Liz returned to the bedroom, and a few minutes later the three of us were sitting naked at the small table in the corner of our bedroom and sipping from our bottles of water. The conversation was light and airy, and the mood was remarkably relaxed. Chris listened as Liz and I discussed our workout routines, and I was a bit shocked when she brought up the idea of me entering fitness competitions with her. I wasn’t in any type of shape to have a serious chance of winning or even placing. However, she stated that if we incorporated more free weights into our workout and concentrated on muscle building, in six months I could be competitive in the events she frequently entered. I loved the idea of adding more lean muscle, which would give me increased stamina, and I told her I’d think about her proposal, but I knew that in the end, I’d most likely give in to her.
After we had re-hydrated, I saw the lustful look in Liz’s eyes, and I knew she was ready to continue. I thought of pegging Chris for the remainder of the session because I was feeling a little excluded. Since we’d gotten out of the hot tub the evening had revolved almost entirely around the two of them and I was feeling a bit neglected. However, I quickly came to the conclusion that this was the wrong attitude. It was obvious that Liz reveled in playing the role of dominatrix and I wasn’t going to deny her more of that experience. Further, she had the strength and stamina to take Chris to a place in his submissive journey that I physically couldn’t, and I didn’t want to limit the intensity of the scene because of my hubris. “Are you ready to take his ass again?” I said cheerfully.
“Oh, I’d love that.”
“You’d better get that big black cock on again, then.” I turned to Chris. “Fetch my keys so we can get you out of your device.”
A shocked look broke across their faces. “Unless you’d prefer to remain in chastity for the remainder of the evening.”
His jaw dropped. “No, Ma’am, I’ll get them now.” He quickly ran out of the room.
“I want you to see how sexy his cock looks when he’s being pegged without the device. You deserve to have the entire experience.”
She leaned in and gave me a hot, lingering kiss. “I want to thank you for tonight. This is the most erotic thing I’ve ever done.”
I gave her firm ass a playful slap. “You’re welcome, now go strap up, pretty girl.”
I watched as she glided across the room, as if on a pillow of air, and grabbed the harness. She had such a strong, powerful gait. I could see the muscles flex in her arms and thighs and her breasts gently swayed as she bent over and took the harness in her hands. It was very foreign, all of these feelings that she was stirring up inside me. Until recently, I’d only felt this way about men. Then there was an air of exclusivity once I’d met Chris and knew I’d fall in love with him. But now … I was experiencing new, delicious emotions toward this woman who was becoming such an integral part of my life.
Liz had just finished buckling the harness around her hips when Chris returned with my keys. “Come here, honey, you need to watch this.”
She sat down at the table beside me and then Chris stood in front of us. He inserted the key into the lock and the clasp came open. Once he removed the lock, he grasped the cage and began to pull it forward, which revealed the four-inch silicone tube that had been inside his penis. Without the encumbrance of the cage his penis extended to its normal length, and he was able to remove the brass ring that encircled his testicles.
Liz’s eyes were as big as saucers. She had already seen a video on the small screen of my phone of Chris locking himself into chastity. However, it was a whole other experience to see him remove the apparatus live and close up. “God, that thing is just evil.”
Chris set the device on the table, and Liz quickly picked it up and inspected it. “Does it … ummm … hurt when you put it on?”
His face broke into a blush, and I reveled in the moment. He loved being embarrassed, humiliated, and made to feel inferior to a woman. What could possibly achieve that more than answering questions about his chastity device to a beautiful woman who was scrutinizing it?
“It really hurt the first time Greta put it on me.” He paused for a moment in reflection before continuing. “But now, I wear it so much, it just feels like it’s a part of me.”
I looked into Liz’s eyes and saw the wheels turning. She was trying to take in everything she was being told and make some kind of sense of it. I stepped in. “Why do I put you in chastity, Chris?”
Again, his face flushed red in embarrassment, and he looked down, unable to keep eye contact with me. After a few seconds, he looked up and responded. “You want to keep my focus on you, even when we are apart.”
I gave him a stern look. “Correct, but it’s more than that, isn’t it?”
Liz looked expectantly at him and waited for his response. He turned to her and said, “I … I … I need to feel her power and control over me, I need to know she’s in charge, regardless of whether I’m with her or we’re apart.”
Her jaw dropped open and I knew she was struggling to give meaning to what she was being told. “She owns you, doesn’t she … you’re her property, aren’t you?”
He looked down again, as if he was mentally coming to grips with his response. “Yes … I’m hers.”
