The Gang’s All Here!

"Pat works some group magic... then disappears..."

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It had become routine that Kathy and I would debrief the events of the night before to check in with each other: how we felt, was it enjoyable, would we do it again? 

Looking at my lovely wife in her PJs with her hair disheveled as she sat at the breakfast table sipping some coffee, I said, “I’ve never seen you cum so many times, once when Jim’s ten-inch cock was rammed down your throat; several more times when he was buried deep in you and again when he was pounding your butt.” 

Kathy lifted her eyes, peering coyly over the rim of her cup, and said, “Don’t forget when Pat was feeding me her slice of heaven.” 

“Well, did you enjoy yourself as much as I think you did?” 

“Yes! It was the most fulfilled I’ve ever been, and it was wonderful that you were there enjoying it with me. I saw the cum stain you made in your pants.” 

“Well for sure, your enjoyment was much more physically significant than my emotional release, but I did take some perverted pleasure in watching you have all those orgasms. It certainly was erotic. I’ve never come without touching my cock, at least, while I was fully awake. So, are you saying that you would like to do something like that again?” 

“Not today! My jaw, pussy, and ass are so sore that I can barely talk or walk plus I keep farting uncontrollably,” she chuckled.

“You know what I mean!” I said with some disgust.

A sudden curtain of seriousness fell over her face, “Truthfully, Honey, I really liked being used and abused like that. Let me see if I can explain. You always treat me like a queen. You’re so gentle and kind. Sometimes, I just want to feel like, forgive my wording, a slut. I think you enjoyed watching it being done to me. ” 

“I don’t know why, but yes, it was very arousing. But I never knew you wanted that. I don’t know if I could ever treat you that way, I love you so much,” I responded with some angst in my voice. 

“Until yesterday, I never knew I wanted that either. I guess it’s easier to abuse someone if you barely know them. It’s anonymous sex where anything goes, and you’re only interested in your wants and needs.” 

“What do you want me to do?” I asked with some trepidation. 

Kathy replied, “Why don’t we just think about it for a while, and we can talk again later when things aren’t so fresh.” 

After a short pause, she said, “Let’s talk about Gary, another guy, and you for me.” 

“You really want to watch me have sex with two guys?” 

“You know how excited I get when I see cum going into your mouth. I’m starting to enjoy watching you suck their cocks, too. It would be twice as exciting watching you service two guys. Please for me!” as she batted her beautiful eyelashes. 

She knew exactly how to push my buttons and knew I wouldn’t say no. I responded with, “If it means that much to you, OK. I’ll talk to Gary and see what we can come up with. I’m sure he knows someone who would like their cock sucked.” 

Kathy replied in baby talk, “You’re such a sweet baby to me.” She leaned over the table flashing one of her breasts and kissed me. “Thank you, Honey, you won’t be disappointed.” 

She pushed her chair back and walked over to my side of the table. She slipped her hand under my bathrobe as she knelt down and parted my legs and began fondling my cock, which took notice immediately. 

“Let me see what I can do for this poor little dicky.” 

Licking its length and swirling her tongue around its head, she slipped her mouth over it and began sucking me. She even took it all the way down to my pubic mound a few times, which felt great especially when she was tonguing it while down there. I told her I was going to cum, but she just kept sucking until I blew my load in her precious mouth. With each cum spurt, she moaned, “Hmmmm.” like she was eating her favorite dessert. She kept sucking and stroking my nuts until I started to shrink and swished her tongue around in the liquescent white material and swallowed. 

“I’m really glad you turned me on to this stuff. It’s tasty.” 

It was the best blowjob ever. At that moment, I would have sucked off ten guys for her.


We returned to our now-normal sexual routine but I noticed that Kathy wasn’t cumming when we fucked, just when I ate her creampie. 

“Is there something wrong with us?” 

“No, everything is fine.”

 “I don’t think everything is fine. Come on, what’s bothering you? You can tell me. Remember, I love you more than anything.” 

“Your cock is just not filling me up like before. Jim’s was so big. He touched places that yours can never reach. Yours just doesn’t feel the same now. I’m sorry, Honey,” she reluctantly admitted. 

