Chapter 10 – Virginity Lost Redux

"Only one of our lusty trio has any virginity left to lose"

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After following the girls around shopping for a couple of hours, John was ready for that promised nap. They dropped him off at the resort and headed back out to the adult store. As he turned the corner to his room, he saw an attractive younger woman emerging from across the hall. He smiled politely as they passed and, just before he unlocked the room door, he heard her speak, “Excuse me.” He stopped and turned.

“I know it’s none of my business,” she began, “but I’m curious. Judging from the sounds I heard coming from your room last night and this morning, I’m guessing that two different women were very, very happy when you left this morning.” He said nothing and tried to hide any reaction from his face. “So what’s the deal? Wife and girlfriend, two girlfriends, hookers, what?”

“You’re right,” he said. “It is none of your business. But, since you asked so politely, and since you are such a lovely young lady, my wife and I are here with our girlfriend for a naughty weekend away. Sorry if we disturbed you.” He turned to go but she stopped him.

“It’s no problem,” she replied, “I rather enjoyed listening to you. I doubt the older couple in the room beside you did, they were at the front desk this morning complaining but that’s their problem.”

“Well, last night was our first night together in over a month. We’ll keep the noise down tonight.” He nodded and turned away again.

“Not on my account,” she said. “My friend and I made a little noise of our own we got so turned on listening to you!” Just then, the door to her room opened and a tall, well-dressed older woman emerged. She was class, head to toe, and carried herself with a certain aristocratic air.

“So, what’s your deal?” John asked.

“This is my friend,” she said.

“Is he the one?” the older woman asked. The younger lady nodded. “Bravo!” she said and took her younger partner’s elbow and walked away. John smiled to himself and went into the room to find that the bed had been freshly made and an extra couple of sets of towels had been left in the washroom. A note on the washroom counter read, ‘If you need anything, just call’, along with a hand-drawn heart and a phone number. The word ‘anything’ was underlined. He checked the resort directory, it was not the number for the front desk nor for housekeeping.

He tried to nap but was unable to sleep, the encounter with the two women across the hall would not leave his mind as he imagined what the two of them might look like naked and superimposed. It was an inspiring thought but he resisted the urge to masturbate knowing that he would need all his reserves for the evening’s activities. He flipped on the TV to distract himself but he couldn’t find anything worth watching on a Saturday afternoon so he went for a walk.

Before setting out, he texted his wife that he was leaving for a bit and to let him know when they’d be back so he could be there when they arrived. He received a thumbs up in reply and set out. About an hour later his phone buzzed, “Leaving shortly, making one more stop on the way back. Be showered and naked on the bed when we get back!” He immediately turned to walk back.

As he was walking through the lobby, he saw a pretty woman in the uniform of a housekeeping employee. She smiled and wiggled her fingers at him as he passed, then putting her finger and thumb to her cheek, mouthing the words, ‘Call me.’ That’s one mystery solved.

Obeying his wife’s instructions, he showered, made sure he was freshly manscaped and got under the covers to await their return. He heard the door open and the girls chatting noisily as they entered. When Laura saw him under the covers, she stopped. “My instructions were on the bed, not in bed,” she said.

“What, I’m supposed to be cold?” he protested.

“You’re supposed to do as you’re told!” she answered sharply. “No matter, stay put, we’ll be out in a minute.”

He waited patiently, a few minutes later they emerged, their faces made up with smoky eyes and bright red lipstick but it wasn’t their lipstick that shocked him. Laura was dressed in a corset and garter in black patent leather with black stockings and about four-inch heels. Pat was similarly dressed except instead of a corset she had on a bra. Neither was wearing panties, but that wasn’t what shocked him.

Around his wife’s hips was a black leather harness with a long, thick, black dildo attached, it swung from side to side as she moved. Around Pat’s hips was a similar harness but the dildo she was wearing was significantly smaller and thinner. He was afraid to ask the question that was pounding inside his head.

“What do you think?” asked his wife.

“Wow,” was all he could manage. He stared as his wife ran her fingers along the length of the fake cock. “Ummm, I do have a couple of questions,” he croaked.

