A Faun’s Reply

"A conversation overheard"

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The nymph lay in the crook of my arm
Sexed, spent, content and wet,
We lay together on her winter’s cape
Amidst the sweet tangy smell of sex and sweat.

First had come the merry chase,
Past her trees and into the glen.
Then the capture, kissing, the hearty
fucks; again, again, again, and again.

Elven eyes alight and aglow,
She giggles into my bearded ear;
“Solstice approaches, my dearest faun,
The sun is low now in the sky, the frosts are here.”

The air bites with bitter cold teeth
And autumn’s colors are long since gone,
Your fur has got thicker to cope with the cold,
And my tree is silent for lack of birdsong.

“I would give you gifts, my sweetling goat,
For the joys and fucks you’ve given me
Throughout this annum, and farther back,
Tell me what gifts I can give to thee?”

“Gifts aplenty you have bestowed,” says I,
“It’s a joy just to chase your fleeing ass.
To watch your butt as it bounces and sways,
Whene’er you flee to your bed of grass.”

“And then the gift of getting caught;
I never seem to lose this chase,
when we fall to earth to wrestle and fuck,
you shower kisses on my face.”

“You don’t stop there, you generous
soul; the joys you give me with your mouth,
As you kiss and lick and lick and kiss,
Your saucy tongue travels farther south.”

“And what a gift you have between your legs,
Filled with warm and wet delight.
It’s always in such a welcoming state
Whether it’s midday, mid-morn, or late at night.”

She giggled and grabbed my flaccid prick
And shook it in its limpened state.
We both did laugh as it tried to rise,
But it was done and would not inflate.

“What further gifts could we either ask?
We have the forest, glen, the river and stream.
All that a faun and a nymph could
Hope to enjoy in this world of transcendent dream.”

“We each are part of this mystical realm
Where Man has just begun to tread,
I fear our days are numbered, my love,
The forest realms will soon be dead.”

“But let us not speak of things that fade,
Not on such a morn as this!
Give me a song and a dance sweet elf,
And then give me just one more kiss!”

Published 11 years ago

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