The Telephone Call – Part 2 of 2

"Muff lunch? Oh Baby!!"

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I look at Eva.

She sighs. “I have two children. Shelby is seven, and Max is three.”

She’s waiting for a reaction and softly gasps when I smile. “Can’t wait to meet them.”

She sobs into my chest. “Only a dork would say that.” Then, “No! Only a gentleman would say that! Yes! I’ve been rescued by a gentleman. Now I want to move in.”

I shake my head, “Not until the shower is three times as big.”

She giggles in her tears. Everyone she talked to that wanted to get closer to her thought the kids were baggage. This dork likes the idea of kids. What the hell?

I ask, “Where are they?”

Her eyes get big. “What time is it?”

“Mid-day, high noon.”

She goes out to look for some clothes and there are none.

She says, “Shit! I have nothing here! The sitter will be pissed! I’m an hour late.”

I go to the hall closet and grab a bedsheet. She stands there stunned at what I’m doing. I unfold the sheet and wrap it two or three times around her and pick her up over my shoulder. She’s squealing and laughing as we walk out of the apartment and catch the elevator door before it closes. I ask for her floor and she manages to hit a button.

I pat her ass, “Good girl.”

She has to giggle and swats my ass. The others in the elevator find this funny too.

When we get to her door she knocks and yells while she’s upside-down on my shoulder, “It’s me!”

Shelby opens the door and sees mom’s hair hanging down as she’s turned upside-down.

Eva giggles, “Hi hon. I brought someone to meet you.”

Shelby says, “Looks like he brought you.”

I set mom down in the living room and she cringes at her bruises, “Hon, Shelby, I want you to meet Mr… Um.”

“Mom, you don’t even know his name?”

Eva giggles, “He’s Nick from 1017 downstairs. But you, young lady, should address him as…”

She swings her hand towards me and I say, “Dork?”

Eva howls and Shelby giggles.

Eva says, “No! Maybe we’ll stick to Nick. Just Nick.”

Shelby blushes as she says, “I like dork better.”

Eva can’t help but laugh and she tries to admonish the girl, “No! Nick!”

We all have a chuckle and little Max comes out to see what all the fun is he’s missing. He stands beside mom and looks way up at me.

Eva says, “Max, honey, this is Nick. He’s a new friend.

He has no words.

I come down to my knees and smile at the little guy, “When your mom told me about you, the first thing I thought of was what’s for lunch.”

I get down lower to whisper, “I make a mean blueberry pancake. Interested?”

He smiles big and nods.

I look up at mom, “Would it be ok if I made your family lunch?”

Eva is almost in tears. She forgets what she’s wearing, and hugs me around my head as I kneel. The sheet slips a bit and I definitely notice, but Shelby is quicker with, “Mom…”

She jumps back, “Oh! I’m sorry!”

I can only smile as she covers up. This doesn’t go by Shelby as mom blushes as she turns to head to her room for clothes.

She yells back at me, “Nick, what do you like?”

I yell back, “Blueberry pancakes!”

She’s laughing, “No silly! For me to wear!”

“Blueberry pancakes!”

Now even Max thinks that’s funny.

He says, “That sounds sticky.”

I look up at the blushing lady and smile, “Yes, it sure does.”

She giggles quietly and goes back to get dressed more.

I say loud enough for Eva, “If you’re asking me, I picture you in a summery dress.”

She comes out in tight-ass jeans and looks a bit uncomfortable with her bruises still. Damn fine sight, but she turns back to her room.

I yell, “Jeans look great too!”

She giggles, “Maybe when I don’t hurt so much.”

Shelby looks at me, “Why does mom hurt?”

I come and sit down and am at eye level with her, “Your mom called me when a man was hurting her. I came up to the room where she was and I saw him… um… hurting her. I took the guy and pushed his head out the window. He was scared I was going to drop him, but I didn’t. I carried your mom to my place and she showered and slept there. She forgot about the sitter until we came up.”

“Mom had no clothes on.”

I bow my head, “Yeah, the mean man took them off your mother. I sure was mad at the man.”

Now she’s indignant with the man, “I am too.”

I smile, “We will never see him again, I hope.”

“I hope not too.” Says Shelby.

Mom comes into the room. “Hope not what, Shelby?”

She looks at mom, “See the man that hurt you last light.”

Eva looks at me, “What’s this?”

I say, “She asked why you had no clothes on and I told her about the mean man that was hurting you. We don’t want to see him ever again. Shelby agrees.”

