My story started during my middle school years. I was always shy, so instead of socializing with classmates, I concentrated on my classwork. By being antisocial, it made the others think I was too good for them. It caused a lot of teasing for me. My classmates would call me names, tease me, and even hit me. I knew I couldn’t complain or tell our administration because it would only make things worse. In my mind, I had no choice but to put up with it all.
As I got older, it got even worse. The boys got even crueler, and, well, because I was so much of an outcast, the girls would never talk to me because they were afraid of the stigma that would cause. Although I did enjoy going to school and learning, I hated how everyone in the school teased me. I started crying at night as I thought about the next day at school. I was in a constant state of anxiety, which made me physically sick.
I couldn’t understand why everyone hated me. I was an average-looking guy, six feet tall, maybe a little skinnier than average but not a repulsive-looking guy. Every new school year, I would tell myself, “This year will be different. They are finally going to let me alone.”
The start of my Sophomore year was no different. I thought this year I was finally going to fit in. I quickly found out that was not going to be the case. As the school year started, the teasing and bullying started again.
About a week and a half into the school year, I finally got a break. I was sitting alone in the cafeteria, having lunch and reading over my morning classes like I usually do, when I heard someone ask if anyone was sitting there. I looked up to see an upperclassman named Robbie.
Robbie was one of those guys who was good at everything he did. He was an honor roll student and a top athlete in the school. I couldn’t help think to myself, why does Robbie want to sit here by me. What was going to happen?
I sheepishly looked up and softly responded, “No, no one is sitting there.”
“Great, do you mind if I join you then?” Robbie asked.
“No, not at all,” I replied and buried my head back in my notebook.
Robbie wasn’t going to give up. He introduced himself and continued by asking questions about me. I found myself answering his questions and opening up about myself, and before long, I felt comfortable with Robbie. He then asked me why I was sitting by myself. I found myself doing something I haven’t told anyone. “My classmates don’t like me. They tease me all the time, so it is best to stay away from them.”
“That sucks,” Robbie stated. “What is your name?” he asked me.
“Oh, sorry, I’m Scott.”
“I hate that, Scott, I really can’t stand when people are mean to others. We are all in this world and should be kind to each other to make it easier.”
My eyes opened so wide they must have looked like they were going to pop out of my sockets. “I do agree with you, Robbie, life is hard enough, and we shouldn’t make it harder on each other.”
With that, the bell rang and ended lunch. Robbie thanked me for having lunch with him, and we both went to our respective classes. I was on cloud nine that someone was friendly to me. I thought there might be hope for me yet.
Robbie continued to sit with me at lunch for the rest of the week, and it appeared others noticed. The teasing did subside some making it a lot more tolerable to go to school. On Friday, Robbie sat with me at lunch, and his girlfriend Paula sat with us. Paula lives just a few blocks away from me, and although she didn’t know me, I know of her. Hell, everyone in school knew Paula.
Paula was our head cheerleader and very popular in school. That was because everyone wanted Paula. She was a beautiful blonde who was five feet six inches tall and weighed about 130 lbs. She had big 38D tits.
Both Robbie and Paula were so lovely that day. They made me feel like we were friends for a long time. Robbie asked me if I was going to the football game tonight. I told him I was not. Robbie pointed out how I should start showing some school spirit and start going to school events. I blew it off for the moment, telling him, Maybe in the future, I would start going.
“Fair enough,” he told me.
Before the bell rang, Robbie told me that he could go home after school since there was a game tonight since there was no practice. He asked me if I wanted a ride home. I smiled, thinking to myself that no one was ever nice to me like that and made me feel like I belonged.
“I would love that,” I quickly replied to him.
Great, meet us in parking lot A after the last period. The bell rang to end lunch as Robbie left to go to his next class. Paula’s class was by mine, so we both walked to class together. I felt like a king walking with this beautiful girl that everyone admired.
I met both Robbie and Paula in the parking lot after school, and he drove me home. Robbie and I would talk about at lunch how we can spend hours playing video games. I was a bit surprised when Robbie dropped Paula off first and then took me home. Once he pulled up to my house, he asked if I wanted to play some games a little before he had to go home.