“I thought you might,” Laura answered.

“Where is all this coming from?” he asked, “We never talked about any of this!”

“You’re not the only one who watches porn,” she replied. “I watch and then I get curious.”

“Oh, okay, um, where exactly are you planning on putting that thing?” he said, pointing at the long dildo.

“Relax honey, this one is for her pussy, or mine, depending on which of us is wearing it. The other is for our asses,” she said, “or yours, if you’re brave enough.” His wife smiled sweetly, contrasting her look.

“I don’t know about that!” he protested. “We never talked about that either!”

“No, we did not but here’s the thing.” Reaching out to hold his hand, she continued, “I would have been quite happy to never let you fuck my ass, but I know you wanted to, you never said it but I could tell when we watched porn with anal sex in it. “But now that we’ve done it, I like it, a lot! I’d like you to try but we don’t have to if you’re not ready or willing.” Pat giggled. “What,” Laura asked.

“It’s funny, you all dressed in leather with a ten-inch cock hanging out in front of you, talking all sweet and understanding to your husband who looks scared to death you might fuck him with it!” She laughed again before shaking it off. “Never mind me, this is important for you guys, talk it out, I’ll give you a minute. She went into the washroom and removed the harness, hoping she would get to put it to use later. Gazing at herself in the mirror, she thought, “Fuck, that chick is fucking stacked!” She snapped a couple of selfies to post on her profile on a naughty website she frequented. Laura and John didn’t want their faces online but she had no such qualms.

Back on the bed, John reached over and touched the monster dildo. “That’s about the same size as Jean, isn’t it?”

“That’s why we bought them,” she answered. “One for each of us!”

“And the other one?” he asked.

“About your size,” she said, “a little thinner and not quite as long.” He nodded, figuring out what she had in mind. “Kind of makes me a hypocrite, doesn’t it?”

“Little bit,” she said, holding him close, she had to turn her hips to the side to keep from poking him with the fake dick. He chuckled as did she before continuing, “Look, I admit, I fucked up, we should have talked first, I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay,” he replied, “I know you get carried away when we’re with Pat, I knew you were up to something, I just didn’t think it was leather and a strap-on dildo to stick in my ass.” She got up and removed her harness.

“What were you expecting?” she asked.

“Maybe a dildo or a vibrator with two dicks so you could fill your pussy and ass at the same time?” he said cautiously.

She laughed out loud, “I can so read your mind!” She reached into a bag and retracted a double dildo, with two appendages, one over the other. The one was about eight inches long, the other about six. “This is my new shower toy! I’d like you to help me try it out later!”

“Not Pat?” he asked.

“She already has one, we tried hers in New York!”

“Ahh, of course. Why am I not surprised?” He shook his head.

Laura climbed up beside him and kissed him, “If I were you, I would not be surprised at anything I do going forward. Since I met Pat, I’ve been turned on to so many things and many more since I started watching porn. I want to try so many things, restraint, bondage, a threesome with another man, group sex, an orgy, and more. I want to try it all!” The excitement was evident on her face. “I’d love you to try them with me, I love you more than anything and I’d love to explore all these things as a couple.” She kissed him deeply and grasped his cock. “But I’ll try them without you if I have to.” She stared at him.

“Even at the cost of our marriage?” he asked.

“No, I won’t go that far,” she said. “But if you don’t expressly say I can’t do it, I probably will. Please, John, I want this so badly! Look how things turned out with Pat, you were reluctant at first but now you love fucking her almost as much as I do! Please!”

 He hated when she begged. “I make no promises, but I won’t say no.” They hugged and kissed. “Are we good?”

“We’re good. I’m going to get out of this get-up. Then we’ll talk some more.” She got off the bed and went to the washroom. She and Pat kissed as they passed in the doorway, “He’s not saying no so there’s hope.”

Pat emerged dressed in the same clothes as he was wearing earlier. “Maybe you should get dressed, we’ll go out, have a nice dinner, and maybe later we’ll have some fun.”

“Did you put her up to this?” he asked. “Are you into the whole whips and chains thing?”