There was a full minute of silence. I too was shocked by his statement. His admission was something I’d known for a while but possibly hadn’t fully comprehended. Perhaps it was Chris verbally admitting to another person what we’d transformed our relationship into that made it feel so shockingly real. At that moment, I knew our marriage could never revert back to the way it had been because neither of us would find any sense of joy or fulfillment in our former roles. We’d made a permanent change in the way we’d live our lives, and that feeling was both incredibly exhilarating and simultaneously chilling.
Liz broke the reticence. “Okay, you two, are we going to do this, or what?”
We all burst out in laughter. It was the perfect tension-breaker and just what we’d needed. It was time to continue. “Get on the bed, Chris, on your back,” I ordered.
He immediately complied with my command while I walked over to the nightstand and grabbed the bottle of Astroglide. He had already spread his legs wide in anticipation of being penetrated and I poured a large dollop of the lube on his asshole. He was still a bit gaped from the previous session and some of the liquid found its way inside his body. I then tossed the bottle to Liz.
“You’d better lube that thing up.”
She grinned, squirted a large glob onto the head of the phallus, and then began to work it into the latex. “I want you to tear him up again, just go slow when you start out.”
She smiled. “Yes, Ma’am.”
She moved to the bed and got between his legs while I moved one of the chairs to the edge of the bed so I had a perfect view of what would transpire. She took the cock in her hands and rubbed the head up and down his penis and testicles. He was already semi-erect, but the slight contact of the phallus touching him quickly brought him to full hardness. His newly aroused condition wasn’t lost on Liz. “Oh, you like this, little boy, don’t you?”
His face blushed deep red and he tried to answer her, but he wasn’t fast enough. She slapped the inside of this thigh hard, and he let out a low moan. “When I ask you a question, you’d damn well better answer me,” she hissed.
She was good at this, a natural. She was building tension in the scene, toying with him and prolonging the moment. I didn’t know if she realized how good she was at this.
“Y-y-yes, Ma’am,” he stammered. “It feels so much better now, with my device off.”
“Your cock is getting hard, and you know what’s coming, don’t you?”
He was having a difficult time looking her in the eyes. I was amazed at how quickly she was taking him into subspace, yet she did it so easily and without even trying. “Yes, Ma’am, I know what’s coming, what you’re going to do to me.”
I broke in. “Tell her what you want her to do to you, Chris.” He looked at me … his eyes were pleading, begging. “Tell her,” I growled.
She slapped his stomach very hard, which left a red handprint. “Answer her,” Liz snapped.
“I … I want her to put that inside me.”
There was a drop of pre-cum that had collected on the head of his cock. I couldn’t believe how worked up he was, and she really hadn’t even done anything yet but talk to him. “Put what inside of you?” she said while running the head of the penis over his balls.
His face was beet red, and his breathing was rapid and shallow. “Your … your cock, Ma’am.”
“This big black cock between my legs?” He looked away, unable to meet her eyes. She slapped the inside of his thigh again, very hard, which caused him to cry out. “Look at me when I’m talking to you, little boy.”
Their eyes met again. “Yes, Ma’am, that cock between your legs.”
She smirked. “This is a man’s cock, isn’t it, a real man’s cock?”
He almost looked away but pulled himself back. He knew better now than to break eye contact with her again. “Yes, that’s a real man’s cock.”
“And where do you want me to put it?” she barked.
A mortified look washed over his face. She had broken him. “In my ass, Ma’am.”
She looked at me and smiled. “Now that wasn’t so difficult, admitting that, was it?”
“It’s much more difficult than you think.”
I loved his brutal honesty. She’d forced him to lay his soul wide open. It made me remember my research when we started this journey. Forcing a submissive to vocalize what they are, to themselves and especially in front of others is the ultimate act of capitulation in front of a Domme. Liz looked at me and I gave her a nod. It’s time.
She moved the cock lower until it was resting against his ass. I heard him gasp when she began to move her hips forward and enter him. I studied her eyes. She was concentrating so hard, going slowly, ensuring that she wasn’t hurting him. There was also a look of pure lust, and it was very evident that she was in her element as she eased into him.
Her hands moved to his chest while she continued to move towards him. Their eyes locked and it was as if I faded into the background. The moment was about them, and them alone, and I resisted the urge to insert myself into it. He needed to feel her power and strength and submit to it, and she needed to have the full experience of what it was like to control a subjugated man once he was under her heel.
