A Bully Learns a Valuable Lesson

"Don't be a dick to your neighbor or you may find that your neighbor dicks your wife!"

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Opinions and assholes, everyone has one. Well, my next-door neighbor Chuck has them in spades. Not only does he have an opinion about everything, but he is also the world’s biggest ass. If you were to look up cock-sucking motherfucker in the dictionary, Chuck’s picture would be featured prominently.

In my younger days, I was a single guy with a bit of cash having recently finished my residency. I purchased a single-family home as I wanted a yard for my dog. The neighborhood was your typical suburban refuge where every house had a quaint yard and well-manicured landscaping.

I was quite happy with my house, but soon found my next-door neighbor to be quite the ass. For starters, he had an obnoxiously loud truck which he would fire up at the crack of dawn every morning. On more than one occasion, my well-earned sleep from a night shift in the hospital was prematurely disrupted by the growl of Chuck’s truck.

Next, there was his dog. Every damn day, his dog would take a shit in my front yard. Did Chuck ever pick it up? Hell no! I confronted him about it once and he asked me what I was worried about. He noted that it was good fertilizer, and I should be thankful.

Then there was the grass issue. Whenever Chuck cut the grass, he would blow the clippings into my sidewalk and driveway. Again, when I confronted him over the issue, he blew me off. Not wanting a dirty yard, I would relent and sweep up the mess myself.

In addition to being a shitty neighbor, Chuck was an equally bad husband and father. Chuck was what some would describe as an alpha-male, or at least he thought he was one. His wife Teresa was a lovely woman, but Chuck treated her like crap. He was always yelling at her, and it was commonplace for him to demean her in front of others. He was no better with his nine-year-old son Will. On one occasion, I was watching them play catch in their front yard. Will dropped the ball and his father railed on him. I felt pity for little Will, as he ran into the house crying while his father shook his head and lamented about his worthless son.

Chuck’s wife Teresa was about ten years my senior, but she was still smoking hot for a neighborhood mom. Ok, I will be honest, she was a MILF. With her good looks, some might say that she was a trophy wife, with Chuck being a few years older than her, but Teresa was a good person. Occasionally, when I walked my dog, I would see her outside with little Will. Always a sucker for a cute pup, Will would play with my pooch, and I would chat with his mom. Our conversations were usually mundane, but I would occasionally throw in a flirtatious comment which would make Teresa blush.

I endured Chuck’s bullshit for nearly a year before reaching my breaking point. I went for a jog one morning after a night of steady rain. There were puddles in the street, so I jogged alone without my dog. As I was nearing the end of my run and returning home, Chuck came barreling down the street with his obnoxious alpha truck complete with fake testicles hanging from the rear bumper. A true douche. As I was minding my own business with just a few hundred meters remaining in my run,  a wave of water splashed over me when Chuck purposely hit a large puddle of water next to me.

Soaking wet and my headphones now ruined, I muttered, “Ok motherfucker, that is the last straw.” I had eaten enough of Chuck’s shit over the past year, and now the tables were going to turn.

Instead of heading home, I stopped at Chuck’s house. Having said hello to me with his truck, I knew he was now heading to work, so Teresa would be alone with little Will already on the bus to school. Teresa opened the door and was shocked to see me soaking wet.

“Oh my gosh Alex, you are soaking wet! What happened?”

I was pretty pissed about the morning’s events and told Teresa exactly what transpired.

Teresa handed me a towel to dry myself and cast a downtrodden glance my way. “I am so sorry Alex. My husband can be a jerk.” Teresa broke down crying and put her hands over her face.

I reached out to touch her shoulder and said, “Hey, it’s ok. There is no need to cry. I just got a bit of water on me, that’s all.” I expected Teresa to stop crying, but her tears became heavy sobs, and she was on the verge of hyperventilating.

Despite being wet, I held Teresa close to me and said, “Teresa, you need to slow your breathing, or you are going to pass out.” To calm her, I stroked Teresa’s hair and rocked back and forth with her in my arms.

“Teresa, what is wrong? Is there anything I can do to help?” I did my best to comfort the woman in my arms who was on the verge of breaking down.

Teresa regained control of her breathing and wiped the tears from her eyes. With the last vestiges of sadness waning, Teresa confided, “Alex, my husband is not just an asshole to you. He mentally abuses me and our son. I can’t take it anymore.”

