Dave had a Triumph TR-6 when I met him in 1972. We were both working at the same company and met in a general staff meeting of people from various departments. We both later admitted that it was a combination of lust and love at first sight.
We were married in 1973, have two wonderful children, one grand child and one on the way. We are still very much in love and still having great sex, although now life has required the regular use of lube to replace what used to flow freely from me, and is now barely present. He gets me off more now than he ever did, and that was never lacking.
But I digress. I knew that sometime today I would see it. The car where my life changed. The car Robbie took me out in many times—often to the Star Light Drive-in theater.
It was 1964. It was another Saturday in September, and I was in the town’s library, trying to research Field Marshal Erwin Rommel. I had chosen him to be the subject of a paper I had to write for my Junior year World History class. As I was walking through the stacks, looking for the right section, I saw a boy standing near where I thought the book would be. As I came up next to him, we both smiled at each other, and then reached for the same book.
“Why do you want this book?” we both said at the same time, and started laughing.
“I am writing a paper on him, and need to do a bit of research,” I said, our hands still on the book.
“I am doing the same thing. Is there anyway we can maybe share it here? I do not need too much, just some basic facts,” he asked me.
“Sure,” I said, finally taking possession of the book. “I am sitting at that table over there. Get your stuff and join me.”
“Yes ma’am!” he said, laughingly. “I am Robbie, by the way, Robbie Weston.”
“Carol Hawkins. Nice to meet you.”
When he had moved to my table, I asked him if he went to New Lake High.
“No, I go to Glen Ridge. I was wondering why I had not seen you before. I’m a Junior, you?
“Me also. It looks like we are using the same text book. How is your teacher? Mine is strict and very serious.”
He replied, “Mine is good. She really loves teaching, and does it in a way that makes things seem to almost come to life. This is my favorite class, just because of her. I never knew history could be so interesting.
“Lucky you! It is a drudge to sit there and listen to him almost just read the text book.”
So we went on talking and looking up the information we needed from the book, until we both had everything we required. This had taken almost two hours. The more I talked with Robbie, the more I liked him. He had an easy sort of way about him, not staring at my boobs or making stupid jokes; he made me feel like we were old friends.
When we were finished, he asked if I wanted to go over to the drug store and get a soda; I was more than ready.
“Sure! I’ll just run and put this back on the shelf. Meet you at the door,” I said.
As we walked down the street, I saw the total him better than in the library. He had on old, faded, tight Levi’s and a high school sweatshirt—his butt was perfect! I had on a pair of rust colored corduroy slacks and a matching cotton blouse. My boobs had developed to 34C’s, so even under the plain blouse, it was obvious that I was far from flat-chested, and I knew my butt was killer. Only when we were going out the library door did I notice him checking me out. I hoped he was pleased by what he saw.
As we walked the two blocks to the drug store, we continued our light-hearted banter. I was really enjoying talking with him. Several times our hands brushed each other. Once he held my little finger, for a brief time, smiling at me as he did—I returned the smile.
It was just past noon when we sat down at the drug store counter. We each ordered a cheeseburger, fries and chocolate shake; the whole bill was less than two dollars. As we ate, I noticed his sidelong glances at me, his eyes wandering from my face to my boobs. He had a bulge in his jeans, I knew what that meant, but had not yet seen it exposed. I was still a virgin, and not really sexually experienced; not that I did not want to be—the right person and circumstance had just not happened yet.
There were five of us girls, Mary, Sue, Jane, Kathy and me, that were extremely good friends. We had known each other from age five until now, sixteen, almost seventeen. We had been in the same classes, or at least schools and grade levels, since kindergarten. We talked about everything and had no secrets, at least as far as I knew. Two of us girls, Sue and Mary, had recently lost their virginity; they told all, in some detail, after the events had occurred.