“Sure!” That would be great, I quickly responded.
We went into my house, my mom was still at work, and my dad had passed away when I was young, so we had the place to ourselves like it is every day when I get home. Robbie and I went up to my bedroom, where my video system was. We laid on the bed as we played the game.
Robbie started telling me how much he enjoyed our lunchtime together, and he was glad he sat there last week. He asked if I felt the same. I told him how it had been the best week of my life. “My time with you and now Paula has been precious.” Robbie encouraged me to start having confidence in myself to see just how great I am as he sees that.
Robbie’s conversation turned more on me as he continued to tell me how much I have to offer. Robbie placed his hand on my leg as he complimented me and built me up. I am not used to hearing compliments, and I did not know how to react to them, but I did feel at ease with Robbie’s hand on my leg.
Robbie’s hand slid higher up my thigh. “Scott, friends do many different things for their friends to help them and make them feel good. I feel you are an excellent friend now, and I will do anything to help you and make you happy.”
I smiled, “Thank you, Robbie, I will do anything for you as well. I do not know what friends do for each other.”
“I can help you with that, Scott, if you would like,” he whispered to me.
“I would like that, Robbie.”
“Do you trust me, Scott?”
“Yes, Robbie, Yes I do.”
Robbie’s hand slide even higher up my thigh and started to rub my growing bulge in my pants. I thought to myself, I do not know what is happening, but I know Robbie would not do anything to steer me wrong. I only knew that whatever was happening, it did feel so good.
Robbie undid my pants and unzipped them. His hand slide into my pants as he took hold of my cock. I gasped and closed my eyes. My mind racing, this was the first time anyone except for myself touched my cock, and it felt so good.
Robbie’s hand stroked me slowly, looking into my eyes, “I want to show you just how much I care for you, Scott. Is that something you would want me to do?”
My body was trembling as Robbie’s hand slide up and down on my hard seven-inch cock. “Yes, Robbie, yes, I want you to.”
Robbie moved between my legs. I felt his tongue lick from my balls, my shaft, and around the tip of my cock. I closed my eyes and groaned. I couldn’t believe how good that felt. I never even thought about this being right or wrong, I trusted Robbie, and I knew he wouldn’t do anything we shouldn’t do. Besides, anything that felt this good could not be a bad thing to do. Just as that thought entered my mind, Robbie wrapped his lips around my cock and took it into his mouth.
Oh, Dear God, this felt fantastic. Robbie’s mouth worked up and down on my cock, moving faster. My moans became louder and louder. My cock started to throb and twitch in Robbie’s mouth. My body tensed my cock throbbed as I screamed when I exploded. Not knowing what to do, I felt Robbie tightened his lips around cock as he sucked and swallowed my cum.
I laid limp on the bed, not saying a word. Not knowing what to say, I laid quietly, breathing heavily and feeling fantastic.
Robbie broke the silence. “I liked sharing special moments with you, Scott, and sharing more with you in the future. Would you want to share more with me, Scott?”
“Yes, Robbie, Yes, I want to share more with you.”
“It will be our secret, Scott. We cannot tell anyone of our special times together, understand?”
“Yes, Robbie, I do understand. I will tell no one. About our time together.”
Robbie smiled at me. “I think we are going to become even better friends, Scott, I am very excited about our friendship. Although I would love to stay, I am going to have to go. I need to get to the game soon. Would you like to hang out tomorrow night? You can go with Paula and me. We will have a fun time.”
“That would be great. I would love to go with you two tomorrow night.”
“Great, I will call you tomorrow and let you know what we are going to do.”
Robbie got up and left. I laid on the bed, reliving what we did together. My cock started to grow again. As I stroked my cock, I thought about the possibilities of our future as I lay there with a massive smile on my face.
I couldn’t stop thinking about Robbie and how yesterday he made me feel so good with his mouth throughout the night and into the next day. I thought long and hard, and I decided I wanted to do the same thing to Robbie. It made me nervous since I never did anything like that and hoped I could do it.
