A Family Resemblance – Pt2

"Janice discovers how much Carl resembles his father"

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“Mom, what are you doing here? I thought you were out to lunch.” Carl reached for one of the many cushions sprawled over the couch, his voice sounding higher than usual and containing a touch of horror that appealed to Janice’s mischievous nature. She glanced down at his naked body and felt a rush of pleasure envelop her.

“Hmmm, you’re almost perfect,” she told herself. “In fact, here’s only one thing wrong with this,” she purred softly, fixing her gaze at the offending object he’d placed between his legs.

“That thing really has to go,” she muttered, seeing with irritation the cushion held tightly against his groin. Whether it was there to hide or protect his manhood, Janice wasn’t sure but she knew it wouldn’t be there for long if she had her way.

“Oh Carl,” she cooed sweetly, almost sickeningly, “You don’t need to hide that thing from me, I liked looking at it.” Her tongue slid playfully across her lips, teasing him some more. I was watching you and it seems you’ve gotten Mummy all hot and bothered.” Her eyes sparkled dangerously and she raised a hand to her mouth feigning embarrassment although her sultry voice betrayed her true feelings.

Carl, unable to think straight at the moment couldn’t appreciate her teasing humour. His eyes were screwed tightly shut, the idea being if he couldn’t see the oncoming disaster, then it wouldn’t happen to him. However, whether it be a runaway freight train or in this case his ‘Mom’ looking like a tigress in heat, bearing down on him, this course of action rarely works and sooner or later one has to face reality. Slowly opening his eyes, Carl saw Janice standing in front of him, arms crossed beneath her heavy bosom, her feet a good shoulders breadth apart with one leg bent at the knee and her groin thrust in an overtly sexual gesture, in his direction. He gulped. What had started out as a bad day had suddenly taken an unexpected turn for the worse.


From the moment his eyes had opened he’d regretted it. He and Stacy had gotten home really late and to make matters worse, they’d argued nearly all the way. They had been to a party hosted by, Michelle, one of Stacy’s girlfriends and apparently he had behaved rather badly. The host, a drunken, randy slut had entered the kitchen and dared all the guys there to get their cocks out because she wanted a hot dog feast.

Not wanting to be seen as a wimp, Carl was one of the first to offer the starving girl something to eat, although in his defense he wasn’t entirely sober when he unzipped his flies. Bad mistake as it turned out, because just as drunken bitch started to blow him, Stacy entered the kitchen to see what all the cheering was about. Seeing her boyfriend being sucked off by her so called girlfriend displeased her immensely and after dragging him unwillingly from the ring of cocks, she expressed her displeasure very forcibly, threatening to cut off his balls if he ever pulled a stunt like that again.

It was only because he loved her greatly, and without openly admitting to anything, knowing he’d acted like a jerk that stopped him telling her to take a hike… that and the fact she had the car keys.

She was still reading him the riot act when they eventually parked outside his house and would have kept up her tirade all night, but the drink finally took it’s toll and he silently fell asleep. Unfortunately, when he woke up, his morning wood was so rigid it was almost painful. So, conveniently forgetting how much trouble he’d been in, Carl started spooning Stacy. Including waking up, this was his second mistake of the day.

“Go fuck yourself,” she mumbled angrily while distancing herself from him, “Or better still,” she added spitefully, “why don’t you call Michelle?”

From her pissed reaction, it was obvious she hadn’t forgiven him yet and although Carl was very hungover and very horny, he wasn’t stupid. Stacy was a lovely girl but in the mornings she had a temper like a mama grizzly bear, and that was without being ticked off by her dumb boyfriend’s drunken antics. Knowing when not to push his luck, he grudgingly got up and went downstairs.

In the kitchen he found his mum’s note explaining she was out to lunch, making him feel a little sheepish as he realised it was way past one o’clock. She’d also explained there was some cold chicken in the fridge and if he was hungry to help himself. Having done just that, he sauntered lazily into the lounge and switched on the television.

Bored by the daytime game shows and still feeling frustrated by Stacy’s rebuff, Carl decided to knock one out and started watching his favourite porn channel. Luckily the film showing was one he’d seen before and liked. A good old fashioned boy meets girl, boy fucks girl and then another girlfriend joins in for a wonderful threesome. The women were hot and horny, the sex was erotic and steaming and his manhood thickened. Reaching between his legs, Carl began enjoying himself, but like everything else today, even that went horribly wrong!


“Mom, for God’s sake what are you doing? I’m busy here.” Carl’s whining voice almost destroyed the moment.

