Busty Liz Slut Wife

"Will Liz take her first steps to being a slut wife?"

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Sometimes situations just come at you from the blind side. Nobody could see this happening, least of all me. I suppose it was all my fault though, I had been to a titty bar with friends one evening and did not tell Liz.
I didn’t tell her as I knew she wouldn’t be happy. But when she found out from her friend, whose husband just so happened to be in there at the same time, Liz was livid.

She challenged me about it, and to make matters worse I initially denied going. She then thought that if I had denied going then I must have been hiding something from her. She thought that some sort of sexual activity must have taken place. It was all my fault, I know that now, I handled the whole situation badly, I had got myself into a pickle and whatever I said to Liz, she was not in any mood to forgive me.

It was a horrible time in our relationship, it was one of those arguments that just carried on. The first day ran into the next, then it ran into a week and after three weeks there was still tension. Something had to give, but it appeared I could not mend this. Our relationship was clearly in difficulty.

The added problem for me is that Liz could easily take revenge at any time. Although she had just hit forty, Liz was a true beauty. She could easily pass for a thirty year old, she was very slim, but curvy and those breasts… 34E on a small frame just made her a magnet for men and if she wanted to get her own back, it would be very easy for her to get the attention she wanted. Her long blonde hair and immaculate dress added to the nagging worry in my head that I needed to solve this issue quickly, before someone came and took advantage of the situation.

Then after week three of tension and no sex she said “how would you feel if I had done the same”. She had used this line before in the argument, but this time I gave a response that seemed to appeal to her.

I told her that as nothing happened in my situation, I would be fine if she wanted to put herself in a similar scenario and see how she would react. I would be entirely happy, irrelevant of the outcome. Basically I was giving her the opportunity to be involved in a similar situation, but hoped she would not get involved, just like I didn’t. I was a little flippant with this discussion, as I really didn’t think anything would come of it.

Although that really was the full extent of the conversation, she seemed to ease up a little, the arguments died down and we actually had sex for the first time in a month a few days after this conversation took place. This also coincided with her starting to spend hours on the internet. Initially I didn’t know what she was doing on there, until I asked and found out she was searching an opportunity similar to that I got involved in.

Mmmm, was this a cause of concern? Not really I thought to myself, I wasn’t too bothered, she was getting back to normal, relationship wise, and lets face it, you can’t fuck someone on a computer, so I just let her carry on with whatever she was doing and I was glad we were communicating again, even if it was still a little strained.

Then what happened next was a turning point that was just about to change the dynamics drastically, and looking back I probably did not pay it the attention it deserved. It was a key moment in developments that would lead to something I never thought possible.

Basically Liz said that she had spent a number of weeks on various websites and she had found a young guy who she would like to meet for a drink. He was twenty eight years old and liked to go out for drinks with older women. It would just be a drink alone in a bar and she said it was a great deal less intimate than me going to the titty bar.

At first I laughed it off, but then realised she was serious. He lived thirty minutes drive away and she had muted the idea with him that Liz and I would meet him in a bar one evening and if they got on well and she felt safe, the next time she would go alone to meet him. I then kicked off, there was no way that was going to happen, but she pointed out about the titty bar and what I had agreed too, so I very reluctantly had to go with it.

Although there were the initial alarm bells, I ran it all through my head and thought that the initial meeting would involve me being there anyway, so there wouldn’t be any issue. Also, maybe Liz was just trying to make me feel uncomfortable as payback, and after the initial meeting it would all just fade out.

Liz agreed for us to meet Daniel in a busy bar the following Thursday evening from 7pm until 8pm. He was going out with his friends straight after, so I knew I just had one uncomfortable hour to overcome and all would be back to normal again.

It didn’t really bother me too much until I came home from work on the Thursday that we were due to meet Daniel. Liz was in the bath, getting ready for the evening, having spent the majority of the day pampering herself. She got out of the bath and I saw her freshly shaved pussy and I did start to feel insecure. She had clearly spent the day making herself look great for Daniel, and shaving her pussy did send a shiver of uncertainty through me. I became even more insecure when she had put on her best underwear and her gorgeous clingy purple dress. Lots of cleavage, mid thigh length, it just highlighted her curves a treat, including her fabulous large 34E breasts. I did say that as it was just an informal drink in a bar, she should really dress down a bit, maybe just jeans etc, but she said she was almost ready anyway, and so it would be a hassle to re-look at what she was going to wear. I really wished she had dressed a little less appealing.

