A Fresh Start Chapter 2

"After their first night together, Michael and Fi go camping at the creek..."

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When Michael awoke in his new bed in the mobile home settled next to his aunt’s house he struggled to shake the cobwebs from his mind. As his mind cleared he recalled the night before. The night with his cousin, Fiona, and for a moment he feared that it had all been a very vivid dream. However, when he turned on his side and saw Fiona’s smiling face as she sat on the edge of the bed he knew that the previous night hadn’t been a dream.

Fiona looked even more beautiful than the last time Michael saw her during the previous night. She had that devilish grin on her face and her mesmerizing blue eyes seemed to caress every part of him. She was wearing a black tank top underneath a flannel shirt and a new pair of denim short-shorts.

He smiled, “How long have you been sitting there?”

She smiled back at him, “Not long, I came in here to wake you up.”

“How long have I been asleep?”

“It’s almost eleven,” she told him.

Michael sat up and yawned, “I must have needed it.”

Fiona leaned over and traced Michael’s nipple with her finger, “After the night we had, I can see why.”

Already Michael could feel his cock swell with want as Fiona continued to fiddle with his nipples. Sensing this, Fiona traced her finger down his chest, pausing over his abs admiringly before disappearing beneath the covers. She licked her lips when she found what she was looking for and slowly began to coax his semi-erect member to full hardness. Michael groaned as she stroked him beneath the covers.

“This is my kind of wake up call,” Michael moaned.

Fiona only grinned as she pulled away the covers and pulled down Michael’s shorts. She clambered over to him and started to lick and stroke his shaft. Michael gasped as she started to suck on the tip of his cock ever so slightly. Every now and then she would take more of him into her mouth, teasing him with her tongue as she did so, before pulling away until only the tip remained in her mouth. She continued to do this for what seemed like forever, and each time she went down on him she would take more of his shaft into her mouth. Michael wished she would go all the way but she never did. It was becoming unbearable for him.

“Ugh… Fi…” Michael couldn’t even form the words necessary to beg.

As if she could sense his desires, Fiona quickened her pace and pushed herself down onto the base of his shaft. Michael moaned as he felt his orgasm nearing. Fiona continued to suck and lick his dick as it swelled in preparation for imminent release. When he came he filled her mouth with his cum. She didn’t protest however, and took every last drop he gave her before she finally pulled away and swallowed his spunk in one long gulp. She gasped after she finished and a satisfied grin formed on her face.

“That was yummy,” she said seductively as she licked the precum off her fingers.

Michael let out a satisfied sigh, “I’m not going to need any coffee, that’s for sure.”

“Glad you liked it,” she giggled as she stood up from the bed, “Now get dressed and head over to the house for breakfast. My mom makes a great ham and cheese omelet.”

Michael nodded and watched as Fiona walked out of the room, more specifically he watched the sway of her ass as she walked out of the room. He suddenly felt excited to see what the day had in store for him.

After getting into a pair of jeans and a clean shirt Michael crossed the yard and walked into the house where the smell of sizzling bacon and buttered toast filled the air. He found Fiona, his mother, and his aunt sitting at the dining room table eating their breakfast.

Michael’s mother smiled when she saw him, “It’s about time you woke up, Sleeping Beauty! Your aunt cooked us breakfast.”

Michael grabbed a plate and grabbed a few slices of bacon and toast before snatching up one of the omelets stacked on a plate next to the stove.

“There’s orange juice in the fridge,” Fiona told him, “I’m sure you’re pretty thirsty after all the exercise I put you through yesterday…” Michael could see her lips curl into the faintest of grins as she said this. He didn’t feel comfortable with her using double-sided comments like that in plain sight of their parents. However they didn’t seem to pick up on the innuendo.

Aunt Nancy smiled, “Tire yourself out on the tour of the farm did you? I thought you were a football player, Michael?”

Michael fished out the carton of orange juice and chuckled, “You’re farm is huge!”

“We do have a lot of land, and only half of that is actually devoted to farming, if you can believe!”

Michael poured himself a glass of orange juice before joining them at the table. The only available chair was next to Fiona so he sat next to her. She smiled at him warmly and playfully nudged him with her shoulder.

“So you excited for today?” she asked him.

Michael, not entirely sure what she was talking about, simply nodded and said, “You bet!”

Michael’s mom frowned, “What do you two got planned for today?”

Fiona looked to her and her smile broadened, “Michael and I are going to go camping out by the creek!”

“Sounds like fun!” Aunt Nancy exclaimed, “You two going to go into town and pick up some stuff for this little trip?”

