“So, it sounds like your weekend was a success.”
I took a sip of my wine and thought for a moment. My friend and mentor, Edith, asked me to lunch on Monday and I’d shared the details of Friday night with her. “I have to admit I was a little worried, but it turned out better than I ever thought possible.”
“I’m a little surprised you let them have sex.”
I took another bite of my chef’s salad. “I hadn’t planned on them having sex, it was more of a spontaneous act, but I knew they both wanted it and I let them.”
She looked at me quizzically. “Do you regret it? Now that you’re not in the scene and you can reflect?”
I thought for a moment. “No, I don’t regret any of it. I trust them both implicitly.”
Her face broke into a little grin. “You’re really sprung on this girl, aren’t you?”
I looked down shyly. Edith always had a way of making me feel very self-conscious, like a young schoolgirl. Some of the feelings she evoked in me I liked. However, I was getting used to feeling perpetually in control with Chris and now Liz … but around Edith I never felt the need to be assertive and that was a little disconcerting. “I really like her, yes.”
She smiled. “I can tell.”
We each took a sip of our wine. “So, have you given any more thought to joining me in a professional scene?” she asked.
“I have … but I have some questions about it.”
“Let’s discuss it, then.”
I paused for a moment to collect my thoughts. “Who would the client be?”
“He’s an older casino executive who’s been wanting a session with two Dommes for quite a while.” She paused for a moment in reflection. “He’s one of my best clients, and I’m afraid if I don’t give him what he wants he’ll find what he’s looking for somewhere else.”
She needs me … more than she’s been letting on. “What exactly will we be doing with him?”
“I have a little routine with him that I’ll go over with you. I’ll make sure you’re comfortable with everything before we begin.”
“Is there any actual sex involved?”
“He likes face-sitting, but if that’s a problem you wouldn’t necessarily have to be involved with that aspect of the session … at least not this time.”
I thought for a moment. “It wouldn’t be a problem.”
“Are you sure … Chris wouldn’t have any issues with it?”
“I’ll let him know beforehand and we’ll talk about it, but it won’t be a problem.”
“So both of you are okay with opening up your marriage even further?”
Chris and I talked extensively about his desire to be cuckolded. However, being with another man was something I wasn’t certain I was ready for. I was very protective of my marriage, especially during the last couple of months while we were making monumental changes with me assuming complete and total control. At this point, adding another variable into the equation, like me seeing another man, just seemed like an unnecessary liability. However, in this controlled situation, the risk could be managed. Additionally, Edith needed this from me, and she’d helped me so much over the course of the last months I didn’t want to refuse her request and let her down.
“We are both okay with it.” I took another sip of my wine before continuing. “I know that face-sitting is an integral part of most Femme-Domme BDSM scenes, and I’m okay with doing it with your client.”
“Good.” She took another sip of her wine. “Do you have any other questions?”
I thought for a moment. “Where do you meet your clients?”
“I have a playroom in my house that I use for work.”
“Okay … and what about the money?”
“It will be a two-hour session unless he wants to extend it. How does fifteen hundred sound?”
“I can handle that.”
The money wasn’t that important to me, but I at least wanted to ask her about it. More than anything I wanted the experience of working with a professional Domme, and the thought of trying something new was exciting.
“Are you free this weekend?”
“I don’t have any plans.”
“We’ll shoot for Saturday night. I’ll text you my address and the time once I’ve contacted him.”
I took a deep breath in an attempt to contain my excitement. “I’m looking forward to this.”
She smiled. “I know you are.”
– – – – –
I got home a few hours later and found Chris working hard in the kitchen. He’d prepared parmesan risotto with roasted shrimp and paired it perfectly with a bottle of Far Niente Chardonnay. Once we were done eating, I retired to the living room to watch the news while he cleared the table and did the dishes.
“Did you like dinner, honey?” he said while entering the room with two glasses of wine.
I’d already told him twice how good dinner was, but I loved when he fished for compliments about his cooking. “Oh … you know … it was okay …” Big smiles broke across our faces. “You know I love your cooking, Chris.”
He sat down beside me and put his hand on my thigh. “How was your workout?”
“It was a real bitch; we did our arms this morning and our legs this afternoon … I’m already really sore.” True to her word, Liz had begun incorporating free weights in our workout in an attempt to prepare me to compete with her in fitness competitions.
“I can give you a massage later if you’d like.”
“I’d love that.” We took a sip of our wine. “I also had lunch with Edith today.” His eyes widened and he waited for me to continue. He knew Edith was my mentor and we met frequently for lunch. “She asked if I’d be interested in joining her for a scene with one of her clients.” His breathing changed and his hand began to gently twitch on my thigh. This little piece of news is turning him on.