We set off for the meeting, Liz looked gorgeous and in fairness to Liz, she made me feel more comfortable about the evening. “We are only meeting for an hour, I promise nothing will happen tonight under any circumstances”. Liz went on to stress that if this meeting did lead to another one where just the two met up, that would far from guarantee anything happening. She actually made me feel okay about it all as she also told me that he would have to be absolutely stunning and charming to ever stand a chance of getting in her knickers and that she thought it would be extremely doubtful.

When we pulled up to the bar, I actually felt quite blasé about it. Liz had made me feel okay about it all and I thought an hour later the whole episode would be behind us so I was fine. We sat at the quiet end of the bar, on a couple of bar stools. Liz looked gorgeous and her dress naturally rode up to show more thigh as she sat down. Everything about her was gorgeous, her lovely red lips, her long blonde hair, her huge breasts and she was all mine. I really wanted to take her home and get her to bed.

Then this guy walked through who I knew must be Daniel. Tall, blonde and a really good looking young athletic lad. He was wearing a short sleeved open necked shirt with knee length shorts with beach shoes. He just looked extremely cool and it was then I had started to get concerned. Liz rose from her seat and they embraced each other, he kissed her on both cheeks as his large hands took a hold of her arms and he took an overly long time before releasing her. I was less bothered about his reaction than I was Liz’s. She was like a teenager, suddenly all giggly and flirty and instantly I could see she felt comfortable with him, very very comfortable. Those breasts were pushed forward, she did not adjust her dress, even though it had ridden up a little too high as she sat down, she clearly was flaunting herself to Daniel.

Daniel took my seat as I stood to order the drinks. The pair instantly started chatting and I just felt like a spare part. I was feeling like the outsider and you could see their knees touching while they sat on the stools. She was very comfortable with him being within her personal space, which bothered me and made me feel uncomfortable being there.

Then my phone rang, it was a work call I needed to take, so I made my excuses and walked to the exit to take the call. It was an important call and one that made me forget briefly about Liz and Daniel, and so it gave me a breather that I needed. I actually prolonged the call as I did not want to go back in. I stayed out of the bar even after the call ended, as I didn’t want to interrupt them and decided to go back into the bar just before I knew Daniel was due to leave to meet his friends.

I walked in, and his hand was on her knee, Liz was smiling and seemed in a very confident mood. They looked a very attractive couple together, which gave me a very uncomfortable feeling inside. I walked up and as I did, Daniel parted slightly from Liz, probably realising he had been too close. Daniel said he was due to go and meet his friends and stood to go, Liz said she would text him with the details, they then kissed each other, luckily for me only on the cheeks and off he went. It was all over, I instantly started to relax, I felt a weight leave my shoulders as Daniel walked away.

However I did pick up on what Liz had said about texting the details and so I curiously asked her what that was about. She told me that she had agreed to meet Daniel next week for a drink at a hotel bar and that we should go there now just to check it out. I knew the hotel so we drove there, it was only ten minutes away and as we drove I questioned her fully about Daniel.

She just said nothing had changed, she liked him and it was always the plan for her to see him alone afterwards anyway so I had nothing more to worry about than what I did before. Once at the hotel Liz popped in as I sat in the car, and ten minutes later she was back in the car with me.

“The hotel bar is lovely, I will meet him there next Thursday, and I have booked a room just in case I want to pamper myself beforehand and get ready. It wasn’t much money so it’s better to book it just in case they get booked up”

My heart sank. She had booked a room, I felt very uncomfortable, even though it was just so she could pamper herself. She tried to make me feel better by saying that it certainly would not be overnight and she may not use the room, but whatever she said could not take away the fact that there was a room there, somewhere private her and Daniel could go to if they wanted.

I did try and make her rethink her plan, but as soon as I did, the titty bar was thrown into my face and I really did not want to upset her when so much could go wrong. The more I challenged her, the more chance of her rebelling and doing something with Daniel was what I thought, so I stayed pretty quiet, while also trying to find out snippets about how she was thinking.

It was to be an awkward seven days. Seven days in which a new designer dress arrived in the post, new underwear and shoes, a visit to the nail bar, facial and the hairdressers. It was getting worse every single day. The underwear arriving was a really bad day for me. Several sets of bras and knickers, and she insisted trying them all on, studying herself in the mirror, eventually picking the right one for the evening. A pure white set of bra, which she said was the one that showed her tits off the best, and the matching thong was hardly worth putting on in my opinion. Very low cut, just covering her pussy lips and reaching right up her bottom leaving her gorgeous peachy bottom fully exposed. I just hoped that Daniel wouldn’t get to see it.

