Jay was so much looking forward to his sixteenth birthday. His mom by adoption had promised him a few surprises and a small gathering to celebrate the occasion. Aunt Karen had a busy day planned and would be home by six, she promised.
Karen was his biological mom’s best friend, and before dying in a horrific car accident, she had asked Karen to watch over Jay because she trusted her and believed she would be the best person to care for her son if anything happened to her.
Alas, two years ago mom met a tragic end. It was at that time that Jay moved into Karen’s house. It was a tough time for both, mourning their loss but together they both coped. What made it easier for them both was the fact that Karen lived within the boundaries of Jay’s school district and he did not have to change schools, being able to keep his longtime friends and classmates.
Although Karen was now officially Jay’s mom he still referred to her as Aunt Karen.The first two years Aunt Karen and Jay spent together weren’t always easy but they came to love and care for each other despite awkward moments. Karen was used to living alone but soon got used to having someone else in the house
One thing to note, Jay’s mom cared and loved him to death but she kept him in line. He was spanked for his naughtiness or violations of rules. The older he got the more serious his punishment became, after all, he was now a teenager, not a little boy, he should know better. Aunt Karen knew of this situation and had witnessed it a few times. When Aunt Karen became his mom this old-fashioned discipline continued. The good thing was that after a spanking or paddling the slate was wiped clean and Karen had no bad feelings towards her adopted son.
So let’s get down to Jay’s birthday. Recently, Aunt Karen’s best friend from college, Donna, purchased the home abutting her property and it was a happy moment for all. It seemed that Donna and her daughter Melody were private people when they installed high fences around their property. But it was actually due to the fact that they had installed an in-ground pool and local rules demanded that the area had to be fenced in for safety reasons.
Donna was the same age as Karen, thirty-nine, and her daughter Melody was sixteen years old. Both Jay and Melody seemed to have a fascination with each other and got along. Each of them had their own set of friends but still got along quite well.
The four neighbors had spent a lot of time together in the past two years. Going to dinner, eating at each other’s homes, shopping, and the normal things good friends do. All in all, there were no problems with any of them, there was some wholesome flirting between the two teens which was only natural at their age.
The four of them would all be together for cake and present unwrapping. Aunt Karen informed Jay that she would be busy most of the day and as he had nothing to do, he could spend the day at Donna’s pool along with Melody. Jay would have been invited in the past but Donna was a naturist and seldom wore clothes around the pool site. Because of Jay’s age each of the adult women weren’t sure if it would be right for Jay being exposed to this sight.
Both ladies agreed that by this point in his life, now he was sixteen, he had seen naked women, whether online or in a movie. Jay had also seen Aunt Karen a few times in various states of undress as she prepared to leave the house Jay was completely unaware of this situation and looked forward to spending an afternoon at the pool
Everything went quite well, Melody and Jay frolicked in the pool and used the diving board quite often. Jay had to be careful. Seeing Melody in her bikini was very inviting and he had to be careful because his hormones were raging. As the two of them played, the landscaper was present, trimming and edging the property. Donna was present and relaxed on the lounge chair, reading her book as she lay in her light robe. The gardener was finishing up and Donna followed him to the gate to lock it for privacy.
As they walked away Melody began to climb the ladder out of the pool. Jay not being able to help himself reached up and grabbed Melody’s bathing suit bottom jokingly. As she climbed the last to steps her suit lowered to her knees. She immediately turned around and smacked Jay square across his face. Donna was returning at the moment and wasn’t certain exactly what was going on. Once her daughter explained she politely suggested that Jay go home.
He did go home but was very nervous when heading home. At 5:40 Jay was going over some of the latest sports scores on his laptop in the living room, the front door opened, and in walked his mom with her hands full. He helped her with her packages and she greeted him with a big hug and kiss, wishing him a happy birthday. “We are going to have a special night to usher in your birthday my dear,” she whispered in her sixteen-year-old’s ear. It was obvious one bag contained a cake but he wasn’t sure about the other things she had.
Aunt Karen told Jay to put the cake in the fridge so it doesn’t go bad. As he made his way to the kitchen his new mom walked to her bedroom with some packages and returned a few minutes later, she had removed her dress and was donned in a light robe. She suggested ordering a pizza because of the late time she got home, there wouldn’t be enough time to cook. The pizza arrived quickly and everything seemed to be going well. Apparently, Mom had not heard about the incident at the pool. Jay breathed a sigh of relief. A short sigh of relief, however.