I was not surprised at what I was hearing. “Does he hit you or Will?”

Teresa rapidly shook her head. “No, never. He has not been violent with us, but he is a mean bastard. I am afraid of him.”

I held Teresa in my arms, and we were both silent. We just breathed and held one another.

“Alex, I want to leave him, but I am so afraid. I don’t know what he would do if I told him I wanted a divorce. He gets so crazy. Plus, he makes all the money, and I am afraid Will, and I will be left with nothing.”

Teresa’s hair was matted with tears, and I brushed it from her face. I looked her in the eyes and told her that I would do my best to help her. Being a young professional, I had several friends who were lawyers, and I would make the appropriate introductions. As the mother, she would likely retain custody of their son and Chuck would be responsible for child support in addition to alimony he would likely owe her.

I held Teresa by her shoulders and said, “If you fear for your safety, I will be happy to help you and Will with a place to stay until you figure something out. You don’t need to stay with that asshole.”

Teresa began crying again and dropped her head into my chest. She hugged me tightly; so tight that I could barely breathe. Without thinking, I innocently hugged her back and kissed the top of her head.

Teresa pulled away from my chest and looked at me. I thought that I had done something wrong and began to apologize.

“Teresa, I am sorry…”

Before I could finish my sentence, Teresa’s lips met mine with a passionate ferocity I had never known. She threw her arms around me and pulled me tight against her body. I felt her tongue forcing its way between my lips and I relented, allowing it access to my mouth. The tension in my body relaxed and I kissed Teresa back.

After what seemed to be an eternity, Teresa pulled away and said, “I…I’m sorry Alex. I should not have done…”

Before she could finish her apology, I kissed her again and she melted into my arms. I was shocked when I felt her hand squeezing my cock through my damp trousers.

This was a bit unexpected, and I pulled away from my neighbor. “Teresa, what is…”

Before I could finish, Teresa pleaded, “Alex, please make love to me. This is the most anyone has cared for me in a long time. Please, take me.”

Teresa began to kiss me again, but I held her back.

I looked at her and said, “Teresa, I don’t want you to do anything that you will later regret. Everyone is a bit emotional right now. Let’s think this over.”

I was quite proud of myself at the moment and felt mature beyond my years. This MILF was throwing herself at me. What the hell was I doing? Perhaps my kindness would be repaid in spades.

Teresa suddenly looked serious and said, “Fuck that asshole! I am done with him if you will help me. You will help me, won’t you, Alex?” She looked at me with doe eyes and my heart melted. I wouldn’t be forthcoming if I neglected to mention that her haunting eyes also made my cock stand at attention.

I nodded and Teresa smiled broadly. She threw her arms around me and gave me a short kiss on the lips. “I have an idea where we can both give my asshole husband a little taste of his own medicine.”

I was intrigued and asked Teresa to elaborate.

She laughed a nervous laugh and said, “My husband. I have grown to hate him on so many levels. You know he tells all his buddies that you are gay?”

This comment left me dumbstruck. “What? Why would he say that?”

“He says that you must be gay since you have a dog and live alone in a house. He talks shit about you all the time. That is one of the reasons he loves to pick on you.”

Teresa then whispered her plan into my ear. We both smiled.

I felt a bit strange entering another man’s bedroom, yet there I was standing next to Chuck’s marital bed. I was still in my jogging outfit which was now damp rather than soaking wet.

I looked at the iPhone which was affixed to a tripod and aimed at the bed. “Hi Chuck. I am your neighbor Alex. You know, the guy you splashed with water today on your way to work. The neighbor whose yard your dog shits in every day. Your neighbor who you tell all your sales buddies is a flaming homosexual.”      

Teresa had cleaned up from her earlier crying session and entered the visual in a loosely fitting robe. Playing the part of a poorly scripted porno, Teresa looked at me with pouty lips and said, “Oh baby, you are soaking wet. Let’s get you out of these clothes.”

I looked directly at the camera knowing Chuck would one day watch this. I gave him a wink and a “fuck you, asshole” smile. Teresa dropped to her knees and stared up at me.

“Daddy, I want your big thick cock. I have been a naughty girl.” She smiled at the camera and then tugged on my trousers and underwear. My cock bounced forth and I stepped out of my clothing.