It did get worse the day before she was to meet Daniel. It was a day that made me struggle for words, I just found it so difficult to get around my head. It was the day she came home with a large packet of condoms, which she said she purchased “just in case”. I just felt vulnerable, she was getting herself ready to be fucked by Daniel in my opinion, but I dare not challenge her as I knew it would just increase the chances of it happening. I just hoped she would feel sorry for me, and that feeling would overcome the sexual needs that appear to have been building up in her.

Seeing Liz get ready late afternoon on the actual day was painful. She opted not to go to the hotel early to pamper herself, but told me she did not cancel the hotel room as it was already paid for. She had her hair straightened in the afternoon, before bathing. The razor was used to immaculately prepare her pussy and on went that new underwear.
The dress was similar to the one she wore the previous time they met, just as clingy, but more cleavage on show this time. It wasn’t tarty, just so very very sexy. She looked so very hot and I knew Daniel would be mad not to want to get in her knickers. Looking at her I was pretty sure that the decision would be hers and hers alone. Any man would have given anything to fuck Liz dressed like that.

The thirty minute drive was a quiet one. I had said all I had to over the last seven days, it was an awkward drive that took an eternity. Was I driving her to get fucked by another guy? Was she just giving me a taste of my own medicine? I looked at her, and when I did I really thought it was the former as she just looked like a lady who would soon have a cock inside her, she looked so hot and horny. Those breasts, nobody would be able to walk away from those. It was an extremely difficult journey and one in which few words were said.

We arrived at the hotel and Liz gave me a peck on the cheek. She told me she would text me anytime between an hour and four hours to pick her up dependent on how it went. She told me not to worry, and she got out of the car and off she strutted to the hotel, her bottom looking divine below her slim waist, wiggling as she walked in her high heels. She walked through the doors of the hotel, turned and blew me a kiss and she was gone.

I started the car and drove back home, wondering what possibly could happen. It is weird what you hold onto for comfort. When she got out of the car she had looked at me and told me not to worry. I held onto this, and felt good about what she had said. I just felt at this point that she was probably just going for a drink, just going to boost her ego and telling me not to worry was a way of saying nothing will happen. They would be in the bar right now so there would be no need to worry yet anyway.

Half hour later I was back at home, making a cup of tea, checking my watch. I had a good feeling, she mentioned she could be ready to return in an hour, if I left now she maybe ready to come straight back.

I texted her, feeling excited at the prospect of her asking me to pick her up. “I will text u when ready, long time yet x ” was the reply. The roller coaster continued, that response bought me down with a bang. My mind wandered, I wandered around the house unsure of what to do. The words “long time yet” hung in my mind.

I walked into the bedroom, the smell of her perfume hung in the room, my stomach was in knots thinking of Daniel enjoying her smell. Then I looked on the dressing table, and there was the condoms. Unopened. Initially I was pleased, that means nothing could happen without them. But then I thought the worst, she hated condoms, he could be doing her bareback. He could be doing her right now. My mind was racing, but then I calmed. The condoms were here, she told me not to worry, two things to prove nothing will happen, I was at ease again.

I wanted to text her more, I needed to find out, an hour and a half had now passed, what has she been doing during that time?

Liz had walked through reception at the hotel only an hour and a half earlier to be greeted by a smiling Daniel, standing at the bar smiling in jeans and an open necked shirt. He looked cool, Liz couldn’t believe her luck, her young stud was there ready and waiting for her. She knew what he was expecting of her by the exchanges of emails, and she was more than happy to oblige.

Liz had been naughty a few times in her relationship. It was bound to happen, she was so sexy, had a body built for sex and so at Christmas parties, or other situations where men would be on the hunt, Liz was always a target. She turned down what she could, but every so often she had succumbed to the pleasure of a new cock. And now, another new cock was on offer for her.

This was different though, no cloak and dagger situation this time, she could take her time, enjoy him to the full, in the full knowledge that Rob had kind of allowed it to happen.

Small talk at the bar was easy, the wine went down well and the flirting started straight away. Touching, indications that this was going to go further quickly. Liz had been talking to Daniel on the internet, he basically offered himself to attractive experienced housewives. He started doing it as a bet with his mate, but the rewards were great, so he continued to hunt the housewives out. They were the ones that were easy to get his way with, they knew what they wanted and it was difficult for them to turn young cock down. Basically most were gagging for it by the time they found him, just like Liz was right now. The difficulty Daniel had was to find the really good ones, but he clearly had a really good one tonight.

Liz though knew time was limited, she wanted to move things forward so she asked if he would like to see the room she had booked, which basically was a more lady like way of saying “are you ready to fuck me”. Daniel responded by smiling, picking up his glass and following Liz through the bar, eyeing her lovely curvy bottom as she went. A desperate MILF he thought, he had himself a gorgeous desperate MILF and he planned to bang the fuck out of her.

