A bad week, or the start to a good weekend

"It had been a bad week at the office, but the weekend started off fulfilling a long time fantasy"

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Once again, it was a long day at work, more so, a long week at that.  Thank goodness it was Friday, and the start of her weekend.  All Eve wanted was to get home, pour a glass of wine, relax, sit in front of the fireplace, and just drink the night away.  But, her week of challenges still continued as she walked from her office to her car eight blocks away.

By the second block, it had started to rain, by the third block, it had started to pour in buckets.  With no rain coat or umbrella, her clothes were soaked through by the time she got to her car.  Disgusted, she took her shoes off and threw them in the back seat. After getting into her car, she stripped off her blouse and bra, threw them in the back seat, and reached in the back for her gym bag.  

As her contorted body reached into the back seat, a knock sounded on the driver’s side window.  Startled, Eve jumped up a bit. Looking over her shoulder she saw that someone was standing outside her window, under an umbrella, looking directly at her.  Sitting back in her seat, she closed her eyes for a moment, took a few deep breaths and thought, “What the hell.”

The week had been bad enough, how much worse could it get? Now I have a stalker following me to my car?  Eve kept her eyes closed for a moment more, feeling the chill reach into her bones.  Her body was covered with goose bumps, she was shivvering, and her pert nipples were sticking out like well sharpened pencils.  Momentarily, she looked over at her passenger seat, there was nothing for her to cover up. 

What to do?  Her mind raced as the person just stood there watching her.  Another knock came from the window.  Should she open the window or just drive off? 

After a few more moments, she made her decision… 

As she rolled down her window part way, the shadows dissapated from the umbrella.  Staring back at her was the handsome face of a man.  His deep blue eyes mezmorized her.  Subconsciously, her finger remained on the button, causing her to push it down farther. The window gave a little jolt as it stopped in its tracks.  A cool breeze blew through the fully opened window. 

Eve came out of her self induced trance to take him in even more.  His hair was dark brown hair with a touch of grey on the sides. A slight stubble covered his face.  His lips were full and wide.  

Peering into the window farther, his eyes didn’t leave hers as he handed her a wallet.  “Miss, you dropped your wallet on the last block, I thought I might get it to you before you drove off.”

Eve blinked her eyes a few times and came out of her trance again as she took the wallet.  Flipping it open, she saw her driver’s license.  Looking up at him with her light green eyes, she gave a sigh of relief and said, “Thanks, I really appreciate this, is there anyway I can make this up to you?”

In a deep baratone voice he said, “M’lady, it looks like you have had a bit of a bad time of it, how about I take you out for a drink and dinner.  Meet me at Josie’s place.  It is a bit out of town off of Broadway.  Does an hour sound ok?”

Eve looked at him and smiled.  “What about now?  You need a ride or can I follow you?”

“I am parked in the next aisle over, that red pick-up.  How about you follow me, after you get a shirt on.  I’d hate for you to catch cold if you walked into the bar half naked.  By the way, my name is Mike.”

Eve blushed a bit, she had forgotten about her shirt being off when Mike had handed her back her wallet.  “Hi Mike, my name is Eve. I hope this place isn’t too posh.  As you can see, I don’t have much to wear.” 

Mike just grinned.  “No, it is pretty much a dive bar, but it has some great food and live music.  You will fit in just fine.”

Eve nodded, “Ok, I’ll follow you there.”

Eve rolled up the window and checked her wallet for any missing cash or credit cards.  All was in order.  Quickly stripping off her skirt, she looked in her back seat again.  “Shit,” she yelled out loud, as she realized her gym bag was in the trunk.

Now what to do, Eve thought… Put on wet clothes to get wetter?  Or, just go out and get the bag out of her trunk as she was, naked.  Sitting there a few moments her mind ran through the choices…  Screw it.  She popped the trunk from the inside, threw open the drivers door, and headed for the back of the car.

Reaching the trunk, headlights illuminated her chalky white body as a truck pulled up.  Stopping short of her car, the driver flashed its lights a few times.  It was Mike. “Damn,” she said to herself. 