“Not whips and chains, no, but I like a little mild bondage. Leather, restraints, blindfolds, that sort of thing.” She sat uncomfortably, “This morning’s events notwithstanding, I don’t like pain, not real pain. But a good slap now and then never really hurt anyone!”

John got up and went to get his clothes, as he passed Pat, she reached out and stopped him, taking his cock into her mouth for a long suck. “Think about it, John, she really wants to try these things and she wants you to try them with her. But if you deny her, things might not turn out well for you both.”

“I’m not saying no,” he said. “Just not now.”

“That’s fair,” she said, “Get dressed.” Once he was dressed, she stood next to him and they kissed until Laura emerged from the washroom.

“Is this a private party or can anyone join in?” she asked, wrapping her arms around them both.

“It is invitation only, for a few very select guests,” John replied, sliding his hand along her ass. “You of course have an open invitation to join any time!”

“Oh, thank you! And are there others holding invitations?” She was back to her teasing self.

“Have you met the couple across the hall?” She shook her head. “I’ll tell you at dinner.”

John quietly explained his interaction with the two women from across the hall as they waiting for their meals. “I’m wondering what their relationship is, I don’t think they’re related, not from what the younger one said about them making noise after they heard us.”

“Boss and subordinate maybe?” said Pat.

“Older socialite with a secret lesbian lover?” wondered Laura.

“Maybe,” replied Pat. “There is one way to find out.”

“Follow them, listen at their door?” John was missing the obvious.

“Ask them, you idiot,” Laura slapped his arm. They saw Pat’s head turn.

“Speak of the devil,” she whispered. The couple from across the hall entered the restaurant and sat at a small table a short distance away. The younger one held her companion’s chair out as a man might for a lady, pushing it underneath her as she sat down before taking her place opposite. She sat demurely with little expression as the statuesque silver-haired woman did all the ordering. “Definitely some sort of Domme/sub relationship there,” said Pat.

“For sure,” echoed Laura. The three of them kept glancing back at their table throughout dinner, every so often, when her companion’s gaze was averted, the younger woman would steal a glance and offer the most subtle of smiles when she caught a glance.

After dessert and a glass of wine, the three of them got up to leave, passing their hallmates’ table as they left. “Enjoy your evening,” John said quietly as he passed.

“Thank you,” the older lady said. “You folks enjoy your evening as well.” She leaned over, “We’ll be up late so don’t worry about keeping us awake!” John smiled knowingly as he walked away.

On their return to the room, the two women excused themselves to the washroom, “I hope you’re not putting on all that war paint for my benefit,” he called. “You ladies are perfect just as you are and it’s not like it’s going to last very long!” He heard a giggle from behind the door as he flipped on the TV and waited for them to finish. A short while later they emerged, dressed in the leather outfit they were wearing earlier, both were dangling their harnesses on their fingers.

“Those outfits are hot!” said John. “Really hot!”

“We know!” answered Pat. “That’s why we bought them.”

Laura moved over to her husband and sat on his lap, “I know you weren’t keen on what I had in mind for tonight,” she said, whispering into his ear. “But do you have any objection to Pat and me fucking each other with that big black dildo?” She kissed him deeply and felt his cock surge under her bum.

“I have no objection whatsoever,” he replied, cupping her breasts under the leather bra.

She got off his lap and said, “Get naked and sit up n the bed!” She moved to Pat and they started making out. Soon the leather bras were on the floor and he wondered why they had bothered, they must have known that they’d never last. ‘At least they made for great photos,’ he thought.

The girls were whispering things he couldn’t make out as they necked, shortly after, Pat climbed up next to him and kissed him before starting her way down his body to take his cock in her mouth. Her legs swung over and her pussy lowered onto his face. He grasped her hips and pulled down on them, determined to give her clit the tongue-lashing it was craving. He could hear rustling and clicking noises and after a moment, he saw the tip of that long black dildo above his face with his wife’s hands wrapped around it, guiding it to its wet and warm destination. Her hand moved along it to slick it up with lube before it positioned it against the slick pink pussy lips about a half-inch from his nose.

