March 6, 1865. We walk and walk, carrying our guns high on our shoulders, packs strapped tight against our neck, the sweat rolling down our brow. It was an early hot summer in the South, and being a black man, dressed in a full wool Union Blue uniform did not allow for any circulation to cool the skin.
But we were proud; we were finally going to fight the fight, not for America or the US, not for unification, but for the freedom of our brothers and sisters from slavery in the Deep South.
We had joined in with some other regiments to increase our numbers, and of course; they were black like us. Together we had swept through Savannah fast without much loss among the ranks. General Sherman was dead set on heading the troops north to Virginia and putting an end to this war before Christmas.
We had been lucky to avoid the skirmishes in Georgia, there; the fighting was fierce, and losses were heavy for both side. Shiloh, Big Shanty, Chattanooga, Atlanta, Rome, and Macon, those damn Rebels just weren’t going to go easy. I couldn’t blame them, we knew slavery was wrong, but this was the way of life in the south. I was not the man to make order, only to follow orders.
We pulled into the little town of Kinston, NC with little fighting or resistance, but then we arrived in Goldsboro. We took the city with the help of another two regiments that day; losses were not heavy, but not light either.
Any loss though, brought a tear to my eye, knowing the truth was; this war was not about slavery, it was about sustaining the states and preventing cessation from the North and also the lifestyle of the South. The white officers and enlisted of the Federal Troops were not real different than the people of the south. The northerners just did not call us “property” and trade us like a mule or grain.
As the fighting ebbed late that afternoon, camp was all set, we were instructed to pillage the town for much-needed supplies. Sherman’s idea, travel light, take what you need by defeating the enemy and use their resources. This idea being the reason he was successful.
We made out for the inner city from the fields on horse-back for a faster roundtrip, guns in hand, torches ready to ignite. This job of routing had become a job for the black regiments.
We split off in pairs for safety, and each headed toward stores and homes or any place that may have had some food or supplies. I took along a Private that had joined us in Savannah, not much older than eighteen, if. We saw just on the outskirts of town what looked to be a little farm and made way toward the location. It was dark and looked to be unoccupied. I ordered the Private to have a look around as I went to the barn.
Suddenly, I heard a shot ring out very close. Gun-fire was a norm when breaching a city as many of the citizens tried to protect their lives and property. But this shot was close, very close. I peeked out through the barn door, and there stood in front of me the most beautiful creature I had ever seen in my life, holding a shotgun aimed right at my head.
She was a lean but petite woman, wearing tethered clothing, with blonde hair and small breast. She looked to be around twenty-five, and other than the clothing; she could have been an angel. She stared me down and said, “One move, and I will shoot, Yankee!”
I lifted my hands above my head, and said, “Ma’am; I am just following orders and did not come for trouble. I wouldn’t hurt a woman, no matter what my orders were. If you let me, I will leave the Private’s horse for you, get on mine, and return to my regiment. But, I certainly could use a few of those chickens for the trade.”
She looked me up and down; I am six-two, lean and muscular, not a boy by any means. As she stared at me, my mind began wondering what she was planning in that pretty little head of hers.
I asked her name and told her mine, with rank and regiment information. But still, she just stood and stared as if she had never seen a black man. Finally, she said, “Helen, why does it matter?”
“Well Helen, it is very nice to meet you. I apologize for invading your life. I am sure you know it is a hard time for everyone. I would prefer to not be stealing, and I certainly assure you that I will not burn your farm as many of the other soldiers will, but I must follow orders. Can you understand that?”
“Yes, I understand orders,” she began, “my husband gave his life for this dreadful war, and we did not own slaves, my husband did not believe in the act. He was from the north, moved here when he was young and felt he was now a southerner. See where it got him, six feet under, and me, his wife of only a year when he left, waiting in tears for months until I received a notice from the Army.”
“I just joined the fighting in Savannah this month, coming from Ohio. I only joined this war hoping to aid in the freedom of our people in the South. But I promise you this; I mean you no harm. I just wanted to get a few of those chickens and be on my way.”
She replied, “Where is your gun? Toss it to me, and do not be cute about it, or I promise I will shoot you where you stand.”
I tossed my revolver on the ground at her feet after removing the bullets, pulled up my pant leg and slipped the knife out of the sheath and tossed it as well. I looked at her and asked, “Anything else I can do to make you feel safer as I stand here?”
She looked at me for a moment or two and said, “Yes, first, remove your clothing down to your drawers. Then you go ahead and get you a few chickens and any eggs you find if you like, but that horse the Private was riding is staying here. When you are done and ready to go, I will give your clothing back; you can redress as you ride away.” Then with a pause, she asked, “Let me ask you, have you eaten anything today?”
I just looked at her in bewilderment, not sure what to say in response. A gun pointed at me, and now she is trying to be hospitable. I said, “No ma’am, not since a very early breakfast.”
“Well, come on in here first and get you some food in your belly. You seem to be a kind man, but I promise, just one wrong move, and I will shoot.”
I walked in ahead of her; gun still drawn on me, and looked around the small house. Very nice, a humble but comfortable abode. A fire in the fireplace and a small kerosene lamp that allowed just enough light in the room to offer, at any other time, a romantic mood.