As the truck inched forward, Eve saw the passenger window of the truck roll down.  Mike’s blue eyes were taking all of her in.  Casually, she put on hands on her hips, and stood there for a few moments in the pouring rain, letting Mike get his thrill.  Slowly, turning back towards her trunk, she bent over and gave her ass a little wiggle.  Faintly, over the pouring rain, she heard a cat call whistle and then a couple of honks coming from Mike’s horn.  

Her devious thoughts got the best of her as she thought, “He got a great look at my tits, and now he gets to see me fully naked.  What happened to a bit of teasing at least, I guess he will soon find out.”

Grabbing her bag she slowly strutted back to the front driver’s door, giving Mike a bit more of a show.  Inside, she dried herself off with her gym towel, slipped on her skin tight white t-shirt and black stretch pants.  Grabbing her brush, she ran it through her stawberry blond hair a few times and pulled it back into a pony tail.  Looking in the mirror she murmured to herself, “ugh…a freaking mess.”   

But, this was par for the course, at least this week.  So, she started her car, backed out, and followed Mike.

During the drive, her mind wandered back to the fantasy she had last night.  Actually, it was a recurring fantasy that she began having in college.  Meeting an older man.  A stranger in some random place.  She let him wine her, dine her, and seduce her in a night club.  He takes her in a dark back corner, motions for her to undress.  She lets her dress fall to the floor, standing there in only her bra, panties, and high heeled shoes.  He parades her onto the dance floor…

Ever since college this fanatasy played out in her head over and over.  Her roommates would brag about how they seduced their older professors into fucking them for good grades.  Or, how some of the professors would wisk them away for a long weekend to wine them and dine them.  One roommate even made the comment that the older men would ‘treat them like ladies in public only to fuck them like the sluts they were in the bedroom.’  Threesomes, gang bangs, and public sex were their favorite times.

Looking back, she realized that the opportunities were there for her to do the same.  But, she had always politely declined.  She was never comfortable in her body.  Long legs, small breasts with pointy nipples, no self-confidence, and awkward appearance always made her draw back into her shell.


She realized that the drive went too fast.  Her fantasy and thoughts ended too soon as she pulled into the bar.  Talking out loud as she turned off the ignition, “I may just get the nerve up to do this tonight.”    

Getting out of the car she saw Mike running over to her car door with an umbrella.  While stepping under the umbrella she gave him a light kiss on the cheek. “Thanks Mike, you are a true gentleman, I really appreciate your kindness.”

Mike put his arm around her waist and pulled her close to him so she stayed dry under the umbrella.  “My pleasure M’lady, now let’s get inside before we catch a death of cold out here.”

Once inside, they headed to a table in a corner of the bar.  Eve looked around before sitting down.  Definetely a dive bar, but it had a nice feel to it.  Mike went to the bar and got some drinks, returning with two beers and a few shots of whiskey.

Eve gave a few little shivers after her fist sip of whiskey.  She was warming up a bit, but could still feel a little chill in her bones. Goose bumps ran down her arms and she could feel her nipples poking through her t-shirt.  

“Looks like you are still a bit chilled,” Mike said as he reached for his jacket.

“Just a little bit,” Eve replied.

“Stand up M’lady, let me get this jacket on you.”

“M’lady? That is the third time you have said that to me.  Am I to assume that I am your lady now?  We have just met,”  Eve said with her head bent slightly and in a very seductive tone.

“For tonight, you are mine,” Mike said with directness.

Eve stood there a moment taking in his words and confident nature and said, “Just tonight?”

As he approached her with the jacket he said, “If you are lucky, maybe for the weekend.  Maybe longer.”   

Placing the jacket around her shoulders, he pulled her in close by the lapels running his hands down the front.  His fngers circling her nipples through the jacket.  Their eyes met as  Eve leaned in closer to him, their lips barely touching.  Mike took her pony tail and pulled her head back, exposing her neck. Slowly, he kissed down both sides of her neck, nibbling on her ear lobes.  Eve’s body shook a bit as he continued back up her neck.  Mike pulled her head back farther by the pony tail, her chest stuck out farther and he began to massage her breast and pinch her nipple.

