Still hot, sweaty and exhausted from the three-way with Jools and Chloe, we all go into the shower to rinse the sex off our bodies. After drying off, the girls put casual outfits back on and I simply put on my sandals, cargo shorts and a fresh tee shirt.
It was starting to get a little late in the day so we decided it was time for the lunch I promised them. Actually it was well past ‘lunch time’, I’m sure most of the small restaurants in the area were serving from their ‘early-bird’ menus, a popular feature for the average lower middle class retirees in the area. Slightly smaller portions, discounted prices and before the typical evening dinner crowds ate, meaning the early-birds could go to dinner and home again afterwards without driving in the dark. That also made it safe for the other drivers on the roads as well. The statistics say they (the retirees) are among the safest drivers – they may not get many tickets or be in as many accidents, but I have a feeling they cause a lot of them down here.
We decided to have burgers on the grill. I left the girls to work in the kitchen while I got my grill from the garage and pulled it out to the pool cage. I started up a batch of charcoal and while it burned with the starting fluid, I went back in the kitchen to see how the girls were doing. Jools had made the patties on wax paper and was getting out the buns. Chloe was cutting up a whole pickle making ‘hamburger chips’ and had already chopped up some onions and got out the rest of the condiments.
As we worked, I said, “OK, it’s driving me nuts – how long ago did you come up with the idea for what we just did?
Jools said, “Last night Chloe and I talked after I went to bed. It started out with me just bragging about how incredible sex with you was, how big you were, the fact you’re un-circumcised and the other things you did to me.”
Chloe said, “I said, Jools, you lucky bitch. I wish I would have seen him first.”
Jools replied, “Well he can certainly dish out a lot more than I can take, maybe one of these days we could tag team him, I told her if she’s serious, I’m game.”
I said, “Have you guys done this before?”
Jools said, “Well, Chloe and I have talked about it – a lot, but this is the first time we’ve actually let a guy be with both of us at the same time.”
I said, “Have either of you ever done a three-way before?”
Jools said, “Not me.”
Chloe said, “Me neither.”
I said, “You guys have fooled around together though, right?”
Jools said, “A few times. Usually when we just feel like not putting up with boys’ shit.”
Chloe smacked her on the arm and said, “Liar! For the last two years or so every time we spent the night together at either my house or yours, we’ve fooled around with each other. You gave me my very first orgasm from oral sex and claim I gave you your first, too.
Jools blushed and I said, “That’s nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed about. I think two beautiful girls pleasuring each other is a very sexy thing. It would be a real turn-on to watch you guys together before, during or afterwards if the three of us end up doing this again someday.”
Jools said, “Seriously? I think it would be embarrassing to do that with anyone watching.”
Chloe said, “Not if he’s just waiting until we ask him to join us at some point.”
I said, “If you did it after we hooked up and I got to watch, it might get me going for a second round.”
Jools said, “You really think you could have a three-way, then get turned on enough by watching us to have another three-way later?”
I said, “I can’t promise my dick will cooperate, but even if it doesn’t, I know my tongue will always rise to the occasion.”
Chloe said, “You mean if we wore you out and you couldn’t get it up again, you’d be willing to eat us instead?”
I said, “Willing and happy about it, too.”
Jools said, “It sounds like today wasn’t your first three-way. I guess I should have assumed this wouldn’t have been a new experience for you.”
I said, “No, it wasn’t but I can guarantee you that I’ve never been with two such young, beautiful girls in my life. Jools, I hope you did it as much for you guys as you did for me, I could honestly be happy alone with a girl like you and having a three-way could remain strictly a fantasy.”
Jools said, “It was mostly for you but it was something Chloe and I were both anxious to try, too. Me, because it was something new and exciting and the way you made me feel yesterday. Chloe, because I’m not sure she believed everything I told her on the phone and because I have a feeling she was worried we might not ‘be together’ as often now that you were rocking my world so well.”
I said, “As far as I’m concerned you two can be together anytime you want. It would be especially cool if I got to watch, help or join in.”
I went to check on the charcoal while Jools and Chloe worked on some sides for our meal. I agreed to let them do that and Jools demand that I stay out of her kitchen while they work. I thought about that and realized that when she said ‘HER’ kitchen, it gave me that proverbial ‘warm-fuzzy’ feeling.
