper thighs. I never really noticed it until she was standing next to her sister. They were before and after versions of the same woman.

Peg worked out. Her tanned torso contained no excess fat. Her slim hips and thighs were those of a fitness freak, and she showed the pride of her body by how she dressed.

“You’re going to drive my son wild in that swimsuit, Peg. He’s at that age where testosterone is oozing from his pores.”

“That’s okay, Sis. He’s my nephew, so no big deal. And he’s a cutie as well. You know what they say, ‘Incest is best.’ If he weren’t my nephew, I’d be all over him. I haven’t had sex in ages, in case you are wondering.”

“Hush. He’ll overhear you and get ideas even though you are kidding. Ryan is shy around girls. Maybe you can give him some pointers.”

And I did overhear them. I pretended I was listening to music, but my headphones were turned off. I smiled and nodded my head to a non-existent rhythm, but my smile was due to the image in my head of me fucking my aunt in a late-night romp in her bedroom. My teenage cock stiffened uncontrollably as a result. I secretly hoped that Peg would have noticed. As they approached, I looked up and was happy to see her large nipples proudly displaying themselves through the bikini top she was wearing.

“Mind if we join you? What are you listening to?”

I acted as if I couldn’t hear and removed my headphones. But I answered both questions anyway. In the process, I could not avoid staring at Peg’s breasts. I swear a large pink areola tried to peek-a-boo when she leaned over to sit. My response was predictable and Peg smiled knowingly. She leaned over to remove a sandal. It was almost like she wanted me to check out her boobs.

“Sure, sit down. AC/DC. Oldie moldy stuff.”

“I like that stuff, too. That’s more my generation than yours. Maybe you can share some of your music with me later. I’d like to hear what you have.”

Whether or not Peg was sincere, she was showing an interest in me, which thrilled me in more ways than one. The rest of the afternoon was uneventful. Peg and I took brief swims and I prayed her top would come undone. I continued to steal peeks at her, hoping for a nip-slip or anything of that caliber, but to no avail. As the saying goes, “Only in my dreams.”


Later that afternoon we were all overexposed to the sun and tired as a result. I decided to shower and rest up before dinner. Both Peg and mom had similar ideas, and we all gave up about the same time. Peg had already moved into the guest bathroom, and various ointments and beauty products now adorned it in a messy array. I grabbed some clean underwear and headed for the shower.

Once the door was closed, I noticed a lace bra hanging off the back of a chair in the corner, and I couldn’t resist. Thirty-four DD. The thin material of the cups contrasted with the serious shoulder straps for supporting those heavy globes. I sniffed it and then wiped my cock on it before replacing it on the chair and stepping into the shower.

The cascading water felt great on my skin and after lathering up, I automatically reached down and stroked my cock to an impressive erection. My usual fantasies now focused on my aunt and those glorious breasts in that sheer bra. I imagined her full lips around my cock as I fondled her tits. I closed my eyes and quickened my stroke until I felt the satisfying relief shoot up from my balls and out the end of my cock when the bathroom door suddenly opened. I looked over to see my aunt standing in the doorway with a shocked look on her face.

“Oh my god, Ryan. Sorry. I didn’t realize you were in here. I should have knocked first, Sweetie. I didn’t see anything. I’ll just grab my bra and get out.”

The shower doors were clear glass–not the bumpy type that distorted images. I was pretty sure that Peg had a first-hand look at my soapy erection as I was shooting jizz onto the shower floor. Jesus, this was two for two. Could it possibly be more embarrassing? But then I wondered, ‘What if she’s doing this on purpose?Couldn’t she hear the water running?


I retired to my room after drying off, and eventually, I heard Peg get in the shower. I briefly harbored the idea of barging in on her as retaliation, but I don’t think it would have played out well. It was a stupid cock-driven idea, the source of most of my inspiration as of late.

We had a nice dinner, and after some TV, I announced I was heading for my room. Mom and Peg stayed up to continue catching up, but eventually, I heard Peg in the hallway and go into her room next to mine. After a while, I heard a faint knock on my door.

“Ryan, are you awake?”

“Yes, no problem. Come on in.” I was dressed in pajama bottoms but without a top of any kind. I pulled my shoulders back to emphasize my chest, which was unfortunately free of manly hair.

The door opened and Peg entered on tiptoes as if she were concerned about waking others.

“No worries, Peg. I don’t go to sleep until late. I never sleep very well. And Mom can’t hear anything up here. No need to tiptoe.”

“I just wanted to apologize for barging in on you today…twice. I feel so stupid. I should respect your privacy, and I’m off to a bad start. I may be here for a while, and you need your space.”

“No worries, Peg. You’re my aunt so we’re family. You surprised me, and I hope I didn’t shock you when I was in the shower. I…umm…I sometimes wash parts of me more than others, and I think you got an eye full. I hope you don’t think I’m a perv or something.”

“Oh, Honey. No! Whatever you were doing is perfectly natural. Even old ladies do those things. And maybe I did see more than I should have, but, Honey, you have nothing to be ashamed of. I completely understand about teenage boys and their needs. But maybe I’d better quit before I sound really dumb.”

“Well, thanks for stopping by. I’m glad you are here, Peg. I’ve been looking forward to this for some time. You are hot for an aunt. Shit, that sounds bad. But you are…hot, I mean.” I knew I was only digging deeper, but my brain was scrambled by her presence.

I tried to look Peg in the eyes, but her nightie was driving me to distraction. Her braless nipples jiggled tantalizingly, and I imagined what it would be like to suck on those puppies. And then, as if my dreams were about to be answered, Peg sat next to me on the bed and hugged me. Her erect buds poked into me as she kissed me on the cheek.

“That’s so sweet of you, Honey. I want to get to know you better. I’ve missed watching you grow up, and you’ve certainly done that. You’ve become quite a man, Ryan. I bet the girls go wild over you.”

“I wish. I’m pretty shy around girls. I’ve dated some but not with anyone as hot as you. Just school dances and movie dates, mostly with a group of friends. I could use some pointers. I’m kind of a klutz around girls.”

“Don’t sell yourself short, Ryan. I’d be happy to give you some pointers. The trick is to be yourself but always, and I mean always, be respectful to women. There’s nothing worse than a guy who treats women like dirt. But I know you’re not like that. Anyway, I’d better get to bed. Sweet dreams, Sweetie.”

And with that, Peg kissed me. Just a peck. But it was on the lips. Her hand grazed quickly over my legs,…

Published 1 year ago

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