Teresa gave an exaggerated response to the sight of my dick and said, “Oooh baby, it is so big! So much bigger than my husband’s small cock.” She licked her lips and then took me into her mouth. Suddenly, this little porno revenge parody became serious.

Teresa’s soft lips felt so good around my hard cock. It was apparent that she was happy to have someone other than her husband for a change. Teresa sucked me like a woman possessed. Her head bobbed ferociously, and she would stroke me hard whenever she came up for air. A few long and luscious licks up and down my shaft and then I was back in her mouth. Perhaps this was just her way at getting back at her asshole husband. Whatever it was, I was glad to be on the receiving end of it!

Teresa looked at the camera. “God, you taste so good! If my husband wasn’t such a giant asshole, I would suck his dick once in a while. It must be years since I last blew him. But you, I cannot wait for you to blow your load all over my pretty little face.” She smirked knowing that her husband would soon see this clip.

Teresa sucked me for a while longer and then stood. She loosened the tie of her robe and it lazily fell to the floor. This was the first time I had seen her naked. Teresa worked out daily and it showed. Jesus, the woman had less body fat than I did!

Forgetting that we were filming a pseudo-porn parody, I looked at Teresa and said, “Wow. You are beautiful.” I meant every word. Following her lead, I removed my shirt and was now naked, just as she was. Teresa laid back on the bed and seductively waved her finger to me.

Something felt good about crawling into Chuck’s bed with his naked wife. I moved to her, and used my hands to part her legs. Teresa’s pussy was clean shaven save for a small patch of neatly trimmed hair up top. I ran my hands up and down her thighs and gently kissed my way towards her little slice of heaven. When my fingers lightly brushed the lips of her pussy, Teresa rapidly inhaled and her hips shifted. I could tell she was as excited as I was.

My fingers toyed with her folds and were soon coated in her viscous precum. I eagerly sucked them to get a preview of what was to come. Savoring the taste of Teresa’s sex, I wanted more. I quickly moved my face to Teresa’s pussy and admired its beauty. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply to take in her scent. The smell of her sex stimulated a primordial reaction within me, and my lust multiplied within. I extended my tongue and touched Teresa ever so gently.

Teresa shifted her body and groaned, “Uhhh…”

I wanted to tease her with my tongue, but those plans were thwarted when Teresa used her hands to shove my face into her cunt. Her hips were grinding into my head and the lips of her pussy were spread on my face. She was so wet…so warm…so soft. I licked and sucked, swallowing as much of Teresa as I could. I rubbed my face from side to side, coating myself with her juices.

I worked my mouth up to her swollen clitoris and took it into my mouth. As I worked my magic on her sensitive nub, I inserted two fingers into her soaked vagina. I probed her insides until I found the telltale signs of her G-spot. The sudden bucking of her hips told me I was in the right place. I moved my fingers in a “come hither” motion, constantly stimulating Teresa in all the right places.

Teresa grabbed me by the hair and roughly pulled. “Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Yes! Yes!” Her body shuddered and her first orgasm of the day shook her body. I felt her vagina fill with cum and I was not going to miss my chance. I shoved my face back into her pussy and took in all that I could. I hungrily swallowed her cum like a madman, savoring every fucking drop!

Horny beyond belief, I pulled my face away from Teresa sopping pleasure center and regained my composure. I looked at her face and she was still regaling in orgasmic bliss. I wrapped my fingers around my throbbing cock and touched it to Teresa’s swollen labia. I slowly pushed forward, easing past her pink wet folds. The entrance to her vagina gave slight resistance which I easily breached with a light thrust. I pulled back to lubricate my cock with Teresa’s cum and then resumed my advance. This time I slid in with ease and felt the silkiness of her vaginal walls caress my cock.

I looked at Teresa with lustful eyes and said, “Mmm, you feel so good, baby.”

 My face was covered with her cum, but I paid it no attention and leaned forward to kiss her. I slowly rocked my hips into her as we passionately kissed. I was surprised to find that we were making love rather than simply fucking. I broke our kiss and maintained eye contact as I rhythmically ground my cock into her aching pussy.

With each of my thrusts, Teresa pushed back into me wanting more. Her back arched and the most glorious sounds escaped her lips. Those sounds…those lovely sounds. How they excite me so. I picked up my pace, pushing harder, pushing deeper. Teresa tensed once more and dug her fingernails into my back, cumming for the second time.