“What are we going to do about it?” 

“I don’t think there’s anything we can do about it now. Is there?” 

Summoning up all my manly courage, I said, “Well, Jim and his big dick could fuck you again.” 

“But would that really solve anything? I mean, I guess when I got really randy, I could fuck Jim with you there, but is that the answer?” 

“I don’t know. I’m just spitballing possible solutions. I don’t want to lose you over this. It’s important. I’m sure Jim’s not the only guy in the world with a big dick.” 

“Of course, he isn’t. Are you saying you’d like me to fuck different guys with big cocks? It might be one way. I do miss cumming with a cock inside me. Not that your tongue doesn’t do marvelous things. The feeling of that big cock filling me up was so electric. Sorry, sweetie, but I’ve never in my life felt like that before,” she replied in her mousy voice. 

Knowing she didn’t intend to hurt my feelings; it was too late. Sitting there silently for a bit, I reached out and took her soft hands and held them in mine. I saw tears forming in her eyes. We didn’t say a word. We had reached crossroads. My mind ran through all the possibilities, and the only logical solution came to mind. 

Breaking the silence, “If I can be there with you, the only solution is to let guys with bigger cocks than mine fuck you.” 

“Really, is that what you want?” 

“I’m not sure, but I want you to be happy and fulfilled. Apparently, my dick isn’t big enough to satisfy you anymore.” 

Replying compassionately, “Don’t forget that I love you and only you! You are my soul mate. I don’t care about being fucked by big cocks if it means we – you aren’t happy. I’ll only do this if you ask me to. Please don’t make any rash decisions. Think about it a couple of weeks, but in the meanwhile, can you do it with two guys for me, please?” 

“OK, we’ll see.” 

Tuesday the next week, as soon as I arrived at work, I approached Gary about adding another guy to our mix. 

I asked, “Do you have anyone in mind?” 

“There are a couple of options. I have this friend who is bi. He would enjoy you sucking his cock, and in addition, he could fuck your wife. What do you think? It would be a nice surprise for Kathy.” 

Thinking back on my wife’s breakfast conversation and her desire to be treated like a sometime slut, I replied, “Let’s do it.” 

I was so excited about the arrangements. Deciding to go home for lunch with the news as a surprise for Kathy, my plan was to simply tell her that Gary and I had all the arrangements made for Saturday evening, but not tell her about the possibility of a different big cock. 

As lunchtime approached, my loins began to stir. If I played my cards right, I could get some afternoon delight. As I approached our house, an old, beat-up car was in our driveway. I didn’t recognize it. Deciding to investigate, I parked around the corner. 

Stealthfully entering through the back door, I heard unintelligible sounds coming from the bedroom. Our bedroom has an adjoining bathroom that has a hallway entrance, too. I cracked open the hallway door. The view in the vanity mirror revealed Kathy naked, lying on her back with Pat’s fist buried in my wife’s pussy. Pat was slowly twisting her hand left and right, which by my wife’s moaning must have felt wonderful. 

“Kathy, do you like this?” 

“Oh yes, it feels sooo good. You have wonderful hands. You make me feel so good in a bad way.” 

“Do you want me to let you cum?” 

“Oh yes, please let me cum.” 

Pat stipulated, “No, I don’t think so. Not until you tell me you love me.” 

“I don’t love you, but I do love what you do to me.” 

Pat said with some indignation, “Well, if you are going to be like that, I’ll just stop.” 

With that said, Pat removed her hand from my wife’s gaping snatch. 

“Noooooo, please don’t stop.” 

Pat snarled at her, “You need to learn who’s in charge here.” 

She began to get dressed. 

I hustled up and left out the back door. My cock was still hard as a rock while I sat in the car with my mind replaying the vision of what I’d observed. A few minutes later, Pat pulled out of the driveway and drove off. 

It has always amazed me how beautiful women drive such beat-up old cars. I decided to give my wife a call and forewarn her of my impending arrival. 

Stepping into the foyer, Kathy emerged from the bedroom. The smell of sex was in the air. 

“Gee, it’s nice that you could come home for lunch. Do you want some of last night’s leftovers?” 

“That’ll be fine.” 

