These bets had awakened something in Allie and I that we didn’t know was there. We were sluts and being told to do nasty things by the other was a huge turn-on. I was actually looking forward to getting even with her the next time around. Maybe we would expand our bets to something other than just Duke-North Carolina basketball games.
I rolled out from under the covers and dragged my tired self to the bathroom to shower and get ready for what would be a long day at work. I need a full night of sleep and three hours would surely have me in zombie-mode all day. All I could think about was the fantastic nap I would take the second I got back home.
I brushed my teeth as I waited for the shower to heat up. I looked in the mirror and had to laugh. I looked like I had gotten fucked and used all night long. My hair was a mess. There was dried cum on my chest and stomach. I finished brushing and spit into the sink. I pulled down my now-crusted-with-cum panties and was about to hop in the shower when the door bursted open.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Allie asked.
“Showering for work…”
“I don’t remember telling you to shower. Remember this is a twenty-four hour thing. You’re mine until about 11:00PM tonight, my dear. So turn off the shower, wash your face, and go to work. No showering until you get home.”
“Allie, please. I smell like… sex. I can’t have people around the office looking at me funny all day. I can’t let this bleed into my professional life.” I begged.
“Out of the question. In fact, I have one more surprise for you,” she replied, dashing my hopes of going to work clean.
With that, she pulled her hand from behind her back and handed me a small egg-shaped vibrator with a string attached to it.
“This is a little something I picked up before we left last night. Its controlled through an app on my phone and had unlimited range. It works through wifi or something. You’re going to slip that into your vagina and leave it there all day until I say you can take it out. Got it?” Allie informed me.
I knew there was no use fighting her and took the vibrator from her hand and shut the door to finish getting ready for work. I washed my face, put some make up on, and did what little I could to salvage my hair. Lucky for me, a messy bun could look professional if done correctly. Hopefully no one would notice the strands that were stuck together with several men’s cum…
Before I got dressed, I slipped the little egg into my vagina. It felt bigger than it looked. Not huge by any means, but I could feel it inside me. I walked back to my room and noticed Allie had laid out an outfit for me on my bed. I was surprised – it was no where near as slutty as I would expect. It was just a plain black skirt with a white silky blouse. Next to the outfit was a black bra and a black thong. This really wasn’t too far from what I would wear on a normal day. The only issue was that everyone would be able to see my black bra through the shirt – no big deal there. At least she was letting me wear a bra.
I got dressed with my chest and pussy still covered in dried cum. It felt dirty. I’m sure I stank of sex so I gave myself a couple sprays of perfume and headed out the door. By the time, I had gotten to work, I had almost completely forgotten about the vibrator lodged in my cunt. I walked straight to my desk, extremely self-conscious that stopping to talk with co-workers would give them a whiff of my previous evening.
Luckily, my cubicle was in a back corner of the office where not many people bothered me. It was entirely possible that if I didn’t go out of my way to talk with anyone today, I could avoid any potentially embarrassing situations. No one really wandered back here to talk to me very often. I’m one of the younger people at the company and really bury myself in my work so other than the occasional “how are ya?” I don’t have many close friends.
It was around 9:30AM that I got a sharp reminder of the vibrator buried inside me. It whirred to life with a soft humming that sent chills throughout my body. Had I been talking with anyone they probably would have thought I had a stroke because I surprised me and thrilled me so suddenly. Seconds later, my phone beeped.
Is it working? A text from Allie.
Yes, I almost forgot about it. Please take it easy with this thing today! I will play along but I can’t be getting off in the middle of a meeting or something. I replied
She didn’t respond. The low vibrations of the egg continued for the next thirty minutes. It was never enough to even get me close to an orgasm or really even distract me after the first five minutes but it was enough to get my juices flowing. Literally. My pussy was dripping and my paints were soaked through by now. I was actually afraid I’d leave a wet mark on my chair when I stood up. Thank god Allie had picked that black skirt.
After those thirty minutes, the vibrations changed from the low stead hum to an aggressive pulsing. It was about one second of hard vibration followed by half a second of rest. That pattern repeated over and over. This was having quite the effect. I couldn’t focus. My only thought was trying to suppress the inevitable orgasm. I felt the wave building and the vibration changed once again. This time it stayed at the high level vibration without a break. This sent me over the edge and an intense orgasm washed over my whole body. I cover my mouth to mute any sort of involuntary moans but I’m sure someone heard something. After all, it was a cubicle. The vibrations continued for another minute and then stopped all together. The egg was back to motionless.
I sat there trying to recover when Bill came around the corner.
“Hey, can you approve these… are you okay? You look a little out of sorts.” He asked before he even finished his original question.
“Huh? What? Oh, yes, I’m fine! I’ll get those approved ASAP, Bill.” I said and took the files from him, trying to play off the current state I was in. I’m sure he could smell me but I wasn’t sure. I just hoped that this late-thirties co-worker of mine was not keen enough to know that he had just walked in to a cubicle that smelled like sex.
You bitch! I just came like a whore at my desk and missed being caught by a guy I work with by about 30sec. I’m sure he could smell me. Please give me a warning next time! I texted Allie.
Who almost caught you?
This guy named Bill in accounting.
Tell him to come back and blow him in your cubicle.
WHAT? That’s too far. I think he’s married. Plus he’s older and not even close to cute! I could get fired for that.
Really? You think the old, ugly, married guy is going to tell the hot 20something ‘no’? And then tell on you? Get real. Suck his dick, Shan, and take a picture for proof.
I couldn’t even respond. I was angry but super turned on. This game had taken hold of me and turned me into a straight up slut. As if she knew, the egg buzzed to life again on the lowest setting, turning me on even more. I picked up the phone.
