Mark closed the computer down quickly. The noise of his wife’s key in the lock had jerked him back to reality. Today was really close. He was usually more careful, but today he had been finalising details. Details that would mean he would meet his friend, the friend he had been talking for nearly a year. Her name was Rhiannon, and as far as he could tell, she was a really nice lady. The small photos they exchanged online were only passport sized and didn’t show any detail but their faces. The photo she had sent was of a woman with dark hair cropped close to her chin, slightly spiked as it framed her face. It showed a smiling face, coy. Totally different to the lady he spoke to on the sex website they were both members of.
Rhiannon waited for a response, but as usual he had left the site without saying goodbye. When they had first started talking, she had been a little irritated, but soon realised that Mark needed to make a quick exits on a regular basis. They had been talking for a long time now. He was different to many men she spoke to. Most of them wanted sexual gratification, which was not on her agenda. She was more interested in making friends. Since the break up in her marriage she had many friends online. A select few she had been intimate with, but all were genuine caring people. Mark was one of her platonic friends.
Mark was used to shutting the computer down quickly as he had teenage children. But they were away with grandparents so he knew it must be his wife. Sophie opened the door of the office and glanced towards the computer. He was glad he had shut it down, it would be lunacy to spoil the plans he was making. They had been months in making. She asked him if he wanted something to eat, he nodded and turned his head to some papers that were in front of him implying the conversation was complete and she left the room.
Rhiannon was surprised when she had agreed to meet him. She had typed her response before thinking, and once sent she wasn’t able to retract the message. She had thought several times she could cancel, but the details of the meeting fitted in with one of her favourite fantasies. So by the time they had finalised the details, she was really looking forward to the day she would finally meet her online friend.
The following day Mark waited until Sophie had left the house. She worked early and late shifts in a bar, the type that serves meals from breakfast to late evening. So once she left for work, he usually had a few hours he could spend online before he had to go to work too. He loved and trusted Sophie, but knew her personality. She was very friendly, may be too friendly, but that was the nature of the job. She was there to look good, and flirt with the customers. Ok, it wasn’t in the job description and wasn’t politically correct, but it was an unwritten job duty and he knew she needed to be the eye candy. However, with Sophie gone, he could start to get ready. Outside it was a crisp winter’s day and he hoped it would be perfect for what he had planned.
Rhiannon woke early as she had a long way to travel. Visiting Mark’s English city would mean leaving the safety of the close knit communities in the Welsh valleys. She wasn’t used to travelling alone. Almost all through her adult life she had been chaperoned by her husband, but since splitting up, she had become a more confident, positive person; willing to try new things. The old Rhiannon would never have joined the web site, and definitely never entertain the idea of a sexual liaison. She had even booked a double room for the night, although she had no idea whether she would be sleeping alone or not.
He had never met anyone he had talked to online in the flesh before. This was going to be a special occasion, so he had booked a day off. The relationship he shared with Rhiannon was platonic, but with heavy sexual innuendo. He had wanted to take it further. But his marriage and the thought of putting his feelings into words had made him hold back from making those types of advances. Nevertheless, he knew that the description she had given him to go with the photo would definitely make him think hard about his actions for the next 24 hours.
Rhiannon had thought carefully about what to wear for the journey. She knew it had to be sexy without it being tarty as she had a fair way to travel, but she also wanted to make an impact. First impressions were really important to Rhiannon, as all through her life people had judged her because of her size. She had chosen a slim fitting, red top with a cleavage as low as train travel modesty would allow and a long black skirt with red, ankle stiletto heeled boots. They were comfortable for travel but also she knew she looked good in them. Her small rounded ass looked good in the skirt. The looks she was getting from the men on the train indicated that it had been the right outfit to choose.