Their bodies rested together, and I knew she was fully inside him. She leaned in lower, and they shared a long, passionate kiss while she began to slowly move her hips, rocking back and forth gently until they settled into an easy, rhythmic pace. I could hear him moan as their lips met and then parted while she slowly moved in and out of him. It was very erotic to hear his gentle moans as their bodies moved sensually together. After a couple of minutes, she straightened back out and wrapped her arms forcefully around his thighs. For the first time, I could see pre-cum that had collected on her nearly-washboard stomach due to their close proximity.
Suddenly, the gloves came off. He cried out as her hips began smashing into him hard. After a few seconds, pre-cum began to drip out of the head of his cock, and she looked down and noticed it. “Don’t even think about touching yourself,” she growled.
“No, no, Ma’am, I won’t,” he said between heavy pants.
Watching her slam into him and pound him out was one of the most erotic things I’d ever witnessed. Almost subconsciously, I spread my legs and started to touch myself. I wasn’t sure how long she could maintain the torrid pace she’d set. Chris’s arms were flailing about, and he was actually moving his hips towards her in an attempt to meet her savage thrusts. He was hyperventilating and it almost looked like he was having trouble getting enough oxygen. I’d never seen him in such a disheveled state; his cock was dripping, and sweat was pouring off his body. As I watched them, I had two fingers inside my vagina while my thumb was furiously rubbing my clit.
After a few minutes, I could tell, she was starting to lose steam as her pace began to slow. She reached down and started stroking his cock, which elicited a low, guttural moan. “Oh, God … oh, God,” he moaned.
She gave him one final thrust seconds before heavy spurts of semen shot up on her stomach and breasts. It was too much, way too much for me to take in. My body began to shake as a powerful orgasm overtook me and my world went dark. I was coming back down from the peak and my senses were back about me. Liz and Chris were still trying to catch their breath. A full minute went by before their breathing had returned to normal.
Her eyes met mine and she grinned. “What did you tell me about your rule .. you know … when he has an orgasm?”
I giggled. “If it comes out of his cock, it goes back in his mouth.”
“No exceptions, right?”
She held her hand up to his mouth and gave him a stern look. He expeditiously licked his semen from her thumb and index finger. She took a second to examine her hand to make sure he had done an acceptable job. Then, she looked down. “You made a real mess down here, Chris. You can clean that up too,” she said while pointing at her stomach. He gingerly got on his hands and knees and began licking all over her hard, chiseled stomach.
She looked down sternly. “Now my breasts.” He didn’t hesitate. I watched as his tongue traveled over her breasts and he licked his semen from them. Once he’d satisfactorily cleaned his cum from her body, he swallowed. “Good boy, you’ve been very well trained, haven’t you?”
“Yes, Ma’am, I have.”
She pulled him up to her and they exchanged a long, hot, passionate kiss which took me a bit by surprise. There were a few seconds of comfortable silence before I spoke. “Would you two like a bottle of water?”
“If it would be okay, I could really use a shower,” Chris said.
“Of course it would be okay, honey.”
He approached me, gave me a lingering hot kiss, grabbed a bottle of water, and scurried into our master bathroom. He was walking a bit daintily and I knew it might take him a couple of days to recover from Liz’s intense pegging session. “I could use something a little stronger than water, how about a glass of wine?” I asked.
“Of course.”
I walked over to the table, poured two glasses of wine, and returned to my chair beside the bed. We sat in comfortable silence for a couple of minutes, sipping our wine. Pegging Chris had always been very erotic for me. In truth, it was one of the most erotic things we did together. But watching it, having a front-row seat while I gave my husband to my best friend to basically use however, she wanted, seemed to make anything we’d done previously pale in comparison. She had added a whole other dimension to everything we did and exponentially magnified the intensity of our BDSM scene. I’d honestly had no idea that sex could be like this, so totally fulfilling. Our evening was so much more than I’d ever thought possible.
Her voice broke me out of my reflection. “So, you liked watching me with him?”
I decided to tease her a bit and play coy. “Oh … you know … it was okay.”
She giggled. “You had two fingers buried in your pussy the entire time.”
“Oh, you noticed that, did you?”
“How could I not notice that?” There was a playful, lustful, gleam in her eyes. “Watching you touch yourself was just as hot to me as pegging your husband.”
Fuck. “Really, Liz?”
“Yes … Ma’am.” The single syllable dripped with sexuality as it rolled off her tongue and into the night air.
“I want you.” I wanted to say something more substantial, more meaningful, but it was as if my lust-addled brain couldn’t form coherent thoughts.
She took a big sip of her wine and set the glass down on the nightstand. I watched as she moved to the center of the bed and then lay down on her back, facing me. Seductively, she opened her long legs wide, presenting herself to me.