I asked about a wash basin as my hands were dirty, along with my face. I am sure I smelled like a field rat after a rain. She directed me into a room off to the side where a water basin sat on a table with a towel, and a tub set in the corner by the fireplace. I thanked her and stepped in to clean up.
I removed my shirt, used the water to remove a bit of the aroma that arose from my pits just as I heard a slight sound at the door. Not realizing I had not closed the door fully, Helen stood in the opening just eyeing my body in the mirror.
She looked at me and said, “Stay there please, I will return in a moment.”
She walked down the hallway and in a moment appeared with some clothing in her hands. A clean pair of drawers and an under-shirt. “I hope these will fit for you, they were my husband’s. Maybe this will make you feel a bit cleaner.”
I thanked her and began to remove my dirty soiled clothing completely and then realized she was standing at the doorway. I was not going to object, but rather I continued to cleanse my body with a towel. As I finished, I turned to reach for the under shorts she had given me and she blushed and let out a low soft moan.
I looked up to her and saw she had put the gun down, and she was pressing a hand gently to her breast. All the time staring directly at my big black cock. It must have been a long time, or maybe just the size that had her mesmerized, but she had a bead of sweat drawing upon her forehead.
I took my cock in hand and asked her, “Does this scare you Helen, seeing me nude?” She just nodded her head slowly without taking her eyes away. “Do you want to touch it Helen?” Again, she just nodded and began to step forward.
She reached out and took my cock in her little white hand, barely being able to grab half of the girth; she let out a small moan. She looked at me finally with a tear in her eyes.
I said, “Helen, we do not have to do this, I want no shame to come to your name or your family.”
She slowly started moving her hand up and down my cock, stroking it with the softest hands I had ever felt, and I began to harden quickly. As she did this, her other hand reached behind her and untied the string holding her dress. I let her continue to stroke my cock and allowed her to make every move.
Helen let go of my cock, but for a moment, as she dropped the dress to the floor. She was wearing a petticoat and camisole underneath and began removal of those items with haste. Finally, she stood there totally naked except for a pair of stockings. She then took my cock in both hands, leaned forward with a slightly open mouth looking for a kiss.
I took her small head in my hand gently and slipped my tongue to meet hers as her body melted against mine. I slid my free hand down her side to her back and pulled her tightly to me, to feel her warmth and for her to feel my enlarged and pulsating cock against her belly.
As our kiss ended, she stepped back with a tear in her eye and said, “Oh Sir, I do apologize.
I looked at her and said, “Helen, I would like to make love to you. I do not want to fuck you like a whore, but make love to you the way a husband would a wife. You are a beautiful and needy woman. I am just a needy man. I would love to bathe you, clean you and dry you, then carry you to your bed and make love to you in a way I think no other man can.”
“Please,” was her only response.
“I need to move the Private, and will you please direct me to the well so that I might draw some water to warm for your bath.”
The gunfire had stopped almost completely inside the town; darkness was beginning to fall. I did not know how long we I been here, and was not sure if I would want to leave. I moved the Private into the barn, grabbed two buckets from inside and went to the well for water.
As I approached the door, it opened slightly, just enough for me to enter and then closed behind me. “I was not sure if you were going to return or saddle up and leave.”
I looked at her and said, after tonight, I may never go back if the choice is given to me. It would be a hard life, but you are such a beautiful woman and in need of a man. I will let you make the judgments, but I promise I will never hurt you and would forever be loyal.
I took the pails of water to the fire and hung them inside above the heat. Helen brought towels and soap into the washing room. She left again, and a moment later returned with a glass of bourbon and offered it to me. I took a long sip and said, “Thank you.” She walked right to me, in all of her nudity now and kissed me again. My cock began to rise, and she slid to her knees and took my member into her mouth. She could only take half before the gag caught her, but she was so tender and soft with the way she sucked and licked me from my balls to my mushroom head.
I let her know that my orgasm was nearing, to allow her the time to pull away, but she continued her assault. Taking as much of my length as she could. Finally, I moaned and pulled her head to a stop midway on my cock and began to unload months of pent up cum. She drank as much as possible with the rest dripping down her chin onto her chest. She cleaned my cock of the remaining juices; then she scooped her chest and swallowed the rest of my seed.
Looking up at me, she said, “I hope that is not all you have for me tonight?”
“You have never been with a virile black man; this is obvious. We can do this all night long, much longer than your body will probably allow.”
I raised her up by her small hands and told her I wanted to ready her bath and asked for another glass of that sweet bourbon. This time with no shame she walked away, me watching her beautiful white ass. I turned and began preparing the water for her, making sure it was just the right temperature.
On her return to the wash-room, I took her small hand to help her into the tub, and she paused to kiss me gently on the mouth with the sweetness of a wife. I reached down to her breast and touched them for the first time, finding them so soft. I then slid my hand down to her most private part and ran my fingers through the mass of hair surrounding her mound, as though it was to put up a protective wall to the entrance. Her warmth and wetness allowed me to slide a long finger into her and hook it upwards toward her most sensitive spot.