Noticing that her eyes were a little red, I asked, “Say, have you been crying?” 

“Yes, just a little.” 

“What’s got my baby so upset?” 

“I was just thinking about what we’ve been doing lately, and I’m not sure it’s the right thing.” 

“I thought you were enjoying yourself and the new slut you’ve become.” 

“Don’t say it like that! That sounds so vulgar and mean coming from you. It’s not like you.” 

“Sorry, Sweetie. Do you want to talk about it?” 

“Yes,” continuing she said, “what do you think of Pat?” 

“I think she’s a beautiful woman that really knows a lot about sexual things. Except for you, she is the hottest woman I’ve ever met. She knows how to fuck, suck cock and eat pussy better than anyone I’ve ever seen. I’d bet that there are some things that her Aunt Karen taught her that we haven’t seen yet. Why do you ask?” 

“You know the way she tells you what she wants.” 

“Yeah, she knows what she wants and isn’t shy about making it happen. I kind of like being bossed around by her. At least, you know you are doing what she wants at that moment. It’s kind of sexy in a bizarre way. She just has something about her that’s commanding and magnetic.” 

Kathy answered, “I really like her. She’s so beautiful, but there’s something else about her that scares me at the same time. I just can’t put my finger on it yet, but I’ve been thinking about how she treated me; how it made me feel.” 

“And how’s that?” 

“Well, in one way, I enjoyed her demands; the way she forced me to eat her and made me drink her cum. But on the other hand, I just didn’t think that was right. It made me feel like I was being taken advantage of,” Kathy said, with her voice breaking. 

“Wow, it sounds like this has got you really upset. But did you like it?” 

“In a sick perverse way, I did. The logical side of my brain says I shouldn’t let her control me, but the emotional side says it feels so good letting go. I hate it when my brain plays pros and cons. You know how I like it to be one way or the other – no middle. I just don’t know. My feelings are so confused right now. Maybe we should stop seeing her.” 

“Well, if that’s what you want, I’m OK with it. Although, it means we’ll have to find another woman to take her place.” 

“Let’s not talk about this anymore right now. My head is hurting. By the way, why did you come home for lunch today?” 

“Oh, I wanted to tell you that I talked with Gary, and we are all set for Saturday evening. We’ll be ready to perform for your gratification and satisfaction.” 

“Really, Honey, you’re the best. Thanks so much for all you do for me and how much you love me. It should be fun. I think I’m getting wet already.” 

Replying in a sarcastic tone, “I’ll bet you are. Save that thought for later.” 

With the possibility of afternoon delight off the table, I simply ate lunch and returned to work. 

After the episode I’d seen, I decided to go by the house every day to see if Pat’s car was in the neighborhood. I even checked with our nosy neighbor across the street, Marge. 

She said, “I’ve seen that car there every day for the last three weeks, but it hasn’t been there since Tuesday. The woman that drives it is really beautiful. I know you won’t believe this, but I looked that good back in the day.” 

I patted her hand and replied, “Marge, you’re still a looker for a mature woman. Thanks for the info.” 

“No, thank you. You made my day.” 

Checking our phone records online, I noticed that Kathy had called Pat’s number several times during the week, but based on the time duration, only a few seconds, my wife either lost her nerve or the call when to voice mail and she hung up. Things were uneventful the rest of the week and Saturday finally arrived. 

Kathy was in a really good mood. She was dressed to the nines and had made appetizers. I must admit my cock was stirring in my pants most of the afternoon like a caged animal. 

The doorbell rang at straight-up six o’clock. Opening it, Gary and his friend, Bill, were there. Kathy greeted them with a big smile. She looked pretty excited about our guests. 

Bill was a good-looking guy about six foot maybe thirty-five to forty. He didn’t have a wedding ring on, but that doesn’t mean much nowadays. He had brown hair with a couple of early gray ones around his temples. He wasn’t fat, but I don’t think he worked out like Jim did. 

Kathy said, “Gary, you know where the snacks are. Why don’t you and Bill get comfortable?” 

We all took are places around the coffee table in the chairs and on the couch. We spent about thirty minutes in a ‘get to know you’ conversation. When Kathy began glaring at me, I knew what that meant. 