I spread the charcoal out and went back in to find Jools on her phone.
She said, “No, Daddy. I have been helping him unpack some of his boxes, then Chloe stopped by and we spent time in the pool while Jon dealt with the Cable guy and did his business stuff on his computer.”
“He’s making us burgers on the grill now; I’m not sure what we’re doing later.”
I signaled her to tell him ‘hold on a second’ so we could talk.
I said, “Is your Dad home now?”
Yeah, he just got home from work and called me to see what was goin’ on.”
“Here, let me talk to him for a second.” Jools handed me her cell phone with a look of consternation in her eyes, I did my best to reassure her it would be OK. “Hi, Paul?”
“Yeah. Hi, Jon.”
“What are you doing for dinner tonight? I understand Laura has to work until 7.”
“Actually, she just called and has to cover for her replacement who called in and is going to be late. She might not get home ‘til 8 or 9 so I guess it’s something out of the freezer tonight for me.”
“Nonsense, c’mon over. I’m doing burgers on my charcoal grill. Jools and Chloe are working on whatever sides they can come up with from what I’ve got on hand.”
“Got any beer?”
“I don’t have any beer, but I’ve got all kinds of soft drinks to offer you.”
“Mind if I bring a pitcher of beer from the graduation party keg with me?”
“Not at all, I’m really not much of a drinker which is why I don’t have anything on hand, but you’re welcome to bring yours if you’d prefer that over soda.”
We talked a minute longer and he said he’d be right over. I asked him if he wanted to talk to Jools again and he said he’d talk to her when he got here. I hung up the phone and handed it back to Jools.
She said, “Are you nuts?”
“It will be fine, it will seem a lot more suspicious if I don’t interact with him a bit – how long do you think you can hang out here like this without him wanting to get to me a little better?”
“I guess.”
I told her to make another patty for her Dad then got out a slab of bacon to add to the burgers, and told Chloe where the cheese was.
The doorbell rang and I went to answer it while Jools and Chloe busied themselves in the kitchen. I invited Paul in, we shook hands the headed out to the kitchen. I got him a mug for his beer while he greeted Jools and Chloe. After pouring himself a beer, Jools took the pitcher and put it in my fridge.
Paul looked around from his vantage point and said, “You got the old Harper place looking pretty good.”
I said, “Thanks. Jools, would please get me a Pepsi out of the fridge?”
Jools handed me the soda and I said, “Why don’t you follow me out to the pool cage so we can talk while I grill the burgers? By the way, do you want bacon and cheese on yours?”
His eyes lit up and he said, “Sure. That sounds good, that sounds real good.”
I explained how I did bacon in my microwave to Jools and she said she could handle it. Paul and I walked out back, me with my soda and the platter of burger patties, Paul with his mug and my long spatula.
He said, “You’ve got it fixed up nice out here, too!”
I thanked him while I put the patties on the grill then sat down on the chair next to him.
“Jools isn’t being a pest is she? She’s been quite a handful since her Mom died.”
I said, “Yeah, Jools told me about that. I’m sorry for your loss – that was just a couple years ago, right?”
“Uh-huh. Stephanie died just before Julianne’s 16 th birthday.”
“Jools’ birthday is what, about 3 weeks away?”
He thought for a second and said, “Yep this is Tuesday the 22nd, so it’s in three weeks on a Thursday the 7th. She’ll be a big girl then – the big 18. You know she doesn’t get along real well with Laura, I’m worried she might end up moving away once she’s 18.”
I said, “We’ve talked, I know there’s friction between her and Laura, but at the same time, I know she loves you very much. If she does move out, I have a feeling it won’t be far away. How old is Laura, she seems quite young?”
“She’s 28 right now.”
“So she’s only 10 years older than Jools? Wow. Good for you on landing such a young hottie.”
He said, “Thanks. I’m 56, so she’s exactly half my age right now.”
