I love watching people in places like this and I could see intention in some of their eyes. One couple, quite close to me, were openly caressing each other’s breasts as they stared into each other eyes. I guessed, by the way they were looking at each other, that it was early on in their relationship. I instinctively knew they were going to get off with each other as soon as they left the Black Cap. If it was a man and woman misbehaving openly like that, in any other place, they would be asked to leave, but it seemed to be acceptable for two women to act that way, in this bar at least.
The Black Cap is a gay bar in Camden town, London. It’s where all the sassy girls go for a good night out and it’s the best place to meet new and exciting people, of the same sex that is. That’s where I met Emily, my partner. Four weeks later and here we are, chatting and drinking our Gin and Tonics as we survey the room. Between us, we have made a few friends in this wonderful pub, and would probably make a few more.
Emily rose from her seat and motioned to me that she was heading for the loo. I sat back in the chair, cradled my drink in my hand, sighed, and watched the people as I slowly sipped it. For a while at least, I watched Emily’s tight arse sway across the room but it wasn’t long before my eye caught a stunning redhead across the dance floor from me. She was sitting close to the edge of a table, facing me, and I took it from her body language that the blonde woman she was talking to was her partner or girlfriend. I watched them smile at each other, caress the others hand, and occasionally laugh. The redheads smile was intoxicating. She had a broad smile and bright red lips; a bit like the smile of the actress, Julia Roberts. She had an inviting, welcoming face. I could see myself talking to her for ages and slowly making her acquaintance.
As I watched her, I saw her glance at me. A little later, she took a longer look at me, but at both times she returned her attention to her girlfriend. In time, I became aware that I was staring at her and that she was staring back at me. In days gone by I would have averted my eyes, but not now. I was more confident now, and as I saw her look at me, I lifted my glass as if to toast her and took a sip.
She smiled back but her actions surprised me. She opened her legs as wide as she could while staring at me; leaning back into her chair as she did so. I could make out that something was not right with her jeans but I couldn’t see what that was immediately; the light in the room was far too variable for me to concentrate. I glanced between her face and her jeans a few times but I had to let my eyes rest on her crotch for some time to try and figure out what was different. I saw her draw her finger across the zipped area, then I saw it disappear inside. I eventually caught on as to what was missing from her jeans.
At that point, I did avert my eyes while I smiled into my glass. I slowly raised it and took another sip. My mind was racing and I was giggling away to myself at her brazenness. I raised my head but deliberately looked at the people dancing; avoiding making eye contact with her. My curiosity eventually got the better of me as my gaze returned, once more, in her direction. She was still watching me. I didn’t know where to look. I watched her smile at me and I watched her finger stroke and then slide into her pussy. I was mesmerised by her overtly wanton display. My own finger entered my mouth as I bit on the nail before sucking on it.
My stare was disturbed when Emily brushed her hand over my shoulder as she sat down next to me. We started to chat once more. We talked about the holiday we were planning in Asia in the coming year; more about how we were going to finance it on our meagre pay packets, than what we hoped to see or experience.
For some reason, my mind was not on this important conversation that Emily was having with me. My head kept drifting to one side while I chatted with Emily, and my eyes kept glancing across the room. The redheads’ presence was highly distractive and my mind needed constant updates as to what she was doing.
It soon became my turn to visit the bar and I topped Emily and myself up with another Gin and Tonic. I was hoping the redhead would join me so that I could talk to her, but she didn’t. When I returned to our seats, our conversation continued, but I had become more and more disinterested and I think Emily sensed that. I wondered if I could move the conversation to the redhead, but thought better of it. At one point I became agitated, when two women stood between myself and the redhead, blocking my view of her actions. I willed them out of the way, but my Jedi Knight training was not paying off. When the couple eventually moved onto the dance floor, my view of her was once more reinstated. She was still fingering herself and still looking at me. The smile on her face was blatantly directed towards me. Her blonde girlfriend was stood by the bar talking to someone else; obviously leaving her to taunt and torture me with her actions.
Emily nudged me and pointed to my drink. She had finished hers quickly, or so it seemed, and I was obviously lagging behind. I downed the drink and let her wander off to the bar to get another. At last I could spend a little more time looking at my redhead on the opposite side of the room. Trying to be coy was no longer a necessity. I stared openly at her crotch, completely missing the smile she had on her face. As I stared, I replayed all the information I had gathered on her.