For Mary, it was a mediocre experience, but she wanted it again, only with a different guy. Sue was totally thrilled, having already done it a second time and looking forward to more. We had pressed for more details, until we had learned all we could. Their stories, especially Sue’s, had made my desire to join their special club increase several notches. Almost seventeen and still a virgin, that needed to change.
My parents had made me wait until I was sixteen to go on what I considered actual dates: out with boys, in cars, unchaperoned, reasonable curfew time. I had experienced, and grown talented at, making out. I loved being held, being deeply kissed, having hands run through my hair and my thighs caressed. I had even let a couple boys fondle my boobs, but only through my bra, no bare tit feels.
I had been convinced to fondle the cocks of the same boys I had let feel my boobs, but only through their pants. I loved how big and hard they got. I know they both, at one time or another, had ejaculated. I felt the pulsing of their cocks, saw the wet spots appear in the crotch of their pants, and heard their praise for my actions.
So, as we were finishing the last of our shakes, the food being long devoured, I was wishing I could keep our new connection going. But I was the girl. Back then you did not show much enthusiasm, lest it be taken the wrong way. I could only hope he might be interested in me.
After the waitress brought us our check, there was sort of an awkward pause in our conversation.
“Well… I guess we had better get going,” he finally said.
“Yeah, I guess so,” I slowly replied.
“Do you need a ride home? I have a car.”
“Really? That’s cool! But sorry, I have my Vespa.”
“Wow, you ride a scooter?”
“Yeah, I paid for half of it from baby sitting money. We could not afford a car for me, so my parents reluctantly gave in on the Vespa. I love it, it is so much fun to ride… Want to see it? It is close.”
“Sure! Let’s go.”
We paid our check, and I lead him to my blue scooter. On the way he reached for my hand and held it firmly, not looking at me, just walking with confidence. I smiled inside, I really think I like this guy!
He examined my Vespa from stem to stern; had me start the engine and rev it up.
“I can see why you like this so much. It is really cool! The color sort of matches your eyes.”
I am sure I blushed. “Yes… Well… That is not why I got that color, but thanks for the compliment. Hop on behind me and I will drive you to your car. Hold on tight, I am a wild driver.” I said with a big laugh.
He did just that. I am not sure he could have held me tighter. I took off and went the few blocks to where he told me his car was parked. He had me pull up next to a shiny black, four door, 1957 Chevy Bel Air.
I stopped, turned it off and pulled it up on it’s stand.
“Wow, what a cool car! I love it! How long have you had it?”
“My parents gave it to me for my sixteenth birthday, about eight months. I love it also,” he said with a huge grin.
Then we had another somewhat nervous pause in our conversation.
“Well, I guess I had better get going,” I eventually said, and started turning to my scooter.
“Wait, listen… I know this is really short notice, but if you are not busy tonight, would you like to go see a movie? There is a new Godzilla one playing at the drive-in.”
“Well…” I did not want to look anxious. “I was supposed to meet some friends, but I suppose I could get out of that. Give me your phone number and address and I will give you mine. I will call you if there is any problem. Otherwise pick me up at 7:30.
“You are going to have to meet my parents, and my Dad will want to give you the third degree to make sure his dear daughter is in safe hands. I will be in safe hands, won’t I?” I asked, with an impish look.
“You will be in the best hands possible! See you tonight, Carol.”
“I look forward to it, Robbie.”
Then I got on my scooter and drove away, my heart pounding with excitement!
When I arrived home, I told my parents about Robbie and our date tonight. They were both a little leery, especially since he did not go to New Lake. I assured them he was really very gallant and trustworthy. They gave a provisional okay, subject to their in-person approval. I knew he would pass with flying colors.
I changed into a white, pleated skirt and a multi-colored cardigan sweater. The sweater fit me in a most flattering way. It had not gone unnoticed by my mother, but she just gave me a look that I knew the meaning of… just be careful girl! Under these were the plain white panties and bra that Mother insisted I wear.
“You are too young for all the new lacy, racy lingerie. Besides, their cost is ridiculous!”
