A Birthday Spanking – Susan (YNAS) Pt. 19

"Susan catches up on all the birthday spankings she'd never had!"

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Chapter 4 – A Whole Lotta Spankin’ Goin’ On

Part 19 – A Birthday Spanking

The Fall months leading up to the year-end holidays saw us getting closer and closer. We spent nearly all our free time together doing all sorts of fun things with plenty of spanking throughout the days. On any given day, one of us probably had a red or at least pink bottom, and our enthusiasm for it never waned. Our ‘SexyWords’ scenario, where we talk about the spanking constantly throughout, was popular, surprising us both that we never tired of it.

It was good to see Chloe again when she came home for Thanksgiving, as her excitement about ‘us’ was contagious. Feeling part of a family got me thinking about our future together and possibly making more of a commitment.

A little more than a week before Thanksgiving was Susan’s birthday, the first we’d shared since mine had passed in the very early days of our relationship. I’d found a few gifts I was sure she’d like, but there was also the ‘birthday spanking’ to figure out!

While I had assumed everyone knew about this tradition, I’d learned over the years that it wasn’t nearly as common as I thought. As Susan hadn’t mentioned anything about it, I decided to keep it as a surprise. Her birthday fell on a Saturday, so Friday night, we took a walk on the beach partly to discuss what we’d do on her day.

“So … I’ve been expecting you to tell me what you’d like to do on your birthday. Do you have any preferences?” I asked, starting the ball rolling.

“I’m not usually big on birthday celebrations, at least not big celebrations. I’d usually just spend a quiet day with Chloe, but with her away at school, she’s only been able to get home once for it. Sometimes, a friend will take me out for dinner, but not always. With you? I’d like to spend a quiet day at your house doing fun stuff and maybe not-so-quiet stuff?” she said with a hug and a devilish smile.

“Mmm, I like that part! After all, you have to get your birthday spanking!”

“Ooo! I never thought of that! I’ve never had one. Have you?”

“Yeah, a couple of times during my longer relationships.”

“So, how do I get my birthday spanking? All I know about it is you get one swat for each year of your age!”

“Plus, one ‘to grow on.’” Her perplexed look begged an explanation. “I looked up the origin of the birthday spanking once …” I started.

“Of course you did!” she interrupted, knowing that was my way.

“It’s believed, but not definitively known, to go back to the first spank you get when you’re born, the one the doctor gives you to start you breathing, so each year you get one more like the doctor gave you when you were zero years old.”

“So, do I just get forty-six spanks, and that’s the end of it?”

“Not likely.”

“Oh good!”

“For Spanko’s, I know two ways to go. Someone decides, usually not the one getting it, how much to multiply the age by. So if I said it was ten, you’d get ten spanks at a time for each year of your age, plus one!”

“Mmm! Ten on each cheek at a time, I hope!?” I nodded in agreement. “What’s the other way?”

“This is more interesting and intense, depending on your age. It’s for people like you who’ve never had a birthday spanking. See, you make up for all the birthday spankings you’ve missed at once!”

“Ooo! That sounds like fun! But that would be quite a lot, wouldn’t it?”

“1080! But it doesn’t have to be all at once. We could space it out over the day?” I offered, my tone making it clear what my preference would be.

“Oof! But it does sound intriguing! Maybe do ten years’ worth at a time? Then I’d get five spankings during the day? I like that! The first would be as soon as we woke up! And the last, just before we go to bed?”

“I’m glad you chose that! So, a quiet day at home it is!” I said with a good, hard smack on her bottom.

“I can’t wait! I guess that means no spanking tonight?” I shook my head in agreement. Turning to face me with her trademark bitten lip, she added, “I guess that means you get spanked again tonight!”

We went to bed that night, me with a warm, red bottom and Susan with the anticipation of one early the following morning. I figured out and shared with her that the spanking counts would be 65, 165, 265, 365, and 220 for the last, to which she again replied, ‘Oof!’

As has often happened before, I awoke to find Susan lying facing me, just looking at me and smiling. I thought at that moment, ‘I wish I could see her that same way every day.’

“Hey, beautiful! Good morning and happy birthday!”

“Thank you, handsome!” she replied as she rolled on top of me for a sexy kiss, her body squirming against me. “Ready for some not-so-quiet fun?” she asked, reusing her phrase from the night before.

“Sure, but you have to get your birthday spanking first!” I reminded her.

