My real first time with a man was an unsatisfying quickie blowjob from my seatmate after a cross country flight and too many cocktails. I was twenty-five, married to a slender, pretty redhead and had never felt any sexual attraction to men. I wrote the incident off as a drunken, meaningless folly. It took a while but things would change for me in a big way.
Fast forward five years or so and I am still married and have a satisfying sex life. Friday night after work was always time for a few drinks with the boys, I never missed it. As the night wore on and people went home to their families the last two holdouts were John and me. John, unusual for the time, was an out gay man, he was slender, handsome, and charming. We had a work-friendly relationship that never amounted to more than brief conversations and sharing of jokes. I never had the slightest sexual attraction to him or any other man, that was to change in a big way.
After a while, our conversation drifted into the more personal and John opened up about bathhouses as places he would go to have sex. I was fascinated, the more I listened the more I wanted to see what it was all about. When I said I’d like to try it he cautioned me that I might find the whole thing shocking, that only heightened my interest. We were off to a place called “Man’s Country.”
Arriving late, Friday was their busiest night, we were given towels and went off to the locker area. By now I was as charged sexually as I had ever been in my life and couldn’t wait to have John see me naked. He had been laughing and kidding me all along but when he saw me sans clothing he was thrilled. John confessed he’d had a crush on me for some time and always suspected that I might secretly be gay, I guess it was his “gaydar”, a real thing. When he told me how much he enjoyed seeing me naked I put the towel in the locker and decided to stay nude, he was ecstatic.
Man’s Country was a three-story pleasure palace, the first floor had lockers a steam room, and a sauna. The second and third floors had a number of small rooms, several seating areas with gay porn on the TVs, and a few discrete nooks where you could have sex with a certain amount of privacy if that was what you wanted. It was not what I wanted, my head was spinning.
After walking around for a while, I loved being stared at, we settled into one of the seating areas. To this point we had not had any physical contact, he was reserved and unsure of how I would react. When I put his hand on my dick that all changed, he was all over me, Before long I had an overwhelming desire to suck his cock. I got on my knees and took him in my mouth, it was a moment I will never forget, made all the better by the appreciative audience in the room. When he finally came, it seemed forever, I knew this was something I wanted to do more of.
We laughed at what the guys from work would think if they knew what we had just done, I felt no remorse. A little later we ran into two of his buddies who both seemed to have an interest in me. Not wanting to offend John I kept my distance until he and one of his pals drifted off leaving me with a beautiful, muscled young man who let his towel drop for me to get a look. Once again I got on my knees and sucked his dick, I was in erotic heaven. What a night!
John and I continued to have an off and on relationship until he took a new job and we drifted apart. He left me with a new awareness of where I would direct my sexual energy for years to come. I still get around to bathhouses and still enjoy performing sex in public and I still love sucking dick and swallowing.
Throughout all these years I have remained married. My wife became aware of my activities and after some very strained time, she has come to accept it. Our sex life has become much more experimental and enjoyable but that’s another story.