 Looking in my wife’s direction, “I think we’re being requested to begin.” 

“Oh, I believe you’re correct in that assumption. Bill, why don’t we all sit here on the couch and let Kathy watch.” 

I was in the middle between Bill and Gary. With my right hand in Bill’s lap and my left squeezing Gary’s bulge, I began lightly rubbing Bill’s ever-increasing lump. Gary was stroking mine in a similar fashion with identical results. While fondling Gary’s already hard cock, the doorbell rang again. 

“Let me get rid of whoever it is, and I’ll be right back.” 

When I opened the door, Pat was standing there. I was puzzled and asked, “What are you doing here?” 

“Gary invited me as an extra bonus.” 

When Kathy saw Pat, her face turned ashen white, and she wobbled a little but steadied herself on the door. I thought she was going to faint. 

I turned toward the living room and shouted, “Gary, you, shifty son-of-a-bitch. Guess who’s here?” 

“Could it be Pat?” 

We invited her in, and she took a spot on the love seat with Kathy in the overstuffed chair opposite the couch where all the guys were. 

Gary said, “Pat your timing is perfect. We were just getting started, so you haven’t missed a thing.” 

Gary looked at me and said, “I knew Pat enjoyed the last time we were all together, and I thought it would be great to invite her over for this session. I hope it’s okay?” 

“Sure, the more the merrier. It’ll give us a few more options, if Pat’s so inclined.” 

She gave us the thumbs-up. 

Watching Kathy, she kept her eyes mostly on the guys with an occasional glance in Pat’s direction. It looked like the situation would be okay. 

Bill and Gary were both rubbing my jean-covered balls and cock, which given the stimulation and how beautiful Pat and Kathy looked, was hard as a diamond. 

Kathy said, “Why don’t you guys get naked?” 

We all stood up and stripped. Bill folded and placed his pile of clothes and shoes carefully away from the action. Gary and I just ripped ours off and threw them in a heap next to the piano. 

Gary’s eight-inch cock was fully engaged and Bill had a nice-looking seven-inch one, but his was much thicker. 

Pat lightly stroked the inner thighs of her nicely tanned, long legs. Kathy seemed to be taking her cues from Pat and began doing the same. 

Looking my way, Gary said, “Since Bill is the new guest here, why don’t you start with him. I’ll just jump in where I think I’m needed.” 

Bill said, “Get it good and wet first.” 

The fragrance of apple emanated from Bill’s crotch. Had he shampooed that area? The smell turned me on, and I began licking his shaft like it was an ice cream cone on a hot August day. 

Gary began the same treatment on me. Oblivious to my surroundings, I was lost to all the corporal sensations my brain was receiving. I slipped Bill’s cock into my mouth and deep-throated him. I loved his taste and he filled me up. Maybe Kathy’s need for a bigger cock wasn’t the only one who needed one. 

“Kathy, I think your husband is a natural-born cock sucker.” 

Gary said, “Why don’t you get between Bill’s legs, and I’ll suck your cock from below.” 

That sounded like a great idea to me, so we all assumed the positions. Gary was sucking my cock, and I was getting close. I pulled off of Bill’s cock and said, “I don’t want to cum right now. Hold off a little.” 

Gary responded, “I’ve got another idea. Why don’t you suck us both?” 

He sat next to Bill, and I proceeded to suck Bill then Gary alternating every few sucks. I saw that Pat had her dress up to her waist and was rubbing her pussy lips. Kathy had done the same and was rubbing her cunt as she licked her lips like a person in need of water in the unrelenting desert sun. 

Bill was getting close when he pushed my head down on his cock. He came into my mouth. I knew Kathy would be disappointed that she didn’t get to see his cum go into my mouth, so I sat up, turned toward her, and let it slowly dribble out of my mouth down my chest. It must have been the right thing to do because Kathy began moaning as she furiously rubbed her clit. Just then, Pat approached my wife and stared into her eyes, and offered her hand, and Kathy accepted. She was led over to me. 

Pat said, “Kathy, why don’t you lick this cum off of your sweetie. That’s the least you can do for him.” 

