Never been a voyeur

"Never been a voyeur, but Laura, the visitor next door was very hot and very sexy."

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It’s not that I’ve ever been a voyeur but it was one hot Friday afternoon last summer. I had been sunbathing in the back yard, had probably fallen asleep and then woken up several times, you know it is laying in the belting hot sun. Well the last time I woke I was still quite drowsy but for some reason had a real hard on and it was forcing itself rigid against my shorts. Always pleasing to wake up aroused – but in the garden?

There was no-one home but me so I thought it best to go in and work it off then maybe have a shower and cool down. Better still it would be real good to watch one of my favourite porn movies, those sorts always get me horny. Well that was it. The thought of that particular film made me so hard it hurt me to stand up straight. I slipped my hand into my shorts and felt the pre cum seeping out as I repositioned my good friend before turning towards the house. Looking down I could see the tell tale damp patch beginning to appear on the front of my shorts.

Then! Shit! I couldn’t believe it! Staring out of next door’s window was this brunette, blouse undone and bra showing. I couldn’t see her hands as they seemed otherwise occupied somewhere out of sight.

Now under normal circumstances I would have been a bit of a lecher, but the size of my friend down below made me extremely embarrassed. So much so I nearly tripped over as I hurried into the house.

What a tart she was. Fancy, staring at me like that. And I didn’t even know who the hell she was. Anyway she had got me much more excited with the thought of her spying on me that I went straight to the bathroom gave myself a good old hand job, shuddering as I squirted my load of milky potion all over the toilet seat, and some onto the floor as well.

I’m usually so careful but this time, well it meant I had to clear the lot up before my parents came home and lo and behold I just managed to get it spick and span and spray some fresh air round before Ma came rushing up for her usual wee.

Not an ‘excuse-me please’, nor anything. She just pushed past me and in one well practised movement had her skirt up, knickers down and arse plonked firmly on the toilet seat.

‘What are you staring at?’ she asked as she gushed her pee noisily into the toilet. I turned away and went downstairs. Can’t understand why watching someone pee is a turn on for some folk. It’s a turn off for me but then everyone to their own taste.

When Ma came down again she said the neighbour’s niece was staying for a few days during the school holidays.

‘Schoolgirl!’ I thought. ‘Jail bait!’ Have to steer well clear of her though I must confess if that was her at the window then she looked pretty well proportioned for a schoolgirl and the possibility of me breaking the laws of decency was quite likely.

Back into the garden I went, looked up at the window where she had been but no sign of her. Then I heard a sweet voice greet me from over the fence. It was her, the schoolgirl, except she wasn’t.

I leant on the fence and looked at her sitting on a sun lounger in her red and white bikini. She was hot and called Laura, and I was getting the hard on just leering at her well proportioned body. She told me she was a student teacher at a London college meaning she had long holidays which she liked to spend with friends and relatives throughout the summer.

Laura told me she was watching me earlier but she didn’t say anything about seeing me with the hard on. If she’d have peeked over the fence she would have seen it close up, in fact I didn’t dare to stand too close for two reasons, first I wouldn’t want splinters sticking into my knob – imagine explaining that away. Secondly the fence was quite fragile and the state of my cock could be like the straw that broke the camel’s back.

Laura came and stood by the fence and a few moments later we were kissing – just like that! Could not believe my luck. Me with the hard on and her sticking her tongue deep into my mouth and there had to be a wooden bloody fence acting like a two bit contraceptive between us.

She said if I wanted to see her, look up at her window after dark. That was hours away. Laura laughed and swung her shapely buttocks sexily along the path, helped by her red stilletos. I had my hand down my shorts again turned and saw Ma staring at me. ‘What are you doing you dirty young sod?’

Imagine having to shuffle along the path sticking your arse out behind you in an effort to hide an enormous erection from view. It didn’t work. Ma kept her eyes affixed to my crotch and I thought – ‘No!!!! Not you mother dear!’

I swear she murmured that I was bigger than my father – well he’s only five feet six and me, I’m a six footer. They called him ‘little and often’ and I always wondered why.

It didn’t get dark until after ten o’clock when I slipped out into the back yard again feeling quite randy once more. I wondered what delights would be waiting for me.

I looked up at her window. Her light was on. Then I saw appear in silhouette. First she began to unbutton her blouse then teased me until it casually slid it off her shoulders and out of sight. Woo hoo, my little man friend was really stiffening up.

It looked like a lilac coloured bra she was wearing. Sexily she manoeuvred herself round so I could see her unclip it at the back, then slowly turned to face the window and tantalisingly hold the cups against her mounds of pleasure. One tit popped out, soon followed by the other.