Helen moaned, and though I had her by the one hand, she almost lost balance as her cunt began to quiver almost immediately. She grabbed my arm to steady herself as her orgasm approached, and suddenly there was a flood of moisture and a scream of pleasure. I had never known a woman orgasm this way, it felt as though she had peed, but the texture of the juices assured me she had cum very hard.
I withdrew my hand and aided her into the tub to settle in for a good bath and a bit of relaxation after such a tremendous orgasm. Once settled, I brought my hand to both of our mouths to taste her love potion. She eagerly lapped at my fingers as I licked my palm, both of us becoming more aroused than before. “Stand,” she requested and as I did, she again took my cock into her mouth to suck it again.
I said to her, “In a bit Helen, let me make you feel like a lady again as I wash and pamper that sweet, beautiful body. A lady such as yourself deserves to be pampered and bathed daily. Now I will massage those aching muscles and wash the skin of an angel. Afterward, you will be even more beautiful and taste even sweeter.”
Once her bath was complete, as the water began to chill, she insisted on returning the favor to me. Helen poured the remaining hot water from over the fire, and I stepped into the tub. The warm water was soothing to my skin, but more importantly was the touch of the woman I had just met. She washed my body, leaving no crevice unclean; kissed my lips softly and continued stroking my cock.
Finally, as my body relaxed more than it had in six months, I rose from the tub as Helen gently began drying my body. As she began to dry my legs, once again, she opened her mouth around my cock, but this time she also sucked my dangling balls, alternating back and forth. Slowly working her way around to my backside, she placed her tongue in the crack of my tight muscular ass and began to penetrate me with her tongue.
She spread my cheeks further apart. Then with her tongue working deeply into my asshole, her fingers began to stretch at it’s tightness, and she pushed a digit deep into me, causing a moan to escape my lips. She then reached between my legs and began to jerk my cock at the same time. I had never felt this type of sexual energy or softness from any woman.
I pulled away, with a bit of a groan from her throat, only to turn and lift her into my arms. I carried her to the bedroom, a place in the south, and most likely the north as well that no black man would be caught. This act of pure sexual lust was about to go beyond the boundaries of all taboos.
As I lay her down softly on the bed, my hands trailed from her lips to her thighs, kissing forward from her knees at the same time. Helen simply opened her legs to me, preparing for any attention I was going to pay her moist, pink, blonde pussy. The matted hair around her mound was a light blonde color, yet thick enough to see. I just knew I wanted to taste all of her. I wanted that same orgasm to come over her that had soaked my hand earlier that evening.
My tongue, long and thick, finally made contact with the outer lips of her cunt. Lapping at the juices that were already streaming from between her folds, I found her love button, swollen and quite large, and took it into my mouth. Helen began screaming and grabbed my head, pleading that I never stop as she grew closer and closer to orgasm.
When it finally hit, I was not disappointed. She came just as before, only harder. She squirted a mouthful at first, and then a second smaller squirt followed. I lapped away to catch as much of her cum in my mouth as possible before it dripped to the bed.
As she calmed down a bit, I began to lick around her pussy and slide a finger into her, this bringing back soft moans from her exhausted little body. First one, then two, then finally three long fingers working inside her, twisting in every possible direction.
I was working so hard to release that sweet nectar again, I barely understood her inaudible screams saying, “John, fuck me now, Please god drive that big black cock deep into my cunt. I want you to hit the back of my pussy hard and deep!” As a gentleman and soldier, I simply followed her orders and withdrew my hand from her pussy.
As I held my cock in hand, looking down on this blonde southern belle I asked, “Are you sure this is what you want? You realize how wide this will stretch you? Once this black snake enters you, you will be mine forever, you do know this? No man will ever be able to give you what I am again.”
She looked at me, reached out to stroke my cock and pull it closer to her opening and said, “Take me, fuck me, make me your white whore, but just make me cum over and over. You can fuck me with that black cock as long as you care to and anywhere you want for the rest of my life. I am yours!”
I moved closer, looking down between her legs as I pushed my cock slowly inside her, the width of a woman’s’ wrist, it was a slow process inch by inch. Half-way in, her muscles tightened into another orgasm, the heat was so intense around my cock, but the juices gave me the needed energy to push through her moans and start a steady stroking motion.
Suddenly my pace began to get faster, and I realized I was about to explode inside her. I drove my cock to the base inside that tight cunt. Helen went quiet and began gasping for air as her eyes rolled to the back of her head. Her body began what seemed to be a seizure. She was bouncing on the bed causing my cock to move slightly inside her. The orgasm that overcame her, made her body go completely limp. I announced that I was about to cum myself, and Helen said, “Cum inside me, let me feel that thick cream fill me.”
I pushed deep inside her; I could feel the heat of her pussy and the streams of cum filling her, turning our juices into an orgasmic butter. I slowly finished with a few strokes and rolled over exhausted. Both of us completely sated, she rolled into my arms, and we both fell into a deep sleep.
My dreams were wonderful as I slept, I then realized I could not go back to this white man’s war. But would Helen want me to stay in the morning. Well, tomorrow is another day……..