As he pulled her pencil sharp nipple out, Eve gave a loan moan.  Waves of pleasure flowed through her.  As Mike pinched harder, her wetness began to flow.  Her g-string was soaking wet and she felt a small trickle of her juices soaking into her stretch pants.  He was driving her crazy with his lips and fingers.  Suddenly, a low, deep moan escaped her as her legs gave way and her juices continually flowed from her.  Her orgasm kept coming and coming.  She knew her pants were soaked from her juices. 

Pushing Mike away, she quickly sat down.  Her face was flushed and she was breathing heavy.  Looking up at Mike she couldn’t say a word, only melt into him as she looked into his eyes.  Her mind and body couldn’t quite comprehend how quickly Mike had brought on her orgasm.

Grinning, Mike leaned in and gave her a deep kiss.  Pulling back, he said again, “You are mine tonight.”

Eve nodded while looking into his eyes, “I am yours.” 

Sitting back down, Mike waved over the bartender and ordered a few more drinks and some food.  Eve calmed herself a bit while they waited for their food. Soon the conversation flowed as they ate their meal and had a few more drinks.  Eve was laughing and giggling like a little school girl by the end of the meal.  More and more she felt comfortable with him, and very attracted to him.  They had more in common than she thought they would ever have.  By the time dinner was over, Eve was confident that she would do anything Mike told her to do.

After a bit, the band started playing.  Excusing herself, she went to the bathroom.  Looking in the mirror, she pulled her hair tightly back again, put on some lip gloss, eye shadow, and a bit of make-up.  Her wet spot had almost dried and wasn’t that visible.  Staring in the mirror she nodded and said out loud, “I wonder what else he has in mind for me tonight?”  

As she exited the bathroom, the band started playing one of her favorite songs from the past.  The song had always made her excited and a bit crazy. She found herself strutting as she approched the table.  She gestured for Mike to join her on the dance floor, but he waved her off and just watched her begin to move, as well as the other guys in the bar.

She hadn’t noticed, but, besides the bartender, she was the only woman in the bar.  All eyes were on her.  The only one on the dance floor.  But, Eve thought, “What the fuck,” bad week, new bar, no one knew her, and they probably wouldn’t see her after tonight anyway.  So, she danced by herself for a bit. 

Feeling a bit flirty, she wandered over to the bar, spun a guy around and pulled him onto the floor.  He didn’t move too much, so she took off her jacket, letting him get a nice look at her nipples poking through her shirt.  Slowly, the guy moved in closer and they began to grind on one another.  His hands roamed over her body while he kissed up and down her neck. She could feel her nipples getting harder as his lips moved over her skin.  She let him play with her for a bit before pushing him away as the song ended. 

After the song was over, she went straight to the bar and asked the bartender if she had a skirt or shorts she could buy.  The stretch pants were getting pretty hot and she was starting to sweat.  The bartender smiled, walked into the backroom and came back with a black denim skirt just her size.

Handing her the skirt, the bartender remarked, “No charge honey, you are the most action these guys have seen all month.  If you keep this up, they will drink more and I’ll get more tips.”

Eve nodded, took the skirt, and slid around the side of the bar.  She shimmied out of the stretch pants, zipped into the skirt and walked back over to Mike.  Smiling, she straddled Mike’s legs and sat down on his lap.  He pulled her in by the back of her head and gave her a long deep kiss.   Eve could feel his cock begin to grow.

He pulled her head back by her pony tail again and kissed down her neck.  She loved how he took control of her.  His hand slid over her shirt and found her nipple again.  Rolling it in his fingers he gently pulled and tugged it outward.  Eve pulled herself back into his chest and purred into Mike’s ear. “You keep that up and I will cum right here in your lap.”

In a devlish tone Mike whispered back. “That could be arranged.  But, M’lady, you dance pretty good, how about you just get right up there on that bar and give the whole bar a show.”

Gently, Eve nibbled on Mike’s earlobe and said, “Is that what you want me to do? Just give them a show?”