The doorbell rang at 7:30. There was Robbie, dressed in pressed jeans and a short-sleeve checked shirt over a white tee shirt. I invited him in and introduced him to my parents.
“A pleasure to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins.”
They did not really give him the third degree. It was obvious they were impressed with him. They did explain the ground rules for dating me, especially the midnight curfew. They set an alarm clock for midnight, I had to be home in time to turn it off, before it went off.
He agreed with everything, and off we went. I loved that car from my first moments in it. The seats were black bench-style vinyl, with red trim. It had a standard transmission, that, as soon as we were on the main road, he downshifted and demonstrated the car’s pickup. I was sold, I had been picked up.
We went for a bit of a drive, just to kill time before heading to the theater. Windows down, air rushing in, radio blasting the latest Beatles songs, I was in my own “Love Me Do” world.
Before I knew it, we were in line at the theater, waiting to pay our seventy five cents each. Robbie paid for both, and then found a good spot in the center area, towards the rear.
“I’ll go get us some popcorn and Cokes. Want anything else?”
“Sounds good to me. Bring extra napkins. I’ll be here.”
“I’ll be back,” he said, laughing as he walked away.
I did not know if tonight would be the night. Part of me badly wanted it to be, but part was shouting in my brain, Not on the first date! I would see how the evening went.
I was sure glad the doctor has prescribed those birth control pills for the cramps I sometimes suffered every month. No pregnancy worries was a huge load off my mind. After I heard about my friends and their experience with prophylactics, I was not thrilled with the idea of having to deal with them.
Robbie got back just as they were starting to run the cartoons, always one of the best parts of the movie experience–at least in the viewing sense.
“Sorry it took so long,” he said, as he handed me the napkins, popcorn and Cokes through the window. “The line was really long. Great! I did not miss the cartoons.”
He slid behind the wheel and took his drink, the corn on the seat between us. He looked over at me and pulled me close, giving me a peck on the cheek. “I am really happy we met and you agreed to go out with me. I feel like a lucky guy!”
I kissed him back on his cheek, saying, “I think it is very possible we are both lucky. Now watch the screen and let’s eat our popcorn.”
By the time the cartoons and coming attractions were finished; and Godzilla was just appearing, we had finished the popcorn and put our Cokes on the dashboard. He reached over to me, trying to put his arm around me. I looked at him, smiled and scooted over next to him. His arm rested on my right shoulder, his hand at the top of my sweater.
Soon, he was caressing my neck and the area where it joined my chest. My sweater blocked much further movement. I let out an audible sigh and snuggled closer to him.
Not on the first date!
I was hearing Godzilla, but my eyes were closed. I was just enjoying being with Robbie. My left hand had moved to rest on his right thigh, not moving, just feeling close to him.
Soon I felt him working on the top button of my sweater. I did not say or do anything. It would just give him a little more access to continue the caresses that felt so good. I was beginning to feel a pleasant warmth develop between my thighs. I squeezed his thigh just a bit, and moved my head around on his shoulder.
Then another button was undone. Now he had access to my cleavage. My boobs were tight in my bra. His forefinger began to push down and come up in the thin crevice between my boobs. Each pass rubbed against the side of each one. That warmth I felt was beginning to get hotter.
“I think you have the nicest, sexiest body of any girl I know. I am so happy we met today. I really want you, but I don’t want you to think that is all this is about. I am not trying to take advantage of you.
“From the time our hands touched reaching for that book, I felt something special. You have to know that.”
I turned toward him. “I felt the same thing. You are not doing anything I do not want,” I said as my right hand went to his thigh and began to lightly rub it.
“You can undo another button,” I whispered.
Not on the first date, dummy!
Now his left hand came in and under my sweater, finding my right boob.
“Jeez Louise, Carol, are they locked in there?”
I burst out laughing. “I’m sorry Robbie, I’m sorry! But you have to admit that is funny.”