Mom comes and hugs Shelby, “You’re right, hon. We don’t ever want to see him again.”

Eva gets the kids encouraged to get dressed out of their pyjamas to come down to my place for lunch.

She looks around, “Where’s Jeniffer?”

Shelby says, “She left at eleven. She said she has a life too and just left.”

Eva looks at me. “My kids were abandoned for an hour.”

She’s not happy with herself.

We get back to my place, and I get the kids in the kitchen to help. What a fucking mess, but a hell of a lot of fun.

I hear a strange tune in the living room, and Eva goes for her purse. I can hear the guy yelling through the phone from the kitchen as Eva tries to settle him. I come in, wiping my hands on my apron, and then indicate for her to give me the phone. She’s trying to explain that the hooking scene is not for her and she’s quit. It’s not working to placate the guy.

I take the phone, “Excuse me, sir!”

He stops, then, “Who the hell is this?”

I smile, “My name is Nick. I assume you are the former employer of Eva’s. Is that correct?”

Eva is grinning.

I hold the phone away from my ear as the next barrage of expletives comes out.

I yell on the phone, “Sir! That’s enough! Eva told you that she is no longer interested in your employment! How about dropping it!”

He says, “She owes me for the john she had last night!”

I yell back, “You owe her for protection she never got! She tried to call you several times which you chose to ignore! Jack, the jerk, beat the shit out of her. I’ve seen all the bruises he’s left. I took his head and showed him the view from the thirtieth floor. He was so drunk he fell on his ass before I let him go. Now. I say that you are square. She has the cash, but you had no protection for her. You come and see me if there is any disagreement. I’ll straighten you out.”

The guy is quiet for a moment, then I hear dead air. I smile and hand the phone back to her.

She asks, “What?”

I smile, “He hung up. I’m pretty sure he’s ok with the agreement.”

“What agreement?”

I chuckle, “He didn’t complain! I take that as a good sign. If he wants more, he can come and discuss it again. You just send him to me for collections.”

She smiles, “Angel.”

I smile, “More like angel dork.”

She giggles and comes and hugs me. She reaches up for a kiss and I bend down to get it.

Shelby comes out covered in flour, “Ooooo, mom’s got a boyfriend. His name is dork.”

I howl and mom screeches, “Shelby!”

Shelby laughs too and goes back into the kitchen.

I’m still laughing and Eva snickers and comes in close to me, “I like dorks.”

I chuckle, ”You’ve got one.”

She hugs me tighter.

Lunch is consumed by four very hungry people. Little Max devours more than mom can believe. She looks under the table to see where the child is putting it all. She comes up and shakes her head. The guy is beaming at mom.

Eva sits back and watches me with her children. She sees a glimmer of family but says nothing about it at this time. She’s smiling at me and my maturity, or lack thereof, with Shelby as she interviews me for mom. She’s asking about my work and where my mom and dad are. How many brothers and sisters, and stuff like that. Eva is also interested, but just sits back and smirks at the young griller. I look at mom every once in a while and she has an expectant look for the answer as well. I chuckle and answer the girl.

Lunch is finished and it’s time to clean up the mess.

Shelby protests and I say, “Who made the mess! Come on! As soon as this is cleaned up, we can all go for a nap!”

The look on Shelby’s face has Mom and me howling. That’s not going to happen.

I ask, “Not an incentive?”

She shakes her head.

I make like I’m thinking, “Um… How about, let’s get this place cleaned up, and then we’ll go shopping!”

Same response.

“How about, let’s get this place cleaned up, and then we’ll all go to the park and swings!”

Oh, that hit the spot.

Shelby’s eyes get big and she looks at mom, “Can we?”

She giggles softly and looks at my grin, “Okay, hon. Let’s clean this place up.”

Shelby’s excitement is rubbed off on Max and he’s game too.

We work together and it’s not long and all the syrup is wiped up, and the dishes are clean and put away. It’s better for a Saturday afternoon than I’ve ever had the place. I’m pleased, and we all head to the elevator.

The family is light-hearted and the elevator door opens to Jack standing there. He sees Eva first and has an evil grin. Then he sees me and cowers back.

I smile, “Hi Jack, nice to meet you again. You’ve met Eva. These are her two kids, Shelby and Max. We are off to the park for some swing time.”

