It was late afternoon and Olivia was walking back from sixth-form college with two friends, Sarah and Lucy. All three girls were seventeen. As they walked, chatting, Olivia saw Summer’s granny coming towards them. Summer was also seventeen, and all of the girls were in the same class at college.
Olivia was surprised when Summer’s granny looked at her and unexpectedly said, “Hello, girls, you are all in my granddaughter, Summer’s, class, aren’t you?”
Olivia smiled as she replied, “Yes, I am. I’m Olivia.” The others then gave their names.
Summer’s granny smiled as she replied, directing it seemed her comment to Olivia, “Yes, I know. Summer has pointed you out to me. I wonder if we could have a bit of a chat, about bullying.”
That rather took Olivia by surprise, and even so she replied, “Sure. How can we help?”
Summer’s granny smiled and said, “I live just across the road. How about coming back to mine, and we can have a chat over fruit juice and maybe a bit of cake?”
That also surprised Olivia as they were always told at college to be aware of approaches by adults they didn’t know. However, whilst Olivia didn’t know Summer’s granny as such, she did know who she was. She also didn’t mind having a discussion with her about Summer and in particular the subject of bullying because it did cause disruption in class as well as outside. She, therefore, replied, “That sounds cool.”
It only took a couple of minutes to cross the road and to go into the house, and once inside, Summer’s granny said, “So, what kind of juice do you girls like, and how about some cake?!
Olivia replied, “I like orange juice, please.” The other girls said their choices.
Olivia then asked in a respectful tone befitting a teenager speaking to a granny-aged woman, “Erm, how should we address you?”
Summer’s granny replied, “Call me granny Marsha. Why don’t you go into the dining room, and I’ll bring the juice and cake through.”
The three girls went into the dining room and as she walked towards the dining table, Olivia saw lots of photographs of Summer with her granny Marsha.
A few moments later and granny Marsha had brought in the juice and cake and put it on the dining table, sat down, and said with a smile, “I see it’s dress-down day today.”
Olivia replied, “Well, it is warm, so these are the clothes I wear at this time of year.”
It was dress down day and rather than college uniform as it was a really hot day. Olivia was wearing a very tight vest top with a bare midriff, and equally tight shorts, so had bare arms and bare legs, ankle socks and trainers. She loved dressing in tight clothes and had the slim figure to go with them, together with her long dark brown hair which flowed over her shoulders and with a fringe making her hair frame her face.
The other two girls were wearing similarly skimpy clothes but also felt good about it.
Olivia had already looked at granny Marsha who was in a sleeveless floral dress which she had noticed was particularly short for a granny-aged woman as it did show off her rather fleshy thighs. Now they were seated, Olivia looked again and as the dress was sleeveless it showed off granny Marsha’s bare arms and her bat wings. Being very low cut, Olivia saw granny Marsha’s very full breasts but also her turkey neck and lots of creases in her skin. She didn’t dress like other grannies, but Olivia didn’t see anything wrong in that.
After a few minutes of happy chatting, granny Marsha looked more serious, and said, “So, I wanted to talk to you about bullying. In my day, when I was a teacher, bullying was really frowned upon and bullies quickly got a detention. There were separate detentions for bullies, and each bully got a bare bottom spanking. When I taught at a sixth-form college, like the one you are at right now, I would spank three or four of the students every week, and that quickly stopped them from using bullying to control their classmates. Also, spanking in class was allowed, with the class assistant regularly spanking students for misbehaving in class. It all led to far better behaviour both in the classroom and the college more generally. You don’t get that now, which I think is a shame.”
Olivia was wondering where this conversation was going. When granny Marsha mentioned bullying, Olivia knew that it was Summer who bullied her classmates, and the fear that was instilled in them gave Summer control over them. Why would granny Marsha be saying these things if she knew that it was Summer who was the class bully?
One thing that Olivia did think was right, was that there was a place for spanking at college, even the cane, as it would improve behaviour and that would lead to better results for those of her classmates who currently suffered because they were bullied.
Olivia asked, “So do you think spanking by class assistants and in detention should be brought back? I suppose if it worked, then that would be a very good reason to reinstate it at college.”
Olivia looked at her friends, who nodded and agreed.