I was nearing climax myself, so I quickly pulled out of Teresa for a bit of respite. Besides, I wanted Teresa to have a second to enjoy her latest orgasm.

Teresa’s body squirmed and she said, “You fuck me so good, baby! So much better than my husband who can never please me.” It was obvious that Teresa was playing up her lines to stick it to her husband. It did, however, appear that she was enjoying her time with me.

My fleeting time out of Teresa allowed the lust to die down in my cock. I was renewed! I lay on my back, expecting Teresa to straddle me. I was surprised when she turned around and lowered herself onto my cock in a reverse cowgirl position. I quickly understood that Teresa wanted to face the camera so her husband could see her face as she rode me.

Teresa started off slowly and then went absolutely bonkers. Faster and faster, she bounced on my cock. She was truly living up to the cowgirl name as she rode me like a bucking bull. Teresa moved both her hands slowly up her body and squeezed her tits together.

She looked at the camera and cooed, “Fuck me, Alex. Make me your slut! No man has ever pleased me the way you do.”

I remember thinking to myself how shitty Chuck is going to feel when he sees this video. That asshole deserves everything that is coming his way.

I grabbed Teresa by the hips and allowed her to have control for a few more minutes. Sensing that I was once again about to cum, I pushed her off me. Unfortunately, no cowgirl cumming for Teresa on this trail ride.

The cool air felt good on my wet cock and allowed me to calm down. I whispered into Teresa’s ear and she turned around to face the camera. She dropped to all fours and lifted her ass high into the air. I took position behind her and looked at the camera. I winked and shoved my cock into Chuck’s wife from behind. I wasted no time and immediately began to pound her mercilessly. I grabbed Teresa by the hair and pulled it so her face would be in full view of the camera.

I fucked her hard, much more than I think Teresa was expecting. She squealed when I smacked her on the ass and said, “More Daddy!”

I lifted my hand high in the air and brought it down hard onto the flesh of her ass. Her skin quickly responded by flushing pink in the shape of my hand. Another smack…and then another. Teresa squealed each time, and I could not tell if she was experiencing pain or pleasure. The way her body was responding, I assumed it was the latter.

The stinging sensation on the skin of her ass heightened Teresa’s sensitivity and my cock was touching her differently in this new position. She sensed another orgasm building and pushed her hips back into me.

In her rapidly building lust, Teresa did her best to look at the camera and said, “Oh God, I am going to cum again! Harder! Fuck me harder!” She wanted to make sure that her husband saw this.

I held Teresa by the hips and thrust into her as fast as possible. The sounds of our smacking skin and squelching from my cock pumping Teresa’s sopping cunt created a unique symphony that was music to my ears.

Wanting to play things up for Teresa’s little going away video to her husband, I used my best porno voice and said, “Ugh…Ugh…I’m going to cum! Come and take your medicine like a good little girl!”

My cock was about to burst, and I pulled from Teresa’s pussy. She quickly spun around, and we positioned ourselves in front of the camera so it clearly captured the grand finale. Teresa got onto her knees, and I rapidly stroked my cock inches from her face. She opened her mouth, and I shot a hot load of milky white cum. The first twitch of my cock sent a powerful rope of semen across Teresa’s face. Twitch number two pasted her with another shot in the eye and nose. Twitch number three found its mark and a thick glob of cum dropped into Teresa’s hungry mouth.

Teresa quickly grabbed my cock and sucked the last few spurts of warm ejaculate. She turned to the camera and opened her mouth to show her tongue coated with thick white cream. She swallowed and then licked her lips.

Staring at the camera with cum starting to slowly ooze down her face, Teresa said, “Fuck you, Chuck!”

The next six months were rough for my neighbors as Teresa filed for divorce and a nasty legal battle ensued. As I promised, I helped Teresa and Will by getting them a six-month lease at a nearby apartment. It was $1,500 per month, but I was single and making plenty of money with my job at the hospital. It was the least I could do to help my friend. When Will would go to school, Teresa and I enjoyed each other a few more times.

Their divorce finally settled, and Teresa ended up with everything we anticipated: custody of Will, child support, and a healthy alimony payment. When all was settled and the ink was dry on the divorce paperwork, Chuck received a package in the mail. It was from his now ex-wife.

Chuck plugged the memory stick into the USB port on his computer. It was a video file. He clicked play…


Published 11 months ago

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