“If I may ask, what will you do with her client, Ma’am?”
I took another sip of my wine. It was fun to keep him in suspense and draw out the moment. “She hasn’t gone into specifics yet, but face-sitting will be involved.” He took a deep breath and adjusted how he was sitting on the couch. He’s more turned on than I thought. “Does the thought of another man’s mouth on my pussy excite you?” I said sexily.
His hand was visibly trembling on my thigh. “Y-y-yes, Ma’am, it does.”
I loved toying with him, teasing him, regarding his fantasy of me being with other men. “You know no other man has gone down on me since we got together, don’t you?”
His erection was now straining against the tight confines of his Dockers. “Yes, Ma’am, I know.”
“I’ve been a chaste little wife for you, haven’t I?”
“Yes, Ma’am, you have.”
“But you don’t want that, do you?”
“No, Ma’am … I don’t.”
“Tell me what you think about … what you fantasize about,” I said huskily.
His breathing was rapid and just a bit shallow and I could see the wheels turning. I waited semi-patiently for him to give voice to the erotic fantasies that were floating around in his head. “I think of watching while another man goes down on you.” His eyes closed. “I think of you dating other men and them fucking you … sometimes you tell me about them, other times you don’t.”
I reached over and slowly began to rub his erection through his trousers. “You have a very slutty wife in your fantasies, don’t you?”
“Yes, Ma’am, I do.”
I began to rub him harder. I loved that we were able to communicate so well, and he didn’t hold anything back from me. I still wasn’t ready to make this fantasy of his a reality. He’d watched so many different things on the BDSM sites he’d viewed, and I still worried about how some of them, like me being with other men, would affect our marriage. It was one thing to read testimonials and view pictures about what other couples did, but another thing entirely to experience them in our own marriage. Still, I loved hearing his fantasies and allowing him to give voice to them. “Tell me more.”
His eyes were still closed, and I knew that in his mind I was already with another man. “You have about half a dozen lovers, and I never know which one you are in the mood for. Some are old, some are young, and they’re of different races.”
I could feel the heat and moisture begin to build between my legs. “Do you have one you think about the most?” He was moaning softly while I continued to rub his erection through his pants.
“Yes, Ma’am.”
“Tell me about him.”
“His name is Dirk and he’s one of my students.”
This revelation shocked me. I’d assumed he fantasized about nameless, faceless men fucking me, but this was someone he actually knew. Regardless, I continued to play along. “Tell me about Dirk.”
“He’s a junior on the football team.” I slowly unzipped his fly while he spoke. “I’ve overheard him talking about the size of his cock.” I reached into his trousers and pulled his blood-engorged member from his pants. “He brags about the way he’s fucked some of the coeds on campus and how they can’t get enough of him.”
I slowly started to stroke him. “And you think about me with this young stud?”
“Yes, Ma’am.”
A large dollop of pre-cum had formed on his cockhead while I continued to rub him. “What do I do with him, Chris?”
“You get a hotel room with him, and he spends hours between your legs.” He let out a low, guttural moan as I picked up the pace with my hand. “He fucks you over and over and you can’t get enough of him.”
“Do I make him wear a condom?”
His breathing was so heavy, and he was talking so softly I could barely hear him. “No, you tell him his cock is too perfect to ruin things by making him wrap up, you want him bare.”
My pussy felt like a warm, wet swamp and I knew I’d soaked my thong all the way through. “So, I let him come inside me?”
“Yes, Ma’am … every time you’re with him.”
“And I’m with him often?”
“A couple of times a week, Ma’am … you can’t get enough of him.”
He was close now and I backed off to settle him down a bit. “Do I bring him here … to our home?”
His eyes opened and I witnessed the shocked look on his face. “Would you want that, Greta?”
I played along, adding to his fantasy. “What if I wanted him in our marital bed?”
He wasn’t expecting this little twist, but I could tell he loved it. “Would you … ummm … let me watch, Ma’am?”
I tightened my grip on his penis while I stroked. “No … not at first. I’d restrain you to our guest bed, leave the doors open, and make you listen to him tear me up all night.”
“Oh, God … God.”
He was close to release, and I let his cock slip from my hand. “Go to our bedroom, take off your clothes, and wait for me.”
“Yes, Ma’am,” he said before jumping off the couch and running into our bedroom.
I spent the next two hours riding his face before we made love three times, something we hadn’t done since college. I was still very leery about being with another man. However, I realized how powerful this fantasy was for Chris and how much he wanted it. We’d opened Pandora’s Box, and even though I wasn’t ready to make it a reality it took our lovemaking to a higher plane and created an intensity that wasn’t previously there. I was beginning to understand just how much he desired to be cuckolded, but I didn’t know if our marriage could bear the cost if I let it happen.