Aunt Karen told Jay to go inside and relax. As he waited in the living he heard mom in the kitchen and texting on her phone, just something private he supposed. He had no idea what was to come. Moments later, he heard a knock at the kitchen door. As mom opened it, he heard two familiar voices. In walked Melody and her mom Donna. They greeted Karen and Jay and sat down. Strangely enough they both had light robes on, they must have had stayed by the pool and maybe barbequed before coming over.
The grandfather clock let everyone know it was now 7:00 PM. Swiftly, Karen moved over to Jay and announced it was time for his birthday spanking. His next-door neighbors giggled as Jay bent over Auntie’s knee. This had always been a good-natured spanking in the past but never before in front of others. He secretly hoped he could keep his pants on.
This was not to be the case, however. Aunt Karen lowered his sweat pants and briefs and promptly spanked him sixteen times and one for good luck. It stung a little but wasn’t horrible as his discipline punishment always were. Aunt Karen pulled up his briefs and sweat pants to keep his modesty intact.
After Jay’s birthday spanking, everyone headed into the kitchen for cake and coffee. The birthday boy was a little embarrassed knowing that everyone saw his bare bottom and blushed a bit. The cake was Jay’s favorite, triple-layered chocolate, with a rich chocolate icing. Everyone grabbed a cup of coffee from the urn and privately, as Jay was filling his mug, Melody patted his butt lightly and whispered in his ear that was really hot. She also said her birthday was in two weeks and was hoping he would be around for her birthday spanking. Everyone had a great time, played some cards and everything was going fine.
Aunt Karen asked everyone to join her in the living room for a discussion. Nothing seemed serious and Jay was relieved that nothing was mentioned about the incident at the pool. Not yet anyway! Aunt Karen asked Donna to explain exactly what happened at the poolside.
Karen explained, “this may sound awkward but we have had our new pool for two years, both you and Jay have been there occasionally but not often. There is a reason that you know Karen, but Jay doesn’t. For the most part when I swim or sunbathe I am usually naked, the same with Melody. I don’t have any problem with that but would feel a little funny in front of an adolescent teenage boy. Melody and I discussed it and figured Jay had probably had seen magazines or pictures on the internet of naked women. It is only natural for a boy his age. Now that his is sixteen it is not fair to keep him away from coming over to swim and play. Melody and Jay are somewhat close and seem to look out for each other.
“When Jay and Melody were swimming in the pool, the only reason she had on a bathing suit was because of the gardener being present. As I was escorting him to the exit Melody was getting out of the pool to take off her bikini. I was fully naked under my robe and ready for a swim myself. Jay could have kept on his trunks or gone naked it really didn’t matter to either of us. However, what really bothered me is the audacity Jay showed by lowering her bikini bottom. That is why I called you Karen, I think after we leave you should deal with his utter lack of respect.”
Donna motioned to Melody to get up, they both removed their robes, there were no tan lines on either of them. “You see Jay,” Donna said, “I have no problems being naked, but you have no problems being rude and aggressive. I hope Karen deals with you for that after we leave!” They both headed for the door.
Karen quickly jumped in, “Wait a minute ladies, he will be dealt with. Being you are the ones insulted you should not only witness it, you should assist with it. I had been shopping for some presents for Jay’s birthday which I have presented to him, couldn’t return them actually. After your phone call I purchased something else for him, don’t think he may like it, however.”
Karen turned to Jay and said, “Remove ALL of your clothes and stand facing the fireplace.” Jay, besides being humiliated wasn’t looking forward to this. He knew all too well what happened after being stood in front of the fireplace. He dutifully complied because he knew how much worse it would be if he disobeyed.
Aunt Karen went to her bedroom and returned. Jay could not see but knew from the past events he was in big trouble. He wasn’t looking forward to being disciplined. Knowing it would be in front of his neighbors and them joining in to help discipline him was not something he wanted to be a part of.
“Let us begin,” said Aunt Karen, a tear rolled down Jay’s cheek because he knew what was about to begin would not be easy on him.
To be continued… Jay’s punishment!