New City, New Fun

"When I arrived in my new city for my new job the greeting was great."

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After going to pick up my luggage at the kiosk I rolled out to the curb of the airport and waited for a cab. As one pulled up another woman walked up beside me and asked to share if we were going the same way. I told her I was heading for the downtown Hyatt, and she said she was going to the Sheraton just a block away from it. No problem. We could share.

I am a tall woman with short, curly brown hair. I have a toned figure because, in my business, you have to look good, and I did. My breasts were small, but many had told me they were choice. And I had legs that drew stares everywhere I went.

This woman standing beside me could be my sister, We shared so many physical traits, except she had long, red hair. And freckles that make-up just couldn’t quite cover. She was adorable.

Our driver, a small Latino man, loaded our luggage into the trunk of the cab, held the door open and I climbed in first, followed by Red. We settled in, smiled at each other and waited until the driver got on the highway. The airport was at least thirty minutes from downtown.

I glanced over to Red and noticed her skirt was higher than it needed to be. And she was slowly spreading her legs. Then she squeezed her thighs together, hard, and spread them again.

I slowly raised my own skirt up to the start of my panties, glanced over and smiled at Red. She smiled back. Her left hand slowly moved toward my right leg and she began to caress it. I followed her example and began to caress her left leg. We both looked up to see the eyes of the driver checking us both out. Fine.

Red finally moved her hands up to my crotch and began to slide my panties down. When they were on the floor I returned the favor. We had similar tastes. My panties had lilacs on them, hers had buttercups. I presumed we had similar needs. My hand went to her pussy and found a welcome wetness. Her hand went to mine and found the same pooling of cum, already.

With one hand she caressed my cunt, and with the other she placed her left arm around my shoulders and brought me closer. We began to trade spit with our tongues dueling for position in our mouths. My right arm was around her waist and my left hand was fucking her gushing pussy. It was obvious we had both had practice.

I looked up to the mirror again and the driver was having no problem enjoying the view.

Fuck it. Sex was important. I fucked her cunt with my hand, she fucked mine. And we both kept cumming. Finally I needed some of Red’s titty. She was wearing a blouse. I told her to unbutton it and display her tits. I stopped fucking my pussy and undid her blouse popping her tits out below her bra.

I quickly got my mouth around some Irish boob and sucked like it might be the last time. She used her right hand to press my face into her breasts, and sneaked her other arm and hand around my waist to squeeze my tit and make its nipple hard, too.

Next it was her turn to suck my perky tits. We performed the same act in reverse. I unbuttoned my blouse, popped my little boobies out from my bra and she went to work. I mean it. She must have loved tits. No other woman has lavished so much love on my breasts. I couldn’t stop cumming.

Then, I glanced out the window and noticed more office buildings. I quickly checked my watch. We would be to the Hyatt in ten minutes. I looked up to the driver’s rear-view mirror and his eyes were darting from the road back to us, but not a word had he said.

We had time. First I ate some pussy, doing the job as thoroughly as I could in the time frame. I tried to clean up all her juices that I could as I licked her bare pussy. Then she wanted a turn, so my little pussy, with the tuft of hair on top got a fine work-out. She returned the favor, eating me and cleaning up the tasty pussy juice. As we neared the hotel we quickly gathered ourselves together, grinning like teenagers.

The cab pulled in front of the Hyatt. My stop. We both got out because I was on the road side. We waited for the driver to get out and get my luggage. I glanced in and saw him stuffing his cock into his pants. Then he got out slowly, a little bent over, got my luggage and got back in the cab.

Red handed me her card and got back into the cab to go to the Sheraton. It drove away, and we had not shared more than 15 or 20 words. Oh, damn. I had forgotten to pay my part of the cab-fare. Oh, well. There would be plenty of chances soon to pay her back, in several ways.

Published 12 years ago

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