– – – – –
“I guess I have mixed feelings about it.”
I took another sip of water while attempting to catch my breath. Liz and I had just finished an hour-long online spin class and both of us were dripping with sweat. Fortunately, we were the only ones in the gym at the Bellagio, which allowed us to talk freely. I’d just told her about my weekend plans with Edith and she didn’t sound very enthused.
“Do you need the money, is that why you’re doing it? If so, I have a little money saved and I could–”
I interrupted her. “No, honey, we don’t need the money, it’s not about that.”
Her eyes were searching … questioning … “Why are you doing this, then, Greta?”
I couldn’t lie, a little extra money would be nice, especially with Chris not working. Additionally, we’d talked about starting a vacation fund so we could go back to Mexico, and fifteen hundred dollars would go a long way towards that end. But joining Edith in a session had very little to do with money.
“How did you feel when you were dominating Chris?”
I could sense the wheels turning while her mind played back the torrid events of last Friday night. “I felt … powerful, in control, unstoppable.”
“And that was with someone you know.”
“Well, I know him a whole lot better after last weekend.”
We both giggled. “Imagine what it will be like with a complete stranger, those feelings times ten, right?”
“I just worry about your … your … safety,” she said as her voice cracked.
I took her hand in mine and gently squeezed. “Are you sure this is about money or my safety?”
She looked down and her eyes broke contact with mine. “I don’t know.”
“Look at me, Liz,” I said sternly. Our eyes once again met. “That’s a child’s answer … tell me what you’re feeling, honey.”
“I … I … I’ve just developed very strong feelings for you.”
I didn’t want her to say the ‘L’ word because I was still trying to sort out my feelings for her. “You’ve been with a lot of women, though.”
“That was just sex, Greta, this feels … different.” I squeezed her hand and gave her a hot, lingering kiss. “Are these possessive feelings bad? I have to be honest with you, aside from Chris’s, the only mouth I want on your pussy is mine.”
“Honey, we need to talk about something that may be difficult for you to hear,” I said hesitantly.
Her eyes widened. “What do we need to talk about?”
“Chris and I have made many changes to our marriage as we’ve entered into this lifestyle. At one time or another, I’ve told you about most of them.”
“Yes, I know that you’ve taken total control of your marriage.”
“I have, but Chris also has a desire that I haven’t, to this point, felt ready to act on.”
“What’s that?” she asked nervously.
“From the beginning, he’s asked to be cuckolded.”
“Ummm … what’s that?”
“It’s when a man requests that his wife, with his knowledge, engages in sex with other men.”
Liz looked horrified. “You’re kidding,” she gasped.
“No, I’m not.” I paused to collect my thoughts and attempted to figure out the best way to proceed. “This is a very strong desire for him.”
“I … I … I’m not sure what to say.”
I squeezed her hand again. “At this point, I’m not ready to do it because I have no idea how it would affect my marriage. He’s read and viewed so many things online, and it’s as if he wants to try them all, and I’m not sure that he understands the possible ramifications of me having sex with another man.”
She listened patiently as I continued. “You once told me that I had a ‘hall pass’ to do whatever I wanted, and you were correct. I used that power he’s freely given me to bring you into our marriage, didn’t I?”
She grinned. “Yes, you did.”
“You were what we both wanted, and it turned out that we all had an amazing evening, right?”
“Yes,” she said shyly.
“You added to our marriage, brought us closer, and I’ve never regretted anything I allowed you to do with him.”
She smiled at that. “It also brought us closer, didn’t it?”
“Yes, it did. We shared so many wonderful things last weekend, and now not only do I have a best friend, but I also have a lover.”
She squeezed my hand in return. “Yes, you do.”
I thought for a moment and somewhat changed the subject. “I need you to understand some other things about BDSM. These scenes can be very open and flexible in terms of play with different people, and I need you to be patient with me. I want to experience everything I can in this lifestyle, and this is an opportunity for me to work with a professional dominatrix. I can learn so much from her.”
“I … shit … I’m afraid … I’m afraid of losing you, can I at least admit that?”
“You won’t lose me, I promise.”
She smiled. “And only his mouth, right … nothing else?”
“Only his mouth … unless he really turns me on … and then all bets are off.” Her eyes got wide, and she stared at me in stunned silence. “Just teasing.” I leaned in again and gave her another long, passionate kiss.
– – – – –
It was almost eight on Saturday night when I pulled my car in front of a large decorative metal gate in Summerlin. On my left was a small guard shack, and the attendant looked at me expectantly. “I’m Greta Johnson and I’m here to see Edith Fitch.”
