I went into my room, my head still spinning from the unexpected, but highly hoped-for events of the day. I had only left Jools at the front door of her parents house a few minutes ago and I already felt lonesome for her. I decided to clear my head and try to regain some focus.
Into the bathroom I went. While doing my bedtime bathroom routine, I tried to figure out why I seemed to be so obsessed with Jools. I’ve seen dozens of girls that were just as beautiful but none of them affected me the way Jools did, it had to be something else. I thought long and hard about it until I finished and pulled on a fresh pair of boxers before getting ready to climb in bed. I looked down at the mess we had created and said, ‘fuck it,’ and planned to just straighten the bed up instead of re-making it with fresh sheets.
I did that and just before I climbed between the covers, I glanced out the bedroom window and noticed the lights were on and the blinds open in Jools’ room. I watched for a minute and had just about given up when she appeared at the window wearing a thin, shorty robe that looked like silk. We waved and she untied the sash, opened the front of the robe wide, flashing me that fabulous body with a big smile. I pulled my boxers down just far enough for her to see my flaccid cock. I looked up to see her reaction and she was seductively licking her lips. I put my hand over my heart and patted my chest a few times trying to express how much I loved her reaction. She smiled again, then left my view holding up a finger indicating ‘one minute’.
A moment later, my phone rang. “Hello,” I said.
“Hi, Baby,” came the response.
“You’re so sexy, Jools.”
“I wish I were there with you instead of here. I miss being close to you and ache to fall asleep in your arms one of these nights. I’m trying to figure out a way to spend an entire night with you.”
“I’d love to fall asleep with you in my arms, Baby I wish we were still together, too.”
“Laura cornered me when I got home. She thinks something’s going on. I said, ‘what’s the matter? jealous? Too fucking bad, you can’t have him, he’s mine.’ We didn’t really have a fight, but I told her I was going to be 18 in less than a month and could do whatever the Hell I want then. I added if she screwed this up, I was going to show Dad my evidence that she’s been cheating on him. The dumb bitch posts incriminating photos and messages on Facebook! She doesn’t worry about Dad finding it, because he hates computers for anything beyond the things he has to do on them at work, but I had no trouble finding it, and she actually writes her user names, account information and passwords in a spiral notebook she leaves in a desk drawer under the computer. I hacked her email and Facebook accounts and copied all of her mail, photos, private messages and status updates that were incriminating to use against her if she ever tries to screw me over.”
“That’s wild, I’m really happy you are living with your Dad, but a little surprised too. Where’s your Mom?”
“My Mom passed away when I was 15.”
“Aw, Baby. I’m so sorry. I wish there were something I could do to help.”
“You already are, loving me is more than enough. By the way, I don’t think you noticed my surprise.”
I looked out the window and across the way to see what I supposedly didn’t notice.
“So what’s your surprise?”
She took the bottom corners of the robe and slowly peeled them back this time instead of flashing me like earlier. The anticipation of whatever the ‘surprise’ was supposed to be and the agony I felt as I waited, was…, was…, what can I say… exquisite. Jools’ upper thighs were slowly exposed, a fraction of an inch at a time and her head was leaned down, but her eyes were locked on mine, only looking down occasionally to check her progress, and the only word that could describe them was sultry. Eventually her pussy was exposed and I still didn’t see anything, but the opening of the robe continued to rise upwards toward the sash that kept it closed. Then I saw it! The postage stamp size patch of dirty blonde pubic hair was gone and her vulva was bare, oiled and shiny.
“You shaved the rest of your pubic hair off. That is so sexy!”
“How sexy is it?”
I pulled my cock out of my boxers and showed her the degree to which tonight’s show turned me on and said, “Just out of curiosity, would a little, umm, ‘manscaping’ on me appeal to you?”
“Especially if you let me help you with it.”
“Do you love me?”
“More than you can imagine, why?”
“There’s no way I’m going to let anyone near my junk with scissors or a razor unless they love me. Are you thinking closely trimmed or porn star bald?”
“Well, first of all, I love you way too much to risk injuring you. I think I’d probably just want to turn your deep shag into indoor/outdoor carpeting. Totally bald on a guy would be a little weird to me.”
“My genitalia are in your hands.”
