This Sweet Wreck

"together.... but not....."

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You think I do not know

you have entered the room.

Telltale sounds roused your curiosity.

My eyes are closed

and my wetness is filled

with two thrusting fingers.

A thumb caresses my swollen bud.

I am drowning in the sweet depths of



I hear your ragged breath

and know that you have joined me

as I knead my breasts,

pull hard nipples taut,

fiercely twist my piercings.

The spasms of my body begin.

I open my eyes and take in the




held in your stroking hand.

Creamy wonders flow from the slit

as your orgasm joins mine.

Moments of loud and struggling breath fill the room.

I pull my fingers from my

wet, swollen core,

a thread of wetness smearing across my thigh.

I watch your face

as I put my fingers in my mouth

and taste my precious essence.

My body sated.

My heart broken

As you turn to leave

this sweet wreck.

Published 13 years ago

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