She slid off his lap and walked over to the lead singer of the band and requested seven or eight songs, then walked back to the table.  In a few minutes, the band started the new set and Eve stood in front of Mike and began to dance seductively.  Every guy in the bar was looking at her.

Eve looked at Mike with pouty lips and eys, and sat on Mike’s lap, grinding into him, pushing her chest into his face.  She could feel the rise in his pants and slid her hand down, unzipped him and began to massage his cock with her fingers.  As she did this, she could feel herself getting wet, and her face became flushed.

Mike just leaned back, took a drink of his beer and let Eve have her way.  After two songs, Eve leaned over, took a drink of her whiskey, removed herself from Mike’s lap and danced by herself for another song.  She had a great buzz and was feeling rather free spirited with no cares in the world.  She was actually living out that little fantasy that always kept cropping up in the back of her mind.

Mike’s words kept running through her mind as she danced by herself.  Taking in the rest of the guys at the bar, she wondered if she could do it.  Her conservative mind said no, but her fantasy side said yes.  And, in that moment she saw Mike striding towrds her.  

Taking Eve by the hand he guided her over to the edge of the bar and got the bartender’s attention, “Hey Josie, my friend Eve wants to dance on the bar? She will split the tips, if she gets any.”

The bartender smiled and replied, “Go to it honey, just don’t fall off, my insurance doesn’t cover that.”

The bartender gave her  a shot which Eve took in one swift gulp.  Mike squeezed her ass, gave her a long deep kiss, and lifted her onto the bar.  

Eve strutted from one end of the bar to the next, standing over each guy sitting at the bar, giving them a clear view up her skirt.  For some she spread her legs a bit, for some she did not.  Then she began to dance.  Seductively and then a bit faster.  Lifting her shirt just below her pointed nipples.

About halfway thru the second song she heard, “Take off your top.  Take off your top, show us your tits.”  Eve smiled, bent over a bit and tried to rip her shirt in the middle of the collar.  It wouldn’t budge.  Looking up, Mike was standing there facing her.  He motioned her to her knees and took out a small pocket knife.  Grasping her shirt he sliced it from the neck to just down below her tits.

Whispering in her ear he said, “Now give the boys what they want to see.” 

As she stood up, Mike handed her the rest of his beer.  She took small drink and then poured the rest down her chest.  Soaking her shirt.  Strutting up and down the bar, she teased the guys, lifting her skirt, letting them see her bare ass.  Dancing more seductively and giving them brief gimpses of her tits.  Getting into a rythm she bent down and kissed several of the men, letting them squeeze her tits.  The calls kept coming for her to take off her shirt.

After a few songs, guys came up and started to give her money.  Some had one’s, some had fives’s.  Mike came up and handed her a hundred.  After the music ended, she hopped down off the bar and counted two hundred dollars.  She handed the bartender the money for safe keeping. Then she had another idea, ‘I will really give them a show.’ 

Hopping back onto the bar she shouted, “You want to see my tits.  Highest tipper gets to rip my shirt off and get a couple of lap dances.  Come to the end of the bar, give the bartender your name and money.  Come on boys, your bartender treats you good, how about treating her good!”

In a few moments, there was a stampede to the ATM.  Then they made their way to the bar. Eve just stood there and watched the guys push and shove each other around the ATM.  The things men will do for tits and ass.  Eve jumped down grabbed another beer and helped the bartender collect money and distribute some more drinks.

In about fifteen minutes, they had collected about nine hundred dollars.  The only problem, there were three guys tied on the ‘contributions’.  So, she called all three guys up.  All were in their mid to late 40’s and 50’s, single, and pretty rough looking, but good looking in their own way. 

“Ok guys, you are all tied for the ‘ripping’, anyone want to pony up and go higher, or do I have to offer more incentive?”

An older guy in his mid fifties stepped forward.

“Two hundred more and I get to take your skirt off and you do two lap dances just for me.  After these two rip off your shirt and you do two lap dances for each of them.  Right there in the middle of the dance floor where everyone can watch.”