“Hi, Bill? It’s Shannon over in Marketing. Yeah, can you swing by my cube when you get a chance? I just had a question about one of the files you gave me. Thanks!” I said overly sweetly into the phone.
Minutes later, Bill was back in my cubicle. I knew I had one chance at this or it would be even more awkward than I had imagined. I noticed the wedding band on his finger and the gut that came with years of marriage and not giving a shit.
“Take a look at this and tell me if it looks right. Something seemed a little off to me.” I lied, pointing to a spreadsheet on my computer screen.
As he approached, he leaned over the back of my chair, getting closer to the screen. He grabbed the mouse and began clicking around, checking out formulas and what not. His groin was just over my left should and I decided it was now or never. As he did his math, I reached with right hand and grabbed his dick and balls firmly, but not roughly. He jumped back, looking at me in shock, but I kept my hand on his genitals, slowly rubbing them to life.
“What are you doing?!” Bill whispered.
I gave him the ‘shhh’ signal and winked. He was uncomfortable and looked around in every direction. But at the end of the day, he was exactly how Allie had described him: desperate. No way was he going to shoot down a girl like me.
“Keep a look out for anyone and enjoy this,” I whispered back.
With that, I unzipped his navy blue trousers and reached inside. I found he worn boxers and felt around for that opening on the front. When I found it, I reached in and grabbed hold of his rapidly hardening penis and pulled it through his pants into the open air. I was surprised. It was not the monster that tore my pussy open just a few hours ago at the store, but it was a nice thick cock.
The only description I could give it would be ‘perfect’. Not short but not long; not thin but not overly girthy. It was the kind of cock you would expect to find on a male model, not this middle-aged accountant – you never can tell! I gave him a few jerks to get him to peak hardness and put the head in my mouth.
I grabbed my phone a snapped a quick pic of my face next to his softening cock without him even noticing.
“Holy shit, Shannon, what was that all about?” Bill asked, suddenly back in reality and realizing that he had just gotten blown at work.
“I lost a bet.” I said, honestly. “Now please forget that ever happened and go back to your office.”
I sent the picture to Allie.
HAHA OMG! I can’t believe you did it. Nice cock BTW. She replied.
I know, right? It was perfect. I should have fucked him. You should have seen his face afterwards. It was like he didn’t even realize what was happening until he finished. Men are too easy.
Shan, you’re enjoying this a little too much… 😉 I think you just earned another one.
As soon as I read the text, the egg in my pussy jumped into overdrive. I felt like Bill must have because this intense vibration had me cumming in less than a minute. It was such a surprise that I didn’t even have time to brace myself and accidentally let out a loud moan as it hit me. There is no way my cube farm neighbors didn’t hear that one.
The next few hours went uneventfully. The vibrator didn’t move and no one came to bother me. At about 3:30, I felt the excitement that comes with thinking about getting out of work and heading straight home for a well-earned nap. At 3:45, Allie sent me her last text of the day.
I was looking though your company roster on LinkedIn… do you work with Aaron Miltson? She asked.
Uh, I think so. I don’t know him though, just the name. He works in IT. I replied.
I propose a challenge: Find him and fuck him and you can be take whatever is left in your twenty-four hours and use it against me. What do you think?
I was stunned. Of course I had to take this challenge! You’re on! I said back and set out to look for Aaron.
IT has their own wing in the building that is always a little creepy to venture into. They like working in the near dark and there is always music blasting, even though most of them have headphones on. I looked at the names on each office until I came to the one that read Aaron Miltson. I knocked on the door and heard some commotion behind it. The door swung open and I immediately realized why Allie had chosen Aaron. This was no random challenge.
Aaron was about 5’10 and skinny as a pole. He had a scraggly beard and greasy black hair that indicated showering was not on his daily list of things to do. He was wearing jeans and a black t-shirt that should have been tight but hung loosely from his scrawny frame.
“Uh hi?” He said. Computer guys never let you down. You expect socially awkward and hope that it won’t be but they always are.
“Hi Aaron! I’m Shannon. I work in marketing here.” I said, cheerily.
“Can I come in? I had a…uh… network question.”
“Um, yeah, sure.”
He looked like he wasn’t sure if he was annoyed, nervous, or suspicious. Maybe a combination of all three. I walked in and shut the door behind me. It was really dark in his office. There was not other chair in his office so hopped up onto a small table next to his desk, leaving him with view of my panties if I slightly opened my legs. That seemed like a good idea to gauge his level of interest.
“My computer keeps going offline and losing connection. How do I fix that?” I said while opening my legs slightly. I saw him glance up my skirt as I talked – hook, line, sinker.
“Well, um, it could be a bunch of stuff.” He replied, never taking his eyes off my wet panties.
“Aaron, are you distracted?”
“What? Oh, sorry! I just…”
“It’s okay! I was practically asking for it… well, not practically. Now I am asking for it.” I said, sexily, and spread my legs wider, which hiked my skirt further up my thighs.
He was mesmerized.
“Earth to Aaron,” I said. “Why don’t we forget about the network for now.”
I hopped off the table directly onto his lap, straddling him. I didn’t even give him a chance to react and kissed him before he could say a word. I mashed my lips against his and forced my tongue between them. Stunned, he pulled back.
“What are you doing?!” He yelped.
“This is a once in a lifetime chance for you. Say the word and I’ll just get up and go, if you don’t want me.” I said in my sexiest voice. I paused for a response. “That’s what I thought.”
I continued kissing him and he began returning my kisses. He tasted how he looked – a little gross. It was like a mixture of bad breath and corn chips or something. Somewhat unpleasant but I was committed at this point….