Granny Marsha replied seriously, “I really do think they should.” She gave each girl a steady glare and then asked in a very demanding tone, “I am surprised that you think that, though, given how you bully your classmates?”
That again shocked Olivia, and she replied, “What do we do? You mean what Summer does, as she is the one who bullies our classmates.”
Granny Marsha was annoyed at that and answered sharply, “Don’t lie to me, young lady. Summer has told me that you three are the class bullies, so maybe If you agree that spanking should be reintroduced that is what you should each get right now.”
With that, granny Marsha stood up and went to the sideboard, opened it, and took out a thick wooden paddle with holes in it. Olivia had never seen anything like it before, but if that was used for giving a spanking, she could see how it would hurt. Granny Marsha went back to the dining table and put it down in front of the three girls. and again glared in a threatening way and demanded, “Well, girls, what do you say to that?”
Olivia wondered whether granny Marsha was serious, although to be fair the fact that she had a wooden paddle in her own dining room suggested she might be. However, she realised that Summer had been lying to her granny about just who the bully was, and right now granny Marsha seemed to be bullying her and her friends, which wasn’t very nice at all. Olivia wasn’t one of those girls who did submit to Summer, though, and thought she could see how come someone got into bullying if this granny acted like this. On the other hand, Olivia still agreed that spanking had its place in society, although it was important to make sure that the right people were the ones who were punished.
So, acting as though this was Summer trying to bully her, she retorted, “More to the point, granny Marsha, is whether you agree that bullying should earn a spanking with that rather vicious looking paddle?”
Granny Marsha scoffed as she looked testily at Olivia and replied, “I definitely do.” After all, Summer had told her that Olivia was the lead bully and the other two pretty much did as she told them. So, if she gave Olivia a spanking in front of the other two girls, it would sort out several problems at the same time, it being particularly humiliating for Olivia to be spanked in front of her friends.
Olivia responded with an equally authoritative, “Well, so do I, and as it is Summer who is the bully at college, and you are clearly the bully now. It needs to be you who gets spanked.”
Granny Marsha looked shocked at that reply, but to maintain her stance she said, “No, young lady, it is you that will now get a spanking and then a good thrashing with my wooden paddle.”
Clearly there was a stand-off, but Olivia was furious and was still refusing to bend to the bullying stance and so stood up, clasped hold of granny Marsha’s fleshy upper arm, and made her stand up. Olivia could feel the resistance, but she was a tough young lady and clearly stronger than granny Marsha, and as soon as she had got her standing, she spun the chair around into the room, sat back down, and pulled granny Marsha across her lap.
She heard the squeals coming from granny Marsha pleading with her, but she ignored that and within seconds had yanked granny Marsha’s dress up above her waist and pushed her knickers down towards her knees, all the time keeping her securely in place across her up. She was surprised how easy she found it but didn’t think twice about the fact that right then she, a teenager, had a granny-aged woman across her lap and was rubbing her fleshy bottom, fully intent on giving her a bare bottom spanking.
Granny Marsha really was surprised how easily she was taken across the lap of the teenager, but knew that her dress had been raised, and her knickers lowered, and she was having her bare bottom rubbed. She had been in this position many times herself, albeit decades ago, with her face close to the floor looking at the upside down legs so close to her face and her own legs dangling under the far side of the chair.
Granny Marsha was shocked as she was supposed to have Olivia across her lap, and pleaded, “Let me up. You can’t give me a spanking. Not at your age when I am my age. This was all about me giving you a spanking for bullying my granddaughter, and yet here you are being the bully.”
Olivia stared at the back of granny Marsha’s head and said very sternly, “That is hardly the case, because you are the one bullying me, just as Summer is the one who is the bully at college. At least one thing we agree on is that spanking should be reintroduced, which is what I am doing right now with you. Make no mistake, I am going to give you a long and hard spanking, and after that we will have a discussion about Summer.”
Olivia didn’t wait for a response and raised her hand and brought her palm down on granny Marsha’s far bottom cheek. Being so fleshy, Olivia saw how the bottom cheek surrendered to her hand as it flattened, swirled around a bit, and settled down just as she spanked her hand down on her near bottom cheek. She then proceeded to land spank after spank on alternate bottom cheeks, making sure that she held granny Marsha firmly in position, which she was clearly doing as whilst she felt some pressure from her to slide off her lap, that didn’t happen as the spanks continued to land.