I stood up and went over to rotate the burgers a bit searing in that crosshatch pattern, then sat down again. I had been doing the math in my head and said, “I had a minor in Math in college. Numbers are always going through my head. Think about this; you and Laura are 28 years apart right now, give or take. I’m half that closer to Jools, I just turned 32 and she’s gonna be 18 – that’s 14 years. When you were my age, Laura was only 4 years old. When Jools was 4, I was 18, the age she’s going to be in 3 weeks. In order for Jools to date a guy with the same difference as you and Laura, she’d end up with a 46 year old. Weird.”
I could tell he was thinking hard about what I said and saw no correlation between the numbers, and really, there was none. I just wanted him to understand that Jools dating a guy my age was a whole lot more appropriate than a guy his age dating a girl Laura’s age.
He said, “You know, I think Jools has a little crush on you. She seems so excited to spend time over here, I’ve heard her on the phone with Chloe, and your name has come up in the course of their ‘girl-talk’. I guess 14 years isn’t as bad as 28 years.”
I looked at him and replayed that last statement over and over in my head, ‘I guess 14 years isn’t as bad as 28 years’. Did Paul just give me tacit approval to date his nearly 18-year-old daughter? I excused myself, asked him if he was ready to get his beer topped off. I walked inside with his mug and Jools looked to see if he was watching and gave me a kiss.
I said, “Your Dad couldn’t possibly be drunk, could he?”
She looked at the mug and said, “I don’t think so, why?”
“We were talking about age differences between him and Laura, and then I compared their ages and the difference to ours.” I went through all the numbers I brought up with him then repeated the last thing Paul said ‘I guess 14 years isn’t as bad as 28 years’. Did your Dad mean what I think with that statement?”
“Really, he said that?”
“Word for word.”
I grabbed Paul’s fresh beer, a Pepsi for me, the cooked bacon and several cheese slices. Chloe was standing there holding the bag of hamburger rolls and said, “Can you toast our buns?”
I raised my can of soda and said, “To your buns!”
Jools said, “I think she was talking about the rolls.”
I laughed and said, “Sure.”
I put the buns on the tray and carried it out to the grill. Paul had gotten up, flipped the patties at the proper moment. I opened the buns and set them on the toasting rack then put a couple slices of bacon on each patty, followed by a slice of cheese. A couple minutes later, we carried the burgers back inside where we dressed them and took a serving of each side dish the girls prepared.
I said, “ Lanai or dining room?”
Everyone chose lanai so we all took a seat at the big round table, eating and talking.
Jools said, “Daddy, what would you say if I said I wanted to go out with Jon once I turn 18? He told me what you said about our age difference being half what yours is with Laura. I asked him if that meant we could go out on a date and he told me only if you said it was OK and not before my 18 th birthday. I really like him and we having fun getting to know each other. So, Daddy, what do you say?”
Paul said, “I have a feeling you’re going to do it regardless of what I say, but you’re hoping that I give you my blessing. I’m not crazy about the age difference, but I’d be a hypocrite if I objected and you will be an adult after all. So, go ahead if you want but please, don’t disappoint me, Jools.”
Jools got up, hugged her Dad around the neck and gave him a kiss on the cheek saying, “Thanks Daddy. We’ll be good.”
I said, “I’m not really expecting a romantic date, Jools has been helping out so much and she’s refused all my offers of compensation. I told her that if she wouldn’t accept cash for her help unpacking my stuff, how about I take you out for a nice dinner. I’d be on my best behavior and I’ll keep Jools safe and out of trouble. I expect it will be a very innocent dinner. She just deserves some kind of big thank you for all the help she’s given me. The companionship and conversation was nice too.”
He said, “Well, you’re a nice young man. Some of the guys she dated the last couple years were poor dating candidates in my book. You’re a refreshing change. Anyone your age with the ability to buy a home this nice in our neighborhood has to have a head on his shoulders, too. I assume I can trust you, right Jon?”
“Of course you can, Paul.”
We finished eating and Jools said, “I’ll get you another beer, Dad. Chloe and I will take care of the kitchen and you and Jon can enjoy the lanai some more.”
Paul said, “I don’t know if it’s an act for your benefit or if she’s really changing, but I swear she’s grown up so much since she met you. She would have never offered to clean up after dinner or offered to get me another beer just a week ago.”
Jools came out with a fresh beer and a new soda for me, to which Paul commented, “I think that’s the first time she brought me a new…