“I’m all yours, Greta.”
My eyes traveled up and down her muscular, lengthy frame. Her long blonde hair was a bit disheveled, and her breasts were rising and falling as the rate of her breathing increased. My eyes moved lower, and my gaze rested between her legs. The lips of her vagina were red, puffy, and engorged. I bit my lip when I noticed the secretions that were forming there.
I couldn’t take it any longer. I stood up and set my wine glass on the table next to hers. I slid onto the bed on my stomach and moved between her legs. I wrapped my arms around her muscular thighs and ran my tongue up and down her inner flanks, teasing her. Her womanly scent was delicately breaching my nostrils and I could hear her heavy breathing.
“Please, honey … please …”
Without warning, I sank my tongue deep inside her, and I felt her body stiffen and become rigid. Slowly, I licked the walls of her vagina, and I had to tighten my grip on her thighs because she began moving her hips and I found it difficult to keep my mouth on her. I looked up from between her legs and noticed that her hands had moved to her breasts and she was rubbing and squeezing her nipples.
“God, Greta … yes … just like that …”
I still didn’t feel very self-assured when it came to my ability to please her, but her words of encouragement gave me a little self-confidence. One of her hands moved from her breasts and began to sensually move through my long blonde hair. I’m not even sure if she realized she did it, but having her hand in my hair made the act of pleasuring her much more exciting and erotic for me.
My face was covered with the secretions from her vagina, and slowly I moved my mouth upwards and found her clit. Gently, I made small circles with the tip of my tongue over the hard little bud. Immediately, her breathing became rapid and shallow. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head and her body started to shake almost uncontrollably. I withdrew my mouth from her and gave her a bit of time to recover because I knew how sensitive I got after I released.
I gently kissed the inside of her thighs and gave her some time, and after about a minute her breathing returned to normal. I looked up from between her legs, our eyes met, and a big grin broke across her face. “You keep telling me you haven’t done that before, but I just don’t believe you.”
I beamed at her compliment. “I’d love to do it again if you want me to.”
“No, Ma’am, it’s your turn … come here.”
I moved up to the head of the bed and we exchanged a long, lingering kiss.
“Lie back, honey, I want you to enjoy this.”
I lay back and took her place in the center of the bed. She climbed on top of me and pressed her body against mine. It felt so sensual. Her breasts, her vagina, touching mine in perfect contact. Our lips once again met, and she shared a long, sensuous kiss as our tongues explored each other’s mouths.
Once she broke our passionate embrace, she started moving down my body. Her mouth kissed my neck, breasts, and stomach as she gradually worked her way lower, taking her time. It was very evident that she had done this many times before. She looked so confident as she played with my body, and I knew she didn’t have any uncertainty about her abilities like I did.
Her mouth stopped at my navel and her tongue seductively dipped in and out of it. I found it very difficult to control my breathing and I wasn’t sure how much more of this tantalizing tease I could take. One of her hands moved to my pubic hair and she slowly ran her fingers through my full light-brown bush. Unlike her and Chris, I let my pubic hair grow except for the areas around my pussy lips and asshole that I had waxed.
“God, your mound is so sexy, Greta … I don’t see this much hair very often.”
I was very aroused, and I didn’t feel like talking at that particular moment because I thought her mouth could be doing much more pleasing things to me just a few inches lower. However, I thought it was important to take a moment and talk about my grooming habits and the reasons behind them.
“In this lifestyle, dominant women don’t remove their pubic hair, honey.” She gave me a curious look as she continued to curiously run her fingers through my bush. “Why not?”
“It’s a way to distinguish between dominants and submissives. For many in this lifestyle, submissives are considered property and it’s the dominant’s prerogative to decide how their submissive should be groomed. For me, it’s about control.”
She shot me a curious look. “So that’s why Chris is shaved?”
“He’s actually begun laser treatments that are permanently removing his pubic hair.”
She took a deep breath. I could tell this conversation was exciting for her. “Would you remove mine?”
“I don’t own you, honey.”
She grinned. “Yet.”
I thought for a moment. “That’s something we need to talk more about, don’t we?”
“Yes, Ma’am.” She paused for a moment, then ran her tongue through my full bush. “It’s sexy as fuck, especially now that I know the reason behind it.”
There was a look of lust in her eyes that was driving me crazy. Talking time is over. “Put your mouth on me, little girl.”
“Yes, Ma’am.”