By then he had started to chuckle. “You’re right. It is kind of funny. But holy cow… and I have this steering wheel in my way also. Can we get in the back seat? I’ll slide this one all the way forward.”
“It sounds like you are a pro at this. How many girls have you invited to your back seat?”
“Oh God, Carol! Can I just explain, please?”
“Sure, give it a shot,” I said. I was not mad. I really wanted to get in the back seat, but the whole mood had just sort of gone off the rails it was meant to be on.
“I can’t believe I am going to tell you all this but here goes. Yes, I have had other girls in the back seat. No, I have not gone all the way with them. Yes, I am a virgin. Have I fondled, kissed and sucked body parts? Yes, but never with a girl I cared about like I care for you. I don’t know what happened today. But, for me, it was like I was hit by lightening!
“I will do anything you say or want. I do not want to ruin something that may be the best thing that has ever happened to me in my life. You are funny, smart, sexy, beautiful—to me the perfect package. I better stop now and try to find out how deep a hole I have dug for myself.”
This was not at all what I expected. A guy with a ‘57 Chevy, great personality, great body and he is a virgin? Not the Robbie I expected at all. He was open, honest, vulnerable, almost on the verge of tears; how could he be more adorable?
“Robbie, come here and hold me.” I needed to hide my face, a few tears were starting to run down my cheeks. Besides, I loved him for everything he had just said.
“I am a virgin also. I have been in back seats and done things, but never gone all the way either. Tonight I felt different. You made me feel different, special. I have this voice screaming in my head not to go all the way on a first date, but I want to do things with you; I want you touching me places; I want to feel things I have never felt before. Lightning hit me today also. Let’s get in the back seat and enjoy ourselves, within my limits, and later we can see about a second date.”
In the course of our time in the back seat, he unbuttoned my sweater and helped me take it off. I unhooked the dreadful boob harness and removed it, to very adoring oh’s and ah’s. I unhooked his pants and pulled down his zipper. He removed them fully, along with his white, Jockey briefs; a beautiful, hard cock popped up. I unzipped my skirt and removed it, along with my unflattering white undies, to be told that I had the most beautiful pussy he had ever seen, even if it was only his second. More laughing ensued.
The end result was he sucked my nips until I was so hot and dripping wet I could not stand anymore. Then he finger fucked me. It was the first time I let anyone do that.
I felt what Sue had described. My muscles were starting to tighten, my heart was beating faster, my pussy was tingling in a way I had never felt before; something different was happening to me.
Robbie started to slow down his finger action. “Oh Robbie, no, don’t slow down, go faster, harder! Yes, like that. Keep it up!
“Ohh God!” I finally yelled, as I started to tremble. I pushed his hand away and grabbed him, smothering him with kisses.
“You did it. You made me cum! It had to be an orgasm. Oh damn, I love you!”
“Really? For sure? I made you cum?”
“Oh God, yes! Nothing has ever made me feel like this. Feel my heart, it is still pounding. You are the greatest! Now sit back, I need to take care of you.”
His was the first cock I ever sucked. I told him to warn me in advance when he was going to cum, so I could pull it out and finish him with my hand, into the extra towels I had told him to get.
I was nervous about doing it wrong or hurting him, but from the sounds he was making I must have been doing okay. I loved the feel of his cock in my mouth. It seemed so big to me, and I loved licking, sucking and kissing it. Everything I did got a reaction from him, a good reaction.
He held my head as I moved up and down. It was not long before he was ready. I tasted something sort of oozing out of him just before he told me he was going to cum. I had the napkins ready. I pulled him out and stroked him with my hand, watching the creamy white fluid pulse out of him.
“Damn, Carol! That is so fuckin’ good! Stroke it more. Get every drop. Oh shit yes. You are incredible, I love you!”
“Wow, you shot out a lot of cum. I have never seen it before. I have just rubbed guys with it in their pants. Here are a couple of napkins so you can catch whatever is still dripping.”