She was very slim, with little or no breasts to speak of. She was wearing a black top, which had intricately cut out flowers arranged over one shoulder and down and across one of her breasts. Her jeans were open at the crotch and I would be confident betting that she wasn’t wearing any knickers. Her red hair was cropped on top, much shorter down one side but longer at the other; leaving a typical asymmetry in her hairstyle. If I had to judge her, I would have classified her as the strap-on wearing part of the couple. Her blonde girlfriend on the other hand was every bit a girly woman; a bit like me.
I wanted to know her name. I wanted to talk to her. I sighed knowing that that was never going to happen, not tonight, not with Emily here.
Emily arrived back at the table with another round of Gin and Tonics and I took a big sip. Our conversation had eventually moved on from holidays. At some point, though I was unsure when it happened, the music had changed tempo and was now far more mellow and light hearted. It wasn’t as loud and we could hear ourselves think. The night was obviously drawing in.
I leant over to Emily and whispered to her that I was going to the loo. I could see there was a queue snaking its way through the corridor to the ladies at the other end. As I walked across the edge of the dance floor I couldn’t see my redhead at her table. I didn’t know whether she was in the loo, or elsewhere, and I wondered where she could be. Her blonde friend was at the bar; still talking. I waited until a cubicle became free. I entered, closed the door and pulled my knickers down; taking them completely off in the process. I pulled my short skirt up, sat down and started to pee. I was unsure as to what to do with the knickers and reckoned I would palm them and calmly hand them to Emily when I got back to the table. That sort of behaviour always brought a smile to her face.
After doing the honours with the toilet paper and flushing the loo, I stood to leave. I flipped the lock and opened the door. I was startled as I pulled the door back towards me. A body was standing directly in front of me and moving in my direction. I had nowhere to go. I pulled myself backwards to avoid a collision with her and nearly stumbled.
It was the redhead. She was inches away from me. I felt her hand on my chest, directly over my left breast as she pushed me backwards into the loo, turning me at the same time so that my back was against the cold stone wall. Her left hand raised and pushed my hips backwards as she crunched herself into me, pinning me against the wall. Our mouths collided and she forced her tongue inside me. I was taken aback with her directness, my hands, although free, were helpless and refused to respond by pushing her away. I suddenly started to kiss her in kind, and met her advances one for one.
I pushed my tongue back at her. Our mouths and tongues battled for quite some time until we settled into a frenzied rhythm of passionate kissing. At one point, I became almost breathless and lost in the most amazing kiss of my life. My hands came around on her backside and I let my knickers drop to the floor as I groped the cheeks of her arse. In no time at all, her hand had cupped my sex and she was caressing it, probing it. Her middle finger snaked along my slit as she fingered me, moistening my pussy so that she could gain immediate access.
I heard the loo flush in the cubicle next to us and was aware that our door was still wide open. I heard the cubicle door unlock and someone step out of it.
My redhead stepped back from me and while still holding onto my top, she pulled me towards her. She reclined herself on the loo and pulled my legs either side of the toilet seat until my pussy was over her face. I held up my skirt and watched as her tongue made contact with my sex. I let out a loud and audible gasp as she flicked her tongue across my lips. I quickly parted them with my fingers to give her access.
Behind me, a woman had appeared outside the cubicle. “We have a situation here, girls. Someone’s going for it,” she announced to all that were present.
I could sense the woman behind me make a fucking motion with her hips in an attempt to let others know what was going down. All I knew, was that my redhead was already down and she had a fucking wonderful tongue that she was putting to good use. Her tongue darted into my pussy and licked all over my clit. She was as horny as hell and attacked my pussy with the same gusto that had me pinned against the wall earlier.
A voice behind me brought me to my senses, “Fuck me Melissa, You look so hungry down there!”
I looked over my shoulder and saw that it was the redhead’s girlfriend. I froze as she walked into the cubicle and I thought that that was it, I had transgressed a boundary, but the blonde kept smiling at me.
She leant into me and licked my earlobe. “My name’s Sandy, fancy a double?” she asked.
I was a little perplexed, I hadn’t heard of a double before, but I knew that if I said nothing back to her then I was going to find out what it was, pretty soon. I felt her slide down my torso until she rested on her haunches behind me. I felt her hands on the cheeks of my arse, pulling them apart and lifting my dress up further around my waist. Then I felt her tongue on my arse as she licked all over my anus.
