After the weekend on the lake my friends and I organized a camping and fishing trip in the north Georgia mountains. Chip and Brittany along with Vic and Kelli from our excursion on the lake came on the trip. My friends Katie with her so called “serious” boyfriend from back home, my life long friend and fraternity big brother, Nick, brought a hot girl named Tiffany, frat brother Sid showed up with Arlene, and another frat brother Bob came with a red-haired girl none of us had met before and of course there was Jennifer and myself.
We didn’t bring much beer with us because it would’ve been too heavy to carry while hiking but we did bring bourbon, vodka and some weed to smoke. We hiked deep into north Georgia’s U.S. national forest and set up camp next to a big creek that looked like it would be good for trout fishing and we hung all of our food items high from some tree limbs away from the main camp so black bears wouldn’t bother us.
We spent most of the afternoon trout fishing and might have caught more if it weren’t for all the splashing around and squealing the girls did. But we did catch enough to fry for dinner that evening. We drank what little beer we had while we ate the trout which was delicious. Then a joint and a bottle of bourbon got passed around.
We spent a long time that evening just hanging out, talking and laughing around the camp fire. Each couple had their own tent so when we finally got tired that night everyone went to their own tent.
Being a bunch of horny college students everyone must have had the same thoughts or urges. Jennifer and I made out a little while and soon started quietly fucking. Then we noticed the sounds of fucking coming from the other tents. Soon we could hear what had to have been every couple fucking wildly at the same time. Well, Jennifer and I started to get tickled over it and couldn’t stop from laughing a little.
Since everyone else was also fucking Jennifer and I quit trying to fuck discreetly quiet and let our moans and groans out just like everyone else. The sleeping bag and tent floor below us making swishing noises as I pumped in and out of Jennifer’s soaking wet pussy and her legs banging against the sides of the tent.
Then my crazy friend Vic, always being the comedian, yelled out loud from his tent, “don’t everyone orgasm at the same time!” I just lost it laughing while Jennifer was trying to hush me up but she was laughing herself.
As always Jennifer’s pussy felt amazing so warm and extra wet, her legs wrapped tightly around me by that time. I kept pushing in and out of her until until we both had cum. Then Jennifer pulled my arms around her as she curled up tight against me.
We noticed the sounds of sex die down and heard whispering and giggling coming from the other tents and slowly any noises except the churping of the night crickets and chickadees died down and we quickly fell asleep.
Later in the night some noises awakened me and I peeked out the tent to see two black bears standing up under the food bags hanging from the limbs. the snorting, grunting and stomping around of the bears evidently woke everyone up and we all were peeking out the tents at the them but no one got out of the tents. I know we were all quite nervous until the bears finally left once they realized they were unable to reach the food.
The next day after cooking breakfast over the fire we all went for a long hike up the side of a mountain and took several great pictures of us all with beautiful panoramic mountain views in the background. At one point Jennifer and Brittany had gotten Chip and I to lag behind the rest of the group long enough to take a picture of the two girls topless with a mountain scene behind them. We soon caught up and no one seemed too curious as to what we had done.
We ended up eating Beanie Weenies and loaf bread that evening, hung out around the fire again getting drunk on vodka and bourbon and stoned before everyone retired to their tent for another round of sex. Everyone was even less discreet than the night before and the woods echoed with what sounded like an orgy, tents and sleeping bags swishing, grunts and girl’s voices moaning and uttering “oh! oh! oh!”
That night while fucking I didn’t get tickled and Jennifer and I fucked loudly in several positions. I did bump my head on the top tent pole while fucking her doggystyle but at least the tent didn’t collapse!
Other than the fun of fishing, camping and hiking the highlights of the trip was the funny loud simultaneous fuck noises followed by Vic’s comment and the visit from the bears.