“I guess in my hands will do for starters.”
I chuckled at the innuendo and said, “I can’t wait to lick your bare pussy.”
“I’ll be over there shortly after I get up. Dad has to leave for work about 7am and Laura has to work from 11 until 7 and will be busy trying to make herself look presentable and sexy for her job from the moment she wakes up around 8 or 8:30 until she leaves.”
“She works? What does she do?”
“She’s the afternoon bartender in the restaurant at the Best Western. That’s where she meets most of the guys she fucks around on my Dad with. I guess it’s convenient that she meets lots of guys that have rooms there. She likes to spend her lunch breaks having quickie sex with guys here on business or whatever.”
“So what does your Dad do?”
“He works for the County Building Department. He is one of the guys that checks and approves building plans. Anyhow, I’ve got to let you go for now. Chloe made me promise I’d call her tonight before I go to sleep.”
“OK, but I’ve got to know. What does Chloe know about us?”
“Well she knows I wanted to have sex with you today, and I’m pretty sure she figures I got what I wanted, but like I told you, she’s my BFF and we tell each other everything. In a few minutes, she’ll know everything about today.”
“Everything! I want to scream out to the world from my bedroom window how good it was and how you make me feel, but for obvious reasons I can’t do that. The next best thing is to brag to by BFF about it all.”
“As much as I’d like to hear that conversation, I know how important you guys are to each other so I’ll let you go for tonight. Tell Chloe I said hello and I’ll see you in the morning. I love you, Jools. Hey, since I’m going to be busy part of the day, maybe Chloe would enjoy hanging out with you tomorrow.”
“Only if it’s at your house, unless you object, I plan on spending tomorrow with you, or at least at your house!”
“You can invite her here to hang out with you if you like, I don’t have a problem with that. Anyhow, Good night, Sweetie. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
“OK, Baby. I love you, too.”
I looked down and wondered how my cock could be so hard after starting out flaccid when I got out of the shower and only talking on the phone with her (and having a fairly normal conversation, not phone sex – then I suddenly remembered her showing me her freshly shaved bare pussy through our bedroom windows. My cock twitched and seem to get even harder. I tried desperately to conjure up non-sexual images so I didn’t have to masturbate again. I put more clothes away in the closet and dressers, re-made the bed after all and thankfully my erection subsided. I turned out the lights and climbed between the cool, crisp sheets. I lay there thinking about Jools and tried to analyze the hold she had on me.
I drifted off into a well-deserved and satisfying sleep. I woke up happy and refreshed, albeit with my typical morning hard on, trying frantically to remember the dream I had starring Jools. I held on to snippets of the dream, but I woke up feeling as though the dream was much more intense than my memories of it.
I rolled over and looked at my clock-radio and it was 8:41 . I had apparently hit the snooze button once, but I decided I had to actually get on my feet and start moving or risk falling asleep again, then who knows when I might finally wake up.
I walked to my bathroom and my morning wood had gone done sufficiently to allow me to pee. As I stood there relieving myself, my doorbell rang.
“Shit,” I exclaimed, then in a louder voice, I yelled out the door and down the stairs, “be right there!”
I finished peeing as quickly as possible, put on my long terrycloth robe and ran downstairs. I opened the door expecting to see the Comcast guy but it was Jools holding an even bigger tote bag than she had yesterday. She came in, we hugged tightly and I said, “Well this a pleasant surprise!”
She said, “I came over as soon as I got up, I didn’t even take my shower but I’ve got everything with me I need to take it hoping we could take one together!”
I said, “I was just going to take mine, let’s go save some water!”
We locked the door, went up stairs and turned on the shower. We got naked as we waited for it to warm up.
I said, “Let me see that bare pussy.”
She hopped up so she was sitting on the bathroom vanity and I got down on my knees between her legs. I examined it closely and took a nice long lick from her perineum, that tiny patch of skin that fills the space between her asshole and her pussy, all the way up past her clit where I nuzzled the freshly shaven area.
I said, “I love it and I hope you don’t mind, but I have a feeling I be spending a lot more time performing oral sex on you from now on. It’s very sexy!”
I spent a couple more minutes licking her pussy and sucking on her clit.