The combined sensations of having my pussy, clit and anus licked all at the same time, was excruciatingly pleasurable. I found it difficult to concentrate on one feeling at a time, and both sensations seemed to attack my senses with different intensities. My orgasm was building rapidly with the attentions of both women. I found my hands grasp the nape of Melissa’s neck as I pulled her into my pussy. I held her firmly with one hand while my other attempted to come around behind Sandy’s head as I tried to push her into my anus from behind. I sighed and shook my head from side to side as I worked my anus and pussy between these women. It was bliss, especially when I started to come.
By now, an audience had gathered outside the cubicle. I could hear words of encouragement from different people, mostly aimed at Sandy and Melissa, telling them how they should tongue me! How they should give me a good time! Others shouted out that the slut was asking for it, in a non-derogatory sort of way. I gathered that everyone outside was having a great time watching the three of us.
I lost it big time when both women had their tongues pushed up inside me at the same time; both tongues wiggling in unison. Melissa eventually rested her tongue over my clit and flicked at it. That was when my orgasm came crashing down. I reached for Melissa’s head and pulled her upwards in the hope of stabilising myself as my legs started to buckle, I found that I had to push my hand forward onto the wall to stop myself from falling forward. I was gasping for air and screaming at the same time. My stomach was clenching involuntarily and I felt my anus contract against Sandy’s tongue while it was right up inside me, my anus pinched it almost stopping it from retracting. All the swear words and expletives I knew left my mouth, to the rapturous applause of the audience behind me.
“Fuck me, I’m cumming… I’m cumming…” I shouted, between gulping in lungfuls of air.
One onlooker was instrumental in telling me how I had been ‘tongued by the best’ as I panted and gasped for air. I wondered if she had experienced the same thing with the same two women. I eventually had to push Melissa away from me. Sandy, realising that I was spent, leant backwards at the same time leaving me to desperately try and prop myself up against the wall, panting heavily. Every part of me was on fire and I loved every minute.
I looked behind me, at Sandy. She was smiling like a Cheshire cat and licking her lips. Melissa was still reclined on the loo and giggling away like a little girl; on the verge of hysterical laughter. I turned to look at the crowd of onlookers and found that they were all smiling away to themselves; probably feeling horny from watching our show. I spotted a familiar face at the back of the applauding crowd.
“Fuck no….” I cried.
“Em…” I shouted, “Em…”
I watched as Emily turned and ran from the loo.
I quickly stepped over Sandy as I rushed out, in close pursuit.
As I approached our table, I could see that Emily had gathered her handbag and coat and was heading for the door, pushing past anyone that got in her way and leaving a wake of people behind her. I followed her out to the street. The busy traffic stopped her escape and I eventually caught up with her next to the traffic lights.
I placed my hand on Emily’s shoulder but she shrugged it off, “You bastard!” She spat at me before turning back to the road ahead. The lights turned green and Emily ran across the road.
I started to run after her, “Em…please listen to me, please.”
On the other side of the road Emily turned and looked at me, anger was written all over her face, “Just fuck off Amy, you’re body language in there said it all, now fuck off!”
I stopped, and watched as Emily walked away from me. I watched her leave me, forever. This was it, the end of our relationship had come, and all I had to do was resist the temptation set before me.
I slowly turned to walk back inside the Black Cap, I made my way through the crowded bar and saw that Melissa and Sandra were sitting side-by-side, they looked pensive as they hugged one another. I looked in their direction and Melissa caught my eye. She smiled, almost apologetically, and patted the seat next to her. I contemplated picking up my jacket and leaving the pub altogether. My life was in ruins, and over what?
I did pick up my jacket, but found myself inextricably drawn towards the seat that Melissa was patting with her hand. I was mesmerised by the movement of her hand as I sat down next to Melissa. She placed her hand on my thigh as I rested my head on her shoulders. I closed my eyes. I felt her hand snake upwards and I found myself grinning. I opened my eyes and looked at Sandra.
Sandra leant in towards the both of us. “We want you to come back with us tonight. Would you like that?”
I smiled and nodded.
I had lost Emily, and if truth be told, I didn’t really know what I was getting myself into with these two, but I felt an adrenaline rush flow through me. My nipples felt like icicles; hard and erect, on the verge of melting and I felt my pussy leak fluid onto the seat.
I was ready to find out.