The train pulled into the station. He waited expectantly, searching the crowd, looking for the face from the photo. He had almost given up, when he felt a tap on his shoulder. It was Rhiannon, he knew she was short, but his imagination had failed to store this piece of information, so he had been looking above her head. Apart from her height, she was everything he had imagined. His eyes fell towards her cleavage and he smiled. They had chatted about their favourite parts of the body and they had agreed on asses and boobs. Part of their rapport had been built on sending each other pictures they found on the internet, thus proving they were on the same wave length where sex was concerned.
They said their shy hellos with a quick peck on the lips and a firm hug. Both Mark and Rhiannon found themselves falling into step with each other and immediately a jovial banter started, as if they had been friends for years. He liked her Welsh lilt and the inflection on some of her words turned him on. He had no idea why, but the time talking online had given his imagination free rein and the fantasies about his friend had been varied. But now, he had her voice to add to the images.
There was no need to talk about the day’s itinerary as they had spoken about it so much online. Over lunch they found themselves laughing and joking about friends they both knew online and which friends they would tell about the meeting.
After a short drive, they arrived at a small English inn the type with a beer garden outside, and a roaring fire inside. It had been carefully selected by Mark to fit a specific fantasy. They entered the building separately. Mark waiting in the car until he was sure that Rhiannon was safely booked in and up in her room getting ready.
Mark checked the time as he ordered his drink. He was not too sure how long this was going to take, but he was willing to wait all night if he had to.
Rhiannon unpacked quickly, unsure of how much time she had. So after a quick shower to freshen up, she put on the clothes they had agreed on for the occasion. The black basque, which pushed her ample breasts up gave her an amazing cleavage. She was pleased to see her refection in the mirror that it was still immediately obvious through the simple black top that they had chosen online together. She felt incredibly sexy even though she was going to be fully dressed for the evening.
The bar was mostly frequented by local people, but Mark wanted to sit in the dimly lit lounge. He was pleased that it was empty and he could choose where to sit. Other customers might make the plans harder to implement. The pub was exactly as the online pictures had shown. Mark chose a discreet place to sit with his drink and his laptop. He wanted to look as if he was doing work, so no one would disturb him. He wondered what Rhiannon was doing, so he contacted her through the Instant Messenger they had decided to use to communicate with each other.
She heard the noise from her laptop. Mark had sent a message saying they were going to be waiting a while. Her response was quick, but she knew what she wanted to do. They had never used their web cams before, but today she decided to throw caution to the wind and click the cam icon.
In front of the laptop she pulled on the flesh coloured stockings, relishing the feeling between her fingers. She was determined that tonight she was going to enjoy herself. She began stroking her legs slowly and seductively from the foot. She took extra care at her ankles, using both hands to caress them through the nylon. Feeling the texture of the material emphasised the sensation. The tingling she felt radiated throughout her body and she could feel the familiar dampness developing in-between her thighs. She hoped Mark was appreciating what she was doing as much as she was. Her hands then progressed to her calf, and sensually pulled the stockings the length of her outstretched leg, attaching the top band of the stockings to the suspenders connected to the basque. Pointing the toes of the other leg, she did exactly the same, but did it while standing with her bare ass in full view of the camera.
Mark was surprised, but eager to see why Rhiannon was using the cam. She knew all about his fantasies, and stockings came top of his list. He watched intently and realised he was getting hot and bothered. He pressed his palm against his groin and he felt the sensation spread through his body. She was teasing him, but it was amazing. He was in a public place and that was the only satisfaction he was going to get………at least for the next few hours.
Rhiannon finished getting ready in front of the laptop and they started an online conversation, full of suggestive comments that they knew were turning each other on.
A little before 6 o’clock, a woman walked in and stood at the bar. Mark busied himself with ‘work’. He knew he was not immediately obvious as he was in the darkest corner of the room. She took no notice of Mark as she seemed to have other things on her mind. Collecting her drink, she looked around and found a spot that was close to the fire and almost concealed as it receded into the alcove. There she sat on the most unobtrusive chair beside a round table with dark tablecloth draped over it.
Mark was pleased. Rhiannon had already told him she had arranged the chairs so that the fantasy would be possible. He waited for a few minutes for the lady to get comfortable, and he sent a message to his friend indicating that things could get underway.