“I know!” she said as she sat up, pulled her panties down, and lay across my lap. “Sixty-five, right?”

“Uh-huh,” I answered and started spanking her cute little butt! I took it easy for this, the first of five spankings she’d get today. “One, and one for good luck! Okay, that’s your first birthday!”

“Mmm, a little harder!”

“One, two, plus one! That’s your second birthday! One, two, three, plus one! That’s three!” I said, and we continued to age ten, spanking one cheek for each birthday. She was disappointed when it was over.

“Mmm, that’s not enough!” she complained. “Can I have my teenager spankings now?”

“That’s 165 more!” I warned.

“Right after breakfast, then? Are you gonna make me breakfast?” she replied, looking back at me still in her spanking position.

“I get to eat first! Wanna be my stack of pancakes again?” She giggled and flipped over, letting me bury my face in her crotch and nibble on her moist pussy. Primed as she was from her little spanking, it didn’t take long to get her juices flowing!

We made breakfast together, dressed in our underwear and t-shirts, with only a little groping. My earlier quip gave me an appetite for pancakes, so add some tea and bacon, and we had a good birthday breakfast. We’d barely finished when Susan wanted the next installment of her birthday spanking. She pulled her panties down, crawled across my lap on the bench, and looked back at me with an expectant smile.

“So, this is my eleventh birthday?” she said, wiggling her cute, little hiney around. A simple ‘yes’ from me and twelve smacks fell on her left cheek. Her thirteenth was on the right cheek, and so on till we reached her twentieth birthday, by which time she was squirming around on my lap, inviting me to spank harder and faster. I still took it somewhat easy as the counts would get bigger quickly. “Mmm, I can’t wait for twenty-one!” she cried as the last plus-one fell.

“Remember, we add a hundred to each of the next two, and even the last one is longer than what you just got!”

“Ooo, I like birthday spankings, Mark! Will we do it all over again next year?” she said, hoping we’d still be doing this a year from now.

“You’ve barely gotten this year’s smacks so far, and you’re already thinking about next year?”

“Doesn’t hurt to plan ahead!”

“If that’s the way you want it! Or we can do twenty or twenty-five for each year!?

“Each year on one cheek, right? Cuz I like that! You’ll get the same treatment when it’s your birthday in April! Ooo, and you’ve only had a few birthday spankings, so you’ve got all those years to catch up on, too!! That’s gonna be a lot of spanks!!” she cried with a delighted smile, showing she was looking forward to my birthday.

“What would you like to do next, birthday girl?”

“Why don’t we take a walk in the park? You know, the one you spanked me in?”

“It’s Saturday, and there’ll be a lot of people on that trail,” I warned.

“No spankings! The next one’s after lunch! Maybe some groping on a bench? Whet our appetites to rush home to bed?”

“Can’t argue with that logic! You go dress while I clean up here.”

When she came out in a simple white top and loose skirt with an earth-tone pattern that fell to about knee-length, she smiled at the approval evident on my face.

Less than thirty minutes later, we were walking onto the trail. There were some cars in the lot, but not as many as I expected. We walked holding hands or arm in arm, talking part of the time or enjoying each other’s silent company.

There were a few places along the way, a gazebo overlooking a pond (that at times has alligators in it!) and a boardwalk that extended into the lake where we stopped to hug and kiss, but no groping or fondling yet, even though we’d only see another person, walking, skating, or biking every five or ten minutes.

It’s a two-mile trail, and we were on the last quarter of it, near where it passes by the far side of the pond when I finally commented on her pretty skirt and how unusual it was to see her in a skirt for a daytime outing. Her response floored me!

“I just thought a skirt would make the fact that I’m not wearing any panties more exciting!” she said as she stopped and turned to face me with her bitten lip, then reached for my neck to pull me in for a kiss. Naturally, my hands went to her bottom to confirm her hidden nakedness, and feeling the soft, pliant flesh of her beautiful bottom started a tightening of my shorts.

“Mmm! Such a naughty girl! But I like it! You know you’d get a spanking when we got home, even if it wasn’t your birthday!

“Do we have to wait?” she asked. Seeing my somewhat confused look and knowing how I felt about using the exposed park benches for such activities, she took my hand and said, “Follow me!” She continued on the trail, quickly reached the pond, and led us along the shore. Less than halfway to the other side, I saw a bench set back into the trees and brush visible from one side of the trail, but not so much from the other. Since the trail was one way only, you’d have to look backward when almost past the pond to see it. She told me to sit and then sat on my lap facing me, my legs between hers.