I used a couple napkins to wipe my fluid from my thighs and blot my pussy. They were too rough to really rub with. I gathered them all up to throw out the window, but took just a bit of his cum on my finger to taste. It was a bit salty and slippery, but not bad. Maybe letting him cum in my mouth would not be bad. Food for thought.
Then I rolled down the window and threw all the towels out, collapsing back against the seat. He was already laying back, his cock still semi-hard. We just looked at each other, and engrossed ourselves in a long, sensuous, probing kiss. We both knew there would be a second date.
I was home in time to turn off the alarm. Even so, my Dad was awake, worried about his little girl; the girl that was soon to become a woman.
Robbie and I talked to each other every night on the phone, until his parents, or mine, told us enough was enough, hang up already—we reluctantly did so.
We made it a point to meet at the library on Saturday morning to study, and then have lunch together at the drug store. I used the opportunity to buy three small travel packs of Kleenex that I could keep in my purse. Those theater napkins were just way too rough for tender places. We walked out and kissed as we went our ways to go home, anxious for the evening to come.
He picked me up at 7:30, just like the previous week. This time with no parental third degree, but still a set alarm.
We both wore clothes similar to last week. I had on an “A” line skirt and cotton blouse with my usual unflattering, white underwear. He had on jeans and a western style shirt.
We arrived at the theater in plenty of time to get a perfect parking spot that was somewhat private, at least more so than other spots. He went to get our usual Coke and popcorn. While he was gone, I slid the front seat forward and got in the back. No point in having to do it later I figured.
He did not see me in the back when he returned, and glanced around with a worried look.
“Hey you, back here,” I said.
He laughed, “Thinking ahead I see. I love smart girls,” he said, as he handed me the food, opened the door and got in.
We sat in the center of the seat, pressing against each other. The cartoons began as we started in on the popcorn. The movie this week was The Evil of Frankenstein. It would probably be about as interesting as Godzilla had been, but then that is not really why we were there.
We finished the corn about ten minutes into Frankenstein. With our drinks placed safely on the front seat, he turned to me, gently held my head and kissed me; a long, loving, deep kiss. I had already felt the heat developing between my legs and this only added to it. I turned and sat across his lap with my arms around him. Today there was no doubt about the outcome, no little voice yelling in my brain.
As we kept kissing, he unbuttoned my blouse and pulled it loose from my skirt. Reaching behind me, he fumbled with the bra’s clasps, but eventually succeeded in popping them loose. Then easily sliding under my released bra, he cupped my boobs and began to fondle my nips. I reluctantly pulled back from the kiss so he would have full access to them, instead of having them pressed against his chest.
“Oh Robbie, that feels so good. I love your touch. It is somehow gentle but firm. They love you.”
“And I love them and all of you.”
“Pull my blouse off. I want you to see them, to kiss and suck them. They are all yours.”
He quickly worked my arms out of the sleeves, the blouse fell backward and the bra between us. He wasted no time getting his lips around one of my nipples, sucking and licking it as he used his fingers on the other. Then he moved between them, kissing my cleavage as he rubbed each nip. I could feel my juices getting my undies wetter and wetter.
I did not know I could get this horny and excited. My body seemed ablaze with desire. Beads of sweat were forming in the small of my back, trickling down my butt. My mind was filled with thoughts of his cock. I wanted to suck him again; I wanted him in me. My mind was lost in the desire I felt.
I began rubbing my hips back and forth, my soaking pussy rubbing against his hard, constrained cock.
“I feel something hard pressing up against me down there. What ever could that be?” I said, with a wicked, playful grin.
“Something that is in desperate need of attention, attention from you!”
My hips kept moving as he kept playing with my boobs. I wanted him loose, out where I could get at it, but I did not want to stop rubbing either. I did not want him to stop fondling me. I have no idea how long this went on, but we teased and played with each other for quite awhile. Finally he took charge. He lifted me off him, onto the seat.
“Get the rest of your clothes off while I get mine off. You’re going to get fucked!”