He’s mute as he really sees my size now. I stand there with my arms crossed and square in front of him. He’s shitting bricks right now as we are enclosed in the small cube. The door opens on the main floor and he tries to go around me.

I step in his way. “Eva will no longer be visiting you or anyone else in the previous profession. I’m sure we have come to an agreement on this, haven’t we.” Not a question.

He nods, and I step aside. He shoots out of the elevator and doesn’t look back.

I smile at the kids, “He won’t bother mom anymore.”

Shelby asks, “That’s him? The guy that hurt mom?”

She looks at his back as he walks away around a corner. The fire in the child’s eyes surprises me. I lean over and whisper to mom, “Don’t piss her off. She’s ready to rumble.”

Eva giggles softly as we step out for others to use the lift.

We walk to the park and little Max is already feeling fatigued. I pick him up and set him on my shoulders. He’s a bit scared at first, but then he starts looking around at the view in the elevated spot. Mom sees the boy’s wonder and big grin as this new guy takes an interest in her children. Mom is quite often teary-eyed when she hears me with one of the kids laughing.

They are all tuckered out when we sit down at the roadside pizza stand and have a light dinner.

After some ice cream and another run in the park, I’m carrying Shelby, and Eva has Max in her arms. We get off the elevator at her apartment and set the kids down for bed.

I sit back as they do their routine and listen to the soft giggles of a happy family. I muse that this is normal, but after, I hear it’s hardly this way.

Shelby yells from her bed, “Goodnight, dork!”

Eva screeches and I howl, “Goodnight, sweetheart!”

I hear Eva find a rib or two, and Shelby squeals and giggles.

Eva comes to me in tears and sits on my lap on the couch. She hugs and kisses me as she weeps. Shit. She’s getting me choked up too.

She softly says, “I can’t believe this day.”

I say, “I’m sorry hon. I’ll do better tomorrow.”

She giggles in her tears and slaps my shoulder, “Stop it a moment.”

Then she says, “You are truly a godsend. An angel dropped out of heaven and into my life. The way you took on my two kids and lasted longer than them is a true testament to your character. What do I have to do to keep you?”

I smile, “So far you are on the right track. But to me, you are the drawing card. I love playing with your kids, but it’s you I’m really interested in. I’m looking at my situation and thinking the same thing. How the hell do I keep a girl like you? I hear of your past and your hunger for sex. I hear of your uncle and many others taking you. You’ve had your cravings taken care of. How the hell do I compete with that? You say you’re ok with sex five times a day. Hell, I’ve had sex twice as much with you than any other. And we are only twenty hours together. If I were to even try to keep up with your sex cravings, you would wear me down to my boner. If there’s a bone in there.”

She’s giggling softly, “Okay. I loved my time with you. If you are up to it, let’s try tonight to have some fun, and if you explode, well, you would go out with a smile anyways.”

I chuckle and pick her up. I ask with my eyes and she indicates with her eyes toward the bedroom.

I’m smilin’!

I set her down, standing in front of me, and she hugs me hard. I start to undo the buttons down the back of her dress. I see the smile on her cheek as permission to proceed. I bring my hands up to her shoulders and she slumps the dress off. She’s shy when I softly gasp at what she has on under the dress.

She asks, “Is it okay?”

I say as I sit on the bed to get a closer look, “Hon, you are gorgeous. I’ve seen something like this in those ads but never thought that I would get this close to lace and silk. You are a goddess. Thank you for calling me.”

She smiles and slowly turns around. I see the bruises, but choose to look at the girl. I bring my hand up to her ass and lightly touch the flesh to fabric line as she comes around to face me again. My hands are softly on her hips and I slowly get to looking at her face. She softly giggles as it’s taken quite a while for me to get there.

She says, “Hi handsome.”

I smile big, “Hi goddess.”

She giggles, “How about trying that muff munch?”

Shit. I’m game and woody’s hurting already. She sees this and pulls me up to stand. She sits on the bed now and takes my belt. She removes my pants and underwear and sees some start to the flavour wasted. She smiles up at my face as she grips on with both hands. She sees my eyeballs roll back and then I feel her lips on woody. That’s the first deposit of many this fine evening with the girl.

I see her eyelids quiver when she goes to try to swallow my whole post. It seems she’s determined to get it down. I can’t help but chuckle at her resolve. She looks up at me with her mouthful, and I can see what she’s thinking just with her very active eyes: shut up and let me do this.

Now I have to close my eyes from looking at her face, but I still have a little chuckle.