He followed her along the corridor to the room, Liz opened the door, turned around so as soon he walked in, there was nowhere for him to go but towards her. She clearly was offering herself to him, and they kissed passionately.

In her youth Liz was submissive, she gave herself to guys to do as they wished, they took control. Now Liz was older, she was more experienced and so her hand naturally found its way to his bulge as they kissed. She looked into his eyes as she undid his belt while saying to him “let’s not waste time Daniel”. She moved him away from the door, pulled her dress up a little then went down onto her toes as she undid his belt, pulled down his trousers and released his thick long cock.

She admired it, it was long and thick and she took a few seconds just to feel pleased with what was coming her way. A young fit guy with a nice big cock, she savoured the moment and anticipated what was to come, her pussy getting wetter and wetter at the thought.

Liz crouched, legs apart so Daniel could see her knickers, her ample bosom also on show. Liz knew what she was doing, she wanted to please him, she wanted to excite him and he had a perfect view of this sexy lady as she slowly wanked his cock while looking into his eyes.

Slowly wanking him, just admiring his manhood, her mouth watering with the need for it. A few more slow wanks before she started to kiss his heavy balls. Wanking more and more, kissing those large balls, wanting to coax the cum out of them. She had so far resisted sucking him, just wanting to savour the situation, take her time and remember it. But as she had one of his balls in her mouth and was wanking him, he suddenly spurted cum from his cock, it shot all across Liz’s face and so she quickly moved her mouth over the head of his cock to gather as much of his cum as she could. His balls nestling in her hands as he unloaded down her eager throat.

Liz did a good job, apart from the first stream of cum that was hanging off her face, the rest she managed to swallow, so she was pleased at her quick speed of thought to gather the cum up. He then sat on the edge of the bed, recovering as Liz kissed his cock, coaxing it back to life.

Deep down Liz was disappointed. She had not even given him proper head, she was desperate for a young hard cock, yet now she had a soft one and an aching pussy.

Her phone went off, it was Rob texting, she quickly replied back to get rid of him. Her mind was on Daniel and her pussy and she didn’t want any disturbances. She hoped the response she gave would ensure he wouldn’t be texting again while she was busy with Daniel.

Daniel recovered quickly, he managed to get Liz on the bed on all fours. Liz was still fully clothed and he started to kiss her lovely bottom through the tight material of the dress. He was just admiring her form, then his hands moved round to feel those lovely large breasts. He had a lovely body to deal with and one that was eager to be taken. Cupping her breasts he knew he had good ones to release, again he thought to himself what a good MILF he had captured this time.

He pulled her dress up, to reveal her lovely round bottom, then slid her new thong down exposing her sex. Liz was desperate for him, desperate for his cock to be inside her. He parted her bottom cheeks and went straight for her bum hole, kissing it, sliding his tongue over it and waited for Liz’s reaction. She pushed back willing his tongue to enter her tight hole, letting out moans of pleasure as she did.

Daniel had a glorious view of her extended pussy lips, and lapped at her opening as well as going back again to tease her ass hole.

Liz was wet, wet and in need of Daniels cock urgently and luckily for her he was rock hard again.

He pushed his large member towards her opening, but then stopped realising he needed a condom.This was an uncomfortable halt in proceedings, one that Liz did not need, she was desperate for him to fuck her. Liz then couldn’t remember putting them in her handbag. She reached over to it, took a look and she was right, she must have left them. They looked at each other, then she looked down at that rock hard big cock. She needed it, so she got back onto all fours, and without saying a word Daniel pushed his cock towards her unprotected entrance. He moved it up and down her slit, then Liz thrust back to take his full bare cock deep inside her.

Liz needed this badly, she had been thinking of it for several days, and now this big young cock was in her and forgetting the protection was not going to stop her. She hated condoms anyway, she loved the feel of a bare cock cumming inside her and this was going to be another one of those occasions. Daniel fucked Liz with long slow strokes, enabling her to benefit from his length and girth while he leant round and cupped her huge breasts. He carried on fucking her as he managed to find a way of undoing her dress which allowed him access to her prized assets.

Daniel was now at his best, fucking Liz firmly, giving her his full length, pleasuring her to the level she had dreamt of. She was wetter than she had ever been, his cock felt like it was made for her, so thick, filling her and stretching her and he was fucking her stronger than she had been for years.

Daniel was close to cumming again, so he pulled out to buy time. He walked Liz to the window. He removed her dress and bra completely now, put her hands on the window sill and thrust his cock in her again. There were fields at the back of the hotel, but anyone walking past would have seen Liz’s large breasts bouncing as Daniel hammered her from behind. Liz reached down and toyed with her clit for just a second as her orgasm shot through her body. She needed Daniel to keep her stable and she needed to hold on to the sill to stop her falling, she was in heaven cumming on that large cock as Daniel continued to bang away at her.

