The Orchard of Infinite Delight – Conclusion

"Evelyn and Jenny take their relationship further"

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The orgasm was huge, overpowering. I collapsed on to my stomach, my hand clasping my groin to prolong the sensation.

After a while I was aware of Evelyn’s voice, softly beside my ear. “Thank you for being so trusting. I wanted it to be special for you.”

“Special doesn’t do it justice,” I said. “But what about you? Do you want me to … do that. With my tongue.”

“Yes, but not this time. You have come a long way. I am already on such a high I don’t really need it, anyway, much as I would like you to do it. Just lick me. Once you feel me responding, don’t stop. It will be good for both of us, I promise you.”

So that was how our first time together ended. I felt drained and at the same time exhilerated. I saw the point of the Orchard of Infinite Delight and I knew I would have to explore it again. When I said as much while we were recovering over a cup of tea, Evelyn said she hoped there would be many more opportunities.

But that was where a problem arose. After our third meeting, she sensed that I was not entirely happy. Eventually, I had to admit that I was increasingly uncomfortable to be enjoying this new experience as it were behind Trevor’s back.

“I thought that might happen,” Evelyn said. “But I have a suggestion. I hope it won’t shock you.”


What I found shocking was my own behaviour. That behind my husband’s back I had allowed myself to be seduced by Evelyn and now was struggling to come to turns with the fact that I wanted more of the same.

When I didn’t reply, Evelyn said, “There’s no need to feel guilty, if that’s your problem.”

“But I do.”

“Then you shouldn’t. Look, the most important thing for me is my marriage. And the most important thing in my marriage is sex with Alec. Nothing will change that and Alec knows it. But sometimes there is sex that is simply good as sex – not as a commitment, but as a simple expression of giving and receiving pleasure. That’s what you and I have, and we must never lose our sense of perspective. Of what is the most important.”

I heard what she was saying and I wanted it to be true. After a while, I said, “You say you have suggestion?”

“Yes. You know Alec fancies you?”

“Oh!” We did meet occasionally as a foursome when Trevor and Alec collected us from rehearsal or after a performance. Then we would go for a drink, sometimes for a meal – we all enjoyed Indian cuisine, and could be sure of finding one open late. Nevertheless, I had never thought of Evelyn’s husband in that way. “How do you know?”

“I asked him.”

“Just like that?”

“Not quite. We were doing it a few nights ago – I’d had mine and Alec was slowly working up towards his, the way he does – and just on a whim I said, ‘Suppose this wasn’t me?’

“He stopped what he was doing. ‘How do you mean?’

“‘Well, suppose it was Jenny.‘ I said. It was as though I had turned a switch. He got to work again – and it din’t take him long. But the thing is, after he came I could feel he was still hard inside me. And that got to me. I started to move – the way you do, you know?”

“Yes,” I said. I knew how it worked with Trevor.

“Well, it was wild, as good as it had been for ages. And that told me.”

“That Alec fancies … it with me?”

“Yes. But don’t let it worry you. He won’t pounce on you. But it made me wonder.”

For the next half hour, Evelyn explained her idea, answered my questions, finally overcame all my objections. Though I remained nervous.

As bad luck would have it, there was nothing we would be able to do for a while. Evelyn’s curse was due, and it was always heavy. And no sooner should she be clear than my diary told me I would be starting. All we could do was wait and be patient.


In the end, it was several weeks of frustration, until opportunity arose from an unexpected quarter. One of the major orchestras had recruited the latest heart-throb conductor, a thirty-year-old Pole with a lock of dark hair that fell across his forehead to be tossed back dramatically whenever he was summoning a fortissimo from the brass. He had been hired for a cycle of the Beethoven symphonies; our chorus were required for the finale of the Ninth.

At rehearsal, the wonder boy wasn’t happy. His problem was with our contribution to the last movement. He put down his baton, leaned on the podium and surveyed us, flopping lock, dark eyes sweeping along our rows.

“Listen,” he said, “I know you can sing the notes. So why do you give me no passion? All the pictures we see of Ludwig make him look angry. I know. Angry – not sexy. We know little or nothing of his sex life.” He paused. The male members of the chorus looked away, one or two of my colleagues giggled quietly. “Or do we? Of course we do, and I will tell you how we know. What you are singing is Schiller’s Ode to Joy, isn’t it?. So think what gives you joy. Real joy. Then sing again for me and at the same time think of what you will do tonight when you are in bed with your partner. Then tell me Beethoven knew nothing about sex.”

In the silence that followed, he picked up his baton and turned to the bass soloist. “From ‘O Freunde’ please Oscar.” Then back to launch us – all those prestissimo passages in the upper register. Faster and faster. Through that accelerating finale he urged us on with inspirational gusto. With passion.