Granny Marsha was clearly surprised at how she was being kept in position, by a teenager, although she did begin to wonder whether Olivia was correct and that it was Summer who was the bully. That would make sense given the kind of things that she did say to her from time to time, and she realised that if that was the case, then maybe she actually deserved a spanking. She still didn’t think that a teenager should be the one to spank her, and not with her friends watching, although recalled she was going to spank Olivia with the same girls watching.
What also went through granny Marsha’s mind was that in her twenties and thirties, she kept believing that spanking should be reintroduced as a standard punishment. As she grew older and older but still had that thought, she would look at the younger and younger women when travelling on the bus or train or just walking along the street, picturing herself across their laps being spanked. Maybe she hadn’t yet pictured being spanked by a teenager, but now that was the reality she realised it hardly made any difference what age the person was giving her a spanking, but what was more important was how much she deserved the spanking. Well, if in fact it was Summer who was the bully at college, and she had incorrectly accused Olivia, then maybe she did deserve a spanking, and then there would be nothing wrong with Olivia being the one to give her the spanking.
As Olivia continued to spank granny Marsha’s now-reddening fleshy bottom cheeks, she felt less resistance, as though she was accepting being spanked. If that was the case, then Olivia didn’t see any reason to stop spanking her. Rather, she saw every reason to make sure the spanking was a very hard one, which might well teach granny Marsha not to make accusations that were untrue and to know that she should be punished if she still made those accusations. After all, bullies often made knowingly incorrect accusations to scare those who they were bullying, and maybe they wouldn’t if they knew that they would earn themselves a spanking when caught out.
Granny Marsha was certainly struggling to cope as her bottom stung more and more. She remembered that she had been roughly Olivia’s age when she was last spanked, but this spanking seemed to be much harder, and certainly knowing that she was on the verge of crying, she told herself that spanking was definitely a good deterrent for those who misbehaved.
What was also clear, was being spanked by a teenager with two other teenage girls watching, was particularly humiliating. It wasn’t just that the girls were watching, but they were standing very close to her, and she could see two more pairs of bare upside down legs inches from her face. Until her vision was blurred, she could even see, so clearly the nail polish each girl had used, but now her vision was blurred so she couldn’t see that any more. What she could at least hear, though, was a whole string of embarrassing comments from the girls about her fleshy bottom and thighs, batwings, turtleneck and skin creases, mixed in with lots of giggles. This was all very humiliating, but even though she tried to push herself off Olivia’s lap, she was held there in place so firmly and just had to lie there and take every spank.
After what seemed like forever, granny Marsha heard Olivia say, “I think it’s time for the wooden paddle. Don’t you, girls?”
Granny Marsha had quite forgotten the paddle, but, of course, she was the one who took it out of the sideboard and said that she was going to use it on Olivia’s bottom. Well, as much as it looked like that wasn’t going to happen, it did look as though she was the one that was going to have her bottom spanked with it.
Granny Marsha then heard the comment, “Because she is so fleshy, she is stretching her dress. I think it will be far better if she took that off.”
Olivia obviously agreed because she then instructed, “Right, granny Marsha, you are going to get up from my lap. However, make no mistake, you will get undressed, and then you will go back across my lap. Your punishment is not yet over.”
Granny Marsha felt her arm being pulled, albeit gently, but clearly in the direction of her getting up. She was already crying and had no resistance left in her, and so did slide off Olivia’s lap and, albeit feeling a bit dizzy, she did manage to stand up.
Once standing, she heard the very sternly given instruction, “Right, get that dress off and then your bra and knickers.”
Still unable to resist, granny Marsha felt one of the girls unzipping the back of her dress and sliding it down her arms. The girl then caught her knickers as she passed her knees, and then heard the instruction, “Step out of them.”
Moments later, granny Marsha realised that she was standing there with just her bra on. However, moments later she felt the bra being unclipped, but she wasn’t quick enough to hunch her shoulders forward and moments later the bra was being forced down her arms, and passed her hands, leaving her totally naked in front of the three fully albeit skimpily clothed teenage girls.