Rhiannon felt a surge of adrenaline as the message arrived. She knew that it was only a matter of time now, and so adding the final touches to her makeup she waited. She had never done anything like this before, so the butterflies in the stomach and adrenalin, she expected. What shocked her was the arousal that suddenly hit her. She knew that things may go wrong, but at the same time, she realised she had to carry on with the fantasy.
Mark pretended he was totally absorbed in his work, his earphones implying that he was oblivious to what was happening in the room. But, all his attention was on the woman and he was pleased when she got up, grabbed her bag and headed for the toilets. This was exactly what Mark was waiting for, and he messaged Rhiannon so the next part of their plan could be implemented.
Rhiannon appeared in the door frame, she could hardly remember leaving the room. She realised she had arrived quicker than she expected and was running on autopilot. Slipping into the room as discreetly as possible, she disappeared under the table, where the lady had been sitting. She was totally hidden by the heavy table cloth. Things were running like clockwork.
A few minutes later the woman came back into the room totally unaware of the plans that Mark and Rhiannon were in the process of executing.
Rhiannon waited a few minutes for the woman to get comfortable again. The table was large and she had plenty of room to move freely without the woman realising she was there. It was important that Mark was able to witness the action, so Rhiannon pulled the table cloth aside.
Mark shifted his position quietly, he was determined he was going to absorb every detail.
As Rhiannon crouched down to be nearer the woman’s legs she realised her ass was in full view to Mark. Knowing this gave her a boost. She wiggled her body and parted her legs causing the skirt to ride up even more, giving him a full view of her soaking wet panties.
The stockings now finished just short of the black mini skirt she was wearing and the skin he could now see was so inviting. He was desperate to touch her. But knew this wasn’t part of the fantasy………or not yet at least.
Sitting back on her heels, she looked at the sight before her. In front of her were a pair of outlandishly high, red stiletto heeled shoes worn by slender white legs. She was intrigued to find out whether they were tights or stockings, but knew she had to take her time.
Mark had a fleeting look at the woman’s face and thought he saw a sly smile, but he couldn’t be sure.
Rhiannon’s heart was almost in her mouth as she caressed the slim ankles. The legs flinched a little, but the woman stayed where she was. Taking this as a positive sign, she stroked and massaged firmly up to the knees. As the woman was evidently willing to be touched, Rhiannon continued using her hands but now delighted in kissing her way to the top of her thighs. The legs seemed to part expectantly and the journey to the top of her thighs was quicker than she had planned. Almost without her realising, her right hand had found its way to her own moist panties and was delving deep inside.
Mark witnessed the woman slipping further down in her chair, her legs spreading as far as it was comfortable. He had an unrestricted view of the performance and was struggling hard not to touch himself or show any emotion that would give him away.
As the long, dark coat fell away from the woman’s legs, Rhiannon looked at the gap above the stockings. She found herself faced with a sight she wasn’t expecting. A completely naked pussy, no skirt, no panties and completely shaved.
Mark had no idea of the treasure Rhiannon had uncovered, but continued watching avidly especially as he could see her enthusiastically fingering herself. As he watched the action, he had to force himself into his seat, fighting the urge to react to the display.
She could now confidently carry on. The woman seemed to be expecting some kind of sexual encounter. Her pussy was extremely wet and Rhiannon could see that the tops of her thighs were too. She was pleased that her first experience of being intimate with a woman was going well. The woman moved her position, giving Rhiannon freer access to her pussy. She took this as an invitation, moving closer she licked and tasted the bare lips, tasting the moistness.
Mark could see one of the woman’s hands, pressed hard into the table, the force gathering the cloth at her knuckles. The other was discreetly hidden under her coat. He imagined that she was fondling one nipple, then the other, between her fingers, methodically back and fore in time to the rhythm of the action between her legs. The woman was trying hard to appear as though nothing was happening below the table, but Mark was sure he could see the rapture in her face.