“I saw this bench when we started! Now you can take a peek if you want!” she said, lifting her skirt to show me her slightly wet pussy! I reached up to kiss her while my right hand slipped between her legs for some digital stimulation. Even those on the trail who could see us would only see a somewhat more passionate couple kissing on the bench at a distance. Moaning into my mouth, she squirmed on my lap, encouraging my hand to do more.

“You are such a naughty girl,” I repeated as we came up for breath. “Your next spanking is going to be a bit harder now!”

“Spank me … Ohhh! … now,” she said as my fingers slid inside her. “If I stand in front of you keeping watch, you can lift my skirt and spank me without anyone seeing! I’ll stop you if anyone is visible!” she said, expecting my objection, and when she didn’t get it, she turned around and stood as she described. “Okay, just that bicycle, and it’s … gone!” I immediately lifted her skirt and started spanking her bare bottom, enjoying the increased jiggling that a stand-up spanking created. “Stop! There’s a couple walking. Mmm, it felt really good, Mark! Does it count towards my birthday spanking?”

“No way! You’re getting spanked because you’re a naughty little sexpot!”

“Good! They’re almost past, and … okay, do it!” Even though someone couldn’t see her bare bottom from either side of the trail, her body movements would undoubtedly attract attention should they look, as she’d jerk forward with some of the harder swats and bend slightly, pushing back to encourage even harder ones.

“Stop!” she said as a cyclist came from the other side but passed quickly. “Spank me!” she said, holding her skirt up herself, adding “Harder!” when it was safe.

This went on for close to twenty minutes, stopping and starting to avoid detection, and I don’t know how many spanks she got, but it was at least a hundred when she turned around and climbed back on my lap, saying, “I wish you could lick me, but you’re pretty good with your fingers!”

“Pretty good?” I complained and went to work, showing just how good my fingers could be. With her back to the trails, I had to keep watch, and so far, there was no one to see her twisting and writhing on my lap. When she lifted at one point, I pulled her skirt out from under her so it wouldn’t get wet, as she was almost dripping now. “Stop!” I said, as another cyclist came into view. She was groaning at the interruption, as would anyone having to stop like that suddenly. “Okay!” I said a second or two after my fingers plunged hard into her. Finger fucking with my two middle fingers and thumbing her clit got her cumming pretty quickly now, my bare legs slick with her juice!

“Oh my god, Mark!” she said as she leaned forward to put her arms around me and rest her head on my shoulder. “I wish I could do something for you!” she said once she’d calmed somewhat.

“It’s your birthday, little one! It’s all about you today!” I said, barely finishing before her mouth was pressed hard to mine for at least a minute before she sat up to look at me.

“I love you!”

“And I’m so glad you do, cuz I love you too!” I replied, prompting another passionate kiss.

Eventually, we both calmed down enough to finish our walk, agreeing that we were both hungry and would get a quick lunch at a pizzeria—quick because the birthday girl was eager to get home and get her next spanking.

Susan took my hand as we entered the house and led me to the spanking room. She wanted her next spanking on the bench. She quickly shucked all her clothes off and got on the bench, asking me to strap her in, but something was different.

Unknown to me, she had adjusted the height of the arm and knee rests higher so her body didn’t rest on the center cushion. Once strapped in, she demonstrated how she could rock her body forward and back. Forward, her pussy is still accessible when she’s on the cushion, and back, her pussy and bottom are hanging over the rear edge of the cushion, where I could press my hips against her sore bottom.

“Now you can spank me in one position and fuck me in the other!” she explained as she rocked forward and said, “Okay, twenty-first birthday!” I spanked her like before with each year’s dose on a single cheek, but that got much more intense as the numbers climbed. After four years’ worth, twice on each cheek, my fingernails had her straining at her restraints and holding her breath as the feeling intensified.

While I spanked, she’d rock back and forth depending on the pain/pleasure balance, but when I scraped at her sore cheeks, her back arched downward, and her bottom rose, unable to get enough! I repeated this process for all the remaining years of this round with gasps and exclamations added to her response.

“27! … 28! … 29! … 30! … plus one!” I said, spanking harder than ever to a chorus of ‘ow’ and ‘Oh, God!’ “Okay, that’s your thirtieth! Now that tight; little pussy of yours needs some attention!” I said, noting her glistening, wet lips. I got naked myself and moved between her legs.