Pat sucked in a deep, sharp breath as the thick pole impaled her, sliding slowly into her before coming to a stop about two-thirds of the way in. “Mmm, that’s nice,” she purred. He watched it withdraw a bit and then move forward again, sliding a little deeper, eliciting a moan from its recipient. “More!”

Out and in it moved, a little faster and a little deeper each time until the leather of the harness touched the straps on the garter she was wearing. He watched, fascinated, as the black silicone appendage moved, shining slick with his lover’s juices. He forgot about the clit above his lips for a bit but its owner reminded him with a nip on the end of his cock. “Eat!” he heard and he got back to it.

Pat gave instructions to Laura as she plowed into her pussy, directing her to go harder or softer, faster or slower as she enjoyed the sensation of being stretched wide and filled to capacity. John’s tongue tried to keep up but he found it difficult to maintain contact with that slick little nub as his wife started hammering her lover’s pussy.

Moans turned to yells and then to full-throated screams as the fake cock pounded her. John let his fingers do the walking because he was no longer able to keep in touch with his mouth, so viciously Pat’s hips were gyrating. Pat screamed, “FUUUCK!” As she came he watched her pussy lips distend and cling to the dildo as his wife drew it from her only to see her opening push inward as she plunged it back into her again.

Each thrust was followed by a scream. The pounding was relentless, each of Laura’s grunting thrust followed immediately by an ecstatic scream. Finally, Pat had had enough, six orgasms apparently were plenty as she begged Laura to stop.

“Enough!” she pleaded, “Oh GOD! PLEASE!” She tried to squirm forward to get off the black cock that was assaulting her pussy but Laura was having none of that. Her hands gripped her lover’s hips tightly and she drove forward once more. “AHHGGgghh!” bellowed Pat from deep within her as her silicone tormentor filled her one last time. Laura held it there as John played gently with her clit, easing her down from the delicious high.

Slowly, the black cock withdrew from Pat’s swollen and distended lips. It seemed that she was reluctant to release it as it held its place with just the large mushroom head inside her before t plopped out of her and dangled over John’s face. A large drop of Pat’s cum collected on the end, hanging there for a moment as it grew. John opened his mouth wide and it fell onto his tongue, he licked his lips and reached up to caress her clit with his lips. Just as his lips reached pussy, Laura shifted and the dildo moved forward and slipped into his mouth, just the head but he certainly wasn’t expecting it. He spat it out quickly but he would have been lying if he said he hated it but he wasn’t about to tell his wife that it had even happened.

Pat had slumped so she was lying on top of John, her fingers and lips were playing with his still-hard manhood. Laura moved to join her and together, they pulled, licked, and sucked him until he came, shooting his load with both of them vying to capture it all in their mouths. Laura sucked him clean and they came up to share their bounty with him, trading his cum between their tongues in wet, sloppy kisses.

“That doesn’t taste awful now, does it?” Pat said, knowing that one of Laura’s remaining few fantasies was to see her husband suck another man’s cock.

“Not awful,” he said between wet kisses. “I have no objection to tasting my own cum, or another guy’s if I get to taste it second-hand from one of your tongues or better yet your pussies!”

“I look forward to seeing that!” said Laura. They snuggled together for a bit to recover, Laura was especially winded. “I didn’t realize that fucking was such hard work! Good for the abdominal and the glutes!” They all agreed that sex was great exercise and that they should all do more of it as part of their overall fitness routine!

A quick break for a wash and a glass of wine and Laura decided it was her turn to experience the BBD, as she and Pat had called it when they first bought it earlier that day. She took Pat’s hand and suggested she put on the harness and return the favor of fucking her into next week. “I’m gonna fuck you so hard, you’ll never forget it!” Pat said with an evil grin.

“Don’t go writing checks your body can’t cask!” warned Laura. “I’m going to hold you to that!” Pat donned the harness and, after giving the BBD a good cleaning, laid down with the dildo stick up, the head hovering over her belly button.

“Jesus Christ,” Pat breathed, “That fucker really goes in deep!” Laura lubed it up and rubbed the leftover on her pussy and got in position on top of Pat.