Kathy immediately began licking Bill’s cum off my chest, belly, and lips just as suggested. I was so overcome with euphoria that I pushed Kathy down on the floor and began “Frenching” her while slipping my cock into her cunt. She was so hot and wet that she began to cum instantly in spite of my small cock. She thrashed, moaned, and said, “Oh yeah, fuck me, Honey.” 

Pat was sucking Bill’s cock, which given her tongue skills I knew he wouldn’t last long. I was right. Bill came in Pat’s mouth with several gasping breaths. Pat then lowered her lips to my wife’s mouth and began kissing her with Bill’s deposit. This set my wife off. She was really bucking and convulsing as she came over and over. 

I immediately erupted and I fired my load into her dripping twat. Looking at the writhing bodies in front of him, Gary stood there wanking, and just like a chain reaction he shot his load all over everyone. It was raining cum. We were all exhausted except Pat. She had designs on Kathy and her education. 

Pat looked at me and said, “Get out of the way. I want to eat your wife’s pussy and get all that nasty cum out of her.” 

As Pat’s tongue took the place of my cock, Kathy began to have one continuous orgasm. She was having a hard time breathing like she was a fish on the dock gasping for air. My cock was hard again and I began fucking Pat’s cunt. She looked annoyed but didn’t say anything. It didn’t take long and I came in her beautiful pussy with several long groans. She looked back at me and said, “You put that shit in there. You get it out.” 

I instantaneously began shoving my tongue deep into Pat’s tasty cunt and was burrowing for the load I had just deposited. Bill positioned himself over Kathy’s mouth and began face fucking her. Gary started pounding his cock up my ass again as I worked Pat’s cunt. Bill came in Kathy’s mouth, which she swallowed down without batting an eye. 

Gary came in my ass again and Pat finally came in my mouth with a torrent of pussy juice that just about drown me. Pat had a death grip on my wife’s cunt with her tongue and continued to give her more orgasms than any of us could count. The guys just stood there in awe and watched how it was supposed to be done. 

Gary commented, “You know, Pat can eat some pussy.” 

Bill replied, “Right now, I wish I was your wife. She must be in nirvana just look at her face.” 

Bill was right. Kathy was somewhere else heavenly and her face was glowing as beads of sweat trickled from her brow into her ear. Pat stopped and sat up saying, “That was really tasty. My work here is done. I’ve got to go.” 

She dressed and left us all standing there with our cocks drooping. Kathy was finally able to catch her breath but not before Pat left. Kathy looked at us and began to cry. This wasn’t a cry of joy; it was one of hysteria. That was a real buzz kill. Bill and Gary got dressed and left as I tried to console my wife. After about an hour, Kathy finally calmed down. 

I hesitantly asked, “I assume that had something to do with Pat?” 


“I would guess we need to talk about whatever happened here?” 

My wife began, “She terrifies me, but I like her so much. It all seems like fun and games to her. I’m not sure what I’m feeling, but it’s very strong almost a need.” 

“Can you try and put it into words because there seems to be a lot of emotion behind whatever you mean?” 

“When she looks at me, touches me or kisses me, I just melt and my pussy gets wet. Her personality is so strong that I can’t control myself. I find myself being compelled into doing things that I wouldn’t ordinarily do. Pat will touch me or look at me and my resistance just disintegrates, and I submit myself to her desires.” 

“Yes, I’ll admit she has a very strong persona. When she enters a room, everyone’s attention seems to be drawn to her. Maybe it’s her beauty. She can be very persuasive even for us guys.” 

“Do you think it would help if we sat down together and had a talk with Pat?” 

“Yes, I think that would be best. Why don’t you call her and set it up? I don’t think I could handle talking with her right now.” 

I called Pat’s number, which went straight to voice mail. I left her a message stating that Kathy and I wanted to have a conversation about us and gave several evenings that would work. I also included an invitation to dinner in the message, so she’d have to call back. I left my cell and work numbers, so Kathy wouldn’t have to talk to her.

The next day, I received a call from Pat. I told her some of what happened with Kathy and that we thought we needed to talk about our situation. We settled on a date, Thursday evening at six.

Published 3 years ago

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