He flipped through some papers on a clipboard. “She’s expecting you, go right in.”
He flipped a switch inside the guard shack and the gate began to swing open. While driving through the gated community I couldn’t help but notice the large, multimillion-dollar homes. I’d grown up in a middle-class family, but extravagance on this level was a little disconcerting, and I had to admit I felt a little nervous and out of my element.
When I arrived at Edith’s address, I pulled into a large semi-circular driveway that featured ceramic pavers, just like at a casino. I’d always known she was wealthy, but I’d had no idea that being a professional dominatrix was this lucrative.
When I rang the doorbell, I was met almost immediately by a handsome young man who was wearing nothing but tiny skin-tight Spandex boxer briefs. As I quickly inspected him, I noticed that both of his nipples were pierced, and he looked incredibly fit.
“I’m Greta and I’m here to see Edith.”
His eyes submissively lowered when I mentioned her name. “The Mistress is expecting you, Ma’am; please follow me to her study, she’ll be joining you momentarily.”
While following him, I could hear my Stuart Weitzman dominatrix boots click on the white marble floor. There were four large stone pillars in the expansive foyer, and on either side of me were two grand staircases that led to the upper floor. Two Greek-style statues stood near the wall directly in front of me, and it felt like their eyes were on me as I followed him to our left.
The young man opened up one of the two large wooden doors to her study and I entered the room, which looked more like a library because the walls were covered floor-to-ceiling with thousands of books. The bookcases were trimmed in a dark oak that gave the space a very masculine feel.
On the far side of the room in front of me was a large mahogany desk, and he motioned for me to take a seat in one of the chairs that were directly in front of it. As I was sitting down, Edith entered the room, and I quickly stood back up and turned around just as she gave me a warm smile.
She was wearing a very short, tight, black leather skirt with a zipper in the front. She’d paired the little skirt with a red leather corset that pushed her breasts upwards and gave her a slim, hourglass look. She also wore black leather open-toe sandals with five-inch heels. The sexy shoes showed off her muscular, toned thighs and calves.
“That will be all, Geoffrey.”
Again, his eyes lowered, and he immediately scurried from the room, closing the door behind him. She gave me a little hug and a small kiss on the cheek, then her eyes traveled up and down my body. “Please sit down,” she said while pointing at the chair in front of her desk.
Immediately, I could tell something was off. There was a concerned, apprehensive look on her face, and I decided to wait and let her tell me what was going on. “There’s something I need to talk to you about.” I kept my expression calm and even and waited for her to continue. “When our client arrived this evening his wife was with him, and he asked if we’d be willing to do the session with her instead of him.”
My jaw dropped open. “His wife?”
“I didn’t tell you earlier, but his wife is also one of my clients. I dominate them separately and also as a couple.”
I shot her a stern look. “I want to be reasonable here, but honestly, I don’t appreciate this last-minute change.”
“I concur, Greta. I almost canceled the session entirely. But you were already on your way here, and canceling the first session with my new partner would set a bad precedent.”
Her new partner … interesting. “I don’t have much experience dominating women,” I said hesitantly.
“You spent last Saturday night dominating your husband and your lover. That’s not an easy feat, even for someone with more experience. You’re a better Domme than you give yourself credit for; you just need experience, and I want to give that to you.”
I could feel my heart pounding. It felt like it was going to beat out of my chest. I wanted this … bad.
“I can also offer a sweetener. I can give you $2,000 instead of $1,500 if you’re willing to do this session with me. Unfortunately, the client also made one more request.”
I cut my eyes at her. “And just what is that?”
“He will in no way be involved, but he wants to watch.”
I shot her a stern look. “You have one very demanding submissive, don’t you?“
She grinned. “They have money, and they’re used to getting what they want. I know this is all new to you, but in this business there are times when you have to be flexible.”
She was right, this was a business transaction, not the domestic situation I was used to. With Chris, and even Liz, I was used to getting what I wanted the way I wanted it. Even though this couple was submissive, first and foremost they were clients and some acquiescence was called for. “Okay … I’m in.”
A relieved smile broke across her face. “Thank you, dear. I appreciate this, and I owe you one.”
We processed each other’s words for a moment. “May I see what you’re wearing under the trench coat?” she asked.
“Yes, of course,” I said shyly.
I stood up and untied the knot in the belt at the front of my coat, which revealed the outfit I’d purchased for the evening. I wore a short latex skirt that featured an assless back. I’d matched the skirt with a black leather strapless corset with spiral steel boning that pushed my 34D breasts up and out and made them look larger. I was also wearing my dominatrix boots that came up to my upper thighs. To complete the outfit I wore a black lycra G-String.
“Please turn for me, dear, I want to see all of it.”