Janice said nothing, instead fixing him with a wry smile. “I know that, Darling,” her voice carrying just a hint of sarcastic irony. “I’ve been watching you for the last ten minutes or so. And despite what you were doing, you didn’t seem to be having much fun, so I decided to come in and give you a hand. Then Carl watched aghast as Janice knelt down between his splayed knees and reached for the cushion. “Mom pleeeaaassssseeee, I’m naked for God’s sake!”

“Good, Darling,” she said huskily, “that’s what I’m counting on,” and pulled Carl’s last vestige of decency from his lap. As she removed the cushion, Janice was a little disappointed to see Carl’s manhood had began to wilt and fervently hoped it was only a temporary thing. She reached for it eagerly.

Sir Isaac Newton’s once declared, “For every action, there is an absolute reaction,” and the next few seconds proved to be a perfect demonstration. As Janice reached out for Carl’s manhood, he desperately tried to stop her, but his mother was far to quick and experienced for him and swatted away his defence with surprising dexterity. However, this rapid and unexpected movement had a predictable effect on Janice’s thin summer dress and thus proved another of Newton’s laws, namely the one pertaining to gravity to be proven correct.

Carl had seen his step-mum remove the thin delicate shoulder straps from her dress when she approached him from the garden and had watched in shocked disbelief and slight amazement at the way the loose garment had precariously preserved her decency despite the way her gorgeous breasts had heaved so powerfully. Even when she’d gotten to her knees, the fine garment had tantalisingly denied him the sight he would liked to have seen, but now he watched in awe as the thin material slipped easily from her chest and revealed not only her gorgeous heavy breasts but also the tight erect nipples pointing perkily in his direction.

Janice felt the dress lose its grip, but did nothing to stop it. Her hands were busy with other, more important things, and besides, she didn’t want to. She saw his mouth open, apparently in an effort to say something but before any sound came out, she wrapped her fingers around his warm thickening shaft and felt him twitch. Tightening her grip, she felt his cock throb some more and Janice gave Carl her ‘Mommy knows best,’ smile.

“Hmmmm, you like mama’s big titties, do you?” she asked huskily. His cock jerked powerfully in her hand, answering her question. Janice felt the effect her strong agile fingers and words were having on her son’s manhood and it pleased her enormously. “Hmmm, let’s have a good look at your prick, shall we?” she said hungrily and she bent her head so close to his loins, he could feel her warm breath wafting over his manhood. He stared in horrified disbelief as Janice, gently began wanking him.

“Jesus, it’s so big,” she said, full of admiration. “Now I know why Stacy screams a lot when you two are in bed.” She clasped her fist around the top of his shaft, pulling his foreskin over the rim of his purple coloured dome and snaked out her tongue towards his balls. Even if he’d wanted to, Carl couldn’t deny his true feeling, his body betrayed him too much for that, but that didn’t stop him being scared shitless. His step-mother was hot, no question, and this lurid fantasy was also hot, no dispute there, but there was no denying it… this was wrong.

To call Carl’s feelings about Janice ambiguous was definitely understating the obvious. Although his behaviour was contemptible and his conscience regularly berated him about it, he’d lost count of how many times he had secretly spied on her, sunbathing naked on the deck. Despite feeling disgusted and perverted with himself, he often grew hard and had to masturbate to relieve the growing tension in his loins. What was happening now was just one of the many sordid fantasies he’d envisaged involving Janice; but that still didn’t absolve him from the guilt he felt.

When he saw her appear through the patio door only moments ago, his brain switched into hyperdrive. While one part was busy telling him to cover himself, another part took in every little detail. It was as if time had stalled and everything was happening in slow motion. He watched Janice push the shoulder straps, one for one from their rightful place and wondered how the dress could stay in place. He saw the way her braless breasts to bobbed up and down as she steadily approached him and while guessing he was going to hell, he wanted to see more. The closer she got, the more vivid the details became. The pale coloured summer dress, hugging her figure like a second skin, was so thin, he swore he could see the discolouration her nutty brown nipples through the semi transparent material along with the outline of her panties. Because the dress seemed to follow exquisitely the contours of her body, it didn’t escape his notice that the said undergarment she was wearing, was the skimpiest he’d seen and not only did he know he was going to hell, he also knew it would be for a long time. Now kneeling in front of him, her tits in full view, strong agile fingers wrapped around his manhood and her tongue snaking out towards his rigid flesh, he knew his prayers and worst fears were being answered and realised simultaneously, and for that he realised, he was going to rot in damnation for the rest of his life.

Might as well enjoy then!


Janice’s tongue ran up the entire length of his cock, causing a shiver of delight to run down his spine and a broad smile to magically appear. Sliding her hand down his shaft, her soft lips clamped around his swollen rim and he felt the tip of her tongue explore his tiny slit. It was all to much for him and he closed his eyes in ecstasy. Janice licked the salty tasting dome and experienced a wicked thrill run through her body. She’d missed this, too much. The sight and feel of an erection. The taste and smell and of masculine excitement and the heat, the heat of real passion. Whatever happened after this, Janice vowed she wouldn’t go back to her chaste existence.