Usually, we’d fall into each other’s arms, kissing and sucking face, but her restraints don’t permit that. The look on her face begged me to release her, but I decided to have a little more fun with it. I went up to the head end of the bench, and when her face lifted to look at me, I cupped her face in my hands and kissed her softly, my hands then moving through her hair, over her neck, over her shoulders and around to take a breast in each.

She moaned into my mouth as we remained lip-locked. Separating, she looked at me again, wanting to be released, but my hands slid around to her back to massage up and down her spine, and I could barely reach her sore buns. I moved to her side as my hands caressed her entire body, including her thighs, but not touching her pussy.

“Any time you want me to release you,” I offered, knowing that she now wanted this to continue, and she shook her head slowly, her face saying, ‘I want this!’ My hands finally settled on her red bottom, pinching a little and squeezing a lot as she rocked forward to rest her body on the center cushion.

My fingers in her crack found her tight, little bunghole and pressed on it, her body jerking immediately, thinking I may do more, but I didn’t. Instead, my fingers moved between her legs, touching everything except her pussy. Standing between her legs now, I knelt and, with tongue outstretched, touched her soft lips ever so lightly. She shifted back to get more, but I pulled away. We repeated this a couple of times, my intent to build her desire up before I planted my mouth over her whole pussy, sucked it into my mouth while my tongue licked, flicked, and dove deep into her slit!

“Oh! Ohh! Ah! Ahhh!” she exclaimed with the sensual overload. My hands, still fondling her bottom, controlled her position, pulling her into my face. Restrained as she is, she has no choice but to take whatever I give and finally resigned herself to that role while I ate her pussy. More ‘ohs’ and ahs’ and sharp intakes of breath preceded her explosive orgasm.

“Oh yeah, Mark! Do it hard!” she cried, seeing my stiff dick heading for her wet slit. She rocked backward, meeting me halfway, and I slid in easily, with both of us moaning loudly! Taking her hips in hand, I pulled her towards me, and we quickly fell into a rhythm with me slamming into her as she pushed back towards me. The combined effect was incredible, and I came well before her, but she exploded as waves of pleasure washed over her restrained body.

As she shuddered and shook, I headed back to the head end, releasing first her legs and then her arms on the way, and then kissed her passionately as she rose on the bench and grabbed hold of me. Unsteady as she was, I picked her up to keep her from falling and laid her on the bed, where she pulled me down on top of her, rolling over so she was on top and kissing me all over my face between exclamations.

“Oh God, Mark! That was amazing! We are definitely going to do that again!” She rolled to my side, and we lay there looking at each other. “I think I can see the attraction of being tied up if that happens!”

“Everything’s for you today, little one!” I said again as I pulled her to me just to hold her.

“Better and better,” she said, using my phrase from early in our relationship. “Can we go in the hot tub?” she asked as I looked outside to see dusk approaching. I squeezed her sore bottom to warn her that hot water may not feel good. “I don’t care! I hope it really hurts!”

“You know, my neighbor on that side is out of town, and the others are never outside, so … anything goes!”

“Come on!” she cried as she jumped off the bed and took my hand, leading me downstairs and outside. Watching as Susan stepped in and the hot water reached her bottom, she cried an almost silent scream, “Oh god! Oh ohhh … ohhh it feels so good! Mmm,” she finished as she knelt to immerse herself in the swirling water. Sitting in the sideways lounging seat with thirteen jets on her back, she moaned as her body relaxed in the hot water.

As I turned toward her, she raised her arms, inviting me into a hug. Kneeling at her side, we held each other for minutes, our arms caressing, reaching everywhere, but not touching anything sensitive as our eyes spoke volumes. Leaning in closer, she nibbled my ear and whispered, “I love you!” laying her head on my shoulder. Enjoying the gesture, I let her stay there, but eventually pulled away to lean in and kiss her gently and passionately at the same time.

Sitting in the seat next to her and with her feet in my lap, I gave her a foot massage that became more sensual the longer it lasted, finishing with each of her toes kissed and sucked into my mouth for a tongue massage. Getting gradually more and more aroused, soft moans escaped her lips while I planned another visit between her legs. Her eyes, closed to this point, opened slowly, and she reached for me, but when I got a hold of her, I lifted her to sit her on the edge of the spa, pulled her legs apart, and devoured her pussy.