I unzipped my skirt, and pulled it and my panties off at the same time. He finished removing his clothes less than a minute after me. Pushing me down on the seat, my legs went up in the air—one on the top of the back seat, and the other on the top of the front seat. He moved up between them.
“God, your pussy is so hairy and beautiful. What a magnificent bush you have, I love it. Did I mention I love you?”
All I could do was beam in anticipation and say, “Yes, I do believe you mentioned that. Do you really like it so hairy? You cannot hardly see anything.”
He ran a hand through my bushy, curly pubes and rubbed it around. “I really, really like it this way. I believe I will be able to find what I need to, with no trouble!”
On the way to the theater, we had talked about rubbers and birth control. I assured him I had been on the pill for months, so there was nothing to worry about. I also told him that the doctor had told me that I had no hymen, probably due to my use of tampons, so I would have no pain or bleeding with my first intercourse, like many girls do. That was also a bit of a relief. It was one thing Mary had complained about in her first experience story.
He scooted up close to me and started to rub his cock up and down my slit. I watched him, waiting, and he watched my pussy, as he moved up and down it, eventually pushing until it found my tunnel and started to go in. He told me later that he was intent on doing it right and not hurting me. I was laying there thinking, Come on already, get it in there!
He pushed harder and went as deep as he could go, in one big thrust. “Oh my God Robbie! That is incredible! Fuck me, yes, yes, fuck me.”
He began to pump me—long, full strokes. I could not believe how good it felt. With all the description from Mary and Sue, I had no idea. This was heaven on earth, pure bliss. My pussy was filled and stretched, just to the point of complete euphoria. The sensation was amazing, I wanted it to go on forever. However that was not to be on this first time.
“Oh Carol, I am going to cum soon. I don’t want to, but it is so good I can’t stop. Your pussy is amazing! Shit, here it comes!”
I felt the pulses of his cock contracting, then his hot cum shooting into me. Another new, wonderful feeling—his seed filling me up. These feelings alone were almost enough to make me cum, but not quite.
I wrapped my legs around him and held him tight to me; his cock buried as deep as it would go. Our kiss was one that I have never forgotten. That moment in time is etched in my brain.
Robbie and I continued to date through our Junior year of high school. I think our love for each other just deepened as the year wore on. The sex certainly evolved and developed into mind-blowing sessions. I became able to routinely have multiple orgasms, as he gained better and better control of his orgasms. I quickly learned to let him cum in my mouth, and then to swallow all his luscious cum, that I came to love.
He was always anxious to please my pussy with his tongue and lips. After a bit of experimentation and direction from me, he regularly made me cum before we went further. Unless I said different, he always wanted to slip between my legs, pull my hair out of the way, and drive me to ecstasy.
It’s funny, the little things you remember or wish. I have been hairless down there for about twenty years now. I wish he had experienced me that way.
We had plans to stay with each other through our senior year and then see what happened with college. It was all cut short by Robbie’s dad. Just at the end of our junior year, he received a big promotion, and they had to move to Chicago. He begged to be allowed to stay and finish high school at Glen Ridge, but in the end, he had to go and spend his last year apart from me, in a school where he found it hard to make new friends.
We vowed to stay in touch. Long distance calls were too expensive to have on any regular basis. We wrote each other, but as time wore on, the letters slowed. He and I were accepted to different universities. We totally lost touch.
It was not as hard to accept as I thought it would be. It happened slowly. That summer and the first semester of my senior year were miserable, but time went by, and contacts waned, I developed new friends, new boyfriends.
Eventually, after college, I met Dave, and have had a wonderful life. But every time I see a black ‘57 Chevy, I think of Robbie. What happened to him? What is he doing now? Where is he now? All questions that will go unanswered. Life takes us in mysterious ways sometimes. I thought mine was over once, and then Dave happened. I would not change a thing.
Authors Note – Thanks to Ellen, a senior citizen and wonderful friend. She happily shared some of her memories of life in the 1960’s.