It’s not long, she’s got off a few times to take a deep breath, but I feel her nose in my lower hair.

I look, then say, “Oh my god! I feel your tonsils!”

Now she has to pull off and laugh. She hits me harder this time with her little fist, and I catch the second attempt. I’m still laughing and she giggles now.

I pull her in quick and bear hug her, “How about you lose the lacy, frilly thing, and I try that, that muff lunch, or whatever.”

She howls, “Oh! You are so funny! How about a muff munch. Or a pussy munch. Muff lunch. I guess it would be close. Ok, lunch on my muff.”

I wait for her to disrobe but she lays back on the bed.

She says, “There are three small snaps under there. Use your teeth on those snaps.”

I’m grinning like a fool and come down to the end of the bed and see the sweet honey pot. Again, a description that she told me later. Honey pot. I’m grinning big and she’s looking down over her breasts at me and my so-called innocence. I get a whiff of her scent again, and I find it not repulsive. But to pleasure this girl the way she’s anticipating makes it all worth it. I taste the garment and figure that’s her too.

I grip on with my teeth, then let go. “I thought I wasn’t supposed to bite.”

She giggles. “Shut up.”

I chuckle again and get the snaps pulled apart. The bottom part falls onto the bed, and I use my thumb to push the top part under itself. I look at her wet spot for a moment and think about her kids coming out of there. Holy shit, it must be cavernous in there. I’ll save that comment for a later time. She’s looking damn serious right about now.

I remember that she wanted to see the length of my tongue. She felt it in her mouth several times in the kiss, but now I stick it out and wiggle it around.

Her eyes get big, then a smile. “Oooo, get that snake in my muff and move it around.”

I’m chuckling again as I set my mouth on her. I use my tongue in the slit and open things up. I wasn’t expecting so much liquid out and pull back.

I look up at her with a face and ask, “You peeing?”

She howls again. What a dork! She’s trying to tell me of the lady juice that comes with the anticipation of sex. She’s still having to hold her sore sides as she explains that it’s what comes out when you are so ready for sex, “Now, get back in there!”

I comply and stick my tongue inside her all the way I can reach. She gasps big, then gasps again as I move it around. She’s squealing and I guess I’m doing things right because the juice is flowing. She’s building up steam and her pelvis is moving. She all of a sudden shrieks and gives my nose a good wallop with her pelvis. I pull off and groan as I roll to the floor holding my beak. She looks up at the feeling lost and asks, “Where did you go?”

I get up and hold my nose from the pelvis punch.

She’s laughing so hard and trying to apologize. It’s not working.

I hold my nose and say with a nasal voice and bugged-out eyes, “Wow! Didn’t see that coming!”

It’s a good thing she’s laying down. She’s laughing so hard that she couldn’t stand it if she wanted to.

Obviously, we are too loud for Shelby. She knocks on the door and Eva whips the cover over herself. I’m sitting on the floor and grab my pants to cover myself as Shelby opens them without our consent.

She looks at mom, “Mom? What’s so funny? You woke me up.”

Eva is still laughing, but holding the volume down. Shelby looks at me and gasps at the mess. She looks at mom and I say with the same nasally voice, “Your mother thinks I’m funny. Do I look funny?”

She looks at me again, then back to her mother laughing louder now. She’s clueless about what’s going on, but silently backs out the door and closes it without another word.

Eva loses it again and howls.

She’s trying to yell at Shelby, “Hon! He’s ok! He’s just very funny!” and bursts out laughing at my state again.

I’m shaking my head and holding my nose as I get up and head to the can. I try to swat her ass, and she dodges the whack.

I come out, and for another funny, I have gobs of toilet paper hanging out each nostril.

She howls again as I jump her in bed and demand a kiss from the dork. She tries to avoid it this time, but I smother her with kisses and licks. She’s still giggling as we hug each other and slow down.

She gets to be a bit serious and asks, “So, how did you like it so far?”

With the nostrils still plugged, I say, “You know…”

She bursts out laughing again. I roll my eyes, as it’s going to be a hell of a long night if this keeps up.

I get up and off the bed and go and sit in the small chair by the make-up table. She still has the giggles and I wait.

She’s trying to bid me come back to bed and I squeak out, “Why?”

She gets going again while trying to cover her mouth. She gives up and lays back with her forearm over her eyes and laughs out now.