Rhiannon carried on, as the woman gave no indication of resistance. In fact, all of a sudden, her legs seemed to fasten around Rhiannon, pulling her further towards the woman’s body. She now needed no encouragement.
Mark’s attention was fixed on Rhiannon but was also aware of the woman trying desperately to be nonchalant. He could take no more as he could see the frenzied way Rhiannon was licking and sucking the woman. His hand found its way into his jeans and he discreetly worked on his swollen cock.
Finding her clit, she gently flicked her tongue, licking and sucking it tenderly, aware that she needed to be firm but gentle. She then continued to explore, dipping her tongue repeatedly deep inside the neat hole. The woman was becoming wetter than Rhiannon had ever thought possible. She could feel every movement that the woman made and could sense that she was near to climaxing. This spurred her on, to increase the tempo on the woman’s clit and also on her own.
Mark was transfixed. He was unable to take his eyes from the two women near the fire. The woman had her eyes closed and was stifling moans that would have betrayed the situation. But Mark could see both the woman and Rhiannon and knew they were both lost in their passion. Still being careful, he stroked his solid, pulsating erection.
Rhiannon could feel the woman tensing up and it was turning her on. She had never given pleasure to woman before, but she was determined that tonight she was going to fulfil her fantasy and make a woman cum. However, she knew enough from her own experience, to want to make it last as long as possible. She paused and blew gently on the woman’s clit.
Mark only had eyes for the action that was unfolding under the table. He knew he was close to cumming, but he also knew that witnessing this scene was going to be a prelude for an amazing night. He stopped massaging his cock and just watched the amazing display.
All three people in the lounge were now so wrapped up in their excitement and passion that they were now oblivious to any outside influence. So it was just as well that there were no customers wanting to use the lounge.
Rhiannon increased the pressure with her tongue on the woman’s clit and then sucked slowly and steadily. Her other hand was busy fingering the woman’s hot, wet hole. She had started with one and had quickly increased to four fingers. So now she was rapidly bringing the woman to orgasm. Faster and faster Rhiannon pushed her fingers into the woman, imitating the cock she wanted so badly inside herself. At the same time, her mouth was busy with the swollen clitoris. Rhiannon lapped the juices from the woman’s pussy, while she manipulated her own clit. Moving her ass and legs in time to the movement of her fingers, she knew her own climax was imminent. Rhiannon suddenly felt the tremors shake through the woman. This was a new experience for her and it set off her own orgasm shuddering through her highly stimulated body. Again and again the two women came. The uncontrollable spasms in each woman’s body were erratic but mind blowing. Rhiannon lay on the woman’s legs to steady herself. Today had opened up a new experience for her, she was sure there was more to come, and hoped it would be just as good or even better……..if that was possible.
Mark had fulfilled Rhiannon’s fantasy, and by the look of the woman, hers too. Witnessing both women climaxing, Mark knew there was no denying that they had enjoyed themselves. Their combined moans were barely audible, but the ecstasy in their faces was undeniable. He hoped there would be more to come.
Part Two
Sophie opened the door. She knew he was on the computer again. She knew the site he frequented as he sometimes forgot to delete his history. But apart from that, she had no idea who he was talking to or what he was doing. She knew that he got turned on while he was on the site as she would see his cock straining to get out of his boxers and usually that meant he needed no encouragement to come to bed.
Since he had joined the site, their sex life had improved so much, but they were still unable to talk through the issues in their marriage. There had been a time early on in their relationship that they had confided in each other totally. But now with him sat at the computer at every available opportunity, she wondered who he was opening his heart to. Even worse, was there a blossoming relationship?
After acknowledging her arrival home, he seemed to disappear into his own world again, so she left him to it and went to make some food. Her mind was working over time. Without the kids at home for the next two weeks, she had hoped that she and Mark would be able to rekindle their dying marriage. But, now, she was scared. She knew something was happening in his life, and she wasn’t sure she liked the connotations that it evoked.
