A Birthday Party Turns-Part 2

"After a fun birthday spanking the punishment begins."

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You may want to read the original first.

Jay stood naked in front of the fireplace. This was fairly common. He stood there at times before being punished or after punishment. It was similar to corner time. This was the first time it happened in front of others. There were times that he dreaded someone coming to the door in the past as he stood there.

Today on Jay’s birthday it was quite an unusual day. Yes, his birthday was celebrated and he did receive his birthday spanking as usual. The only thing different was his spanking was in front of his neighbors. That is certainly a first. There were about to be a lot more firsts to occur!

Aunt Karen announced, “It is now time for your punishment. Now turn around and get over my knee.” As Jay turned he saw a hairbrush and a paddle on the coffee table. He was relieved the belt wasn’t there! What did scare him though was the set of wrist cuffs on display. Only once before had they been used. Aunt Karen had secured his hands to the eye rings on the mantel of the fireplace and whipped his  barebottom to shreds with her belt. It was something he deserved and curbed his behavior for quite a while.

As Jay lowered himself over Aunt Karen’s knee he was embarrassed and dreadful of what was about to come. Aunt Karen asked him if he was sorry and if he deserved to be punished. Jay meekly responded, “Yes Aunt Karen I am sorry and deserve to be punished.” He didn’t want to make things any worse

Jay noticed that his neighbors, Donna and her daughter Melody had put their robes back on. His aunt Karen also had a robe on. He learned later that her bra was killing her and she changed in the bedroom. The difference was his Aunt had stockings on; his neighbors had bare tanned legs.

As Jay lay over his aunt’s knee she said, “This is the start of a long night for you, get ready. Usually, I start with a hand spanking,” she said for the sake of her neighbors. He has already received his birthday spanking so I will begin with the hairbrush, 25 strokes.” Jay gulped as she rubbed his bottom with her hand.

It didn’t take long, Crack… Crack… Crack… Crack… Crack. Karen stopped to assess the situation. Jay’s bottom was starting to turn red rather than pink.

Jay vowed to himself to be stoic in front of his neighbors. Crack… Crack… Crack… Crack… Crack. After just ten strokes of the hairbrush, Jay wondered how bad this would be. Crack… Crack… Crack… Crack… Crack.

Fifteen strokes had been delivered and Jay was having trouble staying still. Crack… Crack… Crack… Crack… Crack. Karen announced, “That is twenty, just five more to go.” With that, she was determined to make the last five really matter. Crack… Crack… Crack… Crack… Crack! Jay was in tremendous pain but somehow managed not to yell out loud but the tears in his eyes gave him away.

Jay rose as Karen looked at her neighbor Donna. “Come on over here and take my place,” she instructed. Donna sat down not really sure what was to happen next. Karen explained to everyone in the room, “Jay, you were a guest of Donna and did something completely wrong while playing in the pool. Donna, Jay is going to lie over your knee and you will give him 25 with the paddle. Jay, get over her knee and we will begin.”

Jay reluctantly did as told, not looking forward to what was to come. Donna gripped the paddle, wondering why it had holes in it. She began with the first five, Crack… Crack… Crack… Crack… Crack. Jay thought they hurt like hell and began to yelp. “Donna this is a punishment spanking, not a birthday spanking. Start over and lay them on like you mean it,” announced Karen.

Donna, having no choice really laid into Jay’s bottom. Crack… Crack… Crack… Crack… Crack! At this time tears started to roll down Jay’s face. Crack… Crack… Crack… Crack… Crack. Jay could not stay still, the erection he had from having his penis between Donnas’ legs was long gone. Donna was now determined to make the last 15 count. With earnest she started anew. Crack… Crack… Crack… Crack… Crack! Jay could not take much more she thought. Thinking it might be better she decided to give the last ten in rapid succession. Crack… Crack… Crack… Crack… Crack… Crack… Crack…Crack… Crack and finally the last and the hardest, Crack.

As Jay lay over Donnas’ knee she gently rubbed his bruised naked bottom. After a few minutes Jay’s sobbing subsided and Donna assisted him in getting up. Jay was glad this was over. But was it?

Karen had Jay stand facing the fireplace so his bottom was on display for everyone to see. Melody and her mom were somewhat perplexed, after all they had never been a part of something like this before. Donna had spanked her daughter in the past, never this severe however. She had even been contemplating reintroducing discipline in her life. Recently Melody had been sassy and rude to her mom but nothing that merited what Jay had endured.

The three ladies moved into the kitchen. Karen addressed Jay, “Don’t you dare move!”

After 15 minutes the women returned to the living room. Jay as instructed never turned around or moved. He was humiliated enough not to make things any worse on himself. Karen went up to Jay from behind and gently rubbed his bottom. She asked, “Aren’t you glad we didn’t use the belt?”Jay submissively nodded yes. “There is a reason for that my naughty boy,” she added.