Eve thought for a moment and sized up the one who stepped forward.  With no hesitation she turned and slid three chairs onto the dance floor.  She came back and one by one took the guys to their chairs.  Grabbing four beers and four shots she returned to the dance floor.

Her nipples were getting harder and there were some butterflies in her stomach.  She could feel the juices beginning to flow between her legs.  “WTF am I doing,” she thought.  Never in a million years would I have thought I would be doing this.

They all did their shot together and then the music started again.  The dance floor began to fill in around them.  Both guys ripping her shirt off turned Eve to the crowd.  Each guy grabbed one of her arms and then grabbed a ripped portion of the shirt. …RIP… off her shirt came.  The guys in the crowd all cheered and clapped.  Eve shook her chest and bounced up and down.  Her pert little tits shaking for them to see.

Mike approached stepping in to face her.  Grabbing her breasts with both hands and pulling her nipples out.  Eve bit her bottom lip as the pleasure rippled down her body.  She began to squirm, but her hands were held firm by the guys at her side.  Her juices were flowing again.  The more Mike pinched, the wetter she bcame.  Suddenly he stopped, right before she climaxed.

“Give the boys what they paid for M’lady,”  Mike said to her directly.

As Mike stepped away, a line formed in front of her.  One by one the guys in bar took their turns licking, sucking, pinchng her tits and nipples.  Half way through the line, her juices were running down her legs.  Her nipples were raw and red from being pinched and sucked so hard, but the pleasure overrided her discomfort.  As the line continued, she shook several times, feeling her orgasms flow through her body.  Her legs were wobbly as the last man sent shivers down her body.

Within moments, Eve felt two hands moving up her side.  She tried to squirm away not realizing where they were coming from, but they held her firm.  Soon, there was a hand on each of her tits, gently squeezing, then her nipples were being pinched again. She didn’t even try to move as she realized the guys who had paid for their lap dances had not had their go round with her.

She just stuck her chest out farther inviting them to pinch more.  After a few moments, the guys let go of her and sat down in their chairs.  Eve turned around and began her lap dances.  Nice and slow, grinding into each guy for their songs.  Each guy ran their hands all over her body, she let them touch her tits, lick and suck on her nipples.  She felt them get hard, and they tried to place their hands up her skirt.  As horny as she was she didn’t let them.  She whispered in their ears, “Not in the deal guys.”

After her lap dances were over, she got up and walked over to the third guy.  He smiled and lifted her up onto the wooden bar chair facing the crowd once again.  The lights were dimmed in the rest of the bar, but the dance floor was made a bit brighter with a single spotlight shining on her.  

Her knees were a little wobbly, she knew she was drunk now, but was actually quite turned on with the thought of all these guys watching her being fully naked in front of them.  She saw Mike smiling and leaning against a side wall.  Their eyes met and she blew him a kiss. 

The third guy handed her a beer, she took a big swallow and looked him straight in the eye and said, “Ready? Have at it.”

The band began again.  The guy slowly walked around her, running his hands up and down her long legs, stopping just inside of her skirt, gently squeezing her inner thigh.  Eve’s legs got weaker, her hands moved to her nipples and she pinched them.  She could feel the juices running down her left leg through her g-srting again.  She could hear guys in the crowd whistling and yelling, “Come on Freddie, take it off….”

Eve closed her eyes and enjoyed the attention.  She felt Freddie unzip the skirt, then gently pull it down to her ankles.  She opened her eyes, lifted one leg, and kicked the skirt off into the crowd.  Her hands moved up her body, caressing her sweaty body until her hands were raised over her head.  She shook her chest and wiggled her ass for everyone.  They all cheered.

As she tried to get off the chair, Freddie kept her up there and pulled up another chair.  He spread her legs as wide as they could go. One leg standing on each chair.  

Standing behind her, he slowly moved his hands up her inner thigh following them with his tongue, licking up her sweat and juices.  Mmm…..Eve purred to herself.  As his tongued probed at the wet strip covering her pussy, his hands ran up her outter thigh, stopping at the strings to her g-string.  A quick tug and Freddie ripped them off.