Her orgasm was very strong and it took alot of energy from her. She turned around and fell to her knees and now sucked his cock, as if to thank him for the gorgeous orgasm he just gave her. She knew she would be lucky to get Rob to allow this to happen again, so she cherished every moment it was in her mouth. She got him excited, she got that cock rock hard, she wanted it in her again.

She lead him back to the bed, where she lay on her back, opened her legs wide and presented herself to him to fuck her again. Her legs sprayed wide open, Daniel thrusting his cock deep inside her, legs wide apart, thrusting in and out, hammering her clitoris against him, a further orgasm approached, just as Daniel emptied his balls deep inside her unprotected pussy.

Back at home….

I sat on the edge of the bed, just wondering what could possibly be happening? I had butterflies as my mind raced. One moment I thought bad things, the next I thought that it was probably just a drink they were having,as although she was all dressed up, I could not really see her doing anything bad on a first date. And the condoms were still here, so surely she wouldn’t do anything without those.

I wandered around some more, then I got a text “ready hun x “, so I knew it was time to pick her up. “On my way xxxxxx” was my response and I jumped into the car as quick as I could, knowing the sooner I got to the hotel, the sooner I could reclaim Liz.

I pulled up into the hotel grounds and I could see Liz waiting in the doorway of the hotel. I drove up, got out the car and Liz came out and we met. I gave her a great big kiss and a hug. I was so happy to have her back. I felt a huge sigh of relief knowing my concerns were fully over. I felt secure again.

“We’ll how did it go” was my opening question. To be honest I didn’t have much concern as Liz looked just as good as when I left her, so she clearly hasn’t been hammered around a hotel room, or so I thought.

“I had a good time” was Liz’s response, quickly followed by “now I know you are not going to want to hear this, but err, I must tell you that Daniel and I had sex.”

I could feel my breath was short, I tried to speak but I couldn’t. I had started driving and continued to do so, but my mind was in turmoil.

“But you couldn’t have done, you didn’t take the condoms.” I responded.

Liz didn’t say a word, she kept quiet, so I made the statement again.

“No, we didn’t use any condoms,” Liz said.

The response was one that was like driving a knife through your heart. He had fucked Liz without a condom. I needed to find out exactly what this meant.

“Did he, errr, did he err, cum inside you?” I asked, still struggling to get the words out.

“Yes Rob, Daniel came inside me” was her response.

This was my worst nightmare, I now needed to know more, like did she suck him off and more importantly, was it Liz’s idea or was she lead on. I needed to understand it all. I needed to know how she felt about it all.

For the next twenty minutes I questioned her about every aspect, trying to come to terms with it all.

“He wanted to see the rooms as he was thinking about taking a lady to the hotel in a few weeks, and as I had a room I couldn’t really object. When we got to the room he instantly kissed me and so I couldn’t really stop him. The next thing I knew was he had undone his trousers and I sort of ended up on the floor wanking and sucking him off. It just sort of happened”

I asked if she swallowed his load, hoping she would say no, looking for any comfort I could get.

“Well some of it probably ended up in my mouth, but a lot just shot out all over the place, he was very excited. He came quickly, but yes I probably did end up swallowing some of his spunk. He then started to lick me out, before he fucked me doggy”

As Liz was telling me, it was hard to take it in, you end up asking stupid questions just to try and find out more, you really don’t think straight. I asked whether he was good and whether she enjoyed it and how he managed to cum in her?

“Yes I enjoyed him, he is a young guy, and was surprised how excited he was. It made me feel great that this young guy wanted me so much. He was very fit and as soon as I had wanked him off, he was hard ready for me again. it is a lovely feeling. He fucked me in a few positions before he finally came inside me when I was on the bed on my back”

It was extremely hurtful in many ways, everything I didn’t want to happen did. I then wondered if she still had his spunk in her. I know it was stupid to think that, but it felt important at the time.

“No, I just put my knickers on and got ready to leave as I knew you would want me to get in touch with you, so I still have his spunk in me and in my knickers,” Liz informed me.

It is hard driving home with your partner, knowing she is full of another guys spunk. We arrived home and Liz said she was tired and needed a nap, so she went straight up to bed and she was fast asleep on top of the duvet still dressed a few moments later. It was uncomfortable holding her, knowing Daniels spunk was still in her, but at least the whole episode was at an end, and I knew nothing like this was ever likely to happen again.

Published 12 years ago

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