My day was interrupted by a phone call from Robbie. We had some small talk, and he told me about the game last night. He asked if I was still going with Paula and him tonight. I confirmed that I was planning on it and asked what we were going to do. He told me nothing big, maybe shoot some pool and get something to eat. He told me he would pick me up at 7.00 pm.
As I was getting ready, my mom asked me where I was going. I told her about going out with Robbie and Paula. She asked about them, and I filled her in on my new friends and how they have made school so much more bearable.
“I am so happy you have made some friends, Scott. You have seemed so unhappy for so long, and I see some happiness in your these last few days. I will be going out tonight, but I want you to be home by eleven and make good choices while you’re out tonight. Others will try to pull you into their bad habits.”
“I know, mom, I know, I’ll do the right thing.”
She smiled at me and placed her hand on my face, “I know you will, baby, you’re a good boy, but I want to meet this Robbie before you go out.”
Seven o’clock came, and the doorbell rang. I opened it, and there stood Robbie. I smiled as I greeted him. I felt so happy to see him again. “Hey Scott, how is it going? You ready to get going. Paula is waiting for us to pick her up.”
Yes, I’m ready. Let me tell my mom I’m going.”
I yelled up to mom, and I heard her say yell back down, “Just a minute, I will be right there.” I could listen to mom’s heels coming down the wooden steps. She turned around the corner and shocked me when I saw her wearing a short brown leather skirt with a low-cut leopard shirt and matching leopard heels.
“Wow, mom, where are you going tonight?”
“Just out with some friends, no place special.”
“Well, have fun, mom. Oh, by the way, this is Robbie.”
Mom approached Robbie with her hand extended, “Hello Robbie. It is a pleasure to meet you.”
“Hello, Mrs. Murphy. It is a pleasure to meet you.”
“Oh, your just a charmer, Robbie, but please call me Dee.”
“Okay, hello Dee, you look beautiful this evening.”
Mom giggled and blushed a little, “Why, thank you, Robbie, you are good for a woman’s ego. >ou boys have fun tonight, but be careful, and…”
“I know, mom, I know, make the right choices.”
As Robbie and I got to the car, Robbie turned to me and said, “Wow, Scott, your mom is young and a real hottie.”
“My mom and dad were married young and had me right after they got married. She is only forty-one. After dad died, she withdrew for many years. It is just the past five years or so that she has started to get out and socialize again.”
“I do not want to overstep or insult you, but your mom is a beautiful woman, and I bet she has many friends.”
We got into the car and drove the few short blocks to Paula’s house. Paula came out to the car, wearing a short black skirt with a white top. Her top was low cut, her tits were popping out of her blouse, and her skirt was so short it hiked up as she slides into the front seat. My eyes bulged as I saw Paula. She dressed much differently than she dresses for school.
As I stared at Paula, I could see that Robbie was looking at me. As we both were entering the car, our eyes met him in the driver’s seat and me in the passenger seat. He smiled and chuckled at me as we got in the car and drove off.
I kept looking over at Paula and looking down at her shirt. She had beautiful tits, and I could not take my eyes off them. I constantly had to readjust all night as my cock kept responding as I looked at her.
We had a fun night, but when it was time for Paula to go home, Robbie dropped her off and walked her to the door. I watched as Robbie held her in his arms, and they kissed very passionately.
After about five minutes, Robbie returned to the car. We didn’t say a word to each other as Robbie drove to my house. Robbie parked and shut off the car. “Doesn’t look like your mother is home,” Robbie said.
“No, she usually doesn’t come home too late, or sometimes early in the morning.”
“Well, I don’t have to be home for a while. Want me to come in for a little?”
“Sure, we could play some video games for a while.”
“Or other things,” Robbie replied with a grin on his face.
We went into the house and went onto the kitchen. I asked Robbie if he wanted a drink? He told me he would love a glass of ice tea. As I got the tea and poured it into his glass, Robbie said to me that he noticed me checking out Paula all night.