She eased herself onto it, John watched, his phone camera only an inch or two from her round ass as it disappeared inside her. Down, down, down it was a long way down until her ass cheeks plumped out as they came to rest on Pat’s hips. Laura made a soft, “ooohh” sound as it slid into her, stretching her as wide as she had ever been stretched, except of course when she had given birth to her son. But he was going out, this thing was going in. And soon enough, out. And in again, slowly at first but with increasing tempo and drive as she became accustomed to the invasion of her cunt.  With the increase in tempo came a corresponding increase in volume and pitch of the sounds that were being forced out of her, unbidden.

“Cool,” Pat breathed as she watched her lover’s body push up to sit astride her hips; in another life, she might have been a cowgirl.

“What?” asked John. Pat pointed to Laura’s tummy and the bulge that had appeared there. Similar to how their throats had bulged as Jean’s cock had invaded them, so now Laura’s tummy was bulging, almost to her belly button with the invasion of this black love stick.

John trained the phone camera on it and urged his wife, “Ride it, baby, ride that Big Black Cock!”

“Oh, God, John! You have no idea how good this feels!! This is the best fuck EVER!” She instantly realized how emasculating that must have sounded to him but didn’t bother with an apology she knew would be hollow. The ecstasy on her face would put the lie to anything she could possibly say.

“Then ride it!” he said, I love watching you ride that cock! Ride it hard and put it away wet!” She giggled a little at the reference, they had paraphrased that particular saying quite often since the re-ignition of their love life, but the giggle was quickly torn away by the rush of her approaching orgasm. Her fingers found her clit and, in a few seconds, she spilled over the edge, embracing the feeling of endless falling as she humped the toy securely strapped to her lover’s hips.

The orgasms came in quick succession, every dozen seconds or so, each stronger than the last, evoking cries of passion from deep within her soul. Tears started streaming down her face as her orgasms continued, she would barely start to catch her breath from one when the next started ripping through her.

She could have stopped at any time, she was after all, in complete control of the pistoning of the BBD in her pussy and her fingers on her clit. But the high of her orgasms were as addictive as any drug, the more she came, the more she wanted to come again. She would fuck herself unconscious at this rate and she didn’t care.

Finally, she could take no more. Exhausted, she collapsed forward, falling onto Pat’s body as she trembled in the wake of countless orgasms, her body limp as a damp rag. Pat rolled her off, “You are soaked!” she laughed. Indeed she was soaked, her hair wet and stringy, her chest, arms, and back glistening with beaded sweat. Just as soaked were her tummy, ass, and legs, even the soles of her feet were sweaty.

“I must look a mess!” she panted.

“On the contrary,” breathed Pat, “you look beautiful and as a satisfied woman should be!”
 She kissed her lover, tasting the salt from her lip.

“Good enough to eat,” said her husband as he plied between her legs and began licking the salty wetness from her pussy. “Mmm, delicious!” he exclaimed.

“Easy,” Laura said as she caught her breath. “My Kitty’s a little tender down there!” He licked and sickled her gently, lapping up that last of her issue.

“I love you!” he said to her pussy with a giggle.

“She loves you too!” purred Laura, pulling him up for a soft kiss. “I love you, John. More than anything.” She paused, “Both of us do.” He smiled and kissed her again. He knew there would be a reckoning about her ‘best fuck, ever’ comment, but now wasn’t the time.

“That,” stated Pat quietly. “That is the kind of love I want someday!” A tear rolled down her cheek. Even though she could make Laura feel things her husband couldn’t and that Laura loved her, it wasn’t that love. She had to admit to herself she was a bit jealous of that.

Then they all hear a wail coming from outside their room. It grew and faded repeatedly, someone was having a delicious orgasm of their own. They all tried to guess who it was so they sat quietly, listening to the voices. “Young,” said Pat, and John agreed.

“Nope,” Laura stated firmly. “That’s the older one. They put on one face when they’re in public but I’ll bet that behind closed doors, the roles are reversed.”

“What’s the wager?” John asked, extending his hand.