I couldn’t help it, my hand went down to my cock and I began to stroke it, slowly at first but then harder and faster. In the window it looked as if her hands were doing the same sort of thing moving down her front and I imagined her fingers sinking into a very wet and slippery cunt.

It was futile but I couldn’t help myself, my body shuddering to a knee trembling climax that saw my cum squirting out and slapping against the fence panel. Fucking hell. I watched her as she sucked her fingers, turned her back on me and I could just see her shapely bum swinging away from the window. The light went out. I went to bed to dream my dreams of her. I love school holidays now, and me, a young looking twenty two year old. Man I couldn’t wait to see Laura again.

It was not quite so hot the next day again but I still went out into the back yard hoping upon hope that she would appear but no luck. How frustrating. A tune started going round my head and I began miming the words to it, you know the one ‘My penis in blue jeans…’

Later, back in the house I noticed an envelope on the floor behind the front door. It was from Laura. She said to meet her after dark at the back end of the yard. The day was long, and so I thought I’d better relieve my tension two or three times before darkness fell. Heard my pa mumble something to ma that I’d go cross eyed if I carried on doing it… Fuck! I didn’t know I was so noisy or obvious.

Down at the bottom of the garden Laura was patiently waiting. I said I’d climb over the fence but she stopped me. She just told me to do something I’d never done before. Stick my prick through the knot hole in the fence. Just the right height it was too, so I did as I was told. I wondered if this was like the glory hole we’d got in the public toilets in town.

I had to thrust myself hard against the fence, jeans round my knees, arse getting a blast of wind every now and then. It was getting quite breezy.

Her hand had hold of me for the first time. It was good enough to stretch me out an extra inch at least. Then her head disappeared and next thing I felt was the moistness of her mouth around my glans. Oh hell, did she know how to treat a man. She was so soft, so tender, yet her lips stayed round my knob. Never ventured down what little shaft protruded through the fence.

She licked, she sucked, she drew her tongue teasingly over it, her teeth closed gently round it sending shock waves through my whole body. All I could say, in between my staccato gasps of breathe was simply, ‘I’m cumming!’ And cum I did, right into her mouth. She must have swallowed some because when her head popped up she clamped her dripping mouth to mine and I could taste everything I’d shared with her.

‘Tomorrow..’ she said.

I still had my cock sticking through the hole in the fence as her hands stroked it goodnight.

That’s when I heard pa shout from the doorway. ‘What you doing down there boy. It looks like you’re shagging the fence!’ Then he went in the house singing ‘Tell Laura I love her…’ Bastard!

Then tomorrow came and I guess I did a time or two as well. This time Laura called to me to climb over the fence. Well, the fence nearly gave way, I nearly fell arse over tit and there she was, in the door of the neighbour’s shed.

She was naked except for a pair of very brief black panties, stockings and that pair of red stilettos. If I didn’t know better I’d say I’d seen her somewhere before. She laid face down on the sun lounger she’d managed to erect in the shed. Legs in the air. Somehow her stiletto caught in her panties and pulled them away from her deliciously shaped bum.

I was naked too by then as she turned, invited me onto the lounger when our bodies touched for the first time. Naked skin to naked skin, the most sensational sensation ever!!! I can’t be sure if her shoes stayed on, but her panties came off.

The warmth and wantoness she had. She was red hot. Her arms were round me, mine round her. Hands caressing each other’s bodies mine from her cheeks, over her chin, down her neck, across her chest then feeling the fullness of her breasts, the hardness of her nipples. Hands meandering across her slightly rounded stomach and down to her naked love hole. She was wet even before my fingers entered her, one finger in, then two, then three. Each insertion working slowly, meaningfully.

Her juices were running along my fingers, onto her inner thighs and running towards her bum. She french kissed me expertly. Her hands following a similar path down my body. There was no mystery, my cock was rock solid and welcomed her hands cupping it, grasping it, stroking it, cupping my scrotum. The pre-cum was nearly the full works.

Laura knew it, I knew it and suddenly we were as one, my cock inside her slipping in so easily, then thrusting against each other, so slowly, teasingly to begin with, enjoying every electrifying sensation. Then we got faster, moving in unison, faster, faster, faster… I couldn’t hold it back any longer. We both came, whether she before me or me before her I could not tell. With every final thrust, my cum shot into her, filling her with my life juices. The sensitivity was electric. The worst was yet to come as we slipped apart, hearing the plop of my cock as it left its warm moist channel.

We kissed and caressed, long into the night until nearly dawn. It was time to go home. I just made it back to my bedroom when I heard my pa getting up for the toilet. I could hear him farting and cursed him… What a way to end a real night of passion..

Published 12 years ago

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