I slowly spun around for her and paused for a moment while facing away from her before turning again. It was very erotic; I could feel her eyes move up and down my body.
“You look simply divine … you’ve lost more weight, haven’t you?”
I could feel myself blushing, the way she was looking at me, talking about me, inspecting me … she made me feel like a little girl. “I have, I’m down to one hundred and twenty-five pounds, but we’re incorporating free weights in our workouts now and that means my weight might go up. But it will be lean muscle mass, which I guess is okay.” Unfortunately, my weight loss had also resulted in the loss of a full cup size from my breasts, but overall, I was very happy with my new, more-toned physique.
“You look stunning, please have a seat.”
My eyes traveled around the room one more time. “You have such a beautiful home.”
“Thank you, my husband and I have worked hard for everything we have.”
“Oh, I didn’t … ummm … know you were married.”
She smiled. “There’s a lot we haven’t talked about.”
“Yes, there is, will he be joining us?”
“Oh, heavens, no, he’s upstairs in the theater, watching TV … he never participates in any of my scenes with clients.”
It was so much for me to take in … her massive home, Geoffrey, the fact that Edith was married, and the change to this evening’s plans. My mind was spinning in a million different directions and I found it a little difficult to focus and concentrate.
“I got your email earlier, but I’m assuming it’s a moot point now?” Earlier that morning, she’d sent me an email that detailed the various activities we’d be doing with her male client. But now that the session would revolve around his wife exclusively we’d obviously need a new game plan.
“Just follow my lead and play off of me, I know you’ll do just fine, honey.”
I wanted a drink to settle my nerves, but I knew better than to ask for one. It was never a good idea to mix alcohol with a BDSM scene. The Domme was expected to maintain total control, and alcohol could very easily cloud her judgment.
“There is one other thing,” Edith said, “she loves humiliation, especially verbal. Can you help me with that?”
“Of course I can.”
She smiled. “Are you ready to begin?”
“Yes, I am,” I said in a confident voice that belied the nervousness I felt inside.
She pressed a button on her desk and Geoffrey immediately opened the door to the study. “Yes, Mistress?”
“Tell the clients in the playroom that we agree to their terms and she needs to prepare herself and assume the position.”
“Yes, Ma’am,” he responded sharply.
We made small talk for a couple of minutes, which I assumed gave our client time to get ready. “So … are you ready to do this?”
I took a deep, nervous breath. “Yes, I am.“
“Good, follow me.”
– – – – –
I followed her out of the library and back into the foyer. We proceeded to a large white decorative door ahead of us. Slowly, she opened it and my eyes widened as I surveyed the surroundings.
The space was very large, perhaps five times the size of my master bedroom. The walls were painted red and accented with black crown molding. Each wall was adorned with hooks and shelves that contained what seemed to be every type of BDSM device imaginable. Among other things, there were various handcuffs, floggers, canes, blindfolds, leather belts, dildos, and vibrators.
Directly in front of us was a large four-poster bed with a red mattress. On each of the four posts were rings that could be used to restrain submissives. At the foot of the bed was a metal cage with thin silver bars that were about a foot apart.
In front of the cage a naked woman knelt on a red yoga mat in the classic Gorean pleasure-slave position of nadu, something I’d read about on Fetlife. She was kneeling with her knees spread shoulder-width and with her hands resting on her thighs with her palms upwards. She was wearing spiked four-inch heels and looked to be in her early forties. Her long blonde hair was pulled behind her in a tight ponytail. She had a tight, toned body and large, augmented breasts. I also noticed that she didn’t have pubic hair.
To our right sat a man in a large, ornate chair. He was dressed in brown slacks, a crisply pressed white dress shirt, and a black sports coat, and he looked to be about the woman’s age.
“This is our plaything for the evening, Mistress Greta,” Edith stated. “Her name is Karen.”
“Hello, Karen,” I said in a low, gravelly voice.
“Hello, Mistress,” she said while keeping her eyes aimed at the floor.
Edith turned and faced me. “Why don’t you have a seat in one of those chairs while I prepare our little girl.”
There were two more large decorative chairs to Karen’s left, and I walked over and sat down in one of them. Over the next couple of minutes, I watched as Edith took three twenty-five-foot pieces of hemp rope and began restraining Karen. I’d had no idea that Edith was a rigger, the BDSM term for a top who uses rope to restrain their bottoms.
She began by wrapping one of the sections of rope around Karen’s wrists and securing them, so they rested on her stomach. She then took the second piece of rope and wrapped it around her thigh and calf, which bent her knee and locked her leg together. After restraining her other leg in the same configuration, she began speaking. “What are your safe words, little girl?”