“Oh God, Mark!!” she cried as she shivered from the combined effects of being out of the hot water and my lips licking and probing her delicious pussy. She came quickly and again held her arms out for me. Lifting her again, I lowered her back into the water to sit on my lap facing me, with her arms wrapped around me and her lips kissing me all over my face and neck.

With the temperature at only ninety-eight degrees, we can stay in longer, rather than when it’s over a hundred degrees, where we’d have to get out after fifteen minutes or so. We stayed in the hot tub for over an hour, the dark night arriving as we’d soaked. At almost the same time, we both said how hungry we were, with Susan adding, “And I don’t mean eating each other!” to which we both laughed.

I got out first to get us some towels from the deck box. Drying myself minimally, I held a towel open for her, my arms wrapping the towel around her as she stepped into it. Taking my own towel off, I used it to dry her off, starting at her feet and working my way up, unable to resist kissing her pretty pussy, pink bottom, beautiful tits, and finally her lips when I reached them each in turn.

Deciding we’d go to Stefan’s again for dinner as it was so close, we dressed accordingly. As it was just down the hill, we decided to walk, so hand-in-hand, we made our way to where we’d celebrated our first declared love for each other. After dinner, wine, and dessert, we were glad we could walk it off on our way home.

“In case I forget later, thank you for a magical day! I’ve never had such an amazing birthday!” she declared as we walked and stopped for a long kiss, a passing car’s honking horn breaking the spell. “Mmm, and I’ve still got two more spankings coming!” she said excitedly as we resumed walking.

“Yes, you do! The longest one is next!”

“Yeah! As soon as we get home?”

“Uh-huh!” I replied, causing her to let go of my hand and grab me possessively around my chest. “How would you like it?”

“Just naked and over your knee, okay?” she asked, as though I might want to set up something elaborate.

“Perfect!” I said simply, followed by a kiss.

“I think the hot tub took some of the sting from my bottom! It doesn’t hurt at all!”

“Well, we’ll change that pretty quickly, won’t we?” I said as we turned into my driveway.

“Yes, please!” she said, running up the driveway and giggling.

Catching up to her at the front door, I unlocked it, and we went inside. I hadn’t even locked the door behind me when Susan took my hand and led me into the living room. Standing in front of the sectional sofa, she turned to me and started taking my clothes off.

“You have to be naked too!” When I was down to my underwear, she pulled them down and off slowly and then started kissing and sucking my hardening dick to the point of being fully erect but not making me cum. “Can I have my spanking now, please?” she asked.

“Starting with your thirty-first birthday!” I exclaimed as I started undressing her as she had me. Once naked, I hugged her and said, “It doesn’t have to be as hard as before if you don’t want it.”

“No, do it like you always do. You know, building up to hard and sexy!” she said with a smile, pushing me down to sit on the sofa and crawling over my lap. Once comfortable, she turned to look back at me, indicating she was ready.

“Thirty-first!” I declared and began with the requisite spanks on her left cheek, followed by those on the right. Her cheeks were pink when I started, not red as I’d expected given all the spanking she’d gotten today, but they were deep red by the time I finished. She truly enjoyed it, with just the right amount of squirming and moaning to show it. “Ready for the fortieth?”

“Yeah! Really hard, okay? And both cheeks!” she replied, and I spanked her as hard as ever before, her body language telling me she both felt it and loved it. “Oh, Mark! That was so good, and I’m so wet! Can I sit on your face!?” I replied by getting up, taking her hand, and leading her to the bedroom, where I lay on the bed. Without hesitation, she climbed over me, straddled my face, and lowered that luscious pussy into my mouth.

Licking, nibbling, fingering, and sucking, I brought her to a quick orgasm, but when she went to get up, I grabbed her waist, pulled her back onto my face, and continued to drive her mad with the addition of playful smacks to her warm bottom. “Oh, God!” she said repeatedly, and with her body shuddering, she held on as long as she could before allowing the orgasmic wave to pass over her again, bending her at the waist in a total collapse.

“Happy birthday, Susie!” I said as she fell to my side with a pleading face.

“We have to take a break, Mark! I can’t take any more,” she said, and added, “for now!” remembering she still had one more spanking coming at bedtime, which always led to other arousing activities.

“Need to clear your head?” I asked with an idea in mind.