“No backing out?” John shook his head. “All right then, if you win, you get to spend a weekend with Pat without me and she can introduce you to some of her other special friends.” She and Pat had already discussed being with both of them without their spouse.

“And if you win?” he said.

“You have to lick the cum off the cock I fuck, not including yourself.” She crossed her arms, pushing her tits up so they spilled out over them. “My cum and his,” she added so that there was no ambiguity.

“Holy fuck, you guys. This might go really bad, you know that!” Pat cautioned.

“That’s the bet,” said Laura. She was certain she was right. She extended her hand to her husband, knowing that if he shook on it, he would never back out. He shook her hand and she smiled, “I’m going to love watching that!” she crowed. Just then another loud wail came from across the hall and they all collapsed with laughter.

After they settled and Laura had consumed about a quart of water, she picked up the smaller of the two dildos they- had bought that day. “I think we need to break this guy in,” she leered. She had secured a conditional promise that would fulfill one of her fantasies involving her husband, she might as well swing for the fences.

“You’re not strapping that thing on and putting it in my ass!” he protested.

“I wasn’t going to strap it on,” she replied. “But maybe we could try it?”

“It’s smaller than what you put in our asses,” said Pat.

“You’re going to keep hounding me until I cave, aren’t you?” She smiled and nodded. She had him and she knew it! “Fuck sakes!” he said exasperated.

“Oh, GOODIE!” she squealed. She kissed him, hard at first, then more softly. “I will go easy, I promise!”

“You are so pussy-whipped!” Pat whispered as she moved in to kiss him. She pushed him onto all fours and got underneath him, taking him into her mouth. ‘Maybe I can distract him!’ she thought.

He felt his wife’s hands spread his ass cheeks and then the cool of the lube on his butt hole. A finger invaded him slowly, twisting as it entered until he felt the knuckles of her hand against him. Slowly it moved out and in a few times until it was withdrawn. He felt it again but this time a second finger invaded, moving the same as the last. “You okay, baby?” he heard, it was the same question he had asked his wife when he first inserted his fingers in her ass. He nodded and the probing continued. Pat’s hands pulled down and back on his hips and he felt his cock slip into her throat.

“That’s better,” he whispered. The sensation was exquisite as her lips and tongue fellated him, he almost forgot about the fingers in his ass when a third slender finger was added. “Ow, that’s pretty uncomfortable!” he objected. Pat renewed her attempts to distract him by coming up for air for a second or two and then taking him deeply again. She hummed as she sucked, knowing that he loved the sensation of a humming tongue on his cock.

He felt the fingers retract and heard the flip cap on the lube container click. A moment later, the cool of fresh lube touch his skin, that slender finger rubbing it all around and slipping inside him. “You want me to stop?” Laura asked him. He shook his head, he was actually enjoying the feeling a bit, and knowing that she wanted this to happen made it more so.

Gazing at her husband’s ass, Laura took a grip on the toy and hovered it over him. The end of the dildo touched his anus and he twitched a little. Now he understood now why she twitched when a toy touched her for the first time, it was cold against that warmest of areas. She rotated it against him, massaging him with it until he appeared to relax a bit. This of course was more due to the deep throating he was getting from Pat than with comfort at this new experience he was about to have.

She held the fake cock firmly and pushed it against him. His wrinkled hole pushed inward, resisting the spread of the toy’s head but with almost no friction, it slipped inside him. He gasped loudly so she stopped, holding it in place. She leaned as close to his ear and whispered, “The worst is over, sweetie.” Her other hand cupped his balls and one finger slipped into Pat’s mouth beside his cock. Withdrawing it and placing the free hand back on his cheek, she pushed again, ever so gently and the toy slipped in a bit further. His ass hole stretched wider to accommodate the maximum girth of the toy and he grunted.

“Fuck, that thing feels like a telephone pole!” he grunted as she rotated it again. It withdrew a little and he felt the cool of more lube being applied, he knew that the next push would see it fully inserted in him. More rotation and he felt her pushing into him, rotating as she pushed. It filled him as he fought the urge to push back, now he realized what that feeling along his cock had been as he slid it into her, her ass had been rejecting it the only way it knew how. It had felt amazing on him but it didn’t feel so amazing now.