“If I want play to stop completely, I say the word red or the word mercy. If I want you to slow down, I say the word yellow.”
“Good girl.”
Edith walked across the room, retrieved a black leather blindfold from one of the hooks on the wall, and put it over Karen’s eyes. She then sat down in the other chair that was about five feet from mine.
“Look at this little slut,” I said in a low, menacing tone. Karen turned her head and looked in the direction of my voice.
A little grin broke across Edith’s face. “Come over here, you hobbled little bitch, and stick out your tongue,” she said.
“I can’t see you, Mistress,” she whimpered.
“I don’t care if you can’t see, it’s not about seeing.”
“If you can’t see, then sniff,” I said. “Where is she? I want to see you sniff.” Karen inhaled deeply through her nose and began pulling and dragging herself towards Edith. It was very evident that our taunts and jeers were exciting her.
“Are you sniffing for my pussy or for my feet?” Edith said. Karen’s face turned into a deep red ember.
“Where is she, little girl,” I said tauntingly.
“I’m sitting right in front of you and I can’t hear you sniff, slut.” Edith moved her leg until the bottom of her heel touched Karen’s forehead.
“I’m sniffing Mistress, I’m sniffing.”
“What are you sniffing, air?” Karen moved her head, making loud sniffing sounds, until her nose touched Edith’s leg. Then Edith pushed her head towards the floor. “Sniff down here, sniff that toe.”
She moved her nose down Edith’s leg and began sniffing her toe. I could very easily hear pronounced sniffing sounds. “I can’t hear you,” I said while trying to keep a serious, stern tone to my voice. I could tell that being made to smell her Mistress’s feet only increased her arousal.
“I’m right here and even I can’t hear you,” Edith proclaimed.
“I want to hear you sniff her sweaty feet,” I said.
Edith slipped off her sandal. “Get your nose between my toes,” she growled. For the next minute, I watched as our submissive sniffed between Edith’s toes and feet.
“What a good little girl we have here,” I said menacingly.
Edith broke into a little grin. “Does it smell like I’ve been wearing these shoes for a long time?”
“Yes, Mistress, it does,” she said between heavy, labored breaths.
Edith used two of her toes to pinch off Karen’s nose for several seconds. “Get your tongue out of your mouth, little girl,” Edith growled. She extended her tongue and Edith pressed her big toe into her mouth. Karen began sucking and after several seconds she was working it deep into her mouth. “That’s right, little girl, just like your husband’s cock.”
I looked over at the man in the chair. He was shifting in the seat and adjusting his erection through his pants. I began to slip off my boots, preparing for what would come next. “We have a very dirty little girl on our hands, don’t we, Mistress Edith?”
“Oh, she’s very nasty, indeed.”
Karen took several toes into her mouth so deep she was gagging on them, and saliva began dripping down Edith’s foot and onto the floor. Once my boots were off, I tapped my foot on the floor, making a loud, thumping sound.
“Come here,” I growled. “Find my feet.” She looked in my direction and began pulling herself towards me. “Where are they?” I teased.
“I don’t know,” she whimpered.
“You’d better sniff again, bitch, and find me.” Once she’d reached me, I raised my foot until it touched her forehead. “Open your mouth.” When she did, I moved my heel to her face and she began licking it. “What a good girl you are, what a perfect little slut.” She ran her tongue up and down the bottom of my foot. That’s right, clean my foot.” Her large, heavy breasts were swaying from side to side as she moved her tongue over the bottom of my foot. “I don’t like the bottom of my foot being dirty, little girl, clean it good.”
I could see wetness form on the lips of her vagina and I could smell her arousal. I pulled my foot back, away from her face. “Now stick your tongue out.” I ran my five toes over her tongue and little whimpering noises escaped her mouth. “You want to suck my toes so bad, don’t you?”
“Yes, Mistress,” she moaned.
I continued to move my toes over her extended tongue. “That’s what you’re used to doing, isn’t it … sucking anything that’s put into your mouth.” I looked over at Edith. She had pulled her bra down and her breasts were exposed. Her fingers were pulling and playing with her hard nipples. I ran both of my feet over Karen’s tongue and her open mouth searched desperately for one of my toes to suck.
“Open up, keep your mouth open, little girl.” I pressed four of my toes into her mouth and she sucked on them the best she could. “Keep your mouth open wide,” I teased. I pushed my toes in deeper. “I can feel the top of your throat, slut.” Her head moved forward, towards me, as she forced my toes deeper into her mouth. “I bet you’re very popular with all the boys.” She continued to move her head forward, gagging and sputtering as my toes went deeper into her throat.
“What a hot little mouth you have, sweetheart,” Edith said as one of her hands reached up underneath her skirt.