She doesn’t see me, but I come to the foot of the bed and dive into her muff again. She gasps big but still has the giggles. It’s not long and she’s working those pelvic muscles again. This time I decide to hang on a bit tighter and bring my hands under her skinny little butt. She giggles one more time, but it’s short-lived from the feeling below. She really gets moving and the pelvis bucks and snaps as she goes through her moment. I hang on to the end, and I’m pretty damn proud of myself as I manage without any more injuries. I pull off and she had forgotten about the toilet paper nose plugs.

She lays back with her arm over her eyes again and laughs quietly, “I’ll never look at you the same when you muff lunch me again.”

I’m chuckling as her stomach is bouncing with laughter.

I get up and go to the bathroom again to see if I can pull out the nose plugs. Damn good thing it has. She’s liable to pee her bed if I come out with new nose plugs.

I come out presentable and lean over her, “I have a football helmet with a nose guard. You behave or I’ll have to employ it again.”

She giggles and opens her arms for me to come to her. She’s nude now and I’m falling in love. The look of this girl is one thing, but her character is something else. The way she looks and instructs her children, the way she talks to strangers. I’m not surprised she’s a lousy hooker. Her character is just not in that realm. She’s just a horned up girl that loves the attention. I have no idea how this is going to work as time goes on. Either she’ll kill me, or go looking for others to help her with her cravings. How do I feel about that? Hell, I don’t know. She’s getting pretty close to my heart, but I hardly know her to make a call now.

We have similar lovemaking as this morning, but just as thrilling to me. It seems she’s just fine with the amount of output I have for her with my lack of calluses.

Right now we are cuddling after a shower, and having fun there too. She seems content, and I think she’s almost asleep on me.

She asks, “Why are you here?”

I snort and chuckle. “Maybe some hot chick dropped into my life and I thought, what the hell, I’ll hang around for a while.”

She smiles and is not really satisfied with the answer.

I softly say, “Hon, you rock my world. I had no idea how I was going to find a girl. You came along and took me on a hell of a ride. Just twenty-four hours ago I was washing your ass and squirting in my pants.”

She giggles.

“I’ve wanted a girl, but I had no idea how to get one. Now you fall into my life and we just seem to be connecting. If we continue for a week, or a month, we’ll see each other’s true nature, our real character. Maybe this is a thrill for both of us for now, but are not compatible in our real lives.”

She almost whispers, “Why do you say that like that?”

I sigh, “Hon, I’m really starting to like the way we fit. I love how you’ve taught me so much about sex. I love to be with your kids. But… Shit. I don’t know. What if you don’t like me in a month? What if I really am a dork? I just want you to know that I’m open to whatever you think. I would really love to get to know you better and then we can decide whether we are friends, or lovers, or even more.”

She’s quiet.

I look down at her face. “Hon, I would really love to know where your head is at. I love the sex. We have so much fun. Thank you.”

She sighs again and I wait.

She’s choking up, “What’s even more?”


“You said, ‘friends, or lovers, or even more’.”

I smile and I wait for her to look up at me, “Family.”

She sobs and mauls my neck.

Oh shit! Does she think that’s a proposal?

I softly ask, “Hey, hey, hey! What are you thinking?”

She’s weeping, “I’m always thinking of that. Family. What’s missing in mine?”

I’m floored. Not expected. What the hell do I do?

“Eva, is that what you want? A guy to complete the picture?”

She nods without looking at me.

“Hon, I’m not that up on procedure, but I would think we would get to know each other a bit before jumping into a commitment. I take that very seriously as my parents didn’t. As young as I knew, they were at each other’s throats. I couldn’t figure out why they brought my sister into the world when they were so destined for a divorce. Shit, she was three and I was six when the bomb blew apart our family. My sister and I were very fortunate to get taken from both parents and put into a great foster family. I’m sorry hon. I’m a little cautious of commitments. It doesn’t mean no, but it does mean be patient with me.”

She looks up at me with hopeful eyes, “It’s not a no?”

I smile, “What would Friday nights be without a phone call? How about pancakes for lunch on Saturdays?”

She’s giggling, but weeping… if you can figure that out.

She hugs me again and asks, “So, where do we go from here?”

I smile, “That’s tomorrow’s talk. I want to sleep with my new lover for now. How about it?”

She smiles big and turns her back to me and wriggles her ass into my groin.

I rub her hip, “Goodnight, sweetheart.”

She wriggles a bit more and sighs, “Goodnight, Hon.”

I’m Smilin’!

Published 3 years ago

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