Fiona nodded, “Once Michael here finishes his breakfast.”

“You should show Michael around town while you’re at it,” Nancy suggested, “Introduce him to a couple of your friends.”

“I think Dana’s working at the Dari Mart today, we’ll swing by there to get some snacks and say hi.” She told her mother. Fiona stood up from the table leaving her still relatively full plate behind. “You finish eating breakfast, Michael, so we can head into town.”

Nancy frowned at Fiona’s plate, “You feeling okay, Fi? You barely touched your breakfast.”

Fiona turned and shrugged, “I’m just feeling full. I kinda had a bit of a snack before you made breakfast.” Michael quietly sipped his orange juice, praying that he wasn’t blushing all too much.

After finishing his breakfast Michael and Fiona drove into town in Nancy’s pickup truck. As they drove down the dirt road Fiona broke the awkward silence with laughter.

“What’s so funny?” Michael asked her.

“You at breakfast,” she giggled, “the look you gave me when I pulled your leg were priceless.”

“If I recall you said you didn’t want our moms figuring out about this,” Michael reminded her, “Something about them ‘ruining all our fun?’”

She chuckled, “You need to relax. The whole point of this is that we have some fun. That includes messing with you.” She reached over and tousled his hair playfully.

“I’m just reluctant to have our moms figuring out about… whatever you call this…”

“You mean the hot, sweaty, sexy, incestuous fucking? Why beat around the bush here, Michael? We both know what this is.”

Michael shrugged, “It’s just… I don’t know… it’s weird.”

“You didn’t think that when I was sucking you off this morning,” she grinned.

Michael couldn’t help but chuckle, “I guess I’m just thinking about it too much.”

Fiona agreed, “And that’s no fun, is it?”

Michael smiled and nodded, “No, it’s not.” Fiona turned the steering wheel and got onto the main road into town. After a brief moment of silence Michael spoke up again. “So what are we getting for this camping trip?”

That all too familiar grin formed on Fiona’s face at this question, “Stuff.”

“What kind of stuff?”

“Snacks, stuff for smores, Funyons, and we’ll need to get you a sleeping bag—preferably one that’s waterproof…”

“Sounds… simple?” Michael frowned.

“There are a couple other things I’m going to grab while you’re getting all that other stuff…”

“What other things?”

“That’s all part of the surprise…” She shot him a devious glance with those beautiful blue eyes of hers.

“I thought the surprise was that wake up call you gave me this morning.”

She shook her head, “That was just me seizing the moment. Your mom was in the house when I went to wake you, it was too good to pass up.”

“So what is this surprise then?”

“Telling you would spoil the surprise,” she tsked.

After finding a place to park Fiona took Michael to the local Dari Mart. When they entered the store Fiona saw that the girl at the register wasn’t her friend Dana and she cursed.

“She must have had her shift covered to go dirt biking with her loser boyfriend,” she sighed, “Too bad, I wanted to show you off to her.”

Michael frowned, “As what? Your cousin or your new boy toy?”

She shot him a lusty look and planted a kiss on his lips, “Both.”

Michael was, once again, unsure if she was messing with him or not. He decided not to think about it too much and returned her kiss.

This made Fiona smile.

They grabbed a few snacks and drinks for the trip and took them to the truck. As they loaded up the grocery bags Fiona handed Michael a couple twenty dollar bills and pointed at the Wal-Mart sign a few blocks down the road. “You go and grab whatever camping stuff you need.”

Eli stuffed the money in his pocket. “Where are you going?”

She smiled and kissed his cheek, “I’m going to get stuff for that surprise I mentioned…”

Michael grinned, “So I’ll meet you back here?”

She nodded and started down the street in the opposite direction. Michael had the sudden desire to follow her and see what she was up to but he decided against it. Whatever this surprise was he didn’t want to spoil it. Mostly because he was certain Fiona would never forgive him if he did. He went to the Wal-Mart and purchased everything he thought he would need for the trip and managed to get back to the truck just as Fiona was hiding whatever she had gone to buy. He didn’t press the issue further and instead loaded up his camping gear in the backseat with the rest of the groceries.

“No peeking, now,” she warned him as she got into the truck.

Michael chuckled and hopped into the passenger’s seat as Fiona started the truck. They started back home to get everything ready for the trip.

By the time they started towards the creek the sun was already making its way to the horizon. Michael followed Fiona across the bridge that crossed the canal. Michael was wearing a pair of old running shorts and his old football jersey. Along with their picnic bag, Michael was carrying the bag that held the tent they would be using. Fiona had changed into a pair of khaki shorts and a black tee-shirt and had her hair pulled into a pony tail. She was carrying the sleeping bags along with a couple towels and a backpack that Michael was certain contained whatever she had bought back in town.