I used both of my big toes to pull her mouth open wider. “We have a very whorish little slut on our hands, Mistress Edith.”
“Get back over here, bitch, quickly.”
She expelled my toes from her mouth and scooted over towards the voice she’d heard. “You’re so eager, aren’t you? Such a good little girl.” Edith spread her legs and raised her foot into the air until it touched Karen’s face. “Get my toes back into your mouth.” Almost immediately, her open mouth found the little digits and she began sucking on them. I watched as one of Edith’s hands slipped between her legs and she started playing with her pussy. “You’re turning me on, little girl.”
I resisted the urge to move my hands between my legs as I listened to the loud slurping sounds that were emanating from just a couple of feet away from me. I looked over at the man who was now rubbing his erection through the front of his trousers. “You look so pretty with her toes in your mouth.”
Greedily, she kept sucking until her saliva was once again dripping onto the ground. She then started licking up Edith’s foot until her mouth was at the back of her calf. “I think the little slut wants to lick your pussy, Mistress.” I teased.
“Is that true, little girl? Do you want to taste my pussy?”
“Yes, Mistress … yes,” she moaned.
“You haven’t earned that yet, back to my toes.”
She used her other foot to push Karen’s head away, and within seconds, her mouth found Edith’s big toe again and she erotically began to fellate it. After about a minute Edith used her foot to push her head away and Karen rested on her bottom. “I think she’s done with you, we’re both done with you,” I teased.
“No, Mistress, no,” she moaned.
Edith stood up and I followed suit. “You just aren’t impressing us very much this evening, little slut, this is so out of character for you.”
“I’ll do better, Mistress … I promise,” she whimpered.
“What are you prepared to do for us?”
Her head turned towards me. “I’ll do anything you want, Mistress Greta … I’ll do anything to please you.”
“That’s a bold statement, little girl. Anything?”
“Yes, Ma’am, anything,” she pleaded. “I’ll lick you … I’ll suck you, anything.”
“Let’s see,” Edith said, “maybe we’ll just leave you here.”
“No, Ma’am … no … please don’t leave me …”
I walked over in front of her while Edith moved in behind her. “She’s so pathetic,” I stated. “But I do like the way your little girl begs.”
Edith slapped her bottom, hard, making her cry out. “Get your ass up in the air and your head down, little girl.”
Her demand was nearly impossible, but Karen extended her arms, rested her forehead on the yoga mat, which distributed her weight, and raised her ass and bound legs as far as she could, which was only a few inches, up into the air. This put a lot of her weight on her kneecaps, so even with the cushioning of the yoga mat, I knew she wouldn’t be able to maintain that position very long. I moved around behind her, ran my hand over one of her cheeks, and roughly pawed it.
“Look at that slutty little wet pussy; if I didn’t know better, I’d think she’s enjoying this.”
Edith slapped her ass again. “Did we tell you that you could get wet, little girl?”
A look of terror broke over Karen’s face. “I … I … I couldn’t help it, Ma’am.”
Both of us rubbed our hands over her ass cheeks and then slapped them, over and over. She let out little moans and whimpers and I could see her pulling against the ropes, which held true. “Her ass is turning such a pretty shade of red, I love that color,” I said.
Edith then slapped Karen’s vagina and she let out a loud yelp. “You got my fingers wet, little girl. I normally don’t allow such dirty, wet little girls in my playroom.”
Karen continued to moan and pant as we took turns slapping each of her ass cheeks, which were turning bright red. She then started to inch forward in an attempt to avoid the onslaught of slaps. “Stay still and keep your ass up in the air, little girl,” Edith growled. Again, she raised her ass and bound legs as high as she could.
“You said you’d do anything, and already you’re trying to get away from us,” I said crossly. “I think we just need to leave you here alone.”
“No, Ma’am … no … I’m sorry,” she begged.
My hand was already getting sore from administering the slaps. I looked at Edith while I tried to shake some feeling back into my fingers. She shot me a knowing look.
“It’s so exhausting … dominating a pain slut, Mistress Greta. We’ll just have to find something more compatible with what our little girl requires.”
She walked over to the wall and pulled two floggers off the hooks. Then she handed one to me before running her fingers over Karen’s ass cheeks. “I agree with you,” she stated, “that is such a pretty shade of red. But it’s not enough for her, it’s obvious she needs more.”
I listened to Karen’s heavy, labored breathing. I figured it was the anticipation of knowing what was coming that was exciting her. I bent down again and ran my fingers over the wetness that was seeping out of her vagina and onto the inside of her thighs. “All of these slaps … all of this pain … and you’re so wet.” I paused. “It’s just not becoming at all … I think you need to apologize to both of us.”
“I apologize, Ma’am … I’m so sorry.”
