A Flash In The Dark

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Kim stepped into her dark bedroom reaching for the light switch after her shower. She was cleaning up before going out to dinner with her husband later. She was naked and wet. Suddenly, she felt familiar hands on her back shoving her to the bed face down. It could only be her neighbor Sam.

He had done this many times before, and she always loved it. A syringe was inserted into her ass filled with K-Y Yours & Mine Couples Lubricant and released. 

She felt the slickened head of his penis at her asshole. She felt the twinge of pain as he inserted it and pushed his way to its base. She didn’t want to stop him. She loved when he surprised her like this. It was their little game to play.

He pulled almost all the way out and plunged in again over and over. Despite her surprise and initial pain, she was enjoying the assault on her ass. She couldn’t help but fantasize while he was doing this. Was it her husband or maybe her boss, or was it the cute college guy from down the street? Who could she fantasize about to be pounding her ass and making her feel this way?

She began moaning into the sheets and pushing back at his thrusts. She was starting to get into it now. She could hear his heavy breathing and feel the sweat building up on his legs as he thrust into her hard. She tried to match his rhythm and push back against him. It was not easy though, he was too sporadic.

She started to fantasize that maybe this person wasn’t very experienced. Maybe they were only a teenager, say, seventeen. Maybe this was just another sexual adventure with one of her lovers.

Too many fantasies in her head to process. She just wanted to enjoy and get it over with at the same time. Of course, the enjoy part she wanted to last a little while longer.

She felt him pounding faster and harder. She heard him grunting and making guttural sounds. She knew he was getting close. She tried again to match his rhythm and hopefully reach an orgasm of her own. She would make it, she thought. She would climax at the same time as him if she really worked at it.

The sweat was now building up on her as well. She was breathing heavily and moaning louder into the sheets. She was gripping the sheets and pulling them off the bed. She was so close to orgasm. Just a little bit longer, she thought.

She felt his penis expand and swell up inside her. She was at her limit and couldn’t hold out anymore. She screamed and ripped the sheets completely off the bed now. She climaxed and convulsed her whole body, almost removing him in the process. She was soaking the bed and his legs with a squirting climax that she had never had before. She lost total control of her body and her legs went weak. She screamed loud and clawed at the mattress trying to hold on to him inside her.

She was exhausted and satisfied. She passed out, clinging to the mattress. She didn’t even realize he had finished unloading into her and left. She slept for at least an hour like that. Sprawled across the bed with her knees barely on the floor. She was dripping cum down her crotch and legs. Most of it had dried and was crusty, but some was still leaking out of her ass slowly.

Her husband came home as she was waking up. He walked into the bedroom and found her slumped over the bed and crusty and sticky with cum. He smiled. He walked over and grabbed the syringe laying on the bed.

“So that’s what Sam wanted that for. He said he needed to insert some lube inside something. Wish I had known what he meant. I would have watched,” her husband said looking at her and the syringe in his hands.

She knew it was Sam, their retired neighbor that had cum in her ass. “Going to have to ask him around so I can thank him properly,” she said smiling and rubbing her sore butt.

She should add him to her threesome list maybe. The hubby would love that.




Published 7 years ago

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