The following day she was up early. She was turning 30 and was already wound up about the milestone. During the night she had hardly slept as her mind had not let her rest. Consequently she was annoyed and hurt by the whole situation. She was expecting Mark to have organised something for them both, but he had turned over and gone straight back to sleep. This was the first time Mark had forgotten her birthday. She realised though, that something was happening that day and she knew that all Mark’s attention had been on the preparations for the event.
She wanted to see what she could find in the study, or on the computer. She entered the room, this was Mark’s domain, and she felt strangely intrusive, as if she was invading his life. She wasn’t sure what she was looking for, but she searched quietly and methodically anyway. She found a train timetable in the computer’s history, a review for a pub that had clearly been printed off the previous day and a time written and circled in his diary for that day’s date. There was nothing else that she could pin point as being foreign to his office, so she wrote the name of the pub on the pad she had found, ripped off the page and closed the door quietly as she left. She was hoping to find something more incriminating, but as there was nothing, she decided the pub was her only option.
She had no idea what she was going to do. Mark forgetting her birthday was the final straw. She was sure that when she confronted him in the pub, with the other woman, everything would click into place. As she was getting ready for work, she decided that she would deliberate on her options when she had some time to think.
Towards lunch time, Sophie realised that the whole situation was beginning to take over. She wasn’t able to function, so she spoke to her boss and arranged to have the rest of the day off.
She entered the house hoping to find Mark preparing to leave, but she had miscalculated the time and had missed him. She walked into his office and sat at the computer. She knew she still loved Mark and contemplated the situation. Catching sight of herself in the mirror, she realised she wanted to fight for her man.
Twenty minutes later, a different woman looked back at her from the bedroom mirror. Through the years they had played out many roles in their sexual life and she had decided on Mark’s favourite. Standing in front of the mirror, she took a long breath and admired what she saw. She was dressed in a red basque that pushed up her ample breasts, white stockings that emphasised her long slender legs, and red stilettos finished the outfit giving her the appearance of being a working girl. Adding a long black leather coat to hide the fact she was only wearing underwear, she was now ready. She also knew that dressed like this, she would make him think twice about what he was doing AND whoever this woman was, she was going to give her a run for her money.
By the time she got to the pub it was dark, but she hoped she had arrived before Mark and his mystery guest. She liked the look of the place. It was almost familiar although she was sure she hadn’t been there before. As she entered the building, she was aware that the most of the people were in the bar. But the lounge was almost empty. She knew Mark. He would take his acquaintance into the lounge where it was quieter, so they could get to know each other.
After buying a drink, she looked for somewhere to sit. She had to be discreet as she wanted to be able to confront the couple when they arrived. So choosing a position that would be obscured to customers entering the room, she settled down to wait.
The warmth of the fire and the full length coat lulled her into a trance like state. She started to think, to dream and to fantasise. Sitting in the pub, she reminisced of a time when she had fought for her marriage, in the same outfit, and knew that Mark would remember too.
Sitting in the alcove, she had a few minutes to think about the situation. Something about the pub, the room she was sat in, and the table with the cloth over it was irritating her. She could not work out what and was frustrated that it was getting in the way of her judgment of Mark and his online friend. She had to think before they arrived.
Grabbing her bag, she rushed to the ladies room. She wanted to be angry with Mark, but all she could think of were the good times. Her mind was filled with images of every position imaginable. Together they had been quite creative and all the sexual feelings about Mark came flooding back.
Sophie and her husband had tried sex in public places, but the risk had always been small. In the restroom, she realised she could be caught any second by another customer. She knew this fact was encouraging her, and the sensation was way past anything she had ever had experienced before. The feeling was overwhelming. Finally, she gave in and sat on a small seat in the corner of the room. Her back was now facing the door and she wrapped her legs in her coat. However, the feelings that were stirring in her far outweighed the guilt and embarrassment that might occur if she was caught.