As they continued to make their way to their camping spot Michael couldn’t help but feel excited. There were butterflies in his gut and as he stared at Fiona’s ass he felt his member stir in his boxers.

They set up camp in a spot next to the bank of the creek and pitched the tent. The sound of the creek was soothing and the sun had warmed the air to a perfect temperature over the last few hours. As Fiona unfolded the sleeping bags next to the tent Michael sneaked up behind her and pulled her to him. He pressed her ass to his pelvis and started to kiss her neck while he fondled her breasts. Already he was growing hard and he started to grind against her ass. Fiona stifled a moan as she tried to push him away.

“Let’s not jump the gun, tiger,” she giggled as she turned to face him, “We have all night to enjoy ourselves.”

Michael continued to massage her breasts, “So what do you want to do first?”

She grabbed his wrists and kissed him before answering, “Let’s get a fire going first.”

“Then what do you want to do after that?”

“Well,” she playfully poked his nose, “we’ll roast some marshmallows, have some smores, and then get to that surprise you have been waiting all day for…”

Michael grinned and stepped out of the tent to look for firewood. After they had a fire going Fiona got a few sticks for skewering the marshmallows and handed the bag of marshmallows to Michael.

“Start heating these up, I’m going to get the rest of the ingredients.” Fiona disappeared into the tent and returned with a box of graham crackers in one hand and a jar in the other.

“Where are the chocolate bars?” Michael asked.

“I didn’t pack them,” she grinned as she tossed him the jar.

Michael nearly dropped the marshmallows as he caught the jar. He turned the jar over in his hand until he found the label. “Chocolate sauce?” He frowned, “What gives?” Michael looked up at Fiona and saw that she was stripping out of her clothes. He was only getting more confused. “Is this the surprise?”

She giggled as she slipped out of her panties and sat down on one of the sleeping bags, “Think of it as a prelude to the surprise…” She opened the box of graham crackers as she told Michael to start roasting some marshmallows over the fire. “Make sure they’re nice and melted… and hand me the chocolate sauce.”

Michael frowned and did as he was told and handed her the jar as he tended to the marshmallows. They were already browning as he pulled them away from the embers of the fire.

“What do you want me to do with these?” He asked Fiona. She laid back and opened the jar of chocolate sauce and let some of it pour out onto her flat stomach. The sauce pooled into her navel and felt surprisingly cool on her hot skin. Then, she set the jar aside she grabbed a graham cracker and broke it into a bite sized piece and motioned for Michael to sit down next to her. Suddenly, Michael realized what she was doing. “Body shots?”

She giggled, “The great outdoors version!”

Michael laughed, “I’ll hand it to you, it puts a new spin on how you make smores!”

“Put the marshmallow here,” she told him, pointing to her chest as she gripped the graham cracker with her teeth. Michael did as he was told and put one of the roasted marshmallows between her breasts. She jumped slightly and giggled.

“Hot,” she said through her teeth.

Michael lowered his face to her belly and lapped up the chocolate from her bellybutton. Then, he licked his way up to the marshmallow and took it into his mouth. He stopped to kiss one of her nipples before he made his way to the graham cracker and took it from her mouth. He chuckled as chewed and swallowed the smore while Fiona smiled at him.

“Was it good?” she asked.

Michael nodded, “Best smore I’ve ever had in my life!”

Fiona sat up, “Good! Now, it’s my turn! Get that shirt off!” She reached for the jar of chocolate sauce as Michael slipped out of his clothes and laid down on his sleeping bag. The crackle of the fire, interspersed with the babbling creek and the sound of crickets, was unbelievably soothing and Michael was sure he could sleep right then and there had he wanted to. Fiona prepared another marshmallow before she started to pour chocolate onto Michael’s stomach.

He jumped, “Ha! That’s cold!”

Fiona chuckled as she licked off some chocolate that had dribbled onto her fingers and retrieved a piece of graham cracker as the marshmallow roasted over the fire. When she was happy with the marshmallow she pulled it off of the stick and, instead of placing it square in the middle of his chest, put it on one of his nipples.

He jumped again, “Gah! That’s hot!”

She giggled as she started to lick the chocolate off of his abs, followed by the marshmallow where she copied his actions and kissed his nipple after taking the marshmallow. Then she moved up to his face, grinning as she put the graham cracker between his teeth before kissing him deeply….

Published 13 years ago

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