“Yes,” she said softly. “I’m still shaking,” she added as she cuddled beside me. A few minutes later, she was lying against my back with her arms around my waist and her head resting on my side. “Mmm, I still have one more spanking coming … and yes, I still want it … but can we just be calm for a while?”

“How about some fresh air?” I asked.

“It’s dark outside, and the parks are closed.”

“I was thinking of a top-down drive on the beach. It always makes me feel better!”

“I’d like that,” she replied softly.

It was a warmer-than-usual Fall evening, and the wind in our hair felt great. Add some soft music and the smell of the ocean, and anyone would feel refreshed as we drove down the beach and back. As we headed home, I noticed parking spaces on the street in front of our favorite beach. Susan liked the suggestion of a night-time walk on the beach, so I grabbed the blanket out of the trunk, and in a few minutes, we were walking barefoot in the cool gulf waters.

We didn’t talk as much as we usually did on our beach walks, limiting our comments to minor observations; the three-quarter moon setting, the sound of a bird, and an inviting beach bungalow, but often stopped to take in one of these sites, or just kissing gently, lovingly. It was another of those times that had me thinking hopefully about our future.

After our walk, we went for tea and a donut at Dunkin’, and our conversation returned to normal, both small talk and about days and events in the near future. Susan turned the discussion to the immediate near future, rubbing her bottom provocatively and saying she wanted to go home. Needing no further encouragement, we got up and left.

Once home, we walked calmly to the bedroom, stripped each other down to our underwear, and fell on the bed, enjoying our bodies’ touch. After a long, passionate kiss with Susan sitting in my lap facing me, she got up to my right, pulled her panties down, and lay across my lap, ready for her final birthday spanking.

“Soft and sexy? With lots of touching?” she asked with the bitten lip she knew I loved.

“Mmm, sounds good!” I said and began the final two hundred-plus spanking, knowing she didn’t really mean soft, just not hard like the last one. Just the sound of smacking the firm flesh of her gorgeous ass was intoxicating.

“Mmm, spank me, Mark! Give me a good spanking!” she encouraged, which I correctly read as wanting it a bit harder. “Ooo, yeah! I love it when you spank me!” Mixing in some of our favorite ‘sexy words’ scenario, she repeatedly expressed her desire and love for getting spanked.

I didn’t count out the years as before, but since I had reminded her earlier that two hundred twenty was the goal, I did tell her as we reached each fifty and soothingly rubbed her probably-not-very-sore cheeks. By one-fifty, my left hand was delicately manipulating the fleshy folds of her slippery pussy.

“Ohh, don’t stop, Mark!” she said as I announced two hundred. “Just keep spanking me like this! It feels so good! I love getting spanked!”

I don’t know when we stopped or what the count was, but we both seemed to know when it was enough instinctively, and she got up and sat in my lap again, kissing me with as much love and tenderness as she could. As we lay down, our bodies intertwined, we kissed and nibbled each other, expressing our love intimately. Her small but swollen tits tasted especially good tonight, and she enjoyed the prolonged attention I gave them.

Lifting herself a bit, she slid down my body past my cock, which despite our gentle fondling was ragingly hard. Raising higher, she guided me into her warm, wet pussy, and having taken it all, she just sat there and squirmed around, enjoying the sensation of our joining in this way. I watched her face intently, keenly aware that there had never been anyone like her in my life, and as she squirmed and pressed her body into mine with this loving smile, I also knew that there would never be anyone like her again. Sitting up, I hugged her as tightly as ever and lifted her gently up and down on my stiff shaft as we moved inexorably toward a writhing and coordinated climax.

Completely and utterly satisfied, we fell together, our bodies still as one. I’ll never forget the look on her face that acknowledged that I had given her, and she’d given me everything we had.

“Happy birthday, Susan,” I whispered in her ear.

“Thank you for the best birthday I’ve ever had!” she cried practically in tears.

“You’re welcome! I’m really glad you liked it! I love you so much!” I replied, and we kissed for what seemed like forever, eventually falling asleep in each other’s arms.

I woke during the night to the feeling of her arms around me, squeezing me as hard as she could. “I just wanted to be sure it wasn’t all a dream! Good night. I love you too!” and we fell back asleep.


I hope you enjoyed this “Whole Lotta Spankin’ Goin’ On” chapter as much as I did writing it. Remember to ‘like’ and/or ‘favorite’ my story if you did. Thank you for reading it!

Published 1 year ago

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