She said, “I haven’t even showered yet today – how can you even allow your face near my pussy this morning?
I said, “It doesn’t bother me a bit. I love licking your pussy. I’m not sure anything could prevent me burying my face between your legs!”
We got in the shower and spent as much time playing with each other as we did cleaning ourselves. Soon I was rock-hard and she was more than aroused, she was well on her way to her first orgasm. I had her stand facing the shower wall and asked her to bend over slightly, hold the stainless steel grab bars that surrounded the three walls of the huge walk in shower and spread her legs. I ran the head of my cock up and down her wet slit and thrust it between her legs, the upward pressure causing the top of my cock to rub her clit as I moved it between her legs.
She was getting quite worked up and I leaned over, nibbled on her right ear lobe and said, “Do you want my big, hard cock inside you? Do you want to make love while we stand here under the spray?”
I was disappointed and saddened when she said, “No.” There was a long pause (it felt like an eternity, but was probably only a few seconds) then she said, “I want to be fucked here under the spray!”
I backed away just far enough so the tip of my cock was directly below the entrance of her pussy and changed my angle of attack enough that I thought I might easily enter her. The angle stillwasn’tquite right and I slipped out before getting much further than her outer lips. Jools backed up a bit, bent over a little more, resting her forehead against the wall to support herself, arched her back allowing better access to her pussy and gripped her ass cheeks with her fingertips, spreading them wide. I saw her tiny pussy and little pink asshole for the first time from this angle and at that moment, I desperately wanted to put my tongue between those firm little cheeks and lick her ass even more than I wanted to put my cock in her pussy (for now at least). I got down on my knees behind her, reached my tongue out as far as I could and tweaked her clit a couple times, then dragged my tongue through her wet slit, past her perineum and rimmed her asshole just long enough to make it obvious to Jools that it was no accident. I repeated this act a few times before backing away.
She moaned and said, “Oh, God that felt good, Baby.”
I stood back up and searched for and found her pussy opening with the head of my cock then slowly worked it in up to the hilt. Jools resumed supporting herself with her hands gripping the grab bar while I fucked her with long slow strokes. As our orgasms approached, we sped up and a few minutes later, we managed to achieve a simultaneous orgasm. Jools pulled away, dropped to her knees, sucked my cock into her mouth in an attempt to milk the balance of my cum from the spent organ then stood up facing me – and we kissed.
She said, “God, Jon. Every time we fuck it’s better than the last time. I feel incredible. I love you. I love you so much.”
I said, “Sex with you has been the best of my life too, Jools. I love you.”
We rinsed off again then got out and dried off.
Jools said, “So, are you still going to let me perform a little ‘manscaping’ on you?”
I said, “Sure, at this point,you’vegot me so in love with you, I’d probably agree to let you circumcise me.”
She said, “No thanks. Yours is my first un-circumcised cock and I really like it just the way it is.”
Jools reached into the tote bag and pulled out a pair of short, tiny denim cutoffs and a white tank top, which she put on without panties or a bra. We dressed together then stood side by side at the big two-sink vanity in the bathroom while I finished dealing with my hair, brushing my teeth and taking care of all my typical after-shower activities. Meanwhile, Jools had dried her hair with a blow-drier she brought with her, pulled her hair up into a high pony tail and secured it with a ‘scrunchy’ before applying just a bit of mascara, eyeliner and blush.
While applying the eyeliner in the mirror, she matter of factly said, “Putting your tongue in my asswasn’tan accident, was it?”
I said, “No itwasn’t. First of all, I knew you were squeaky clean, second, your little pink rosebud looked so inviting, I justcouldn’tresist. You didn’t seem to mind it too much.”
She said, “I didn’t mind. I didn’t mind at all, actually I liked it. I liked it a lot.”
I said, “So I won’t get beat up too bad if I end up doing that again once in a while?”
She said, “No, in fact I think I’d like that very much.”
She finished with her makeup and everything then turned, struck a rather sexy pose and said, “What do you think?”
I said, “The same thingI’vethought since you rang my doorbell Saturday afternoon – you’re the most beautiful girlI’veever met and I love you.”
She kissed me passionately and said, “I love you too.”
We kissed again but were interrupted by the doorbell. We went downstairs and…