I got real nervous and scared because I knew he was right. I couldn’t stop checking out Paula’s ass and tits. “AAAAWWW, I’m sorry,” I said as I looked down at the floor.
Robbie was smiling. “Hey, don’t worry about it. Paula is a hottie, and I am used to everyone checking her out.”
“Yes, she is very sexy and beautiful,” I responded.
“Can I ask you something, Robbie?”
“Sure, Scott, you can ask me anything.”
“How do you kiss a girl?” I asked. “I watched when you were kissing Paula when you said good-night. I know it is a different type of kiss.”
“Yes, you don’t kiss a girl like you kiss your mother for sure. I could show you if you like.”
I didn’t answer him for a few seconds, but I finally, mustered up the nerve to nod my head yes.
Robbie moved to me; he took me into his arms and whispered, “Relax and do as I do.” Robbie pulled me into him as our lips touched. Robbie had his mouth open, and his tongue slides into my mouth. I followed his lead and kissed him as he was kissing me. Our kiss went on for what seemed forever.
As our passion built, Robbie’s hand moved to my cock as he started caressing it over my pants. Robbie broke our kiss and smiled at me. “Oh my, you Paula does have you all worked up, doesn’t she?”
I felt myself blush as I was embarrassed that I had these thoughts about my friend’s girlfriend. Robbie touched the side of my face gently and smiled. “It’s okay, Scott. Want to go to your bedroom? Maybe I can help you relax some.”
Robbie took my hand and walked with me to my bedroom. He pulled me to him as he kissed me again. As Robbie and I were kissing, Robbie’s hand undid my belt and pants, and he slid his hand into my boxers to take hold of my hard, aching cock.
He pushed me into the chair in my room and knelt between my legs. He stroked my cock as he whispered to me, “Relax, Scott, and enjoy.”
Robbie then leaned down and wrapped his lips around my cock. As he took me into his wet mouth, I moaned loudly. I closed my eyes as my thoughts were of Paula doing what Robbie was doing to me.
With visions of Paula’s naked body sucking my cock it didn’t take long before my body tensed, and I screamed as my cock exploded in Robbe’s mouth. He sucked and swallowed all the cum I gave him and continued until my dick went limp in his mouth.
Robbie stood up and leaned down to me as he kissed me softly on my lips. “Doesn’t that feel better now?”
I stood and pulled Robbie to me as I kissed him hard and passionately. My tongue deep down his throat. As I kissed Robbie, I guided him onto the chair I was sitting in. As I leaned down and continued to kiss him, my hand moved to his crotch as I caressed Robbie’s cock.
Breaking our kiss, I told Robbie, “Now I want to help you relax.”
“Are you sure, Scott?”
My hand undid Robbie’s pants, pulling them down with his underwear to expose his hard cock. I stared at it since this was the first time I not only saw Robbie’s dick, but it was the first I saw anyone else’s except mine.
I thought to myself, do what Robbie did to me. I leaned into him, tracing my tongue up his shaft from his balls to his tip. Once there, I circled it before licking back down his rod to take his balls into my mouth and sucked on them.
Moving back up to his tip, I wrapped my lips around Robbie’s cock and slowly took him into my mouth. I remember thinking that he was so hard yet, it was soft on my lips. It was more pleasant than I imagine. The more I sucked him, the more I liked it.
I was getting into it and more comfortable giving my first blowjob. My head bobbed faster on Robbie’s cock. His moans filled the room, and I knew I must have been doing it right because of that. It turned me on to hear him moan like that. It makes me suck him faster and harder.
I was lost in the moment before I realized how Robbie’s dick was throbbing in my mouth. I heard him moan out, “Oh, God, I’m cumming.”
With that, I felt his body tense. I thought about it before doing it and decided I would take his load in my mouth as he did for me. From hearing him moan that he was coming, I did not have much time to think about it, thank god. Before I knew it, his cum was filling my mouth. I sucked and swallowed his load and continued sucking until he went limp in my mouth.
Our friendship continued to grow and evolved into much more. Stay tuned to see how our friendship developed into much more.