Then slowly, almost reverently, she lowered her lips down the soft silken skin, covering his turgid erection and didn’t stop until she reached the root of his manhood. Her throat was filled with hot throbbing flesh, and for the first time since his father had left her alone, Janice felt like a real woman again. She raised her head, her lips smacking together when she released him from her mouth. Then she spat warm saliva onto his glans and watched the goblets of spittle spiral run down both his member and over her fingers.

“Hmm, you taste delicious, Darling. Just like your daddy. Do you like it when I swallow your cock in one go?” Carl nodded his head eagerly. Stacy had never taken him completely and he found it sexy as fuck that his “Mom” could. On the downside, he found the reference to his father slightly disturbing, but reasoned that if Janice wasn’t worried about what they were doing, why the fuck should he be.

“Your daddy has left me here all alone for so long now and all my toys are broken,” continued Janice playfully, “So when I saw you playing with yours, I just had to join in. You don’t mind do you?”

‘What a stupid fucking question,’ thought Carl in bewilderment, while shaking his head emphatically. Silently he watched Janice devour his cock again and shuddered when her teeth grazed the sensitive tip of his manhood. Through half closed eyes, he saw her grinning wickedly at him.

“Sorry baby boy, did Mummy hurt you. That was naughty of her wasn’t it?” she said huskily. “Maybe mama needs a good spanking, let her know who’s in charge around here.” His cock popped from her mouth and she licked and nibbled it like a favourite lollipop, then enveloped his meat making loud slurping noises that both phased out and excited the young man on the couch. Tentatively he reached out a hand and placed it on top of Janice’s head, an action that was met with a loud groan of approval.

“That’s it, young man,” she said, coming up for air and releasing his engorged helmet with a loud saucy plop. “Make your mama suck your cock all the way.” Carl couldn’t deny how excited his step-mum’s slutty behaviour was getting him. Stacy never did or said anything like this when she blew him and if the truth be told he liked it better this way.

Like mum’s apple pie, it’s always hard to beat.

Janice bobbed her head downwards again and Carl felt her warm wet mouth engulf him, but in his excitement, he almost forgot to do what she wanted. Then as if born to it, he grabbed hold of her head, entwining his fingers through her bob and forced his prick down her throat. This ignited some hidden desire inside her because from that moments, she was like a woman possessed.

Unable to control herself, Janice literally devoured him. She licked and sucked his balls, feverishly wanked his prick and continually deep throated him. Carl had never known anything like it and especially liked the way she kept telling him, “Mommy needs some hard cock,” or “Your prick tastes fucking delicious,” and his favourite, “Fuck my slutty mouth, darling.”

Janice was driven by carnal madness. Having been denied sex for almost four months, she’d been going a bit stir crazy. She had tried fulfilling herself with her favourite dildo, but nothing could compare to the feel and taste of a real life, rock solid, flesh and blood erection. Just the way Carl’s member throbbed inside her mouth had almost caused her climax on the spot. As it was, her panties had degenerated from expensive lace lingerie to become nothing more than a sopping wet, rag tag piece of cloth, hanging loosely around her abdomen. She was secreting so badly, she could feel her juices trickling down her thighs and she longed to feel Carl’s tongue…

“Baby,” she said, reluctantly releasing his manhood from her mouth, “Mummy’s pussy needs attention.” Before waiting for an answer Janice climbed up onto the couch and straddled her son’s arms and chest. With her groin only inches from his face she grabbed the hemline of the dress and slowly, very slowly started pulling it upwards. “Can you see how wet I am, Baby, how much I want you?” she cooed breathlessly, her voice thick with lust.

The hemline rose higher and higher and the delicate, white satin lace panties came into view. Not only could Carl see it, but he could smell it too. The top of her thighs glistened in the bright Californian afternoon sunshine that flooded the spacious living room, and the gusset, barely covering her intimate parts was a much darker shade than the rest of the exotic garment.

One hand released its grip on the dress and dived beneath the lacey triangle. Her fingers traversed over her dark haired little bush and sought out the tiny hood of skin. She lightly brushed her swollen clit and felt a jolt of pleasure, like a pulse of electricity race throughout her body. Knowing she was close and knowing what she wanted, Janice whipped out her hand and without further ado hooked her fingers into the small triangle of cloth.

Carl watched in breathless anticipation as Janice pulled her panties aside and revealed her sweet little pussy to him. Her swollen lips were luscious clearly visible between her excited labia and he could see her juices flowing. Succumbing to an overwhelming desire to give his mother the climax she was dying for,…

Published 9 years ago

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