Whilst granny Marsha knew that her vision was blurred because of her tear-filled eyes, she could hear the giggles from the girls and their supposedly whispered comments but certainly said loud enough for her to hear about her crinkly skin, turtleneck, bat wings, large drooping granny breasts, fleshy tummy and thighs. Whilst she normally felt comfortable with how she looked, this was different being fully naked in front of three teenage girls who she knew were slim, with good figures and well-toned arms and legs and certainly no creased skin. The contrast was no doubt extremely stark, worse because the teenage girls and particularly Olivia were in charge of her, four times their age, but giving her instructions and giving her the spanking.
Olivia was heard to instruct, “Okay, girls, get this very naughty granny back across my lap.”
Granny Marsha felt both her upper arms clasped firmly, and she could do nothing to resist being bent back across Olivia’s lap. However, now she didn’t see it as bullying but more a punishment that was being correctly given for making false accusations, albeit based upon incorrect information supplied by her granddaughter. That still meant that these teenage girls were in the right, and Olivia giving her a spanking was the one and only outcome once she had said spanking was the correct punishment and Olivia had agreed. It hardly mattered that she meant it should be the teenage girls being punished rather than being the ones to give the punishment, but it was the right way round, given she was the one in the wrong and the teenage girls were the ones in the right.
Olivia asked, “Sarah, can you please pass me the wooden paddle.”
There were more giggles that granny Marsha heard and felt humiliated by, but all that paled into insignificance when she felt two light taps on her bottom, which she knew were with the paddle. She had never actually spanked anyone with the paddle, but she had on several occasions given herself half a dozen spanks, on her bare bottom. Whilst it stung, she knew that she was not using anything like real force. She supposed that was going to be very different with Olivia spanking her with it, given how hard a spanking she had given her already with just her hand.
Olivia again looked up at her friends, they smiled at each other, and then she raised the paddle above her head, focused on the now red bottom cheeks lying across her lap, and brought the paddle down really hard, flattening both cheeks. She heard the pain-filled yelp and watched as both bottom cheeks flattened and swirled around, and in particular, saw the marks left by the holes in the paddle. She could see immediately what a superb spanking implement this was, and, after exchanging more smiles with her friends, she then proceeded to land spank after spank on the fleshy granny bottom cheeks, clearly enjoying with her friends watching granny Marsha dissolve again into uncontrolled crying as she was held in place across Olivia’s lap.
Olivia didn’t know how many spanks to land but gauged from how the bare bottom cheeks were now blue bruised and was sure that granny Marsha would be finding it very difficult to sit down on anything other than a really thick cushion. That, together with the continuing uncontrolled crying, told Olivia that she had spanked this very naughty granny woman severely enough to teach her a lesson that she shouldn’t forget that quickly. She certainly hadn’t expected to give granny Marsha a spanking, but it convinced her that spanking was a very worthwhile punishment to give and to be received, for the right reasons.
Once satisfied with the spanking, Olivia handed the paddle back to Sarah and then said, “Okay, granny Marsha, you can get up now.”
Granny Marsha heard the instruction, but literally didn’t have the strength to push herself up. She wanted to and found herself lying in position, thinking to herself that if she didn’t move soon, she might well get another spanking, but even that was insufficient to give her the strength to push herself up. This meant even more humiliation in her own mind, and maybe even an encouragement to the teenage girls to think she was expecting another spanking.
Olivia looked at her friends, and they smiled at each other as they realised why granny Marsha just lay across Olivia’s lap, and whilst they were giggling and joking about just how bruised her bottom was, they were not going to give her any more spanking. Instead, the girls clasped hold of granny Marsha’s bare arms and gently eased her up from Olivia’s lap into a standing position.
Olivia saw that granny Marsha was still crying, but now also clutching and rubbing what must be two really stinging bottom cheeks. It made them very sure that the lesson was learned, although of course there was no real chance that this could ever happen again. Then, when the three girls again looked at each other, it was clear they all thought the same, which was, ‘Or could it?’
Granny Marsha was now so contrite and even though her bottom was stinging so intensely, she accepted she deserved the spanking, and would again if she made more false accusations. It told her again that spanking was a really worthwhile punishment, and it shouldn’t matter what age you are if you deserve to be spanked, nor the age of the person giving you the spanking if they are the ones you have wronged. Well, she deserved this spanking and would no doubt continue to look at other women and think about being spanked by them. Maybe even she might be spanked by Olivia again, in front of her friends, if ever she deserved the humiliation of that again.