If the rehearsal was good, the concert itself was sensational. A standing ovation for the conductor who turned to face us and blew kisses. Not the way Klemperer used to take a bow, I’m told, but this was a thirty-year-old Polish heart-throb.

When it was over, Trevor and Alec were waiting to take us back to where Evelyn had prepared a simple supper – a pair of quiches, a salad, a bottle of Pouilly-Fuissé. Conversation inevitably turned to our conductor, which gave Evelyn her cue to tell the story of rehearsal.

Three of us at the table were acting because we knew the plot, but we were anxious to see how Trevor would respond. It needed a prompt from Alec. “So Beethoven was a sex maniac?” he asked.

“I don’t think so,” I said. “But there’s no doubt there was something erotic about the performance tonight.”

“And will he be right about bedtime?” asked Evelyn with an innocent smile.

“Maybe we should find out,” said Alec. “Look, it’s time to come clean. – Evie and I have been talking a lot lately about gingering up our sex lives, but didn’t know how. So now let me be honest. We discussed swapping with another couple but didn’t fancy getting into that scene.” He looked at me, and said, “Until Evie asked me about you and Trevor.”

I looked at my husband but could see no sign of reaction one way or the other. It was the decisive moment. I held my breath. Evelyn put her hand on Trevor’s arm. “What this means, “ she said, “is if Alec fucks Jenny, I could have you. And I would like that very much.”

Alec was about to say something, but Trevor spoke first, “Jenny. I need to know if you would be comfortable with this.”

“If we can be all together,” I said. “I could then. If you could.”

That was when Alec took charge. “Let’s not be too solemn about this. We know it happens for other people, so why not us? Why don’t we just go upstairs and see how it works out. If it doesn’t, it doesn’t. Just as long as we agree we won’t blame anyone.”

“OK,” said Trevor. “Let’s give it a go.” I realised a bridge had been crossed. My husband wasn’t upset at all – he was turned on. And so was I.

That made what followed so easy. Alec and Evelyn had been anticipating this for some time, and now it was happening they were both extremely horny. Just to check, as we got up from the table I let my hand brush the front of Trevor’s trousers. It told me all I needed to know.

In the bedroom, Evelyn was quick to shed her dress, and I followed her example. As we had been in dark dresses for the concert, we were both in black knickers, bra and stockings.

And, as planned, with suspender belts, too. The full uniform of seduction. Trevor was still removing his jacket and tie when Alec said, “Why don’t you two ladies make a start. Get us in the mood.”

Another important moment in the education of Trevor. Evelyn took me by the hand and led me to the bed. I heard Alec say, “Oh, Jenny. What a stunning arse.” When I smiled back over my shoulder I saw Trevor still in a hurry to strip. Encouraging.

My bra and knickers were the first to come off. Evelyn wasted no time in getting started with fingers and tongue. I was still finding it difficult to relax, so I eased her away and said, “My turn now.”

While we were changing places, I chanced a glance at my husband and raised my eyebrows. To my relief, he nodded approval. Soon a second set of black underwear was on the floor. I knelt between my friend’s thighs and lapped at the lips I had come to enjoy so much. Once I felt her responding, we moved on, as we had planned, to sixty-nine. We had previously agreed that we wouldn’t press our luck by turning to what Evelyn called her toy drawer: the blindfold, the velcro cuffs for wrists and ankles, the gel, the tiny silver vibrator as slim as a pencil. Maybe another time, but revealing too much too soon might spoil everything.

Sixty-nine was quicker than it need have been, but this was the first lust that Evelyn wisely believed was the best prelude to more prolonged and considered pleasures. I was underneath so couldn’t see much. But after both our orgasms had been achieved, I looked up to see Trevor and Alec standing at the side of the bed, both stroking themselves. Trevor wasn’t having a problem.

“Now,” said Evelyn, “if Alec and Jenny take the top half of the bed crossways, Trevor can have his wicked way with me on the other half. And remember, it’s not a race to see who can finish first. Maybe we ought to see who can make it last longest.”

“Yes, ma’am,” said Alec, slapping his wife’s bottom. “Just get on with it. I’m keeping Jenny waiting, and I don’t want her to go off the boil.”

There was no danger of that. I pulled him down beside me end reached for his penis. It didn’t need my mouth, but I wanted to taste him, to see if I could find an extra few centimetres he didn’t even know he had. I took my time, sensing from the sounds he was making that I was getting something right.

Eventually, I felt a firm hand on my head, a signal that Alec was getting closer than he wanted to be at this early stage. I turned on to my back to allow Alec to experiment with his tongue on my clitoris, and was pleased to find that he had a very delicate touch. No hurry. Good.