“And just what are you sorry for?” I growled.
“For being such a dirty little slut.”
“That’s a good start, but I think you can do better.”
I stood up, and just as Karen started to speak again Edith brought the flogger down on her ass, which caused her to cry out. She continued to yelp and moan while blow after blow met her firm, taut ass. Involuntarily, she lowered her bottom in an attempt to avoid the onslaught. “Keep your ass up in the air, little girl,” I demanded.
She raised her bottom up and Edith continued administering blow after blow. I didn’t feel very confident with the flogger because I’d never used one, but after a few seconds, I was able to match the severity of her swings and I began to rain down blows on Karen’s other cheek.
Her ass was turning an even brighter, deeper shade of red. Edith moved in behind her and administered several lighter blows to her pussy and asshole that caused her to moan and jump forward slightly. However, after each strike she was able to recover and push her ass up in the air to meet the next one.
“Keep your pussy up there,” Edith commanded as she delivered several final blows to her vagina.
The smell of her wet, hot sex was now permeating throughout the room. It was one of the most erotic things I’d ever seen in my life. Her ass cheeks, pussy, and asshole were now glowing like a hot ember and Edith gave me a look that suggested she’s close to her limit. I then swung the flogger above the small of her back, but with much less force. “If you want us to give you what you want, then you need to give us what we want, little girl,” I teased.
Edith grinned, bent down, and took Karen’s head into her hands. “How much are you willing to endure for us?”
“I’ll do anything for you Mistress, anything,” she moaned.
It was obvious we’d put her into a very deep subspace. “How many more lashes are you willing to take for us, little girl?” If we could have seen her eyes, I know they would have been glazed over. “Can you take ten more lashes for me?”
Single tears started to leak out from under the mask. “I can’t, Mistress … I just can’t.”
I was tempted to remind our submissive that just a moment ago she promised she’d do anything for us. However, Edith looked satisfied. I reasoned she wanted to take Karen to her breaking point without going past it. I knew her knees had to be sore from being in this position and I was glad to find out Edith was willing to change it. “Roll over, then, Rover.” Karen rolled over onto her back. “Spread your legs, little girl,” she commanded.
“I know you know what it’s like to spread your legs, slut,” I said tauntingly. She opened her legs wide. I gave her two gentle swings from the flogger on the inside of her thighs that made her cry out.
We each bent down on either side of her. The lips of her vagina were glistening from the wetness, and her secretions leaked out like a faucet that had been left turned on. I ran my hands over Karen’s heaving breasts while Edith slipped two fingers inside her vagina. “You’re just so slutty … you’re such a bad girl … getting this wet from being flogged.”
“I … I can’t help it, Mistress,” she pleaded.
I kneaded her large breasts with my hands and then pulled on her long, erect nipples while Edith continued to break her down verbally. “What will you do for us, little girl?” Edith said while administering several slaps to her open, wet vagina. “Answer me.”
“I’ll do anything for you, Mistress … anything,” she moaned.
“I don’t want to hear anything,” I growled. “I want specifics.”
“I’ll fuck anyone, Mistress. I’ll do anyone.”
Her last statement shocked me a little. I wondered if she was just saying that because she was deep in the scene or if that was actually true.
“So, what you’re telling me, then, is that you have a well-used cunt?”
I cringed. I’d always hated that word and Chris knew better than to ever use it around me. But I knew that Edith knew what she was doing and I just went with it while continuing to play with Karen’s breasts and pull her nipples.
“It’s very used, Mistress.”
Edith dipped both of her fingers inside as far as they could go and Karen let out a low grunt. “I can feel how wet you are, how slutty you are, at least you’re not lying to me.”
“I’m not lying, Mistress … I’m not … I swear.”
I pushed two of my fingers deep inside her mouth and throat and she sucked on them greedily. She then let out a low, deep moan when Edith worked a third finger into her pussy.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this wet, little girl,” Edith stated matter-of-factly.
I withdrew my fingers from her mouth, which allowed her to talk, and continued to knead her breasts.
“I’m so wet, Mistress. I love both of your hands all over my body.”
Loud, squishy noises emanated from between Karen’s legs as Edith worked a fourth finger into her pussy. To increase the sensation, I pulled and squeezed her nipples harder, intensifying the pain and the pleasurable feelings for her. I slapped her face. “What do you say when your Mistress gives you pleasure?”
“Thank you, Mistress, thank you,” she moaned between deep gasps of breath.
Edith had four fingers deep in her pussy and she began to work them in and out.
“You are such a dirty, disgusting, whore,” I stated.
“Oh, yesss … I’m a dirty whore, Mistress Greta … I’m your dirty little whore.”
To be continued …