A Birthday Tradition

"Birthdays in the Burton family are unforgettable events."

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Clair Burton looked in the mirror. She had only been 16 for a few hours, and she didn’t feel that different. But maybe that had less to do with how old she was, and more to do with what was between her legs. She looked at herself, naked, in the mirror. Her copper and black hair usually fell well past her shoulders, but she had cut it especially for today so that it would not cover her B cup breasts. It now ended at the neckline. She raised her arms and checked for stubble under each armpit, until she was satisfied that she was perfectly smooth. The traced her thin waste down to her hips, and down to between her legs, where her black bush sat, undisturbed, for the last time.

The Burton family took a very active role in the sexual development of their daughters. They were not allowed to shave their pubic hair until the age of 16, at which time, for their birthday, they would be given their first wax. Clair remembered the long years of waiting while her mother, Christina, and her sister, Sarah, went to get their pussies waxed clean. Clair’s mother, believed that a girl should only be allowed to remove her pubic hair when she was considered sexually mature, and that it represented a rite of passage. The removal of all hair from a woman’s vagina represented preparing it, exposing it, so that a man could enter it. A girl must be made to bare the same of having a bush for several years, so that she could understand the significance of not having it, as opposed to those spoiled girls who, having shaved from the first hair, never knew the horror of a hairy pussy.

After catching a last glance at herself, Clair slipped on her underwear, a pair of white granny panties, and reflected that this too would be the last time she would ever wear them. She put on a push-up bra that perked up her boobs to maximum height, and then, finally, over them, a short, shiny blue dress that showed off her sexy smooth legs. She took a bottle of oil from her dresser and rubbed down each leg with it, so that her legs shined. Then, prepared at last, she made her way downstairs for the gift giving. Downstairs, the guests were waiting. Her father was excluded from the ceremony, as Christine believed that this was strictly between the women of the family. However, a group of junior and senior boys from her high school stood congregated at the bottom of the stairs. They would provide an integral part of the experience, but were not needed till the very end. Christine dismissed them to the kitchen, and then invited Clair to come and sit down.

Several colorfully wrapped boxes lay on the floor, and Clair began to unwrap them. The first few boxes contained her new underwear, the ones that she would wear through the rest of her womanhood. They were thongs, mostly, and G-strings, very skimpy, frilly things that would make good use of her bare pubic area. They were designed to fight tightly and stimulate her lady parts, while exposing her as much as possible. Another box contained a bikini whose bottoms had a strategically placed dip that made them impossible to wear if there was any pubic hair.

Finally, the last box contained a vibrator. Burton girls were not allowed to masturbate until they had their first wax, as the hairy pussy was considered unworthy of pleasure by Christine.

The gift-giving completed, the girls made their way to the car, with the boys following them, and drove down to the waxing salon. There they were greeted by Mina, a skinny Japanese woman in her early 30s, who was wearing a tight fitting red dress. She was the family’s waxer of choice, and had been so since Sarah had gotten her first wax when she turned sixteen. She greeted Clair with a warm “Happy Birthday.” Then, Christine strode to the front of the room and began to speak. “Family, guests, I am horny as fuck, and my pussy’s been getting hairy for the past few days in preparation for this wax. I need hot wax on my vag, and I need it now, so I’m gonna make this fast. 24 years ago, I turned 16, and my mother let me get my first bikini wax. This was back before it was normal to keep the pussy bare. The waxer I went to, however, was a pioneer, and she suggested that I try the full Brazillian. I did, and it was a revelation. I felt so sexy, so clean, so womanly. And I knew that if I ever had any daughters, I would want to share this tradition with them. When Sarah had her first wax, I felt more bonded with her than I ever had with anyone. Now, today, we welcome my little Clair to womanhood, and hope that she will have an experience that is just as magical. Now, let’s get going already, let’s get our pussies waxed!” The boys let out a huge cheer as the three girls went into the waxing studio.
Once they were alone in the waxing room, the three Burton women began to undress. Although each family member would be waxed one at a time, from oldest to youngest, tradition dictated that the entire family be naked for the procedure. Christine slid out of her tight jeans, and stripped off her shirt, revealing her lacy black bra and her tiny matching thong. The thong was seductively designed with a v-shaped dip in the middle to expose part of the pubic area. Although from a distance it looked completely bare, Clair could see the thin, wispy hairs that were still managing to grow there, beaten down after years of waxing, almost non-existent. Next, Sarah undressed. She was dressed similarly to her mother, with the signature family thong. Her small exposed triangle bore more pubic hair than her mother’s, as she had not been waxing for as long, and she immediately covered it, ashamed of the ugly hair. They both undid their bras and let their tits bounce free, and finally slipped their panties off, Sarah immediately covering her vagina afterwards. “What’s the matter, Sarah? It’s not like I haven’t seen your pussy before,” Christine teased. 

“I know, mom, but I don’t like anyone to see me with all that hair, it’s un-ladylike.”

Published 14 years ago

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