Karen now moved over to the package she had brought home with her. Reaching in, she removed a very special item. She walked over to Jay to show him. Karen said, “I have a special present for you. I had another present for you. That present is for your birthday. You will receive it tomorrow being I was unable to return it. For tonight you will find how effective this item can be.”

In her hand Karen held a punishment strap. This strap had a wooden handle about ten inches long and a 22 inch strap. As she swished it through the air it seemed flexible and swishy. It was advertised as an instrument meant for severe punishment. Jay was about to find out if it lived up to its expectation.

Karen explained to Jay, “This will be the conclusion of your punishment. After this the slate is wiped clean and your transgressions of today will not be mentioned again. You will receive 25 strokes of the strap, but it is much worse than the belt.”

Jay was given an option of lying over the back of the couch or being restrained to the fireplace. His was about to chose lying over the couch to protect the little modesty he could retain. Just before making his decision he learned that while being bent over the couch he could not move. If he resisted or tried to avoid the belt he would be restrained and cuffed in front of the fireplace and the count would start over at one.

Jay was in a quandry, he thought his punishment was over. He didn’t think he could take 25 of the strap. After mulling it over he decided to be restrained. In his mind that would keep the count at 25. He didn’t like the possibility of taking 15 over the couch and moving. If that happened he would then be restrained and given another 25. No way did he want any more than the prescribed 25.

Jay stepped up to the fire place and Aunt Karen, put on his wrist cuffs and clipped then to the eye rings. Karen walked over to her young neighbor Melody. She handed the dreaded strap to Melody. Karen boldly stated, “Melody, you were the one taken advantage of. I want you to give Jay 25 strokes and don’t hold back.”

For the first time of the evening Melody spoke up, ”In my opinion Jay has been punished enough. We are both teenagers and what he did was harmless fun”. Donna spoke to her daughter, “ This is not your decision. You are being told to do something. It is time you start following orders.”

Melody sadly took the handle of the strap and began. She administered two light strokes which really hurt Jay. It was not satisfactory to the two moms. Karen rose to her feet. “Give it to him as hard as you can or I will. After that your mom and I will give you 25 each”. Melody’s mom chimed in, “You follow those directions. I can see that you need to learn a lesson yourself. That will be handled at home unless you want me to deal with it now!”

Against her will Melody began once again. Swish… “Oow.” Swish… “Oow.” Swish… “Aarg!” Jay was now reduced to screaming. Karen uttered, “He still has 20 to go; I don’t want him screaming. We have neighbors. To save his embarrassment we need to gag him.” She reached under her robe and removed her sheer panties. Promptly placing them in Jay’s mouth she stepped back to watch. Jay couldn’t help but notice the panties were already sopping wet and had a strange musty smell. “Give them as hard and quick as you can,” she told Melody. The punishment continued and as each stoke landed another tear welled up in Melody’s eyes. Jay squirmed and cried as the strapping continued. He was unable to avoid his punishment or to yell out.

At last the 25th stroke was applied. Jay stood limply attached to the mantel and the panties were removed from his face. He sobbed as he stood on display in front of his adopted mom and guests.

The three females moved to the kitchen as Jay was left to try and settle himself down. After a few minutes Melody was instructed to remove Jay’s cuffs and bring him into the bathroom and apply cold cream to his aching bottom. The moms watched from the kitchen as Melody released Jay and helped him out of the living room.

Once in private the two adults started discussing what had happened. Donna divulged that she had never been spanked as an adult but often thought of it. Karen smirked as she admitted that she had been disciplined just a few weeks ago by Jay. Donna nearly fell off the chair after learning this. It puzzled her that Karen would allow her teenage adopted son to discipline her. Karen explained that she had punished Jay for what she tought was a serious transgression. Jay’s denial made his puishment more serious. Karen learned the next day that Jay had been honest and felt horrible about what happened. She insisted Jay punishe her in the same manner. She striped naked and had Jay paddle her and use the belt on her bare bottom just as she had done to him. Jay was reluctant but Karen threatened him with the same punishment along with 24 strokes of the cane if he didn’t comply.

With that the ladies heard some noise from the bathroom, they agreed to talk about Karen’s punishment at another time. When they arrived at the bathroom they were shocked at what they saw. Melody was rubbing cream on Jay’s blistered bottom but was naked and on her knees with a penis in her mouth.

Donna screamed and nearly fainted. She grabbed her daughters arm as Melody quickly tried to dress. Melody was told this would involve serious consequences and would have a night to sleep and think of tomorrow. At her wit’s end, both headed to the front door. Karen said Donna could borrow anything she needed in dealing with Melody. She was even kind enough to offer her living room as a punishment area, after all there was a spot to restrian Melody!

Wow, thought Jay, this was certainly a birthday to remember! Karen patted his butt, kissed him and wished him a Happy Birthday once again. They headed to their separate rooms and wondered what tomorrow would bring!

To be continued!

Published 4 years ago

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