Her exposed, shaved pussy was there for everyone to see.  Freddie turned her around so her ass was facing the crowd.  He bent her over and smacked her ass.  Both his hands grasped her hips.

She let out a little gasp as his tongue reached her ass.  He spread her cheeks open a bit, and licked her ass hole while his fingers gently rubbed her swollen clit.  Then she felt it.  He entered her with two fingers.  Her pussy muscles tensed up, she brought her legs closer together, but Freddie didn’t remove his hands or fingers away.  Instead, he pushed them in farther.  Damn, she was getting wetter as he ever so slightly moved his fingers around inside of her.

She looked back at him and mouthed, “This wasn’t in the deal,” and spread her legs farther apart.  Slowly, Freddie began to move his two fingers in and out of her.  Increasing his speed, her juices began flowing heavier, her breathing became heavier.  Suddenly a moan came from her mouth as she came.  Sending juices flowing over Freddie’s hand.

Looking out into the crowd she saw Mike approaching her again.  His hand reached into his front pocket and pulled out some money as he stopped next to Freddie.  

She could only hear bits and pieces of their short conversation as Freddie continued to move his fingers deeper and quicker into her drenched pussy.  But, she saw five hundred dollars pass from Mike to Freddie as she came all over Freddie’s hand again.

Freddie removed his fingers, gave her ass a good smack and walked back to the bar.  She could tell he was disappointed with the way he walked.  She wondered what had just taken place between him and Mike.

She didn’t have much time to think as Mike came around to the front of her, took her ass in his hands and lifted her up and off the chair.  Except he didn’t set her down.  He brought her dripping pussy to his mouth and gave her clit a little flick with his tongue.  She let out another gasp and then just wrapped her legs around Mike, pulling her pussy right to his face.

Damn he was good.  His tongue darted inside of her and all over her clit.  He sucked magically on it.  Within minutes, she grabbed his hair and moaned.  Fortunately, the band was still playing and the crowd didn’t hear this one, but the next one they did.  Suddenly, the band stopped and Eve let out long loud moan.  She came all over Mike’s face. 

He lowered her down to the floor, sat down, and pulled Eve to him.  Mike waved to turn the lights off on the dance floor and back on in the main part of the bar.  He and Eve were in darkness.  Only their shadows could really be seen by the crowd. There was no music, but Eve began to give Mike some lap dances. Except this time she took it a bit further.

Naked on Mike’s lap, she unzipped his pants, removed his thick, long cock, and began to stroke him.  She could feel him grow in her hands until he was rock hard.  Putting her arms around him, she pulled him in close and began to French kiss him.  She stuck her tongue deep down his throat, tasting her own juices.

She pulled away and leaned into Mike’s ear. “Try and be discreet, just sit here, let me return the favor you just did to me, let me move.” 

She leaned back and looked in his eyes, Mike nodded.  Eve slipped his cock inside of her.  Still pretending to do a lap dance, moving his cock inside of her, hitting her g-spot with each back and forth motion.  Mike began pinching her sensitive nipples again.  With her hands on his chest, she moved faster as her orgasm began to grow.  She found herself moaning out loud as the intesity grew.  

‘Fuucckkk…..’ was all she could mutter as her pussy muscle contracted on Mike’s cock.  Her body shook more than ever as her body let go.  Exhasuted and spent she leaned up against Mike’s chest.

But, Mike wasn’t done with her.  His cock was still rock hard inside of her and ready for more.

Standing up with Eve still wrapped on his cock, he lifter her up.  Her juicy pussy making noises as he lifted her off of him.  Eve’s legs slid down and she was standing face to face with Mike.  Her eyes were glossed over and a look of content was on her face.  Mike held her close and kissed her deeply. 

Eve melted into his body as Mike squeezed her firm ass.  Then he gave her a giant smack.  Her ass seared in pain.  He swatted her three more times making her ass sting.

“Bend over.  Spread your legs.  Hands on the chair,” was all he said.

Eve looked at him in confusion, his words didn’t register. 

“Bend over the chair slut.  I paid Freddie good money for your ass.”