It stopped moving and he realized that her hand was against his ass cheeks. “That’s all there is baby!” she purred. He couldn’t answer because just then he succumbed to Pat’s sucking him, and blasted into her mouth. She gagged a choked a little but she held her face onto him, swallowing as fast as she could.

Once he finished spurting, he said, “You are the very best at that!”

Taking umbrage at her husband for suggesting that her lover was a better cocksucker than she was, she told Pat to switch positions and fuck him with the dildo while she revived him for another blowjob. “I’ll show you who’s the best!” she stated before taking his softened member into her mouth. Just as his cock began to revive, Pat started moving the toy, sliding it out slowly and back in. It didn’t hurt much at this point but it wasn’t entirely comfortable either. He decided not to dwell on it and concentrated instead on the feeling of his wife trying to win a blowjob contest with her girlfriend.

She was always good at oral but since she had met Patricia, he had become a master, using her tongue and lips in magical ways and deep throating him easily. Her fingers added to the sensation as they teased and stroked his shaft on the rare occasion that it wasn’t inside her mouth. Despite having cum only a minute or so earlier, he felt another orgasm rising. Normally he would try to hold back but this time he knew that the fastest way to get the telephone pole out of his ass would be to cum quickly. So he just let her mouth work its magic and a moment later, he came again, less powerfully than earlier but it felt just as good.

She continued her masterful suckling until he was almost completely soft, letting him out of her mouth with a loud plop. Sensing that this particular bout of fun was ta an end, Pat withdrew the toy from his ass slowly, leaving it inside him and picking up her phone to record the last moment. She press the RECORD button and captured the flared head of the toy as it popped out of him, leaving his ass hole gaping slightly. “Now that is one well fucked ass!” she said to Laura.

She slid up next to him, kissing along the way until she reached his lips. “Now that wasn’t so bad,” she said softly.

“Might be a great way to torture prisoners of war!” he answered. He was not impressed with the experience. “Now I get why most women won’t do it.”

“Oh, okay,” she replied. “Well, I guess not everything we try is going to be amazing.” She kissed him again, “But thank you. I’m pleased that you would do that for me.”

“I guess not,” he said. “It’s just that everything else has been so…. incredible! This is a bit of a letdown.”

“Don’t dwell on it,” said Pat. “You don’t hit a home run on every swing. That doesn’t mean you stop swinging!”

“Look at you with the sports metaphor!” Laura laughed. “But I like it.” She kissed her husband, “I’m sorry I forced you into it. It will never happen again.” She hugged him tightly.

“You didn’t force me into anything, but thank you.” HE got up to go to the washroom.

“That didn’t go to plan,” said Pat. Laura shook her head. “That’s okay, even if nothing else changes, you guys have a pretty amazing sex life!” She pulled her lover in close. “What about your bet?”

“We’ll talk about that later,” Laura said. “Maybe we should call it off.” They shared a lovers’ kiss, deep and passionate, the kind that conveys not lust but depth of feeling. It was a really great kiss that made them both wet. “Dammit Patricia, I love you!”

“Me too.” They shared another kiss as John emerged from the washroom.

“Are you two not capable of keeping your lips off one another?” he asked. “I mean it’s hot and I love it but, come on! 24/7?”

The girls enveloped him in a group hug punctuated by kisses and before long, their collective sighs, moans, and screams could be heard in the hallway once more.

“Jesus Christ, again?” the younger woman across the hall said to her older lover. “I want some of what they’re having!” Her lover of course was restrained, gagged, and unable to speak. The younger woman clad from head to toe in red leather turned to her and brandished her riding crop. Moving behind her, she brought it down swiftly on the reddened ass, adding another welt to the dozen or so that were already there. Releasing the gag, she asked, “What do you think, should I go get some of what they’re having?”

“Yes, Mistress,” came the reply. The removal of the gag usually signified the end of their play but she couldn’t help herself.  “Please, Mistress, just once more!” The crop came down with a swoosh and a snap as it landed, leaving another welt.

Published 3 years ago

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