Arching her back and sliding further down the seat, Sophie’s first instinct was to gain easier access inside her sheer white panties. She stretched her lithe legs, kicking off her shoes in the same smooth movement. Her hand slid down her tiny panties, feeling the soft skin already wet with anticipation. Pressing her left hand hard against her closed lips, she could feel the pressure indirectly on her clit. Her other hand was concentrating on her erect nipples. Her thoughts were of Mark, standing behind her, his stiff cock pounding into her. She knew she had to continue and it needed to be quick.
Searching inside her handbag, she was pleased and relieved to find her much cherished and well used love toy. It was a small red bullet, which imitated the look of a lipstick. She had used it many times when she was away from home. It was her favourite plaything, as it was discreet. No one knew when she was using it and at that moment she needed to be so careful……..but she needed it so much.
Looking at the lipstick shaped toy, a feeling of joy and anticipation swept through her. The thought of someone entering the room was such a turn on. Shivers went down her spine as she thought of being caught. Her back pressed into the back of the chair as she turned the toy on to its fastest setting. Listening to it, she realised the noise was resonating around the room. It was usually so quiet, but the tiles on the walls, floor and ceiling were amplifying the sound and her discreet moans. This fact was lost on her as the feelings awakening in her took over.
Sophie took her right breast completely out of its confines of the basque flopping it onto the dark material of the coat. The coolness of the restroom air conditioning on the fair skin turned her on. She squeezed the nipple again, her arousal causing it to be ultra sensitive. She placed the tip of the toy directly on the nipple. A shock of electricity shot through the middle of it and she could feel the wetness increase between her legs.
Moving the vibrating bullet, she trailed it over her body without reservation. The pleasure induced by the vibration reverberating throughout her hot, stimulated body was taking her to new heights. While her hands frantically pushed the coat apart without thinking. All thoughts of someone entering the room had gone completely. Instead, her mind was filled only with the thought of the toy advancing downwards.
Sophie clasped the tiny vibrator tightly between her fingers. Moving slowly and sensually, her body responds to every touch. Eventually she reached her pussy enjoying the pleasure the extra pleasure this gives. Slipping the toy under her panties she closes her legs, moving her ass back and fore encouraged by the feeling that was spreading down her legs and up her body.
Using her wetness to lube the vibe she pushes it inside herself and sitting so the vibration could spread through her ass as well. With her whole body enjoying the feeling, her mind wandered to her husband again. Her anger was completely gone. Her excitement and exhilaration was making her want him to fuck her really hard and fast. All she could think about was Mark’s cock ramming in and out of her soaked pussy.
Pressing the toy against her clit harder, she tweaked both nipples one after the other. She felt the impending orgasm and slowed down, hoping to draw out the elation. But the feeling was too strong. Suddenly, she felt wave after wave of ecstasy, rolling over her whole being, taking her higher and higher. She exploded, her clit pulsating while her head ached, her body shaking all over.
Shutting her eyes she relished the feelings that had consumed her body, and relaxed as they finally faded. Her mind now clear, she knew she had to think about the situation, especially as she remembered why the pub seemed familiar.
Slipping her wet panties down to her ankles, she delicately stepped out of them, bent down to pick them up and slipped them into her pocket. She gathered her coat around her, and she rearranged it so she looked presentable again.
She reapplied her makeup and calmly thought about everything as she started to piece the jigsaw together. It was her birthday. The pub was from a fantasy that she had told Mark about…..and last but no means least, Mark had forgotten her birthday. Or had he? She suddenly realised her anger had been clouding her thoughts when she had arrived. It was starting to dawn on her that she may have misjudged Mark, and his new friend.
She re-entered the lounge and stole a sideways glance at the business man in the corner. Her heart missed a beat. She suddenly realised it was Mark. She wasn’t sure what was going to happen but she was damn sure she was going to enjoy it.
Mark was the first to get up and leave the room. He veered towards the table and placed a note containing details of the hotel room and Rhiannon. Leaving clues for Sophie to find was easy. Hoping she would follow them had been a different matter, completely.