Eve nodded her head and defiantly said, “No. I am not a slut.”

“You are mine tonight,” Mike said directly and swatted her ass again.

Eve jumped off the floor with the strength and swiftness of Mike’s last swat. “I…AM…NOT… A…SLUT!” she blurted out.

Mike swatted her again, her ass was bright red and stinging.  But, she didn’t move an inch.

“Listen, my sweet, juicy, little whore. You will bend over that chair.”  

Eve smiled and kissed Mike on the cheek.  “That is better, Sir.  Whores are bought and paid for, sluts give it up for nothing.  Tonight I am your sweet, juicy, little whore.  Tomorrow I may be your slut.  But tonight, I am your whore.”

Eve turned and bent over, wiggling her ass in the air.  Inviting Mike to take her right there on the dance floor.  She heard Mike whistle and saw Freddie approaching them.  

Freddie stood in front of her face as she was bentt over.  Freddie took her hands and guided them to his zipper.  She unzipped him and pulled out his cock.  Sticking her tongue out, she slowly began circling his bulbous cock head.  Behind her, Mike spread her legs wider.  Feeling the head of his cock at the entrance to her pussy, she instinctively pushed back.  Mike’s cock head entered her and stopped.

Placing his hands on her hips, Mike thrust deep inside of her with one swift motion.  He stopped as he hit the tip of her cervex.  Flexing his cock inside of her.  Freddie grabbed her pony tail, pulling her head back.  With her mouth wide open he filled her with his now hard cock, all the way to her throat.  They moved together in unison.  Mike thrusting hard from behind and Freddie returning the favor in her mouth. 

Gagging at the first thrust, she moved her head so that Freddie’s cock penetrated down her throat.  Her lips closed in around Freddie’s cock, her mouth relaxed, and she began breathing out of her nose.  Mike smacked her ass again as he thrust deep and hard inside her.  She had to grab Freddie’s hips for balance as they both kept up their rythmic motion.  Her pert tits swinging in unison with each back and forth motion.   

They were relentless and soon she wondered when they were going to be done with her.  Her legs wobbled each time Mike pounded his balls against her ass.  Her grunts and moans were almost inaudible due to Freddie’s cock filling her mouth.  Then she felt it from Freddie.  His cock began to pulse in her mouth as he pulled her hair harder.  A load of cum shot down her throat.  Then another and another.  She could feel it slide down her throat into her stomach as she sucked Freddie dry and his cock became flacid in her mouth.  

With Freddie now out of her mouth, the bar heard her moans and grunts.  Her pussy was sloppy and wet.  Her long legs glistened with her juices as they continually ran down her inner thighs.  The band was sitting idly on the stage watching her get fucked and drinking their beer.  A group of guys had pulled up chairs next to them.  Some with their cocks out, stroking themselves.

Mike was a machine.  He didn’t stop pounding her.  Her orgasms began to multiply.  One after the other.  Her legs began to give out due to exhaustion and being completely overwhelmed by her orgasms.  Mike guided her stomach and chest to a table next to them.  His pounding of her slowed as she colapsed on the table.  He began to thrust into her harder again.  Her hands gripping the edge of the table.  Her nails digging into the wood sides.  

She felt it again, another orgasm coming over her as Mike began to tense inside of her.  He exploded deep inside of her as she climaxed.  She could feel his cum spurting inside of her.  He held firm letting every last drop burst inside of her.  As he became limp, he still stayed inside of her, massaging her back and ass with his hands.

As Mike slowly slid out of her, a stream of cum followed and ran down her leg.  Exhasted and spent, she laid on the table.  Catching her breath.  Mike approached her from the side, his cock staring her in the face.  Reaching over, she gave it a squeeze and pulled it to her lips.  Licking and sucking his cock head she tasted her juices and his cum mixed together.

Mike gently stroked her hair as she cleaned him up.  Her pony tail was gone and her hair flowed down her back.  She was tired and spent.  Her tits were raw, and her pussy ached from the work out she had just received.  But, a smile formed on her face.  Her one fantasy was complete.




Published 10 years ago

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