I opened my legs and she quickly moved between them. Tentatively, teasingly, she ran the tip of her tongue over the lips of my vagina. It took everything in my power to hold still for her. I couldn’t remember another time when I was so wet and ready. Slowly, her tongue entered my body, and I closed my eyes and concentrated on her. At that moment, nothing in the world seemed to matter but her mouth and my pussy. She was such an experienced lover. There was no doubt, no hesitation, in her fluid movements. Her tongue delicately traveled from inside me to my clit over and over and over as I climbed the mountain. I tried to hold it back, make this exquisite sensation last, but that was an exercise in futility; she was just too good. After only a couple of minutes, my body began to convulse in one of the most powerful orgasms I had ever experienced.
When I came down from the peak, I saw Chris sitting in the chair in the corner of the room. His erection was very evident, and I assumed he’d watched most of what had transpired. I’d trained him well enough to know that he hadn’t touched himself while he watched and that made me very proud. Liz was gently licking the inside of my thighs and cleaning the secretions from the lips of my vagina. She then looked back and noticed my husband. I surmised that we were both so into our lovemaking neither of us had realized he’d finished his shower and re-entered the room.
Her head turned and our eyes met. “Greta,” she whispered. “I want him, would you let me have him?”
I quickly tried to hide the shocked look in my eyes. I didn’t have a blueprint for how I wanted our evening to go and her request took me a bit by surprise. I had to admit that I felt a slight twinge of jealousy. I loved Chris deeply and I wasn’t sure I was ready to share him with anyone. Additionally, I was developing strong feelings for Liz, and letting my husband have sex with her wasn’t something I’d even contemplated, at least not on a conscious level. Notwithstanding that, I decided to put my apprehensive feelings aside. I trusted both of them implicitly and I knew all of us, in the not too distant future, would want to try this again.
“Chris, there is a beautiful woman over here who would like to have sex with you; what do you think?”
His jaw dropped open. “Ummm … Okay.”
I grinned. Again, my husband, the cunning linguist. “You’d better get your ass over here, then, before she changes her mind.”
Just as Chris was jumping out of the chair, Liz wrapped her arms around my thighs and pulled me towards the middle of the bed, which placed her at the edge. She looked me in the eyes. “If I’m getting off again, so are you.”
I beamed. “Well, if you insist.” I thought for a moment. “Honey, I think we have some condoms around here somewhere, but it’s been ages since we’ve used them. He can wrap up if you want him to.”
She grinned. “I’m on the pill, and as far as safety goes, I think he’s the most reliable bet in Vegas.”
I started to laugh, but that quickly changed when Liz sank her tongue back into my vagina. Before I knew it, it felt like bolts of electricity shot through my body. My hands moved lower, and I gently ran my fingers through her hair just as she elevated her ass in the air, presenting her pussy to Chris. I watched as he moved in behind her, and she let out a low moan when he entered her.
It was very difficult, but I tried to keep my eyes open because I wanted to take it all in. There was a look of intense pleasure on his face. He maintained a slow, steady pace and I reasoned it was an attempt to hold off his orgasm. Liz was breathing heavily, and I could tell she was having a difficult time keeping her mouth on me. Her body was gently rocking forward and then back as he moved inside her. Chris then moved his hands to her hips and picked up the pace. Instantly, her mouth detached from my pussy.
“Oh, God … yeah, Chris … right there.”
She closed her eyes and trembled as her orgasm overwhelmed her. Undeterred, Chris maintained his rapid pace. Once her senses were back about her, she inserted two fingers in my vagina, and her mouth latched onto my clit. Within seconds, I could feel my orgasm begin to build. Again, I tried to hold it off, but it was an impossible task. Her mouth released from my pussy, and she began to thrust her fingers in and out of me incredibly hard while her thumb rubbed over my clit. Our eyes met. “Yeah, Greta … let it go for me…”
My body began to shake and my world went dark. When I came to, Liz had moved her hand between her legs and she was furiously rubbing her clit. Chris was still thrusting into her at a torrid pace. It was such an erotic sight, my husband pounding my best friend in a fit of savage lust. A few seconds later, his body tensed up and she started to convulse as they released in unison.
Both of them collapsed on the bed beside me and tried desperately to catch their breaths. I had never witnessed anything so erotic in my life. It was an evening of so many firsts. So many doors had been opened, and I was pretty sure none of us wanted to close them again.
It was just a little after two in the morning and the three of us were exhausted. Liz and I showered together and then collapsed in the bed with Chris, who must have fallen asleep after we went into the bathroom. I knew the three of us had a lot to talk about, and we would. For now, though, we just needed a few hours of sleep, and Liz slept in my arms the entire night as I spooned her tight against my body.
– – – – –
To be continued…