This also gave me an opportunity to see how the other pair were progressing. I saw Trevor having a good time kneeling astride Evelyn’s torso while sliding backwards and forwards between her breasts. She was better provided in that area than I am so that was good. I knew what would come next and watched with interest. First my husband tilted forward so that his hands were supporting his weight beyond Evelyn’s head. Then he moved forward on all fours until his penis was dangling I front of her face. Needing no further invitation, she gobbled him down.

But I needed to concentrate on my own half of the bed. Alec was assisting me on to my knees. Doggy was next on the menu, and he did that well, too. Long, slow strokes, penis almost fully out, then inside with firm pressure at the end. I like it like that but it always needs a little help with my fingers, which I was pleased to offer. A firm smack on my buttocks seemed to indicate Alec’s approval.

Over most of an hour, I think we went through all the positions, several of them more than once. Beside us, Evelyn was giving Trevor no less satisfactory a time, and the noises she was making told me that having her underneath him was an experience I hoped he would want to try again another time.

Eventually, they were the first to give in and let happen what had to happen. Missionary, by chance, Evelyn’s ankles locked behind his back as she bucked against him, Trevor collapsing on to her welcoming breasts.

When Alec saw that they were finished he began to change his tempo with me. For so long he had maintained the same rhythm, the same heavy thud at the end of each thrust. That was good because once I had enjoyed it for a while, I was able to match his movement with my own. But, speeding up and adjusting the angle of penetration to engage my clitoris fully, there was only one possible result. To Alec’s credit, he managed to keep control himself until he felt my contractions and soon afterwards, he let go himself.


The winding down wasn’t as embarrassing as I had feared it might be. Evelyn helped by telling me how lucky I was to have a lover as clever and considerate as Trevor. She said she hoped Alec had been good for me, and I had no difficulty in reassuring her.

Just before we left, Alec said, “This isn’t the moment for decisions. You two will want to talk about it, discuss whether this was just a nice one-off or whether it is something you want to try again. Maybe as we get more experience together it would get better. Maybe you might want to bring a camera another time. Just something to think about. In a few days, Evie and Jenny will want to get together again and you can let us know then.”

There were kisses and hugs on the doorstep and we parted knowing that at least it hadn’t been a disaster.

We live on the other side of the river, so it was quite a long drive home. For the first part nothing was said, until I asked, “Well, how was it for you?”

“What should I tell you?”

“Just be honest. I will go along with what pleases you. Was it good?”

“Oh yes. Almost the only disappointment was seeing yo getting Evelyn’s knickers off.”

“Because that’s part of the foreplay you enjoy.”

“Yes. But the rest was good. Evelyn was – well, not better than you, just different. Did that trouble you – seeing us doing it?”

“No. It was kind of exciting. What about you seeing Alec and me?”

“I have to admit there was a point when you had your ankles on his shoulders and I could see his – his dick going into you, I was so turned on I almost came.”

“Does that mean you’d want it again?”

“Would it be good if I did? Good for you, too?”

“I think so. Do you want me to tell Evelyn?”

“Yes. Did you know I’ve got her knickers?”

That was a surprise. “How come?”

“Just before we left, when she gave me a hug, she slipped them in my pocket.”

“All the more reason to tell her you’d like an encore then.”

“Yes. But tell me something else first.”

“What’s that?”

“Was the whole thing tonight a set-up?”

“What makes you think that?”

“The suspender belts. Never seen you wear one to a concert before. And both of you. It looked like some kind of arrangement.”

“Would it matter if it was?”

Trevor thought for a while before he said, “I think I might rather like the idea.”

At that moment we came to a traffic light at red. I took the chance to slide my hand between his legs. He was hard. I said, “I don’t want to wait till we get home. Take a left soon and that will bring us down to the river. There’s that car park we used to use, ages ago.”

“Isn’t that a dogging site now?”

“I don’t care. Just drive.”

A couple of cars were parked when we arrived, so Trevor found us a spot under the shadow of a tree. “Now what?” he asked.

“The knickers. Give them to me.”

By the time he had fished them out of his pocket I had his zip undone and an erect penis in my hand. I wrapped the knickers round his shaft but left he head bare. I bent my head and began, alternately squeezing and rubbing with my and, sucking and licking with my lips and tongue.

Trevor was already groaning when I was aware of a knocking sound on the window. I looked up to see two men outside, handling themselves suggestively. One of them made a sign for Trevor to wind down the window. He shook his head, but said to me, “Take no notice. Let them watch if they want to. You can’t leave me up in the air like this.”

After all the earlier encouragement he had received from Evelyn, it took a while but I knew what he wanted and I was determined to give it to him. And I did. Hands and mouth together, faster, more lasciviously, until I felt the first spurt against my throat. When I was sure I had taken every last drop, I looked up expecting a round of applause from the audience but they had disappeared.

The following morning Trevor set off for work early so he could call in at the car wash to remove the evidence left on the window by the peeping Toms.

Published 12 years ago

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